6 research outputs found
Indicadors de la maduresa en el procés de la lectoescriptura: primera prova pilot del protocolo leobien
INTRODUCCIÓ: El procés de la lectoescriptura és l’activitat més complexa que aprenen els estudiants en el primer cicle d’educació primà ria. També és la més necessà ria per progressar acadèmicament. Aquest treball, és una prova pilot del Protocolo Leobien, una eina dissenyada per contribuir a disminuir el fracàs escolar.
OBJECTIU: Determinar la validesa del Protocolo Leobien com a indicador de la maduresa de l’alumne per iniciar el procés de la lectoescriptura.
HIPÒTESI: L’estudiant que té bones habilitats visuals, d’integració visual-auditiva i de comprensió lectora supera els requisits del Protocolo Leobien.
MÈTODE: S’han realitzat les avaluacions de les habilitats visuals, les habilitats d’integració visual-auditiva, s’ha administrat el Protocolo Leobien i s’han demanat els resultats de les proves d’Avaluació de la Comprensió Lectora (ACL) als mestres de 51 nens de 2n de primà ria de l’escola Rivo Rubeo de RubÃ.
RESULTATS: El 71% dels examinats passen les proves visuals. El 35% del la mostra passa les proves de les habilitats d’integració visual-auditiva. Un 31% dels alumnes passen el Protocolo Leobien i, només un 25,49% de la mostra d’alumnes aprova les proves ACL.
CONCLUSIONS: La dependència entre els resultats del Protocolo Leobien i les habilitats visuals, d’integració visual-auditiva i les proves ACL no s’ha pogut demostrar. En les condicions de l’estudi es pot concloure que, tal com està plantejat, el Protocolo Leobien no permet indicar el grau de maduresa d’un nen respecte el procés de la lectoescriptura.
LIMITACIONS I PROPOSTES FUTURES: No poder establir la relació de dependència entre les variables, es pot atribuir a diferents factors: la mostra reduïda de subjectes o el nivell de restricció dels criteris per superar una prova. S’han traslladat als promotors del Protocolo Leobien tots els suggeriments de millora i s’ha contribuït a l’evolució del Protocolo Leobien a l’actual Proyecto Leobien, que s’aplicarà com a prova pilot a escoles d’educació infantil durant el curs 2019-2020
Impact of strabismus and binocular dysfunctions in the developmental eye movement test and test of visual perception skills: A multicentric and retrospective study
Purpose To compare the performance in the Developmental Eye Movement test (DEM) and the Test of Visual Perceptual Skills (TVPS) between three groups: individuals with strabismus and amblyopia, patients with binocular and accommodative dysfunctions, and subjects with normal binocular and accommodative function. Methods A multicentric, retrospective study including 110 children aged 6–14 years old was conducted to investigate the potential impact of strabismus, amblyopia, and different binocular conditions in DEM results (adjusted time in vertical and horizontal parts) and TVPS (percentiles in the seven sub-skills). Results No significant differences were found in the different subtests of the vertical and horizontal DEM and all the sub-skills in the TVPS between the three groups of the study. We found high variability of performance in the DEM test between participants with strabismus and amblyopia compared with binocular and accommodative problems. Conclusion DEM and TVPS scores have not been found to be influenced by the presence of strabismus with or without amblyopia, nor by binocular and accommodative dysfunctions. A slightly correlation tendency with horizontal DEM and degree of exotropia deviation was observed.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
Eye movements in patients with post-COVID condition
Eye movement control is impaired in some neurological conditions, but the impact of COVID-19 on eye movements remains unknown. This study aims to investigate differences in oculomotor function and pupil response in individuals who suffer post-COVID-19 condition (PCC) with cognitive deficits. Saccades, smooth pursuit, fixation, vergence and pupillary response were recorded using an eye tracker. Eye movements and pupil response parameters were computed. Data from 16 controls, 38 COVID mild (home recovery) and 19 COVID severe (hospital admission) participants were analyzed. Saccadic latencies were shorter in controls (183¿±¿54 ms) than in COVID mild (236¿±¿83 ms) and COVID severe (227¿±¿42 ms) participants (p¿=¿0.017). Fixation stability was poorer in COVID mild participants (Bivariate Contour Ellipse Area of 0.80¿±¿1.61°2 vs 0.36¿±¿0.65 °2 for controls, p¿=¿0.019), while percentage of pupil area reduction/enlargement was reduced in COVID severe participants (39.7¿±¿12.7%/31.6¿±¿12.7% compared to 51.7¿±¿22.0%/49.1¿±¿20.7% in controls, p¿<¿0.015). The characteristics of oculomotor alterations found in PCC may be useful to understand different pathophysiologic mechanisms.Project PID2020-112527RB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033; La Marató de TV3 Foundation (202111-30-31-32).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
Estudi de la influència de les disfuncions binoculars en el rendiment acadèmic
Els ulls són la porta al món. La seva rellevà ncia és molt més extensa i fonamental que el simple parlar de rutines. Aixà mateix, la visió juga un paper imprescindible en l’aprenentatge. Tenir la mà xima agudesa visual no garanteix que les habilitats visuals estiguin a ple rendiment, ja que, per llegir, escriure i aprendre es necessari tenir, a més a més d’una bona vista, unes bones capacitats de binocularitat, acomodació, motilitat ocular i sensorialitat. Si aquestes habilitats no estan ben consolidades, l’infant no desenvoluparà un bon aprenentatge, i com a conseqüència, pot patir fracà s escolar. Els cribratges de binocularitat, que es descriuran en aquest treball, s’han fet a l’escola Marià Galà de Terrassa, a 108 escolars. D’aquest total d’alumnes, 36 són alumnes de segon curs, d’entre 6 i 7 anys, 26 són de quart curs, d’entre 8 i 9 anys i 46 són de sisè de primà ria, d’entre 10 i 11 anys. Aquest treball té dos objectius principals: per una banda, avaluar i detectar possibles alteracions de binocularitat, motilitat, acomodació i sensorialitat dels estudiants avaluats. Per altra banda, relacionar el rendiment acadèmic dels escolars amb les seves habilitats visuals. Els resultats obtinguts mitjançant l’anà lisi estadÃstica mostren que un 72% dels alumnes de segon, un 50% dels alumnes de quart i un 67% dels alumnes de sisè tenen un problema en les habilitats visuals que està afectant el seu dia a dia. En canvi, no s’ha trobat una relació estadÃsticament significativa entre habilitats visuals i rendiment acadèmic. La causa pot ser la mida i biaix de la mostra i altres factors no visuals que afecten l’èxit o el fracà s escola
Feasibility of measuring fusional vergence amplitudes objectively.
Two tests to measure fusional vergence amplitudes objectively were developed and validated against the two conventional clinical tests. Forty-nine adults participated in the study. Participants' negative (BI, base in) and positive (BO, base out) fusional vergence amplitudes at near were measured objectively in an haploscopic set-up by recording eye movements with an EyeLink 1000 Plus (SR Research). Stimulus disparity changed in steps or smoothly mimicking a prim bar and a Risley prism, respectively. Break and recovery points were determined offline using a custom Matlab algorithm for the analysis of eye movements. Fusional vergence amplitudes were also measured with two clinical tests using a Risley prism and a prism bar. A better agreement between tests was found for the measurement of BI than for BO fusional vergence amplitudes. The means ± SD of the differences between the BI break and recovery points measured with the two objective tests were -1.74 ± 3.35 PD and -1.97 ± 2.60 PD, respectively, which were comparable to those obtained for the subjective tests. For the BO break and recovery points, although the means of the differences between the two objective tests were small, high variability between subjects was found (0.31 ± 6.44 PD and -2.84 ± 7.01 PD, respectively). This study showed the feasibility to measure fusional vergence amplitudes objectively and overcome limitations of the conventional subjective tests. However, these tests cannot be used interchangeably due to their poor agreement
Influence of Blood Glycemia Levels in Refraction, Binocular Vision and Accommodation: A Case Report
This case report provides us with insight on how blood glycemia affects refraction, vergence and accommodation in a single diabetic patient. A 21-year-old type I diabetic woman was the subject studied in this report. Refraction, near and far fusional vergence ranges, near point of convergence, monocular accommodative facility, amplitude of accommodation, lag of accommodation, and near and far phoria, were measured before and after controlled caloric intake and insulin injection. Measurements were taken a total of 10 times, once a week for 10 consecutive weeks. Blood glycemia levels were provided by a measuring device that was attached to the patient’s body at all times. Statistically significant differences were found in the glucose levels before and after lunch, p = 0.041, sphere refraction of the right eye, p = 0.016, but not in the left eye, p = 0.051. Accommodative facility in both right and left eyes, p = 0.019, p = 0.028, respectively, and amplitude of accommodation, p = 0.016, p = 0.019, right and left eyes, respectively were statistically different before and after insulin injection. In a 21-year-old subject with type I diabetes, a diminution in blood glucose levels influences refractive myopic state, and is associated with a decrease in accommodative facility and in amplitude of accommodation