616 research outputs found

    Fruit and seed biometry of cambuí (Myrciaria tenella O. Berg) = Biometria de fruto e semente de cambuí (Myrciaria tenella O. Berg)

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    The cambuí tree (Myrciaria tenella O. Berg) is native to Brazil and its fruits are harvested by extraction for fresh consumption in the state of Sergipe (Brazil). Because of the regional importance of the species, this work aims to characterize the cambuí fruits and seeds. The fruits were harvested mature from native trees in the Reserva do Caju Experimental Field, on Itaporanga d’Ajuda (Sergipe, Brazil), belonging to Embrapa Tabuleiros Costeiros. Two hundred fruits and seeds were biometrically analyzed. In addition, we evaluated the fruit, pulp, and seed color based on RHS Color Chart. Two different skin colors were found: 1. yellow [orange - red (group 32A)] with yellow pulp [yellow - orange (group 17A)]; and 2. purple [violet -blue (group 93A)] with red pulp [red - purple (group 60A)]. The seeds have only one color, green [yellow-green (group 152A)] with dark stripes [Brown (group 200C)]. The fruits mean diameter was 9.23 mm.fruit-1, and average width 8.50 mm.fruit-1. The seeds mean diameter was 5.34 mm.seed-1, mean width 6.52 mm.seed-1 and thickness 5.08 mm.seed-1. The cambuí is a little red fruit. The biometry had a high variability as expected, because it is a native species without any type of management.=Resumo - O cambuí (Myrciaria tenella O. Berg) é nativo do Brasil e os frutos são colhidos por extrativismo para consumo in natura no estado de Sergipe (Brasil). Por causa da importância regional da espécie, objetivou-se com este trabalho caracterizar os frutos e sementes de cambuí. Os frutos foram colhidos maduros provenientes de plantas nativas do Campo Experimental Reserva do Caju, no município de Itaporanga d’Ajuda (Sergipe, Brasil) pertencente a Embrapa Tabuleiros Costeiros. Foram analisados 200 frutos e sementes biometricamente. Além disso, caracterizou-se a cor da fruta, da polpa, e da semente com base na cartela de cores RHS. Foram identificados duas cores diferentes para a fruta: 1. de cor amarela [laranja - vermelho (grupo32A)], com polpa amarela [amarelo - laranja (grupo 17A)], e 2. com cor roxa [violeta - azul (grupo 93A)], com polpa vermelha [vermelho - roxo (grupo 60A)]. As sementes foram de uma só cor, verde [verde-amarelo (grupo 152A)], com listras escuras [Marrom (grupo 200C)]. O diâmetro médio dos frutos foi de 9,23 mm.fruto-1, e a média da largura 8,50 mm.fruto-1. O diâmetro médio das sementes foi de 5,34 mm.semente-1, 6,52 mm.semente-1 para a largura, e a espessura média de 5,08 mm.semente-1. O cambuí é um pequeno fruto vermelho. A biometria de sementes de cambuí são altamente variáveis, sendo justificado por seruma espécie nativa

    Fruit and seed biometry of cambuí (Myciaria tenella O. Berg)

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    The cambuí tree (Myciaria tenella O. Berg) is native to Brazil and the fruits are harvested by extraction for fresh consumption in state of Sergipe (Brazil). Because of the regional importance of the species, this work aims to characterize the cambuí fruits and seeds. The fruits were harvested mature from the Reserva do Caju Experimental Field, on Itaporanga d'Ajuda (Sergipe, Brazil), belonging to Embrapa Coastal Tablelands. We analyzed biometrically 200 fruits and seeds. In addition, we evaluated the fruit, pulp, and seed color based on RHS Color Chart. We found two different fruits skin colors: 1. yellow [orange - red (group 32A)] with yellow pulp [yellow - orange (group 17A)]; and 2. purple [violet - blue (group 93A)] with red pulp [red - purple (group 60A)]. The seeds have only one color, green [yellow-green (group 152A)] with dark stripes [Brown (group 200C)]. The fruits mean diameter was 9.23 mm/fruit, and mean width 8.50 mm/fruit. The seeds mean diameter was 5.34 mm/seed, mean width 6.52 mm/seed and thickness 5.08 mm/seed. The cambuí seeds are highly variable as previsously expected, because it is a native species without any type of management

    Genetic structure and diversity of the neem germplasm bank from Brazil Northeast

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    Neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) is a tree species with known value to agriculture. Our aim was to evaluate, using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers, the genetic diversity of 54 accessions from Germplasm Bank (GBN) of Embrapa Coastal Tablelands (Sergipe, Brazil). The accessions were analyzed using a model-based Bayesian procedure (Structure), molecular variance analysis (AMOVA) and Jaccard coefficient was estimated. The marker data indicated that GBN have three independent genetic groups, confirmed by genetic structure and genetic variability, enabling the formulation of appropriate strategies for management and use of GBN.Keywords: Azadirachta indica, Azadirachta excelsa, genetic resource, variabilityAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(20), pp. 2822-282

    Genetic diversity of sweet potatoes collection from Northeastern Brazil

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    The sweet potato, Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam has its origin in Tropical America. In Sergipe State (Brazil), its production is very important, and to explore its potential in local agriculture in the State, the Embrapa Coastal Tableland created a collection with 52 accessions located in Umbaúba City. Some accessions were from germplasm belonging to Embrapa vegetables and others from local farmers of Sergipe. Here, we provide the first data on the genetic diversity and structure of sweet potato collection of SPGB using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. RAPD data were used to determine genetic variability via a model-based Bayesian procedure (structure) and molecular variance analysis (AMOVA). In addition, Shannon index, genetic diversity and Jaccard coefficients were also estimated. RAPD was efficient for the analysis of genetic diversity to identify groups and measure the genetic distance between accessions. The markers showed that the collection had a high level of polymorphism. By UPGMA, we separated three groups of genotypes and identified two reconstructed populations by structure software. Keywords: Ipomoea batatas, cultivars, accessionsAfrican Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 13(10), pp. 1109-1116, 5 March, 201


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    Nesse estudo temos como objetivo discutir os conflitos ambientais ocasionados pela implantação do mineroduto da empresa Ferrous que ligará o complexo da Mina da Viga, em Congonhas-MG, ao porto em Presidente Kennedy-ES, analisando suas causas e desdobramentos sob a percepção dos atores sociais envolvidos. Contudo, o recorte espacial desse trabalho foi à microrregião de Viçosa-MG. Como procedimentos metodológicos adotaram-se os seguintes: revisão bibliográfica, análise da cobertura midiática local e do EIA/RIMA do mineroduto da Ferrous, atuação no Projeto de Assessoria às Comunidades Atingidas por Barragens na Zona da Mata Mineira, e por fim procuramos participar das reuniões populares, audiências públicas e das manifestações em geral contra o mineroduto. Entre os resultados, compreende-se que a instalação desse empreendimento têm provocado diversos conflitos ambientais e desgastes entre as populações locais, o poder público, os movimentos sociais e o empreendedor. Portanto, a implantação do mineroduto da Ferrous é potencializadora de conflitos ambientais, uma vez que está trazendo impactos ambientais, econômicos e sociais aos atores sociais atingidos pelo empreendimento.This objective of this paper was to address the conflicts arising from the construction of the Ferrous Pipeline that will connect the Viga Mine in the municipality of Congonhas in the state of Minas Gerais to a port in the municipality President Kennedy in the state of  Espírito Santo. This paper also analyzes the causes and consequences of the conflicts surrounding the construction of this pipeline based on the perception of the social actors involved in this struggle. The spatial focus of this study was the micro-region of Viçosa-MG. The following techniques were collected to collect data: literature review, content analysis of media coverage of local and of the Ferrous pipeline EIA / RIMA , and participation in the Support Project for Communities Impacted by Dams in the Zona da Mata Mineira. Finally, participant observation was carried out in meetings, hearings and public demonstrations against the construction of the pipeline. The results of this study show that the pipeline construction has generated several conflicts and disagreements among communities, the State, social movements and the corporation.  Finally, the construction of the pipeline is understood as a focal point for conflicts, because it is causing environmental, economic and social impacts to the population affected by this project

    Genetic diversity of accessions of the mangaba germplasm bank in Sergipe, Brazil

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar a variabilidade genética de acessos de mangaba provenientes de populações naturais, de 11 localidades, com marcadores RAPD. Os acessos pertencem ao Banco Ativo de Mangaba da Embrapa Tabuleiros Costeiros, em Itaporanga d’Ajuda, SE. Foram utilizados 13 iniciadores, que geraram 82 fragmentos, dos quais 78 (95%) eram polimórficos. A análise genética entre localidades apresentou baixa diversidade genética; entretanto, a similaridade genética variou de 0,02 a 0,91, para os 55 acessos. Foi possível identificar grupos divergentes por meio dos agrupamentos UPGMA e ACoP. Os acessos menos similares foram provenientes de Ipiranguinha (Conde, PB) e Preguiça (Indiaroba, SE), e os mais semelhantes de Jandaíra (Costa Azul, BA). Do conjunto total, 49 acessos foram geneticamente distintos e seis semelhantes. Por meio dos marcadores RAPD, foi possível obter um perfil molecular único, além de estimar a variabilidade existente entre os acessos avaliados. O Banco Ativo de Germoplasma de Mangaba da Embrapa Tabuleiros Costeiros apresenta baixa diversidade genética entre as localidades.The objective of this work was to estimate the genetic variability of mangaba accessions of natural populations, from 11 locations, using RAPD markers. The accessions belong to Banco Ativo de Mangaba of Embrapa Tabuleiros Costeiros, in Itaporanga d’Ajuda, SE, Brazil. A total of 13 primers were used, which generated 82 fragments, of which 78 (95%) were polymorphic. Genetic analysis among regions showed low genetic diversity; however, genetic similarity ranged from 0.02 to 0.91, for the 55 accessions. Divergent groups were identified by UPGMA and ACoP clustering. The least similar accessions were derived from Ipiranguinha (Conde, PB, Brazil) and Preguiça (Indiaroba, SE, Brazil), and the most similar from Jandaíra (Costa Azul, BA, Brazil). From the total, 49 accessions were genetically distinct and six were similar. By using RAPD markers, it was possible to obtain a unique molecular profile, besides estimating the variability among the accessions evaluated. The Banco Ativo de Germoplasma de Mangaba of Embrapa Tabuleiros Costeiros shows low genetic diversity among locations

    Evaluation of a standard provision versus an autonomy promotive exercise referral programme: rationale and study design

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    Background The National Institute of Clinical Excellence in the UK has recommended that the effectiveness of ongoing exercise referral schemes to promote physical activity should be examined in research trials. Recent empirical evidence in health care and physical activity promotion contexts provides a foundation for testing the utility of a Self Determination Theory (SDT) -based exercise referral consultation. Methods/Design Design: An exploratory cluster randomised controlled trial comparing standard provision exercise on prescription with a Self Determination Theory-based (SDT) exercise on prescription intervention. Participants: 347 people referred to the Birmingham Exercise on Prescription scheme between November 2007 and July 2008. The 13 exercise on prescription sites in Birmingham were randomised to current practice (n=7) or to the SDT-based intervention (n=6). Outcomes measured at 3 and 6-months: Minutes of moderate or vigorous physical activity per week assessed using the 7-day Physical Activity Recall; physical health: blood pressure and weight; health status measured using the Dartmouth CO-OP charts; anxiety and depression measured by the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and vitality measured by the subjective vitality score; motivation and processes of change: perceptions of autonomy support from the advisor, satisfaction of the needs for competence, autonomy, and relatedness via physical activity, and motivational regulations for exercise. Discussion This trial will determine whether an exercise referral programme based on Self Determination Theory increases physical activity and other health outcomes compared to a standard programme and will test the underlying SDT-based process model (perceived autonomy support, need satisfaction, motivation regulations, outcomes) via structural equation modelling. Trial registration The trial is registered as Current Controlled trials ISRCTN07682833

    Caracterização arbórea da principal praça de Almenara, Minas Gerais

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    Urban afforestation is essential for a better comfort of the city, however there are aspects that must be taken into consideration in order to reach its full environmental and social potential, such as the choice of species and appropriate planting techniques. The present work aimed to analyze the floristic composition and phytosociological structure of the trees of the central square Dr. Hélio Rocha Guimarães in Almenara, Minas Gerais state, aiming to collaborate with information that can assist in the correct planning and management of the square's trees. In the research, data were collected for number of trees with a minimum height of two meters, common name, scientific name, family, origin, size, phytosanitary condition, as well as dendrometric aspects and pruning suffered, free space condition of the plant and system root condition, and spacing between trees. Forty-seven trees were found among nine different species, of which 55.6% of exotic origin. Regarding the number of trees, the predominance is native (72.3%), among them Licania tomentosa (Benth.) Fritsch or “oiti” (55.3%). The trees are mostly large (87%), with an average total height of 12 m, occupying an average crown area of 132.6 m2 and 9.46 m spacing. The square presented a comfort from the environmental point of view, considering the aesthetic and thermal comfort aspects. However, deficient in terms of biological diversity, and considering that the trees are well spaced, the mobility of the square’s visitors is compromised only in relation to the damage caused by root outcrops in some places.La forestación urbana es esencial para una mejor comodidad de la ciudad, sin embargo, hay aspectos que deben tenerse en cuenta para alcanzar su pleno potencial ambiental y social, como la elección de especies y las técnicas de plantación adecuadas. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo analizar la composición florística y la estructura fitosociológica de los árboles de la plaza central Dr. Hélio Rocha Guimarães en Almenara, Minas Gerais, con el objetivo de colaborar con información que pueda ayudar en la correcta planificación y gestión de los árboles de la plaza. En la investigación se recopilaron datos como número de árboles con una altura mínima de dos metros, nombre común, nombre científico, familia, origen, tamaño, condición fitosanitaria, así como aspectos dendrométricos y poda sufrida, condición de espacio libre de la planta y el sistema raíz y espacio entre árboles. Se encontraron 47 árboles entre nueve especies diferentes, de las cuales el 55,6% de origen exótico. En cuanto al número de árboles, el predominio es nativo (72.3%), entre ellos Licania tomentosa (Benth.) Fritsch u “oiti” (55.3%). Los árboles son en su mayoría grandes (87%), con una altura total promedio de 12 m, ocupando un área de copa promedio de 132.6 m2 y una separación de 9.46 m. La plaza presentó una comodidad desde el punto de vista medioambiental, considerando los aspectos de comodidad estética y térmica. Sin embargo, deficiente en términos de diversidad biológica, y considerando que los árboles están bien espaciados, la movilidad de los visitantes de la plaza se ve comprometida solo en relación con el daño causado por los afloramientos de raíces en algunos lugares.Le boisement urbain est essentiel pour un meilleur confort de la ville, mais certains aspects doivent être pris en compte pour atteindre le plein potentiel environnemental et social, tels que le choix des espèces et les techniques de plantation appropriées. Le présent travail a eu pour but d'analyser la composition floristique et la structure phytosociologique des arbres de la place Dr Hélio Rocha Guimarães, à Almenara, Minas Gerais, dans le dessein de collaborer avec des informations susceptibles de contribuer à la planification et à la gestion correctes du boisement de la place. Dans la recherche, les données ont été collectées sous forme de nombre d'arbres d'une hauteur minimale de deux mètres, nom commun, nom scientifique, famille, origine, taille, condition phytosanitaire, aspects dendrométriques et élagages réalisés, condition de l'espace libre de la plante et du système racinaire et espacement entre les arbres. Parmi neuf espèces différentes, 47 arbres ont été trouvés, dont 55,6% d'origine exotique. En ce qui concerne le nombre d’arbres, la prédominance est des spécimens indigènes (72,3%); parmi lesquels Licania tomentosa (Benth.) Fritsch ou “oiti” (55,3%). Les arbres sont pour la plupart de grande taille (87%), d’une hauteur totale moyenne de 12 m, occupant une surface moyenne de la cime de 132,6 m2 et avec un espacement de 9,46 m. La place offrait un confort du point de vue environnemental, compte tenu des aspects esthétiques et de confort thermique. Cependant, en termes de diversité biologique, ils ont été considérés comme déficitaires. Si l'on considère que les arbres sont bien espacés, la mobilité des visiteurs n'est compromise que par rapport aux dommages causés par les sorties de racines à certains endroits.A arborização urbana é imprescindível para um melhor conforto da cidade. Contudo, existem aspectos que devem ser levados em consideração para que atinja todo seu potencial ambiental e social, como escolha de espécies e técnicas adequadas de plantio. O presente trabalho objetivou analisar a composição florística e a estrutura fitossociológica das árvores da praça Dr. Hélio Rocha Guimarães, em Almenara (MG), visando a colaborar com informações que possam auxiliar no correto planejamento e gestão da arborização da praça. Na pesquisa, foram levantados dados como número de árvores com padrão de altura mínima de dois metros, nome comum, nome científico, família, origem, porte, condição fitossanitária, além de aspectos dendrométricos e podas sofridas, condição do espaço livre da planta e do sistema radicular, e espaçamento entre árvores. Foram encontradas 47 árvores entre nove diferentes espécies, das quais 55,6% de origem exótica. Quanto ao número de árvores, a predominância é de nativas (72,3%); dentre elas, a Licania tomentosa (Benth.) Fritsch ou oiti (55,3%). As árvores são em sua maioria de grande porte (87%), com média de altura total de 12 m, ocupando área média de copa de 132,6 m2 e espaçamento entre si de 9,46 m. A praça apresentou um conforto do ponto de vista ambiental, considerando os aspectos estéticos e de conforto térmico. Contudo, deficitário em termos de diversidade biológica e, considerando que as árvores possuem bom espaçamento entre si, a mobilidade dos seus frequentadores fica comprometida apenas em relação aos danos causados por afloramento de raízes em alguns locais

    Turbulence measurements in positive surges and bores

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    A positive surge results from a sudden change in flow that increases the flow depth. New experiments were conducted in a large channel. Most positive surge tests were conducted with a horizontal bed slope, a constant flow rate and uncontrolled flow conditions. The only dependant variable was the downstream gate opening after closure. Detailed turbulence measurements were performed with high-temporal resolution using side-looking acoustic Doppler velocimetry. Two types of positive surge were observed: undular surge for Froude numbers less than 1.7, and weak (breaking) surges above. Instantaneous velocity measurements beneath advancing surges showed a marked effect of the surge passage on the velocity field. Streamwise velocities showed rapid flow deceleration at all vertical elevations. Large fluctuations of longitudinal and transverse velocities were recorded beneath the surges, including some unsteady flow recirculation beneath a weak surge front. Turbulent stresses were deduced from high-pass filtered data. The results showed large normal and tangential Reynolds stresses beneath the surges. A comparison between undular and weak surges suggested some major difference. In weak surge flows, the data showed rapid flow separation beneath the surge front. In undular surges, maximum Reynolds stresses were observed beneath and just before each wave crest behind the leading wave