124 research outputs found

    From eLearning to eUniversity

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    This paper analyses the specifics and the tendencies in building the knowledge society as well as the role of the universities in this process. Some European policies and programs dedicated to the new role of the universities in realizing the Lisbon Strategy are analysed as well. It is emphasized on the importance of integration of the ‘knowledge triangle’ (education, research and innovation) into a research university and on the urgent need to re-design the university activities according to the new requirements. A model of eUniversity is defined as a research and entrepreneurial university which integrates ICT in all university activities, including the ones related to the outside knowledge intensive organisations. The paper describes also some real experiences, emerging models and lessons learnt based on the case of Software Engineering education and research at Sofia Universit

    The Global Campus - ICT and the Future of Universities

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    This paper analyses the changes which the ICT causes on a global scale. The globalization of higher education triggered by e-Learning, the emergence of e-infrastructure for e-science, the Open Educational Resources movement, e-libraries and the tendency of building global educational alliances are analysed as well. Special emphasis is put on several wellknown university models, e.g. Research University, Open University and Entrepreneurial University, as well as on some emerging university models for the Knowledge Society, such as: Global University and Innovation University. The paper puts in focus the influence of the ICTs and the new organizational and business models they bring, such as Virtual University, eCampus, Enterprise 2.0, University 2.0. A new university model is defined—the Global Campus Model. Some arguments that the ultimate result of the ICTs driven transformations could turn the whole world into a Global Campus in the next few decades

    Towards Web 2.0 Schools: Rethinking the Teachers

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    This paper aims at analyzing the Web 2.0 based distance education in the K-12 schools as an emerging phenomenon that catalyzes a new educational reform all over the world. Some pre-Web 2.0 best practice examples are analyzed in order to draw the main findings in the paper. The teacher’s professional qualification designed to meet the new challenges is considered as a key problem for a successful penetration of this phenomenon in the schools. It is emphasized on the importance of designing a life-long teacher training strategy adapted to the new achievements in the technology enhanced learning research and the new learning theories. Building social skills and competencies appropriate to work in a Web 2.0 based learning environment and other global ‘social software’ is recommended to be included both in the school curricula and the corresponding teacher development curricula. Such skills and competencies should penetrate the curricula of any life-long learning initiative dedicated to the citizens of the information society

    The Global Campus: ICT and the Global Transformation of Higher Education

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    This paper analyses the changes which the ICT drives in a global scale. The emergence of e-Infrastructure for e-Science, the Open Educational Resources movement, e-Libraries and the tendency of building global educational alliances are analysed as well. The paper puts in focus the influence of the Web 2.0 technologies and the new organizational models they drive, e.g. Enterprise 2.0, University 2.0. A new university model is defined – the Global Campus Model. Some arguments that the ultimate result of the ICT driven transformation in the world could make the whole world to become a Global Campus in the next few decade

    A Model for European e-Competence Framework

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    The paper describes a model of implementation of the European e-Competence Framework in Sofia University by using the methodology and tools developed in the frames of the EC Sixth Framework European Integrated Project Ten- Competence. The work is a follow up activity of an internal university project for implementation a curricula in computing based on the ACM/IEEE recommendations

    The Emerging Global Campus Model

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    This paper analyses the Emerging Global Model of universities as well as the changes which the ICT drives in a global scale. The emergence of e-Infrastructure for e-Science, the Open Educational Resources movement, e-Libraries and the tendency of building global educational alliances are analysed as well. The paper puts in focus the influence of the Web 2.0 technologies and the new organizational models they drive, e.g. Enterprise 2.0, University 2.0. A new university model is defined – the Emerging Global Campus Model. Some arguments that the ultimate result of the ICT driven transformation in the world could make the whole world to become a Global Campus in the next few decades

    Towards University 2.0: A Space where Academic Education Meets Corporate Training

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    The paper analyses the need of an institutional change of the universities in order to adapt to the current requirements of networked and knowledge economy. The e-Learning phenomenon and the ICT driven global educational reform are analysed as well in parallel with the needs of implementing new pedagogy models. Some university models are briefly described, such as: Research University, Enterpreneurial University, eUniversity and Corporate University. The paper puts its attention also on the Web 2.0 technologies and their influence on the new business models. The emergence of the Entreprise 2.0 model is briefly described. University 2.0 is defined as a research and entrepreneurial university which integrates Web 2.0 technologies and applications in all university activities, including ones with all knowledge intensive stakeholders, and implements the features of the Enterprise 2.0. The role of the community of practice and the open innovation is analysed. The case of Sofia University that has developed a new computing curricula and strives to implement the European e-Competence Framework by applying the University 2.0 model has been analyzed and presented as wel

    A Model for Strengthening the Software Engineering Research

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    Like all other New Member States (NMS) Bulgaria is experiencing a dramatic change in all areas of its society. These changes reflect very seriously on the research capacity of the country and, in particular to Sofia University (SU). The Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics (FMI) has experienced some serious problems closely related to the general socio-economic and the research environment in Bulgaria. This paper describes a model for strengthening the research capacity of FMI, especially the one in the area of Software Engineering. The case study of successful industry-university cooperation in the framework of European project is presente

    Towards an organisational model of ‘interface’ university structure as a means of serving Lifelong Learning needs

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    The paper conceptualises on the experiences of the Centre of Information Society Technologies (CIST), Sofia University, Bulgaria, in serving the learning and training needs of non-university audiences who fall in situations that can be described as lifelong learning-determined. In developing this conceptualisation we use the research findings and policy agendas in two distinct areas – Lifelong Learning, and Higher Education Systems. More specifically we explore the organisational and management issues and challenges of the quite interesting situation of a structure behaving “in between” the market shaped lifelong learning demands, and the rules and practices of “classical university” structures to which CIST is subordinated. As a result of these three streams of thought and practice we outline an ‘interface’ model of university interdisciplinary structure, which aims to explicitly meet the demands of the lifelong learning market

    Mall2000 – a B2B e-Marketplace Serving e-Commerce Evolution trough Standardization and Profitability

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    This paper introduces the concepts of e-commerce, e-business, and e-marketplaces. It follows the evolution of e-commerce and the transformation of e-business models it causes. The paper presents the Mall 2000 portal in the light of the concepts introduced and considers using two internationally accepted trade standards as a basis of integration of data formats of suppliers’ and buyers’ catalogues in the portal. The article briefly describes the functionality of the portal and compares it to similar, currently active portals. Are such portals still vital? What features should an e-marketplace possess to survive in the third phase of e-commerce evolution, in which the question is how to increase profitability? The paper proves that separating buyers form sellers in an e-marketplace gives an opportunity for the portal owner to generate more revenue, and hence, to increase profitabilit