834 research outputs found

    Slide, Constrain, Parse, Repeat: Synchronous SlidingWindows for Document AMR Parsing

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    The sliding window approach provides an elegant way to handle contexts of sizes larger than the Transformer's input window, for tasks like language modeling. Here we extend this approach to the sequence-to-sequence task of document parsing. For this, we exploit recent progress in transition-based parsing to implement a parser with synchronous sliding windows over source and target. We develop an oracle and a parser for document-level AMR by expanding on Structured-BART such that it leverages source-target alignments and constrains decoding to guarantee synchronicity and consistency across overlapping windows. We evaluate our oracle and parser using the Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) parsing 3.0 corpus. On the Multi-Sentence development set of AMR 3.0, we show that our transition oracle loses only 8\% of the gold cross-sentential links despite using a sliding window. In practice, this approach also results in a high-quality document-level parser with manageable memory requirements. Our proposed system performs on par with the state-of-the-art pipeline approach for document-level AMR parsing task on Multi-Sentence AMR 3.0 corpus while maintaining sentence-level parsing performance

    AMR Parsing with Instruction Fine-tuned Pre-trained Language Models

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    Instruction fine-tuned language models on a collection of instruction annotated datasets (FLAN) have shown highly effective to improve model performance and generalization to unseen tasks. However, a majority of standard parsing tasks including abstract meaning representation (AMR), universal dependency (UD), semantic role labeling (SRL) has been excluded from the FLAN collections for both model training and evaluations. In this paper, we take one of such instruction fine-tuned pre-trained language models, i.e. FLAN-T5, and fine-tune them for AMR parsing. Our extensive experiments on various AMR parsing tasks including AMR2.0, AMR3.0 and BioAMR indicate that FLAN-T5 fine-tuned models out-perform previous state-of-the-art models across all tasks. In addition, full fine-tuning followed by the parameter efficient fine-tuning, LoRA, further improves the model performances, setting new state-of-the-arts in Smatch on AMR2.0 (86.4), AMR3.0 (84.9) and BioAMR (82.3)