151 research outputs found

    Convergence to stable laws in the space DD

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    We study the convergence of centered and normalized sums of i.i.d. random elements of the space D\mathcal{D} of c{{\'a}}dl{{\'a}}g functions endowed with Skorohod's J_1J\_1 topology, to stable distributions in D\mathcal D. Our results are based on the concept of regular variation on metric spaces and on point process convergence. We provide some applications, in particular to the empirical process of the renewal-reward process

    Nonparametric estimation of the mixing density using polynomials

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    We consider the problem of estimating the mixing density ff from nn i.i.d. observations distributed according to a mixture density with unknown mixing distribution. In contrast with finite mixtures models, here the distribution of the hidden variable is not bounded to a finite set but is spread out over a given interval. We propose an approach to construct an orthogonal series estimator of the mixing density ff involving Legendre polynomials. The construction of the orthonormal sequence varies from one mixture model to another. Minimax upper and lower bounds of the mean integrated squared error are provided which apply in various contexts. In the specific case of exponential mixtures, it is shown that the estimator is adaptive over a collection of specific smoothness classes, more precisely, there exists a constant A\textgreater{}0 such that, when the order mm of the projection estimator verifies mAlog(n)m\sim A \log(n), the estimator achieves the minimax rate over this collection. Other cases are investigated such as Gamma shape mixtures and scale mixtures of compactly supported densities including Beta mixtures. Finally, a consistent estimator of the support of the mixing density ff is provided

    Detection and localization of change-points in high-dimensional network traffic data

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    We propose a novel and efficient method, that we shall call TopRank in the following paper, for detecting change-points in high-dimensional data. This issue is of growing concern to the network security community since network anomalies such as Denial of Service (DoS) attacks lead to changes in Internet traffic. Our method consists of a data reduction stage based on record filtering, followed by a nonparametric change-point detection test based on UU-statistics. Using this approach, we can address massive data streams and perform anomaly detection and localization on the fly. We show how it applies to some real Internet traffic provided by France-T\'el\'ecom (a French Internet service provider) in the framework of the ANR-RNRT OSCAR project. This approach is very attractive since it benefits from a low computational load and is able to detect and localize several types of network anomalies. We also assess the performance of the TopRank algorithm using synthetic data and compare it with alternative approaches based on random aggregation.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/08-AOAS232 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Time-frequency analysis of locally stationary Hawkes processes

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    Locally stationary Hawkes processes have been introduced in order to generalise classical Hawkes processes away from stationarity by allowing for a time-varying second-order structure. This class of self-exciting point processes has recently attracted a lot of interest in applications in the life sciences (seismology, genomics, neuro-science,...), but also in the modelling of high-frequency financial data. In this contribution we provide a fully developed nonparametric estimation theory of both local mean density and local Bartlett spectra of a locally stationary Hawkes process. In particular we apply our kernel estimation of the spectrum localised both in time and frequency to two data sets of transaction times revealing pertinent features in the data that had not been made visible by classical non-localised approaches based on models with constant fertility functions over time.Comment: Bernoulli journal, A Para{\^i}tr

    Nonparametric estimation of mixing densities for discrete distributions

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    By a mixture density is meant a density of the form πμ()=πθ()×μ(dθ)\pi_{\mu}(\cdot)=\int\pi_{\theta}(\cdot)\times\mu(d\theta), where (πθ)θΘ(\pi_{\theta})_{\theta\in\Theta} is a family of probability densities and μ\mu is a probability measure on Θ\Theta. We consider the problem of identifying the unknown part of this model, the mixing distribution μ\mu, from a finite sample of independent observations from πμ\pi_{\mu}. Assuming that the mixing distribution has a density function, we wish to estimate this density within appropriate function classes. A general approach is proposed and its scope of application is investigated in the case of discrete distributions. Mixtures of power series distributions are more specifically studied. Standard methods for density estimation, such as kernel estimators, are available in this context, and it has been shown that these methods are rate optimal or almost rate optimal in balls of various smoothness spaces. For instance, these results apply to mixtures of the Poisson distribution parameterized by its mean. Estimators based on orthogonal polynomial sequences have also been proposed and shown to achieve similar rates. The general approach of this paper extends and simplifies such results. For instance, it allows us to prove asymptotic minimax efficiency over certain smoothness classes of the above-mentioned polynomial estimator in the Poisson case. We also study discrete location mixtures, or discrete deconvolution, and mixtures of discrete uniform distributions.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053605000000381 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Handy sufficient conditions for the convergence of the maximum likelihood estimator in observation-driven models

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    This paper generalizes asymptotic properties obtained in the observation-driven times series models considered by \cite{dou:kou:mou:2013} in the sense that the conditional law of each observation is also permitted to depend on the parameter. The existence of ergodic solutions and the consistency of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) are derived under easy-to-check conditions. The obtained conditions appear to apply for a wide class of models. We illustrate our results with specific observation-driven times series, including the recently introduced NBIN-GARCH and NM-GARCH models, demonstrating the consistency of the MLE for these two models

    Function-indexed empirical processes based on an infinite source Poisson transmission stream

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    We study the asymptotic behavior of empirical processes generated by measurable bounded functions of an infinite source Poisson transmission process when the session length have infinite variance. In spite of the boundedness of the function, the normalized fluctuations of such an empirical process converge to a non-Gaussian stable process. This phenomenon can be viewed as caused by the long-range dependence in the transmission process. Completing previous results on the empirical mean of similar types of processes, our results on non-linear bounded functions exhibit the influence of the limit transmission rate distribution at high session lengths on the asymptotic behavior of the empirical process. As an illustration, we apply the main result to estimation of the distribution function of the steady state value of the transmission process