122 research outputs found

    Developing effective social media messages: Insights from an exploratory study of industry experts

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    As consumers are increasingly utilizing the social network and media platforms for prepurchase information, managers are confronted with producing effective social media messages that can favorably influence buyers’ attitudes and behavioral intentions towards brands. A qualitative, in‐depth, elite interview investigation with social media marketing experts was undertaken to develop awareness of the factors influencing the effectiveness of social media marketing. Adopting a thematic analysis approach, this study establishes the three overriding themes of interactivity, credibility, and infotainment as being valuable in determining how social media marketing can enhance brand performance. Attitude theory and the hierarchy‐of‐effects model is utilized to support understanding and explain the decision making of social media users in this context. Overall, this study provides managers with a thorough explanation of the effects of the identified core themes on social media attitudes and intentions. Implications for social media marketing theory and practice are presented based upon the depth and breadth of knowledge attained from the analysis of the expert interview data

    Qualitative Analyse zum Einfluss von studentischer TutorentÀtigkeit auf die postgraduale Weiterbildung

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    "Vorbereitungswochen Famulatur" in der LernKlinik Leipzig

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    English for Medical Purposes - ein Pilotprojekt an der Lernklinik Leipzig

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    Klopfkurs PLUS

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    Interteam PERINAT - interprofessionelle Team-Zusammenarbeit von HebammenschĂŒlerinnen und PJ Studierenden im Zusammenhang mit geburtshilflichen NotfĂ€llen: Vorstellung von Simulationsszenarien und empirischen Auswertungsergebnissen

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    To promote the expansion of interprofessional training objectives in the curriculum of health professions curriculum at the Medical Faculty, University of Leipzig, the interprofessional teaching project between the Department of Obstetrics, the Skills and Simulation Centre and the School of Midwifery was selected to promote innovative teaching projects, supported by the University of Leipzig [https://www.stil.uni-leipzig.de/] grant "StiL - Studying in Leipzig". Using scenarios with simulated patients, students were to recall and apply theoretically learned procedures and immediate measures in an obstetric emergency under supervision and to communicate these clearly in the team. Final-year medical students from the Medical Faculty (n=15) and midwifery students (n=17) from the vocational school went through teaching situations together, in which two simulation scenarios (shoulder dystocia and postpartum haemorrhage) were implemented. The aim of the project was to integrate interprofessional collaboration into training and to learn together under simulated conditions in the Skills and Simulation Center protected environment. The following questions was intended to be clarified in the project in addition to the establishment of a sub-professional teaching unit What do students benefit most from in interprofessional teaching units? Are there differences between midwifery and medical students? Is the learning success the same for team-communicative and professional learning goals? To clarify the questions, an evaluation was carried out using an exploratory questionnaire with a Likert scale. All students particularly liked the exchange and contact with other professional groups, the communicative aspect and situational action in unforeseen emergency situations. The participants stated that they had benefited from both interprofessional teaching units, in terms of team communication as well as in professional terms. However, medical students experienced significantly higher cognitive overload regarding prior acquired knowledge compared to vocational midwifery students. Overall, the team communication learning objectives were more difficult to fulfill.Zur Förderung des Ausbaus interprofessioneller Ausbildungsziele im Curriculum der Gesundheitsberufe an der Medizinischen FakultĂ€t in Leipzig wurde das interprofessionelle Lehrprojekt zwischen Abteilung fĂŒr Geburtsmedizin, Lernklinik und Hebammenschule im Rahmen von "StiL - Studieren in Leipzig" der UniversitĂ€t Leipzig zur Förderung innovativer Lehrprojekte ausgewĂ€hlt [https://www.stil.uni-leipzig.de/]. Anhand von Szenarien mit Simulationspatient*innen sollten Studierende und Auszubildende unter Supervision theoretisch erlernte AblĂ€ufe und Sofortmaßnahmen im Notfall abrufen, anwenden und im Team klar kommunizieren. Hierbei durchliefen PJ Studierende der medizinischen FakultĂ€t (n=15) und HebammenschĂŒlerinnen der Berufsfachschule (n=17) gemeinsam Lehrsituationen, in denen zwei Simulationsszenarien zum Einsatz kamen. Ziel des Projektes war es, interprofessionelle Zusammenarbeit in die Ausbildung zu integrieren und unter realitĂ€tsnahen Bedingungen im geschĂŒtzten Bereich des Skills- und Simulationszentrums kennenzulernen. Folgende Fragen sollten, neben der Etablierung der interprofessionellen Lehreinheit, im Projekt geklĂ€rt werden: Wovon profitieren Studierende in interprofessionellen Lehreinheiten am meisten? Gibt es Unterschiede zwischen HebammenschĂŒlerinnen und Medizinstudierenden? Ist der Lernerfolg fĂŒr teamkommunikative und fachliche Lernziele derselbe? Zur KlĂ€rung der Fragen wurde eine Evaluation durch einen explorativen Fragebogen mit einer Likert-Skala durchgefĂŒhrt. Allen Studierenden gefiel besonders der Austausch und Kontakt mit anderen Berufsgruppen, der kommunikative Aspekt und das situative Handeln in unvorhergesehenen Notfallsituationen. Die Teilnehmer gaben an, dass sie von beiden interprofessionellen Unterrichtseinheiten sowohl in Bezug auf die Teamkommunkation als auch in fachlicher Hinsicht profitiert haben. Hinsichtlich des Vorwissen erlebten die Medizinstudierenden verglichen zu den HebammenschĂŒlerinnen eine signifikant höhere kognitive Überforderung. Insgesamt waren die Lernziele im Bereich der Teamkommunikation schwieriger zu erfĂŒllen

    An algebraic input–output equation for planar RRRP and PRRP linkages

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    In this paper, the algebraic input–output (IO) equations for planar RRRP and PRRP linkages are derived by mapping the linkage displacement constraints into Study’s soma coordinates and then using tangent half-angle substitutions to transform the trigonometric into algebraic expressions. Both equations are found to be equivalent to the one that has already been derived for RRRR linkages, giving exciting new insight into kinematic analysis and synthesis of planar four-bar linkages. The algebraic properties of the IO curve equations yield information regarding the topology of the linkage, such as the sliding position limits of the prismatic joints and (or) the angle limits of the rotational joints. Additionally, the utility of the equations is successfully demonstrated with two approximate synthesis examples.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author

    Decennial of the nationwide OSCE in Japan 2015: what we can learn from the experience

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    KommZ - LĂ€ngsschnittcurriculum Kommunikation in der Zahnmedizin

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