428 research outputs found

    Most, but not All, Yeast Strains in the Deletion Library Contain the [PIN+] Prion

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    The yeast deletion library is a collection of over 5100 single gene deletions that has been widely used by the yeast community. The presence of a non-Mendelian element, such as a prion, within this library could affect the outcome of many large-scale genomic studies. We previously showed that the deletion library parent strain contained the [PIN+] prion. [PIN+] is the misfolded infectious prion form of the Rnq1 protein that displays distinct fluorescent foci in the presence of RNQ1–GFP and exists in different physical conformations, called variants. Here, we show that over 97% of the library deletion strains are [PIN+]. Of the 141 remaining strains that have completely (58) or partially (83) lost [PIN+], 139 deletions were able to efficiently maintain three different [PIN+] variants despite extensive growth and storage at 4 °C. One strain, cue2Δ, displayed an alteration in the RNQ1–GFP fluorescent shape, but the Rnq1p prion aggregate shows no biochemical differences from the wild-type. Only strains containing a deletion of either HSP104 or RNQ1 are unable to maintain [PIN+], indicating that 5153 non-essential genes are not required for [PIN+] propagation. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    On Writ of Certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, Brief of Product Liability Advisory Council, Inc., National Association of Manufacturers, Business Roundtable, and Chemical Manufacturers Association as Amici Curiae in Support of Respondent, William Daubert and Joyce Daubert, Individually and as Guardians Ad Litem for Jason Daubert, and Anita De Young, Individually and as Gaurdian Ad Litem for Eric Schuller v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

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    The Federal Rules of Evidence exclude expert scientific testimony when it has been developed without regard for accepted scientific methods. This case focuses on expert scientific evidence. Such evidence plays a vital and often dispositive role in modern litigation. For scientific evidence to be helpful to the factfinder it must meet some minimal threshold of reliability. To hold otherwise would be to allow a system of adjudication based more on chance than on reason

    Disruption of the Cr2 Locus Results in a Reduction in B-1a Cells and in an Impaired B Cell Response to T-Dependent Antigen

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    AbstractCovalent attachment of activated products of the third component of complement to antigen enhances its immunogenicity, but the mechanism is not clear. This effect is mediated by specific receptors, mCR1 (CD35) and mCR2 (CD21), expressed primarily on B cells and follicular dendritic cells in mice. To dissect the role of mCR1 and mCR2 in the humoral response, we have disrupted the Cr2 locus to generate mice deficient in both receptors. The deficient mice (Cr2−/−) were found to have a reduction in the CD5+ population of peritoneal B-1 cells, although their serum IgM levels were within the range of normal mice. Moreover, Cr2−/− mice had a severe defect in their humoral response to T-dependent antigens that was characterized by a reduction in serum antibody titers and in the number and size of germinal centers within splenic follicles. Reconstitution of the deficient mice with bone marrow from MHC-matched Cr2+/+ donors corrected the defect, demonstrating that the defect was due to B cells themselves. These results indicate an obligatory role of B cell complement receptors in responses of the B cells to protein antigens

    DNA-like class R inhibitory oligonucleotides (INH-ODNs) preferentially block autoantigen-induced B-cell and dendritic cell activation in vitro and autoantibody production in lupus-prone MRL-Faslpr/lpr mice in vivo

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    INTRODUCTION. B cells have many different roles in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), ranging from autoantigen recognition and processing to effector functions (for example, autoantibody and cytokine secretion). Recent studies have shown that intracellular nucleic acid-sensing receptors, Toll-like receptor (TLR) 7 and TLR9, play an important role in the pathogenesis of SLE. Dual engagement of rheumatoid factor-specific AM14 B cells through the B-cell receptor (BCR) and TLR7/9 results in marked proliferation of autoimmune B cells. Thus, strategies to preferentially block innate activation through TLRs in autoimmune B cells may be preferred over non-selective B-cell depletion. METHODS. We have developed a new generation of DNA-like compounds named class R inhibitory oligonucleotides (INH-ODNs). We tested their effectiveness in autoimmune B cells and interferon-alpha-producing dendritic cells in vitro and in lupus-prone MRL-Faslpr/lpr mice in vivo. RESULTS. Class R INH-ODNs have 10- to 30-fold higher inhibitory potency when autoreactive B cells are synergistically activated through the BCR and associated TLR7 or 9 than when stimulation occurs via non-BCR-engaged TLR7/9. Inhibition of TLR9 requires the presence of both CCT and GGG triplets in an INH-ODN, whereas the inhibition of the TLR7 pathway appears to be sequence-independent but dependent on the phosphorothioate backbone. This difference was also observed in the MRL-Faslpr/lpr mice in vivo, where the prototypic class R INH-ODN was more effective in curtailing abnormal autoantibody secretion and prolonging survival. CONCLUSIONS. The increased potency of class R INH-ODNs for autoreactive B cells and dendritic cells may be beneficial for lupus patients by providing pathway-specific inhibition yet allowing them to generate protective immune response when needed.National Institutes of Health (AI047374, AI064736); Alliance for Lupus Researc

    Sec24p and Sec16p cooperate to regulate the GTP cycle of the COPII coat

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    Vesicle budding from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) employs a cycle of GTP binding and hydrolysis to regulate assembly of the COPII coat. We have identified a novel mutation (sec24‐m11) in the cargo‐binding subunit, Sec24p, that specifically impacts the GTP‐dependent generation of vesicles in vitro. Using a high‐throughput approach, we defined genetic interactions between sec24‐m11 and a variety of trafficking components of the early secretory pathway, including the candidate COPII regulators, Sed4p and Sec16p. We defined a fragment of Sec16p that markedly inhibits the Sec23p‐ and Sec31p‐stimulated GTPase activity of Sar1p, and demonstrated that the Sec24p‐m11 mutation diminished this inhibitory activity, likely by perturbing the interaction of Sec24p with Sec16p. The consequence of the heightened GTPase activity when Sec24p‐m11 is present is the generation of smaller vesicles, leading to accumulation of ER membranes and more stable ER exit sites. We propose that association of Sec24p with Sec16p creates a novel regulatory complex that retards the GTPase activity of the COPII coat to prevent premature vesicle scission, pointing to a fundamental role for GTP hydrolysis in vesicle release rather than in coat assembly/disassembly

    Sec24p and Sec16p cooperate to regulate the GTP cycle of the COPII coat

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    Vesicle budding from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) employs a cycle of GTP binding and hydrolysis to regulate assembly of the COPII coat. We have identified a novel mutation (sec24-m11) in the cargo-binding subunit, Sec24p, that specifically impacts the GTP-dependent generation of vesicles in vitro. Using a high-throughput approach, we defined genetic interactions between sec24-m11 and a variety of trafficking components of the early secretory pathway, including the candidate COPII regulators, Sed4p and Sec16p. We defined a fragment of Sec16p that markedly inhibits the Sec23p-and Sec31p-stimulated GTPase activity of Sar1p, and demonstrated that the Sec24p-m11 mutation diminished this inhibitory activity, likely by perturbing the interaction of Sec24p with Sec16p. The consequence of the heightened GTPase activity when Sec24p-m11 is present is the generation of smaller vesicles, leading to accumulation of ER membranes and more stable ER exit sites. We propose that association of Sec24p with Sec16p creates a novel regulatory complex that retards the GTPase activity of the COPII coat to prevent premature vesicle scission, pointing to a fundamental role for GTP hydrolysis in vesicle release rather than in coat assembly/ disassembly