8 research outputs found
The influence of action perception on object recognition: a developmental study
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Conceptual- and production-related predictors of pantomimed tool use deficits in apraxia
- Author
- Bark
- Bartha
- Bates
- Binkofski
- Brayanov
- Buxbaum
- Buxbaum
- Buxbaum
- Buxbaum
- Buxbaum
- Carter
- Cheng
- Cohen
- D.L. Rosa-Leyra
- De Renzi
- Donkervoort
- Geschwind
- Goldenberg
- Goldenberg
- Goldenberg
- Gonzalez Rothi
- Gordon
- Haaland
- Hermsdörfer
- Hermsdörfer
- Jax
- Kalénine
- Kertesz
- Kutner
- L.J. Buxbaum
- Liepmann
- Luzzi
- Mozaz
- Mutha
- Negri
- Orban de Xivry
- Osiurak
- Reina
- Rosenbaum
- Roy
- S.A. Jax
- Sathian
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Sirigu
- Smania
- Stamenova
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Very Early Poststroke Aphasia Therapy: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Efficacy Trial
- Author
- Bamford J.
- Bhogal S.K.
- Bhogal S.K.
- Boyle M.
- Enderby P.M.
- Holland A.L.
- Holland A.L.
- Kauhanen M.L.
- Kelly H.
- Kenward M.G.
- Kertesz A.
- Kwakkel G.
- Lalor E.E.
- Laska A.C.
- Laska A.K.
- Lazar R.M.
- Liang Y.K.
- Meinzer M.
- Meyer M.J.
- Moher D.
- National Health and Medical Research Council
- Nicholas L.
- Nicholas L.
- Pedersen P.M.
- Pulvermuller F.
- Pulvermuller F.
- Raymer A.M.
- Robey R.R.
- Robey R.R.
- Rothi L.J.
- Sarno M.T.
- Schwartz M.F.
- Thompson C.K.
- Visch-Brink E.G.
- Warlow C.P.
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Conduction Aphasia and the Arcuate Fasciculus: A Reexamination of the Wernicke–Geschwind Model
- Author
- B. Crosson
- Bastian
- Benson
- Boatman
- Broca
- Brown
- Caplan
- Caramazza
- D.Q. Beversdorf
- Damasio
- Dell
- Demonet
- Feinberg
- Freud
- Geschwind
- Geschwind
- Geschwind
- Goldstein
- Goldstein
- Gordon
- Green
- Hecaen
- Henderson
- Henderson
- Henderson
- Hoeft
- J. Cibula
- J.D. Hughes
- J.M. Anderson
- K.M. Heilman
- Kaplan
- Kleist
- Kohn
- Kohn
- Kohn
- L.J. Gonzalez Rothi
- Lesser
- Lesser
- Lichtheim
- Liepmann
- Luders
- M. Rogish
- McCarthy
- Mendez
- Meynert
- Naeser
- Nathan
- Ojemann
- Ojemann
- Ojemann
- Palumbo
- Patterson
- Petrides
- R. Gilmore
- R.M. Bauer
- Rapscak
- S. Kortencamp
- S. Nadeau
- S. Roper
- Sachs
- Shuren
- Tanabe
- Wernicke
- Wernicke
- Yarnell
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Update on apraxia
- Author
- A. Schnider
- A.R. Damasio
- A.S. Merians
- B. Borroni
- B. Hanna-Pladdy
- B. Hanna-Pladdy
- B. Hanna-Pladdy
- B. Petreska
- C. Ochipa
- C. Ozsancak
- C. Zadikoff
- D.A. Kareken
- D.H. Jacobs
- E. Renzi De
- E. Renzi De
- E.A. Roy
- G. Goldenberg
- G. Rizzolatti
- H. Liepmann
- J. Moll
- J.M. Hamilton
- K. Quencer
- K.M. Heilman
- K.M. Heilman
- K.M. Heilman
- K.Y. Haaland
- L.A. Wheaton
- L.A. Wheaton
- L.G.J. Rothi
- L.J. Buxbaum
- L.J. Buxbaum
- M. Iacoboni
- M.F. Rushworth
- M.F. Rushworth
- Murray Grossman
- N. Geschwind
- N. Geschwind
- N.L. Graham
- P. Peigneux
- P. Peigneux
- P. Soliveri
- P.P. Pramstaller
- R. Leiguarda
- R. Leiguarda
- R. Murray
- R.C. Leiguarda
- R.C. Leiguarda
- R.C. Leiguarda
- R.K. Mahapatra
- Rachel Goldmann Gross
- S. Weintraub
- S.Z. Rapcsak
- T. Giovannetti
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Childhood dysgraphia. Part 1. An illustrated clinical classification
- Author
- Alajouanine T.
- Anderson E.
- Bairstow P.J.
- Benton A.L.
- Bradley G.
- Brenner M.W.
- British Medical Journal Editorial
- Brown J.K.
- Connolly K.
- Doyle A.J.R.
- Eccles J.C.
- Foley J.
- Frith U.
- Gaddes W.H.
- Geschwind N.
- Goad M.
- Gubbay S.
- Ingram T.T.S.
- Kinsbourne M.
- Kirschner H.S.
- Koh T.
- Landis T.
- Lansdown R.
- Levine D.
- Lord R.H.
- Machmechen M.
- McKinlay I
- McKinlay I.A.
- Meadows J.C.
- Millar R.
- Minns R.A.
- Mykleburst H.R.
- Nelson H.
- Pillon B.
- Ratcliffe S.G.
- Regard M.
- Rosenbloom L.
- Rothi L.J.
- Rumsey J.M.
- Stewart-Brown S.
- Stott D.H.
- Walton J.N.
- Wolff P.H.
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Neurocognitive correlates of socioeconomic status in kindergarten children
- Author
- Baydar N.
- Benton A.L.
- Blumstein S.E.
- Booth J.
- Bornstein M.H.
- Bourgeois J.P.
- Brooks-Gunn J.
- Brooks-Gunn J.
- Casey B.J.
- Casey B.J.
- Chugani H.T.
- Delbecq-Derousne J.
- Diamond A.
- Diamond A.
- Drewe E.A.
- Duncan G.J.
- Duncan G.J.
- Entwisle D.
- Flavell J.
- Gallgher H.
- Goodglass H.
- Greenough W.T.
- Hawley T.
- Hollingshead A.B.
- Hughes C.
- Johnson M.H.
- Klein N.
- Klingberg T.
- Liaw F.
- Macaluso E.
- Mayes A.R.
- McCarthy R.A.
- McCloyd V.C.
- McEwen B.S.
- Milner A.D.
- Needleman H.L.
- Rothi L.J.
- Rugg M.D.
- Smith J.
- Squire L.
- US Bureau of the Census
- Vecera S.
- Walsh K.W.
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study