4 research outputs found

    Pengembangan E-Modul Matematika Pada Materi Pecahan

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    This research aims to produce learning resources in the form of mathematics e-modules to be tested for eligibility in students of grade IV SDN 2 Batujai. The type of research used in research is development research with 4d models (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate). The subjects used in this study were teachers and students of grade IV at SDN 2 Batujai which numbered 29 people. The results showed that learning resources in the form of e-module mathematics already met the criteria worthy by obtaining a percentage of 79,7% of material experts and 85% of media experts. Teacher response and student response showed that the mathematics e-modules were feasible to use with 82,5% of teacher responses and 84,2 % of student responses. Based on the data it can be concluded that e-module mathematics fractional material is suitable for use as a source of learning that can be used by students and teacher


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    Pandemi Covid-19 memiliki dampak yang cukup berarti di dunia pendidikan Indonesia saat ini. Siswa baik dari tingkat usia dini hingga tinggi (universitas) harus mengalami perubahan dalam sistem dan model pembelajaran. Tuntutan perubahan tidak hanya dirasakan oleh siswa namun juga oleh guru. Guru harus memenuhi tuntutan pembelajaran jarak jauh. Hal in juga berimbas pada penggunaan sarana yang tepat dalam mengevaluasi hasil belajar siswa. Website Quizizz menjadi salah satu sarana guru dalam melakukan evaluasi. Meskipun begitu, belum diketahui apakah Quizizz merupakan sarana yang tepat untuk melakukan evaluasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas pemanfaatan Quizizz sebagai sarana evaluasi. Metode penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan desain eksperimen semu. Terdapat kelas kontrol dan eksperimen yang masing-masing memiliki sampel sebanyak 37 mahasiswa PGSD. Data didapatkan dalam bentuk skor hasil tes yang akan dianalisis menggunakan independent t-test  untuk mengetahui apakah kedua kelompok data memiliki perbedaan rata-rata yang signifikan atau tidak. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan rata-rata yang signifikan antara kelas eksperimen dan kontrol. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan website Quizizz kurang efektif sebagai sarana evaluasi hasil belajar

    Analisis Kesulitan Guru SD di Lombok Utara dalam Penyusunan Karya Ilmiah

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    Professional teachers are not only required to teach well but also must possess good writing skills. Scientific work for teachers is part of professional development. However, not a few teachers still have difficulty writing scientific papers. This study intends to analyze the difficulties of teachers in compiling scientific papers. This research utilized descriptive quantitative. The research took place at SDN 1 and SDN 5 Pemenang Barat, North Lombok district. The research was conducted from August to September 2020. The number of teachers being the research sample was 20 teachers. Data collection used survey methods. The instruments were in the form of an open questionnaire and a closed questionnaire. The data analysis technique used descriptive statistics. The results showed that most teachers found it difficult to compile scientific papers. The contributing factors included lack of motivation, lack of understanding of the concept of scientific work, the feeling of not having time, and the low intensity of writing scientific papers