1,336 research outputs found

    Allendeite and Hexamolybdenum: Two New Ultra-Refractory Minerals in Allende and Two Missing Links

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    During our nano-mineralogy investigation of the Allende meteorite, we discovered two new minerals that occur as micro- to nano-crystals in refractory inclusions: Allendeite, Sc_4Zr_3O_(12), a new Scand Zr-rich oxide; and hexamolybdenum, (Mo,Ru,Fe), a Mo-dominant alloy. Allendeite, which may be an important ultra-refractory carrier linking Zr-, Sc- oxides and the more common Sc-, Zr-enriched clinopyroxenes (Cpx) in CAIs, hosts perovskite (Pv), spinel (Sp), Os-Ir-W-Mo alloys, and hexamolybdenum. The observation of two structurally and chemically distinct highly refractory, low-Pt alloy minerals not associated with Fe-Ni alloys provides the first direct physical evidence for at least two separate carriers of the highly refractory metals in CAIs. Hexamolybdenum links Osrich and Pt-rich meteoritic alloys and may be a precursor of the latter. Both new minerals have been approved by the Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification of the International Mineralogical Association (IMA 2007-027, 029)

    The Influence of Oxygen Fugacity and Cooling Rate on the Crystallization of Ca-Al Inclusions from Allende

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    Although there appears to be general agreement that some coarse-grained Ca-Al-rich inclusions (CAIs) from Allende passed through a molten or partially molten stage in their evolution, there are several competing hypotheses to account for the formation of the liquid phase in CAIs (e.g., 1-4). Studies of the phase equilibria of CAI compositions can help distinguish between these mechanisms for generating liquids in CAIs

    Morphological, Structural, and Spectral Characteristics of Amorphous Iron Sulfates

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    Current or past brine hydrologic activity on Mars may provide suitable conditions for the formation of amorphous ferric sulfates. Once formed, these phases would likely be stable under current Martian conditions, particularly at low- to mid-latitudes. Therefore, we consider amorphous iron sulfates (AIS) as possible components of Martian surface materials. Laboratory AIS were created through multiple synthesis routes and characterized with total X-ray scattering, thermogravimetric analysis, scanning electron microscopy, visible/near-infrared (VNIR), thermal infrared (TIR), and Mössbauer techniques. We synthesized amorphous ferric sulfates (Fe(III)2(SO4)3 · ~ 6–8H2O) from sulfate-saturated fluids via vacuum dehydration or exposure to low relative humidity

    Magneto-chemical studies with a new ultrasensitive superconducting quantum magnetometer

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    A magnetometer utilizing quantum superconductivity as the basis for the flux sensor element has been designed and used for biochemical susceptibility measurements in the temperature range from 1.5°K to 300°K. The sensitivity and reproducibility of this instrument have been tested by measurements on small amounts of material of well-known susceptibilities. Using this instrument the temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibilities of oxy- and metaquohemerythrin have been measured and for the first time their anti-ferromagnetic components have been unambigiously resolved. From this data the exchange coupling constants between the two high-spin iron (III) atoms in each subunit have been determined to be -77 and -134 cm^(-1) respectively

    Solubility and diffusional uptake of hydrogen in quartz at high water pressures: Implications for hydrolytic weakening

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    Attempts to introduce molecular water into dry, natural quartz crystals by diffusive transport and thus weaken them hydrolytically at T = 700°–900°C and PH_2O = 400–1550 MPa have failed. Infrared spectroscopy of hydrothermally annealed single crystals of natural quartz reveals the diffusive uptake of interstitial hydrogen (resulting in hydroxyl groups) at rates similar to those previously proposed for intracrystalline water at high water pressures. The solubility of interstitial hydrogen at these conditions is independent of temperature and pressure; instead, it depends upon the initial aluminum concentration by the local charge neutrality condition [H_i·] = [Al_(Si)′]. The rate of interstitial hydrogen diffusion parallel to c is given by an Arrhenius relation with D_0 = 1.4 × 10^(−1) m^2/s and Q = 200 ± 20 kJ/mol, in close agreement with H diffusivities reported for much lower pressures (PH_2O = 2.5 MPa). Deformation experiments following hydrothermal annealing show no mechanical weakening, and the lack of any detectable broadband absorption associated with molecular water shows that the diffusion rates of structural water are much lower than those of hydrogen. These results are consistent with the available oxygen diffusion data for quartz and with the failure to observe weakening in previous studies of quartz deformation at pressures of 300–500 MPa; they call into question the rapid rates of diffusion originally suggested for the hydrolytic weakening defect. It is suggested that the observed weakening in many previous experiments was complicated by microcracking processes in response to nonhydrostatic stresses and low effective confining pressures. Extensive microcracking may provide a mechanism for molecular water to enter quartz and allow local plastic deformation to occur. It does not appear that molecular water can diffuse far enough into uncracked quartz to allow hydrolytic weakening over annealing times that are feasible in the laboratory

    Shear waves induced by moving needle in MR Elastography

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    Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE) is a phase contrast-based method for observing shear wave propagation in a material to determine its stiffness. The objective of this study was to determine whether shear waves suitable for MRE can be induced using a moving acupuncture needle. Tissue-simulating bovine gel phantom and a 0.4mm diameter acupuncture needle were used in the experiment. The results showed that observable shear waves could be induced in the gel phantom by cyclic needle motion. The observed wavelength varied with excitation frequency, as expected. Generating shear waves using moving needles may be a useful tool to study the basic mechanism of acupuncture with MRE. Further study will be conducted to observe the wave motion in inhomogeneous media and acupuncture-induced effects in invivo studies.published_or_final_versio

    A computer graphics system for the building of macromolecular models into electron density maps

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    This is the published version, made available with the permission of the publisher.A brief description of the Molecular Modeling System-X graphics system hardware is followed by an explanation of the language which has been developed to realize an `electronic Richards box'. A variety of commands permits the construction and manipulation of a protein model within an electron density distribution. Usually about ten amino-acid residues can be displayed at any one time within a box of 20 grid points on an edge. The density is changed automatically as the viewer translates the model off the edge of the screen. He can then add, subtract or modify residues as appropriate

    Camaronesite, [Fe^(3+)(H_2O)_2(PO_3OH)]_2(SO_4)•1-2H_2O, a new phosphate-sulfate from the Camarones Valley, Chile, structurally related to taranakite

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    Camaronesite (IMA 2012-094), [Fe^(3+)(H_2O)_2(PO_3OH)]_2(SO_4)•1-2H_2O, is a new mineral from near the village of Cuya in the Camarones Valley, Arica Province, Chile. The mineral is a low-temperature, secondary mineral occurring in a sulfate assemblage with anhydrite, botryogen, chalcanthite, copiapite, halotrichite, hexahydrite, hydroniumjarosite, pyrite, römerite, rozenite and szomolnokite. Lavender-coloured crystals up to several mm across form dense intergrowths. More rarely crystals occur as drusy aggregates of tablets up to 0.5 mm in diameter and 0.02 mm thick. Tablets are flattened on {001} and exhibit the forms {001}, {104}, {015} and {018}. The mineral is transparent with white streak and vitreous lustre. The Mohs hardness is 2½, the tenacity is brittle and the fracture is irregular, conchoidal and stepped. Camaronesite has one perfect cleavage on {001}. The measured and calculated densities are 2.43(1) and 2.383 g/cm^3, respectively. The mineral is optically uniaxial (+) with ω = 1.612(1) and ε = 1.621(1) (white light). The pleochroism is O (pale lavender) > E (colourless). Electron-microprobe analyses provided Fe_2O_331.84, P_2O_529.22, SO_315.74, H_2O 23.94 (based on O analyses), total 100.74 wt.%. The empirical formula (based on 2 P a.p.f.u.) is: Fe_(1.94)(PO_3OH)_2(S_(0.96)O_4)(H_2O)_4•1.46H_2O. The mineral is slowly soluble in concentrated HCl and extremely slowly soluble in concentrated H_2SO_4. Camaronesite is trigonal, R32, with cell parameters:a = 9.0833(5), c = 42.944(3) Å, V = 3068.5(3) Å3 and Z = 9. The eight strongest lines in the X-ray powder diffraction pattern are [d_(obs) Å (I)(hkl)]: 7.74(45)(101), 7.415(100)(012), 4.545(72)(110), 4.426(26)(018), 3.862(32)(021,202,116), 3.298(93)(027,119), 3.179(25)(208) and 2.818(25)(1•1•12,125). In the structure of camaronesite (R_1 = 2.28% for 1138 F_o > 4σF), three types of Fe octahedra are linked by corner sharing with (PO_3OH) tetrahedra to form polyhedral layers perpendicular to c with composition [Fe^(3+)(H_2O)_2(PO_3OH)]. Two such layers are joined through SO_4 tetrahedra (in two half-occupied orientations) to form thick slabs of composition [Fe^(3+)(H_2O)_2(PO_3OH)]_2(SO_4). Between the slabs are partially occupied H_2O groups. The only linkages between the slabs are hydrogen bonds. The most distinctive component in the structure consists of two Fe octahedra linked to one another by three PO_4 tetrahedra yielding an [Fe_2(PO_4)_3] unit. This unit is also the key component in the sodium super-ionic conductor (NASICON) structure and has been referred to as the lantern unit. The polyhedral layers in the structure of camaronesite are similar to those in the structure of taranakite. The Raman spectrum exhibits peaks consistent with sulfate, phosphate, water and OH groups

    Bluebellite and mojaveite, two new minerals from the central Mojave Desert, California, USA

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    Bluebellite, Cu_6[I^(5+)O_3(OH)_3](OH)_7Cl and mojaveite, Cu_6[Te^(6+)O_4(OH)_2](OH)_7Cl, are new secondary copper minerals from the Mojave Desert. The type locality for bluebellite is the D shaft, Blue Bell claims, near Baker, San Bernardino County, California, while cotype localities for mojaveite are the E pit at Blue Bell claims and also the Bird Nest drift, Otto Mountain, also near Baker. The two minerals are very similar in their properties. Bluebellite is associated particularly with murdochite, but also with calcite, fluorite, hemimorphite and rarely dioptase in a highly siliceous hornfels. It forms bright bluish-green plates or flakes up to ~20 μm ×20 μm ×5 μm in size that are usually curved. The streak is pale bluish green and the lustre is adamantine, but often appears dull because of surface roughness. It is non-fluorescent. Bluebellite is very soft (Mohs hardness ~1), sectile, has perfect cleavage on {001} and an irregular fracture. The calculated density based on the empirical formula is 4.746 g cm^(−3). Bluebellite is uniaxial (–), with mean refractive index estimated as 1.96 from the Gladstone-Dale relationship. It is pleochroic O (bluish green) >> E (nearly colourless). Electron microprobe analyses gave the empirical formula Cu_(5.82)I_(0.99)Al_(0.02)Si_(0.12)O_(3.11)(OH)_(9.80)Cl_(1.09) based on 14 (O+Cl) a.p.f.u. The Raman spectrum shows strong iodate-related bands at 680, 611 and 254 cm^(−1). Bluebellite is trigonal, space group R3, with the unit-cell parameters: a = 8.3017(5), c = 13.259(1) Å, V = 791.4(1) Å^3 and Z = 3. The eight strongest lines in the powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern are [dobs/Å (I) (hkl)]: 4.427(99)(003), 2.664(35)(211), 2.516(100)(212İ), 2.213(9)(006), 2.103(29)(033,214), 1.899(47)(312,215İ), 1.566(48)(140,217) and 1.479(29)(045,143İ,324). Mojaveite occurs at the Blue Bell claims in direct association with cerussite, chlorargyrite, chrysocolla, hemimorphite, kettnerite, perite, quartz and wulfenite, while at the Bird Nest drift, it is associated with andradite, chrysocolla, cerussite, burckhardtite, galena, goethite, khinite, mcalpineite, thorneite, timroseite, paratimroseite, quartz and wulfenite. It has also been found at the Aga mine, Otto Mountain, with cerussite, chrysocolla, khinite, perite and quartz. Mojaveite occurs as irregular aggregates of greenish-blue plates flattened on {001} and often curved, which rarely show a hexagonal outline, and also occurs as compact balls, from sky blue to medium greenish blue in colour. Aggregates and balls are up to 0.5 mm in size. The streak of mojaveite is pale greenish blue, while the lustre may be adamantine, pearly or dull, and it is non-fluorescent. The Mohs hardness is ~1. It is sectile, with perfect cleavage on {001} and an irregular fracture. The calculated density is 4.886 g cm^(−3), based on the empirical formulae and unit-cell dimensions. Mojaveite is uniaxial (–), with mean refractive index estimated as 1.95 from the Gladstone-Dale relationship. It is pleochroic O (greenish blue) >> E (light greenish blue). The empirical formula for mojaveite, based on 14 (O+Cl) a.p.f.u., is Cu_(5.92)Te_(1.00)Pb_(0.08)Bi_(0.01)O_4(OH)_(8.94)Cl_(1.06).The most intense Raman bands occur at 694, 654 (poorly resolved), 624, 611 and 254 cm^(−1). Mojaveite is trigonal, space group R3, with the unit-cell parameters: a = 8.316(2), c = 13.202(6) Å and V = 790.7(1) Å^3. The eight strongest lines in the powder XRD pattern are [d_(obs/) Å (I) (hkl)]: 4.403(91)(003), 2.672(28)(211), 2.512(100)(212İ), 2.110(27)(033,214), 1.889(34)(312,215İ,223İ), 1.570(39)(404,140,217), 1.481(34)(045,143İ,324) and 1.338(14)(422). Diffraction data could not be refined, but stoichiometries and unit-cell parameters imply that bluebellite and mojaveite are very similar in crystal structure. Structure models that satisfy bond-valence requirements are presented that are based on stackings of brucite-like Cu_6MX_(14) layers, where M = (I or Te) and X = (O, OH and Cl). Bluebellite and mojaveite provide a rare instance of isotypy between an iodate containing I^(5+) with a stereoactive lone electron pair and a tellurate containing Te^(6+) with no lone pair

    Microanalysis of Hafnian Zircon

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