7 research outputs found

    Loss Mechanisms Determining the Quality Factors in Quartz Tuning Forks Vibrating at the Fundamental and First Overtone Modes

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    Quartz tuning forks (QTFs) are piezo-Transducers that have been implemented for numerous applications, such as chemical gas sensing, atomic force microscopy, rheology, and industrial process control. The most important parameter for QTFs' sensing application is the resonance quality factor (Q-factor). An experimental investigation and theoretical analysis of the influence of QTFs' geometries on the Q-factor of the flexural fundamental and first overtone resonance modes are reported. The resonance frequencies and related Q-factors for five different QTFs have been measured. The QTF response was recorded at different air pressures to investigate the influence of the surrounding medium on the Q-factor. A data analysis demonstrated that air viscous damping is the dominant energy dissipation mechanism for both flexural modes. Thermoelastic and support losses are additional contributions that depend on the QTF geometry. A study of the QTF damping mechanism dependence upon the prong geometry is also provided

    Tuning forks with optimized geometries for quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy

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    We report on the design, realization, and performance of novel quartz tuning forks (QTFs) optimized for quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy (QEPAS). Starting from a QTF geometry designed to provide a fundamental flexural in-plane vibrational mode resonance frequency of ~16 kHz, with a quality factor of 15,000 at atmospheric pressure, two novel geometries have been realized: a QTF with T-shaped prongs and a QTF with prongs having rectangular grooves carved on both surface sides. The QTF with grooves showed the lowest electrical resistance, while the T-shaped prongs QTF provided the best photoacoustic response in terms of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). When acoustically coupled with a pair of micro-resonator tubes, the T-shaped QTF provides a SNR enhancement of a factor of 60 with respect to the bare QTF, which represents a record value for mid-infrared QEPAS sensing

    Environmental monitoring of methane with quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy exploiting an electronic hygrometer to compensate the h2o influence on the sensor signal

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    A dual-gas sensor based on the combination of a quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy (QEPAS) sensor and an electronic hygrometer was realized for the simultaneous detection of methane (CH4) and water vapor (H2O) in air. The QEPAS sensor employed an interband cascade laser operating at 3.34 µm capable of targeting a CH4 absorption line at 2988.8 cm−1 and a water line at 2988.6 cm−1 . Water vapor was measured with both the electronic hygrometer and the QEPAS sensor for comparison. The measurement accuracy provided by the hygrometer enabled the adjustment of methane QEPAS signal with respect to the water vapor concentration to retrieve the actual CH4 concentration. The sensor was tested by performing prolonged measurements of CH4 and H2O over 60 h to demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach for environmental monitoring applications

    Multivariate analysis and digital twin modelling: Alternative approaches to evaluate molecular relaxation in photoacoustic spectroscopy

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    A comparative analysis of two different approaches developed to deal with molecular relaxation in photoacoustic spectroscopy is here reported. The first method employs a statistical analysis based on partial least squares regression, while the second method relies on the development of a digital twin of the photoacoustic sensor based on the theoretical modelling of the occurring relaxations. Methane detection within a gas matrix of synthetic air with variable humidity level is selected as case study. An interband cascade laser emitting at 3.345 μm is used to target methane absorption features. Two methane concentration ranges are explored targeting different absorptions, one in the order of part-per-million and one in the order of percent, while water vapor absolute concentration was varied from 0.3 % up to 2 %. The results achieved employing the detection techniques demonstrated the possibility to efficiently retrieve the target gas concentrations with accuracy > 95 % even in the case of strong influence of relaxation effects

    Quartz-enhanced photoacoustic sensor for ethylene detection implementing optimized custom tuning fork-based spectrophone

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    The design and realization of two highly sensitive and easily interchangeable spectrophones based on custom quartz tuning forks, with a rectangular (S1) or T-shaped (S 2 ) prongs geometry, is reported. The two spectrophones have been implemented in a QEPAS sensor for ethylene detection, employing a DFB-QCL emitting at 10.337 μm with an optical power of 74.2 mW. A comparison between their performances showed a signal-to-noise ratio 3.4 times higher when implementing the S 2 spectrophone. For the S 2 -based sensor, a linear dependence of the QEPAS signal on ethylene concentration was demonstrated in the 5 ppm-100 ppm range. For a 10 s lock-in integration time, an ethylene minimum detection limit of 10 ppb was calculated

    Dual-Gas Quartz-Enhanced Photoacoustic Sensor for Simultaneous Detection of Methane/Nitrous Oxide and Water Vapor

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    The development of a dual-gas quartz-enhanced photoacoustic (QEPAS) sensor capable of simultaneous detection of water vapor and alternatively methane or nitrous oxide is reported. A diode laser and a quantum cascade laser (QCL) excited independently and simultaneously both the fundamental and the first overtone flexural mode of the quartz tuning fork (QTF), respectively. The diode laser targeted a water absorption line located at 7181.16 cm-1 (1.392 μm), while the QCL emission wavelength is centered at 7.71 μm and was tuned to target two strong absorption lines of methane and nitrous oxide, located at 1297.47 and 1297.05 cm-1, respectively. Two sets of microresonator tubes were positioned, respectively, at the antinode points of the fundamental and the first overtone flexural modes of the QTF to enhance the QEPAS signal-to-noise ratio. Detection limits of 18 ppb for methane, 5 ppb for nitrous oxide and 20 ppm for water vapor have been achieved at a lock-in integration time of 100 ms

    Comparison between interferometric and piezoelectric readout of tuning fork vibrations in quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy

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    We report on a comparison between the piezoelectric and interferometric readouts of vibrations in quartz tuning forks (QTFs) when employed as sound wave transducers in quartz-enhanced photoacoustic trace gas sensors. We demonstrate the possibility to properly design the QTF geometry to enhance interferometric readout signal with respect to the piezoelectric one and vice versa. When resonator tubes are acoustically coupled with the QTFs, signal-to-noise ratio enhancements are observed for both readout approaches. These results open the way to the implementation of optical readout of QTF vibrations in applications where external electromagnetic field could distort the piezoelectric signal