39 research outputs found

    Profiling of sugar transporter genes in grapevine coping with water deficit

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    AbstractThe profiling of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) genes under water deficit was specifically targeted to sugar transporters. Leaf water status was characterized by physiological parameters and soluble sugars content. The expression analysis provided evidence that VvHT1 hexose transporter gene was strongly down-regulated by the increased sugar content under mild water-deficit. The genes of monosaccharide transporter VvHT5, sucrose carrier VvSUC11, vacuolar invertase VvGIN2 and grape ASR (ABA, stress, ripening) were up-regulated under severe water stress. Their regulation in a drought-ABA signalling network and possible roles in complex interdependence between sugar subcellular partitioning and cell influx/efflux under Grapevine acclimation to dehydration are discussed

    Grape ASR-Silencing Sways Nuclear Proteome, Histone Marks and Interplay of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins

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    In order to unravel the functions of ASR (Abscisic acid, Stress, Ripening-induced) proteins in the nucleus, we created a new model of genetically transformed grape embryogenic cells by RNAi-knockdown of grape ASR (VvMSA). Nuclear proteomes of wild-type and VvMSA-RNAi grape cell lines were analyzed by quantitative isobaric tagging (iTRAQ 8-plex). The most significantly up- or down-regulated nuclear proteins were involved in epigenetic regulation, DNA replication/repair, transcription, mRNA splicing/stability/editing, rRNA processing/biogenesis, metabolism, cell division/differentiation and stress responses. The spectacular up-regulation in VvMSA-silenced cells was that of the stress response protein VvLEA D-29 (Late Embryogenesis Abundant). Both VvMSA and VvLEA D-29 genes displayed strong and contrasted responsiveness to auxin depletion, repression of VvMSA and induction of VvLEA D-29. In silico analysis of VvMSA and VvLEA D-29 proteins highlighted their intrinsically disordered nature and possible compensatory relationship. Semi-quantitative evaluation by medium-throughput immunoblotting of eighteen post-translational modifications of histones H3 and H4 in VvMSA-knockdown cells showed significant enrichment/depletion of the histone marks H3K4me1, H3K4me3, H3K9me1, H3K9me2, H3K36me2, H3K36me3 and H4K16ac. We demonstrate that grape ASR repression differentially affects members of complex nucleoprotein structures and may not only act as molecular chaperone/transcription factor, but also participates in plant responses to developmental and environmental cues through epigenetic mechanisms

    Datafication and reuse of the descriptions of the incunabula collections at the British Library

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    The poster discusses the AHRC-RLUK Professional Practice Fellowship project which investigates the legacies of curatorial voice in the descriptions of incunabula collections at the British Library and their future reuse

    A National Library’s digitisation guide for Digital Humanists

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    Abstract of paper 0713 presented at the Digital Humanities Conference 2019 (DH2019), Utrecht , the Netherlands 9-12 July, 2019

    Doctrine, polemic and literary tradition in some hexameter poems of Prudentius

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    The thesis, the topic of which is restricted to the polemical didactic poems, Apotheosis, Hamartigenia and Contra Symmachum 1-2, aims to establish the attitudes of Prudentius to the literary tradition and argues for his relationship with the Latin classical poets. Its main argument is that the hexameter poems as a group can be profitably studied from a stylistic angle, since they show how Prudentius combined, and used with innovation, the styles of several poets, namely Lucretius, Virgil and Juvenal, and in many cases engaged with the literary tradition as a whole. Chapter I surveys, as reflected in the poems, Prudentius' awareness of the political, religious and literary milieu in the Christian Empire of the West in his day. Chapter II examines how Prudentius employed the style of argument and imagery in the D.R.N. to present Christian doctrines on the body and the soul, and to reject pagan superstition. Chapter III shows how with much imagination and respect Prudentius adapted Virgil's phraseology and techniques to give new Christian interpretations of some mythical and historical themes in the Aen., such as the 'Golden Age' and the battle of Actium, and of topics on agriculture from the Georg. Chapter IV argues that, like other fourth century Christian writers, the poet entered into the spirit of Satire and alluded to Juvenal's themes and language in his treatment of the topics of sin and sexuality. Finally, in Chapter V Prudentius' adaptations of the biblical accounts in Gen. 19 and of Ps. 136 are used to demonstrate how allegory, which is a main feature of his poetry, was combined successfully with different classical techniques. In conclusion, the hexameter poems demonstrate that Prudentius did not reject classical poetry on the basis of its content, but used both its themes and poetic techniques in order to merge the ancient with the Christian literary tradition.</p

    Etude d'un complexe de régulation transcriptionnelle du gène d'un transporteur de glucose chez la Vigne (identification de gènes "ASR", analyse fonctionnelle de leurs regions promotrices et caractérisation moléculaire de ces protéines régulatrices)

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    Les protéines ASR sont impliquées dans les réponses aux stress abiotiques et beaucoup de processus de développement, comme la maturation. Cependant, leurs fonctions biologiques restent inconnues. L ADNc d une protéine ASR de Vigne, VvMSA, est isolée par l approche du simple hybride. Elle agit comme un facteur de transcription à l égard du promoteur du gène VvHT1. Le clonage du gène entier VvMSA révèle l existence d une famille multigénique d ASR, chez la Vigne. Une étude fonctionnelle de leurs promoteurs est réalisée par délétions des promoteurs et fusions en amont du gène rapporteur Luciférase par expression transitoire dans des protoplastes de Vigne. L expression conférée par les promoteurs VvMSA, est régulée par les sucres et induite par l ABA et le stress au froid. La caractérisation biochimique de VvMSA a montré la présence de 2 isoformes protéiques se différenciant par une délétion de 5 acides aminés provoquant une différence de mobilité électrophorétique. Des analyses in vitro et in vivo ont prouvé la phosphorylation des 2 isoformes de VvMSA. L hypothèse impliquant VvMSA dans un complexe de régulation transcriptionnelle est étudiée. Par une approche de double hybride, un partenaire protéique nommé VvDREB est isolé. La technique de BiFC a confirmé l interaction de VvMSA et de VvDREB et la formation exclusive de ce complexe dans le noyau. Les résultats obtenus montrent l implication des glucides, de l ABA et des stress abiotiques dans la régulation transcriptionnelle des gènes VvMSA. La caractérisation biochimique de VvMSA et son interaction avec VvDREB suggèrent leur intervention dans un complexe régulateur de l expression génique en réponse aux stress abiotiques.The ASR proteins are involved in plant response to abiotic stresses as well as in developmental processes such as ripening. However, biological functions of these proteins remain unknown. The one-hybrid approach allowed isolating, a grape ASR, VvMSA, witch is a putative transcription factor of VvHT1. In grapevine, cloning of VvMSA genes revealed one polymorphism in this multigenic family. The functional analysis of promoter regions is performed by progressive deletions and their fusion upstream to luciferase reporter gene. The constructions expression in grape protoplasts demonstrated a sugar regulation and ABA/cold stress induction of VvMSA expression. VvMSA Biochemical characterization showed two isoforms of the protein differing by a lack of five amino acids in one of them. In vitro and in vivo experimentation also revealed the phosphorylation of isoforms. VvMSA presents the functional characteristics of a regulatory protein, but does not display any domain specific for transcription factor. This suggests its involvement in a complex for transcriptional regulation. By the means of two-hybrid screening using VvMSA as bait, a partner of this protein is isolated. It is belonging to the DREB proteins family, involved in plant response to water, salt and osmotic stresses. By BiFC approach, we confirmed the interaction between VvMSA and VvDREB and provided the exclusive nuclear localization of their complex. The obtained results allow us to consider grape ASR as non-histone chromosomal proteins, that might act as downstream components of a common signal transduction pathway involved in the responses of plant cells to environmental factors mediated by sugar and ABA signaling.POITIERS-BU Sciences (861942102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Europeana Newspapers: searching digitized historical newspapers from 23 European countries

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    Europeana Newspapers is a European Commission-funded project which is refining, aggregating and giving researchers online access to historical newspaper content from 23 European libraries. It also offers free, open source tools which individual libraries can use to assess refinement quality and metadata standards in relation to their own digital newspaper collections. The content made available by the project is available both through Europeana and a dedicated newspaper browser. Europeana is a way to see the newspapers in the context of over 30 million other items of cultural heritage, while the dedicated browser hosted on The European Library site gives researchers the possibility to refine their search terms (e.g. by date, publishing country, issue) and to search the full text of many newspapers. So far, the browser, which has been online for approximately one year, has proven popular with researchers, and further improvements to its functionality are planned in 2015. This could include the ability for users to tag articles or to edit, and help correct, the full text of individual articles