7 research outputs found

    Overview of the TREC 2023 Product Product Search Track

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    This is the first year of the TREC Product search track. The focus this year was the creation of a reusable collection and evaluation of the impact of the use of metadata and multi-modal data on retrieval accuracy. This year we leverage the new product search corpus, which includes contextual metadata. Our analysis shows that in the product search domain, traditional retrieval systems are highly effective and commonly outperform general-purpose pretrained embedding models. Our analysis also evaluates the impact of using simplified and metadata-enhanced collections, finding no clear trend in the impact of the expanded collection. We also see some surprising outcomes; despite their widespread adoption and competitive performance on other tasks, we find single-stage dense retrieval runs can commonly be noncompetitive or generate low-quality results both in the zero-shot and fine-tuned domain.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, 11 tables - TREC 202

    Generic Intent Representation in Web Search

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    This paper presents GEneric iNtent Encoder (GEN Encoder) which learns a distributed representation space for user intent in search. Leveraging large scale user clicks from Bing search logs as weak supervision of user intent, GEN Encoder learns to map queries with shared clicks into similar embeddings end-to-end and then finetunes on multiple paraphrase tasks. Experimental results on an intrinsic evaluation task - query intent similarity modeling - demonstrate GEN Encoder's robust and significant advantages over previous representation methods. Ablation studies reveal the crucial role of learning from implicit user feedback in representing user intent and the contributions of multi-task learning in representation generality. We also demonstrate that GEN Encoder alleviates the sparsity of tail search traffic and cuts down half of the unseen queries by using an efficient approximate nearest neighbor search to effectively identify previous queries with the same search intent. Finally, we demonstrate distances between GEN encodings reflect certain information seeking behaviors in search sessions

    Orca 2: Teaching Small Language Models How to Reason

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    Orca 1 learns from rich signals, such as explanation traces, allowing it to outperform conventional instruction-tuned models on benchmarks like BigBench Hard and AGIEval. In Orca 2, we continue exploring how improved training signals can enhance smaller LMs' reasoning abilities. Research on training small LMs has often relied on imitation learning to replicate the output of more capable models. We contend that excessive emphasis on imitation may restrict the potential of smaller models. We seek to teach small LMs to employ different solution strategies for different tasks, potentially different from the one used by the larger model. For example, while larger models might provide a direct answer to a complex task, smaller models may not have the same capacity. In Orca 2, we teach the model various reasoning techniques (step-by-step, recall then generate, recall-reason-generate, direct answer, etc.). More crucially, we aim to help the model learn to determine the most effective solution strategy for each task. We evaluate Orca 2 using a comprehensive set of 15 diverse benchmarks (corresponding to approximately 100 tasks and over 36,000 unique prompts). Orca 2 significantly surpasses models of similar size and attains performance levels similar or better to those of models 5-10x larger, as assessed on complex tasks that test advanced reasoning abilities in zero-shot settings. make Orca 2 weights publicly available at aka.ms/orca-lm to support research on the development, evaluation, and alignment of smaller LMsComment: Added url to model weights fixed typo in Author nam

    Contrastive Post-training Large Language Models on Data Curriculum

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    Alignment serves as an important step to steer large language models (LLMs) towards human preferences. In this paper, we explore contrastive post-training techniques for alignment by automatically constructing preference pairs from multiple models of varying strengths (e.g., InstructGPT, ChatGPT and GPT-4). We carefully compare the contrastive techniques of SLiC and DPO to SFT baselines and find that DPO provides a step-function improvement even after continueing SFT saturates. We also explore a data curriculum learning scheme for contrastive post-training, which starts by learning from "easier" pairs and transitioning to "harder" ones, which further improves alignment. Finally, we scale up our experiments to train with more data and larger models like Orca. Remarkably, contrastive post-training further improves the performance of Orca, already a state-of-the-art instruction learning model tuned with GPT-4 outputs, to exceed that of ChatGPT