186 research outputs found

    Bubbles Unbound: Bubbles of Nothing Without Kaluza-Klein

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    I present analytic time symmetric initial data for five dimensions describing ``bubbles of nothing'' which are asymptotically flat in the higher dimensional sense, i.e. there is no Kaluza-Klein circle asymptotically. The mass and size of these bubbles may be chosen arbitrarily and in particular the solutions contain bubbles of any size which are arbitrarily light. This suggests the solutions may be important phenomenologically and in particular I show that at low energy there are bubbles which expand outwards, suggesting a new possible instability in higher dimensions. Further, one may find bubbles of any size where the only region of high curvature is confined to an arbitrarily small volume.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figures, v2: minor changes, published versio

    Strings in extremal BTZ black holes

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    We study the spectrum of the worldsheet theory of the bosonic closed string in the massless and extremal rotating BTZ black holes. We use a hyperbolic Wakimoto representation of the SL(2,R) currents to construct vertex operators for the string modes on these backgrounds. We argue that there are tachyons in the twisted sector, but these are not localised near the horizon. We study the relation to the null orbifold in the limit of vanishing cosmological constant. We also discuss the problem of extending this analysis to the supersymmetric case.Comment: 20 pages, no figure

    On Witten's Instability and Winding Tachyons

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    We investigate, from a spacetime perspective, some aspects of Horowitz's recent conjecture that black strings may catalyze the decay of Kaluza-Klein spacetimes into a bubble of nothing. We identify classical configurations that interpolate between flat space and the bubble, and discuss the energetics of the transition. We investigate the effects of winding tachyons on the size and shape of the barrier and find no evidence at large compactification radius that tachyons enhance the tunneling rate. For the interesting radii, of order the string scale, the question is difficult to answer due to the failure of the α′\alpha^\prime expansion.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, Late

    Tachyon Condensation and Black Strings

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    We show that under certain conditions, closed string tachyon condensation produces a topology changing transition from black strings to Kaluza-Klein "bubbles of nothing." This can occur when the curvature at the horizon is much smaller than the string scale, so the black string is far from the correspondence point when it would make a transition to an excited fundamental string. This provides a dramatic new endpoint to Hawking evaporation. A similar transition occurs for black p-branes, and can be viewed as a nonextremal version of a geometric transition. Applications to AdS black holes and the AdS soliton are also discussed.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figure, v2: references adde

    Phase Transitions in Higher Derivative Gravity

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    This paper deals with black holes, bubbles and orbifolds in Gauss-Bonnet theory in five dimensional anti de Sitter space. In particular, we study stable, unstable and metastable phases of black holes from thermodynamical perspective. By comparing bubble and orbifold geometries, we analyse associated instabilities. Assuming AdS/CFT correspondence, we discuss the effects of this higher derivative bulk coupling on a specific matrix model near the critical points of the boundary gauge theory at finite temperature. Finally, we propose another phenomenological model on the boundary which mimics various phases of the bulk space-time.Comment: 33 pages, 12 figures, LaTeX, typos corrected, clarifications in sections 5 and 6, references adde

    Stability of the non-extremal enhancon solution I: perturbation equations

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    We consider the stability of the two branches of non-extremal enhancon solutions. We argue that one would expect a transition between the two branches at some value of the non-extremality, which should manifest itself in some instability. We study small perturbations of these solutions, constructing a sufficiently general ansatz for linearised perturbations of the non-extremal solutions, and show that the linearised equations are consistent. We show that the simplest kind of perturbation does not lead to any instability. We reduce the problem of studying the more general spherically symmetric perturbation to solving a set of three coupled second-order differential equations.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure, references added, typos fixed, version to appear in PR

    On fluctuations of closed string tachyon solitons

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    We discuss fluctuations on solitons in the dilaton/graviton/tachyon system using the low energy effective field theory approach. It is shown that closed string solitons are free of tachyons in this approximation, regardless of the exact shape of the tachyon potential.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, uses JHEP3.cl

    Three-Charge Black Holes on a Circle

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    We study phases of five-dimensional three-charge black holes with a circle in their transverse space. In particular, when the black hole is localized on the circle we compute the corrections to the metric and corresponding thermodynamics in the limit of small mass. When taking the near-extremal limit, this gives the corrections to the constant entropy of the extremal three-charge black hole as a function of the energy above extremality. For the partial extremal limit with two charges sent to infinity and one finite we show that the first correction to the entropy is in agreement with the microscopic entropy by taking into account that the number of branes shift as a consequence of the interactions across the transverse circle. Beyond these analytical results, we also numerically obtain the entire phase of non- and near-extremal three- and two-charge black holes localized on a circle. More generally, we find in this paper a rich phase structure, including a new phase of three-charge black holes that are non-uniformly distributed on the circle. All these three-charge black hole phases are found via a map that relates them to the phases of five-dimensional neutral Kaluza-Klein black holes.Comment: 58 pages, 10 figures; v2: Corrected typos, version appearing in JHE

    Quotients of AdS_{p+1} x S^q: causally well-behaved spaces and black holes

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    Starting from the recent classification of quotients of Freund--Rubin backgrounds in string theory of the type AdS_{p+1} x S^q by one-parameter subgroups of isometries, we investigate the physical interpretation of the associated quotients by discrete cyclic subgroups. We establish which quotients have well-behaved causal structures, and of those containing closed timelike curves, which have interpretations as black holes. We explain the relation to previous investigations of quotients of asymptotically flat spacetimes and plane waves, of black holes in AdS and of Godel-type universes.Comment: 48 pages; v2: minor typos correcte

    Lodged in the throat: Internal infinities and AdS/CFT

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    In the context of AdS3/CFT2, we address spacetimes with a certain sort of internal infinity as typified by the extreme BTZ black hole. The internal infinity is a null circle lying at the end of the black hole's infinite throat. We argue that such spacetimes may be described by a product CFT of the form CFT-L * CFT-R, where CFT-R is associated with the asymptotically AdS boundary while CFT-L is associated with the null circle. Our particular calculations analyze the CFT dual of the extreme BTZ black hole in a linear toy model of AdS3/CFT2. Since the BTZ black hole is a quotient of AdS3, the dual CFT state is a corresponding quotient of the CFT vacuum state. This state turns out to live in the aforementioned product CFT. We discuss this result in the context of general issues of AdS/CFT duality and entanglement entropy.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures; v2 - some typos corrected, minor revision
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