13 research outputs found

    Chromosomally-Encoded Yersinia pestis Type III Secretion Effector Proteins Promote Infection in Cells and in Mice

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    Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague, possesses a number of virulence mechanisms that allows it to survive and proliferate during its interaction with the host. To discover additional infection-specific Y. pestis factors, a transposon site hybridization (TraSH)-based genome-wide screen was employed to identify genomic regions required for its survival during cellular infection. In addition to several well-characterized infection-specific genes, this screen identified three chromosomal genes (y3397, y3399, and y3400), located in an apparent operon, that promoted successful infection. Each of these genes is predicted to encode a leucine-rich repeat family protein with or without an associated ubiquitin E3 ligase domain. These genes were designated Yersinia leucine-rich repeat gene A (ylrA), B (ylrB), and C (ylrC). Engineered strains with deletions of y3397 (ylrC), y3399 (ylrB), or y3400 (ylrA), exhibited infection defects both in cultured cells and in the mouse. C-terminal FLAG-tagged YlrA, YlrB, and YlrC were secreted by Y. pestis in the absence but not the presence of extracellular calcium and deletions of the DNA sequences encoding the predicted N-terminal type III secretion signals of YlrA, YlrB, and YlrC prevented their secretion, indicating that these proteins are substrates of the type III secretion system (T3SS). Further strengthening the connection with the T3SS, YlrB was readily translocated into HeLa cells and expression of the YlrA and YlrC proteins in yeast inhibited yeast growth, indicating that these proteins may function as anti-host T3S effector proteins

    Fueling Cancer Vaccines to Improve T Cell-Mediated Antitumor Immunity

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    Cancer vaccines offer the potential to enhance T cell-mediated antitumor immunity by expanding and increasing the function of tumor-specific T cells and shaping the recall response against recurring tumors. While the use of cancer vaccines is not a new immunotherapeutic approach, the cancer vaccine field continues to evolve as new antigen types emerge and vaccine formulations and delivery strategies are developed. As monotherapies, cancer vaccines have not been very efficacious in part due to pre-existing peripheral- and tumor-mediated tolerance mechanisms that limit T cell function. Over the years, various agents including Toll-like receptor agonists, cytokines, and checkpoint inhibitors have been employed as vaccine adjuvants and immune modulators to increase antigen-mediated activation, expansion, memory formation, and T effector cell function. A renewed interest in this approach has emerged as better neoepitope discovery tools are being developed and our understanding of what constitutes an effective cancer vaccine is improved. In the coming years, cancer vaccines will likely be vital to enhance the response to current immunotherapies. In this review, we discuss the various types of therapeutic cancer vaccines, including types of antigens and approaches used to enhance cancer vaccine responses such as TLR agonists, recombinant interleukin-2 and interleukin-2 derivatives, and checkpoint inhibitors

    Robust IL-2-dependent antitumor immunotherapy requires targeting the high-affinity IL-2R on tumor-specific CD8+ T cells

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    Background Development of interleukin (IL)-2-dependent antitumor responses focus on targeting the intermediate affinity IL-2R to stimulate memory-phenotypic CD8+ T and natural killer (NK) cells while minimizing regulatory T cell (Treg) expansion. However, this approach may not effectively engage tumor-specific T effector cells. Since tumor-antigen specific T cells upregulate the high-affinity IL-2R, we tested an IL-2 biologic, mouse IL-2/CD25, with selectivity toward the high-affinity IL-2R to support antitumor responses to tumors that vary in their immunogenicity.Methods Mice were first implanted with either CT26, MC38, B16.F10, or 4T1 and after a tumor mass developed, they were treated with high-dose (HD) mouse (m)IL-2/CD25 alone or in combination with anti-programmed cell death protein-1 (PD-1) checkpoint blockade. Tumor growth was monitored and in parallel the immune signature in the tumor microenvironment (TME) was determined by a combination of multiparameter flow cytometry, functional assays, and enumeration of tumor-reactive T cells.Results We show that HD mIL-2/CD25, which preferentially stimulates the high-affinity IL-2R, but not IL-2/anti-IL-2 complexes with preferential activity toward the intermediate-affinity IL-2R, supports vigorous antitumor responses to immunogenic tumors as a monotherapy that were enhanced when combined with anti-PD-1. Treatment of CT26-bearing mice with HD mIL-2/CD25 led to a high CD8+:Treg ratio in the TME, increased frequency and function of tumor-specific CD8+ T effector cells with a less exhausted phenotype, and antitumor memory responses.Conclusions Targeting the high-affinity IL-2R on tumor-specific T cells with HD mIL-2/CD25 alone or with PD-1 blockade supports antitumor responses, where the resulting memory response may afford long-term protection against tumor re-emergence

    High-dose IL-2/CD25 fusion protein amplifies vaccine-induced CD4+ and CD8+ neoantigen-specific T cells to promote antitumor immunity

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    BackgroundImmunization with tumor neoantigens is a promising vaccine approach to promote antitumor immunity due to their high immunogenicity, lack of expression in normal tissue, and preferential induction of tumor neoantigen-specific T cells, which are central mediators of the anti-cancer response. A drawback to targeting tumor neoantigen-specific T cells is that these cells are found at a low frequency in patients with cancer, limiting their therapeutic benefit. Interleukin-2 (IL-2) promotes expansion and persistence of tumor-reactive T cells. However, its clinical use has been hampered by toxicities arising from its multiple cellular targets. Thus, new engineered IL-2 receptor (IL-2R) agonists with distinctive cell type selectivity have been designed to harness the potential of IL-2 for tumor immunotherapy.MethodsWe investigated the potential to amplify neoantigen-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cell immune responses to promote antitumor immunity through vaccination with tumor neoantigens. Following T cell receptor (TCR)-mediated induction of the high-affinity IL-2R on these T cells, amplification of the neoantigen-specific T cell response was achieved using a high dose of the mouse IL-2/CD25 (mIL-2/CD25) fusion protein, an IL-2R agonist with more favorable pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics than IL-2 and selectivity toward the high-affinity IL-2R.ResultsAdministration of a high dose of mIL-2/CD25 shortly after antigen-dependent induction of the high-affinity IL-2R amplified the numbers and function of TCR transgenic tumor-reactive tyrosinase-related protein-1 (TRP-1) CD4+ T cells, leading to antitumor immunity to B16-F10 melanoma. This approach was adapted to amplify endogenous polyclonal B16-F10 neoantigen-specific T cells. Maximal expansion of these cells required prime/boost neoantigen vaccinations, where mIL-2/CD25 was optimal when administered only after the boosting steps. The ensuing mIL-2/CD25-driven immune response supported antitumor immunity to B16-F10 and was more effective than treatment with a similar amount of IL-2. Optimal antitumor effects required amplification of CD4+ and CD8+ neoantigen-specific T cells. High-dose mIL-2/CD25 supported a tumor microenvironment with higher numbers of CD4+ and CD8+ T effectors cells with increased granzyme B expression and importantly a more robust expansion of neoantigen-specific T cells.ConclusionThese results indicate that neoantigen-based vaccines are optimized by potentiating IL-2R signaling in CD4+ and CD8+ neoantigen-reactive T cells by using high-dose mIL-2/CD25, leading to more effective tumor clearance

    Sustained IL-2R signaling of limited duration by high-dose mIL-2/mCD25 fusion protein amplifies tumor-reactive CD8.sup.+ T cells to enhance antitumor immunity

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    Keywords: IL-2; Tumor vaccine; Melanoma; T effector cells; CD8.sup.+ T cell memory High-dose IL-2 induces cancer regression but its therapeutic use is limited due to high toxicities resulting from its broad cell targeting. In one strategy to overcome this limitation, IL-2 has been modified to selectively target the intermediate affinity IL-2R that broadly activates memory-phenotypic CD8.sup.+ T and NK cells, while minimizing Treg-associated tolerance. In this study, we modeled an alternative strategy to amplify tumor antigen-specific TCR transgenic CD8.sup.+ T cells through limited application of a long-acting IL-2 fusion protein, mIL-2/mCD25, which selectively targets the high-affinity IL-2R. Here, mice were vaccinated with a tumor antigen and high-dose mIL-2/mCD25 was applied to coincide with the induction of the high affinity IL-2R on tumor-specific T cells. A single high dose of mIL-2/mCD25, but not an equivalent amount of IL-2, amplified the frequency and function of tumor-reactive CD8.sup.+ T effector (Teff) and memory cells. These mIL-2/mCD25-dependent effects relied on distinctive requirements for TLR signals during priming of CD8.sup.+ tumor-specific T cells. The mIL-2/mCD25-amplified tumor-reactive effector and memory T cells supported long-lasting antitumor responses to B16-F10 melanoma. This regimen only transiently increased Tregs, yielding a favorable Teff--Treg ratio within the tumor microenvironment. Notably, mIL-2/mCD25 did not increase non-tumor-specific Teff or NK cells within tumors, further substantiating the specificity of mIL-2/mCD25 for tumor antigen-activated T cells. Thus, the selectivity and persistence of mIL-2/mCD25 in conjunction with a tumor vaccine supports antitumor immunity through a mechanism that is distinct from recombinant IL-2 or IL-2-based biologics that target the intermediate affinity IL-2R. Author Affiliation: (1) Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami, 33136, Miami, FL, USA (f) [email protected] Article History: Registration Date: 09/09/2020 Received Date: 06/01/2020 Accepted Date: 09/09/2020 Online Date: 10/10/2020 Byline:Academi