568 research outputs found

    Development and User Experiences of a Biopsychosocial Interprofessional Online Course on Persistent Somatic Symptoms

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    Background: Communication between healthcare providers and patients with persistent somatic symptoms (PSS) is frequently hampered by mutual misunderstanding and dissatisfaction. Methods: We developed an online, interprofessional course to teach healthcare providers the knowledge, skills, and attitude they need to diagnose and treat PSS in a patient-centered manner based on the biopsychosocial model. The course consisted of six modules of 45–60 min. Each module contained different types of assignments, based on six cases: videos, discussion boards, reading assignments, polls, and quizzes. For this study, we included (1) medical residents, following the course as part of their residency training, and (2) healthcare providers (general practitioners, medical specialists, physiotherapists, nurses, and psychologists), following the course as continuing vocational training. Throughout the course, participants were asked to fill out online surveys, enquiring about their learning gains and satisfaction with the course. Results: The biopsychosocial approach was integrated across the modules and teached health care workers about recent insights on biological, psychological and social aspects of PSS. In total, 801 participants with a wide variety in clinical experience started the course; the largest groups of professionals were general practitioners (N = 400), physiotherapists (N = 124) and mental healthcare workers (N = 53). At the start of the course, 22% of the participants rated their level of knowledge on PSS as adequate. At the end of the course, 359 participants completed the evaluation questionnaires. Of this group, 81% rated their level of knowledge on PSS as adequate and 86% felt that following the course increased their competencies in communicating with patients with PSS (N = 359). On a scale from 1 to 10, participants gave the course a mean grade of 7.8 points. Accordingly, 85% stated that they would recommend the course to a colleague. Conclusion: Our course developed in a co-design process involving multiple stakeholders can be implemented, is being used, and is positively evaluated by professionals across a variety of health care settings

    The Role of Group Dynamics in Scientific Inconsistencies: A Case Study of a Research Consortium

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    Judith Rosmalen and Albertine Oldehinkel describe their experience in the TRAILS research consortium to discuss why research teams might publish contradictory or inconsistent results despite procedures to avoid this; they emphasize the role of internal group dynamics rather than faulty publication practices

    Empirical foundations for the diagnosis of somatization:implications for DSM-5

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    Background. The aim of this study was to develop empirically validated criteria for the diagnoses of clinically relevant somatization. Method. This study was performed in a population-representative cohort consisting of 461 males (47.8%) and 503 females (52.2%), with an average age of 55.8 years (S.D. = 11.1). Somatization, anxiety and depression were derived from the Composite International Diagnostic Interview. Mplus was used to perform confirmative factor analyses on the current DSM-IV symptom groups; on alternative symptom clusters previously suggested; and to perform latent class analysis in order to define an empirically derived cut-off for somatization. Results. The existence of symptom groups as described in DSM-IV was not supported by our data, whereas a differentiation between cardiopulmonary, musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal and general somatic symptoms did fit our data. Latent class analysis revealed two classes characterized by few (n = 859) and many (n = 105) symptoms. The class of subjects could be approached by a simple cut-off of four functional symptoms (sensitivity 79%, specificity 98%, positive predictive value 82%, negative predictive value 97%) regardless of the number of organ systems involved. Conclusions. This study in a large population-representative cohort suggests that a simple symptom count can be used as a dimensional diagnosis of somatization. In those instances in which a categorical diagnosis is preferred, a simple cut-off of four out of 43 functional symptoms best fitted our data. We did not find any added value for incorporating the number of symptom clusters into the diagnostic criteria

    Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of interventions for medically unexplained symptoms in primary care:A modified Delphi study

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    Objective: Medically Unexplained Symptoms (MUS) are physical symptoms that last for longer than several weeks and for which no (sufficient) somatic explanation can be found. Interventions for treating MUS in primary care are available, but their implementation in daily practice appears difficult. In the current study we aim to explore key barriers and facilitators to the implementation of MUS-interventions in primary care. Methods: A three-round modified Delphi study was performed, using the input of 58 experts that are (in)directly involved in the care for patients with MUS (e.g. general practitioners (GPs), GP mental health workers, policy advisors). In the first online questionnaire, we generated ideas about relevant barriers and facilitators on different implementation levels. These ideas were independently coded by two researchers, and reformulated into unique barriers and facilitators. In round two, participants selected the ten most relevant barriers and facilitators from round one, which were ranked on importance in round three. Results: We identified 42 unique barriers and 57 unique facilitators to the implementation of MUS-interventions. The three highest ranked barriers were all related to time, i.e. too little time for treating complex MUS-patients. The most important facilitator was a positive attitude towards MUS-patients. Results varied somewhat per profession. Conclusion: Key barriers and facilitators to the implementation of MUS-interventions seem to exist on the level of the patient, intervention, professional, organization, and external context. All of these levels should be taken into account in order to increase implementation success of MUS-interventions in primary care

    Summarising salient information on historical controls: A structured assessment of validity and comparability across studies

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    BACKGROUND: While placebo-controlled randomised controlled trials remain the standard way to evaluate drugs for efficacy, historical data are used extensively across the development cycle. This ranges from supplementing contemporary data to increase the power of trials to cross-trial comparisons in estimating comparative efficacy. In many cases, these approaches are performed without in-depth review of the context of data, which may lead to bias and incorrect conclusions. METHODS: We discuss the original 'Pocock' criteria for the use of historical data and how the use of historical data has evolved over time. Based on these factors and personal experience, we created a series of questions that may be asked of historical data, prior to their use. Based on the answers to these questions, various statistical approaches are recommended. The strategy is illustrated with a case study in colorectal cancer. RESULTS: A number of areas need to be considered with historical data, which we split into three categories: outcome measurement, study/patient characteristics (including setting and inclusion/exclusion criteria), and disease process/intervention effects. Each of these areas may introduce issues if not appropriately handled, while some may preclude the use of historical data entirely. We present a tool (in the form of a table) for highlighting any such issues. Application of the tool to a colorectal cancer data set demonstrates under what conditions historical data could be used and what the limitations of such an analysis would be. CONCLUSION: Historical data can be a powerful tool to augment or compare with contemporary trial data, though caution is required. We present some of the issues that may be considered when involving historical data and what (if any) statistical approaches may account for differences between studies. We recommend that, where historical data are to be used in analyses, potential differences between studies are addressed explicitly

    Predictors of new onsets of irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia:the lifelines study

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    BACKGROUND: It has been claimed that functional somatic syndromes share a common etiology. This prospective population-based study assessed whether the same variables predict new onsets of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and fibromyalgia (FM). METHODS: The study included 152 180 adults in the Dutch Lifelines study who reported the presence/absence of relevant syndromes at baseline and follow-up. They were screened at baseline for physical and psychological disorders, socio-demographic, psycho-social and behavioral variables. At follow-up (mean 2.4 years) new onsets of each syndrome were identified by self-report. We performed separate analyses for the three syndromes including participants free of the relevant syndrome or its key symptom at baseline. LASSO logistic regressions were applied to identify which of the 102 baseline variables predicted new onsets of each syndrome. RESULTS: There were 1595 (1.2%), 296 (0.2%) and 692 (0.5%) new onsets of IBS, CFS, and FM, respectively. LASSO logistic regression selected 26, 7 and 19 predictors for IBS, CFS and FM, respectively. Four predictors were shared by all three syndromes, four predicted IBS and FM and two predicted IBS and CFS but 28 predictors were specific to a single syndrome. CFS was more distinct from IBS and FM, which predicted each other. CONCLUSIONS: Syndrome-specific predictors were more common than shared ones and these predictors might form a better starting point to unravel the heterogeneous etiologies of these syndromes than the current approach based on symptom patterns. The close relationship between IBS and FM is striking and requires further research

    Shared demographics and comorbidities in different functional motor disorders

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    Introduction: Functional motor disorders are often delineated according to the dominant motor symptom. In a large cohort, we aimed to find if there were differences in demographics, mode of onset, pain, fatigue, depression and anxiety and levels of physical functioning, quality of life and social adjustment between patients with different dominant motor symptoms. Methods: Baseline data from the Self-Help and Education on the Internet for Functional Motor Disorders Trial was used. Patients were divided into dominant motor symptom groups based on the diagnosis of the referring neurologist. Data on the above topics were collected by means of an online questionnaire and compared between groups using parametric and nonparametric statistics. Results: In 160 patients a dominant motor symptom could be determined, 31 had tremor, 45 myoclonus, 23 dystonia, 30 paresis, 31 gait disorder. No statistical differences between groups were detected for demographics, mode of onset and severity of pain, fatigue, depression and anxiety. Physical functioning was worse in the gait disorder group (median 20, IQR 25) compared to tremor (50 (55), p = 0.002) and myoclonus (50 (52), p = 0.001). Work and social adjustment was less impaired in the myoclonus group (median 20, IQR 18) compared to gait disorder (median 30, IQR18, p < 0.001) and paresis (28, IQR 10, p = 0.001). Self-report showed large overlap in motor symptoms. Conclusion: No differences were detected between groups of functional motor symptoms, regarding demographics, mode of onset, depression, anxiety, pain and fatigue. The large overlap in symptoms contributes to the hypothesis of shared underlying mechanisms of functional motor disorders

    Physician assistants in intensive care units in the Netherlands:a narrative review with recommendations

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    This review is an overview of the current status of the advanced practice provider (APP) working in critical care. After describing the history of the profession, the paper focuses on the literature available. Although a lot of literature is available, the papers are often heterogeneous and comparison with other clinicians remains difficult. The paper zooms in on the situation in the Netherlands and describes the training courses for the physician assistant (PA), the equivalent of the APP, together with the legislation in place. Furthermore, the review elaborates on the potential superimposed value of the PA for the ICU. Because of the limited amount of studies performed in the Dutch situation this review finishes with the conclusions of 15-year-experience and the possible issues which could arise when implementing a PA on the ICU
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