44 research outputs found
English Tourism at Tangkeno as a Tourism Village
This community service program is aimed to improve the ability of Tangkeno youth in serving foreign visitor by using English. This is done due to the examine of the problems commonly faced by the Tangkeno in serving foreign visitor namely: (1) guiding services are still performed by external parties; (2) alternative tourist spots tend to be not visited by visitors who come without a guide, it is caused by the absence of a local guide who can direct visitors to that alternatives spot; and (3) although some residents have been delegated to learn English intensively in Pare, East Java, but they have not been able to serve up to guests.This community service program includes four phases of activities, namely: ((1) preparation, preparation of curriculum and syllabus of learning English Tourism; (2) the determination of the participants; (3) the English tourism training; (4) practice/micro guiding English; and (5 ) writing report. Furthermore, the method used in the training and mentoring include: (1) participatory methods, (2) focus group discussions (FGD) (3) division of the working group (4) practice and training in the classroom, (5) Analysts need. Finally, the resulting output are as follow (1) a local guide in the village Tangkeno; (2) MoU Government of Bombana and Nineteen Universitas Sembilanbelas November Kolaka; and (3) Scientific Publication
Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Bahasa Indonesia Dalam Kegiatan Membaca Intensif Melalui Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Cooperatif Learning Tipe Jigsaw Di Kelas Vii4 SMP Negeri 37 Medan
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membaca intensif siswa dan hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran-Tuntas di kelas VII-4 SMP Negeri 37 Medan. Hasil pembelajaran di SMPN 37 Medan kurang dari 75 dengan daya serap sekitar 49,25. Upaya mengatasi hal tersebut maka dilakukan USAha memperbaiki cara pembelajaran dengan melakukan model pembelajaran Jigsaw. Pada siklus 1 kemampuan belajar siswa sebanyak (69,75) belum memenuhi kriteria ketuntasan minimal. Pada siklus ke 2 peneliti memodifikasi model pembelajaran Jigsaw. Di siklus ke 2 ini siswa dibagi menjadi lima kelompok. Dengan pembagian kelompok ini aktivitas siswa semakin meningkat. Kerjasama siswa tampak lebih meningkat. Di siklus ke 2 hasil belajar siswa sebanyak (82,75) siswa sudah tuntas memenuhi kriteria ketuntasan minimal. Melalui pendekatan belajar tuntas dengan penyampaian materi secara tuntas, perencanaan pembelajaran ini dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik. Kenaikan banyaknya siswa tuntas ini menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran yang didasarkan pada penerapan pembelajaran melalui pendekatan belajar melalui model pembelajaran Jigsaw dengan kombinasi pembelajaran klasikal, kelompok dan individual serta pemecahan masalah dapat membuat siswa aktif dan semakin kreatif
The Analysis of Gesture Used by the Students of English Study Program in the Classroom Interaction at the University of Sembilanbelas November, Kolaka
This research investigated “The Analysis of Gesture Used by Students of English Study Program in the Classroom Interaction at University of Sembilanbelas November, Kolaka”. The research problems were: what kinds of gesture that used by the students in the classroom interaction? And what are the functions of gesture which used by the students? With the objective of the research were to figure out several kinds of gesture that the students used in the classroom and to find out functions of gesture which used by the students. The method that used of this research was The Descriptive-Qualitative Method. The instruments that used in this research, those were observation and interview. The research participants in this research was the students of English Study Program and amounted to about 30 students, the lesson, as schedule in the fourth semester was Speaking Class, at the University of Sembilanbelas November, Kolaka. The results of this research concluded that, there were 29 kinds of the gesture which used by the students in the classroom interaction. And the functions of gesture were used by the students was also variously. But the functions of gesture were used by the students almost all of them were same. It was to show the sign of the tough-minded and stubborn individual, the interest of the student in the conversation, the student was lacking in self-confidence, courtesy and good attitude, showed disagreement, showed self-controlling, authority when argue, the persons' habitual, the persons' forgetfulness, the person's shy nature, the person's confident, showed self, the person enthusiasm when respond something, showed the courtesy, to disguise nervousness, to illustrate numbers, to clarify, gave comment, to express kept the confidence, to express the student felt nervous and insecure
This research was based on the process of inquiry with which the researchers find the problem that needed to be formulated. The problem was the lack of adequate English teaching materials and methods for English learners in the Faculty of Law so that the learning objectives were not achieved maximally. This also led to a lack of interest and motivation to learn. The long-term goal of this research is to provide a significant solution in providing the right teaching materials and methods for English learners as a Foreign Language in the Faculty of Law in the form of syllabus design. In particular, this research aims to provide relevant teaching materials in order to improve the ability to speak English for Law Faculty students so that they can convey their scientific messages in communicating with the proper use of English. This research uses a Qualitative approach with Qualitative Verification method. The participants were six (6) persons selected purposively and consisted of two students of the Faculty of Law, a Law Faculty Lecturer, an employee or a high-ranking prosecutor, and two employees of Jail Kolaka. Data collection techniques used are in-depth interviews, observations, questionnaires, and documentation so that this research instrument is an interview guide, observation sheet, closed questionnaires, and documents. All data were analyzed by using a Coding technique where data were analyzed systematically and objectively to identify characteristics of messages that are more specific so that can bring up a picture of theme sought by researchers. The results of data analysis show that there are some legal topics that can be used as an ideal teaching material for English learner of Faculty of Law such as Legal Issues, Good Governance, International Law, Remission, Case Law, Brach, Law Changing, Constitutional Law, and Career in Law. The proposed learning model is LiWReS (Listen to it, Write what you listen, Read it out loud, and Speak it out in repetition). There are seven (7) tips that can be considered by the faculty to improve motivation, determine the right motives, and increase the interest of English learners Faculty of Law, Universitas Sembilanbelas November Kolaka.
Law Faculty Students' English Proficiency at the Universitas Sembilanbelas November Kolaka: a Needs Analysis
This research was based on the process of inquiry with which the researchers find the problem that needed to be formulated. The problem was the lack of adequate English teaching materials and methods for English learners in the Faculty of Law so that the learning objectives were not achieved maximally. This also led to a lack of interest and motivation to learn. The long-term goal of this research is to provide a significant solution in providing the right teaching materials and methods for English learners as a Foreign Language in the Faculty of Law in the form of syllabus design. In particular, this research aims to provide relevant teaching materials in order to improve the ability to speak English for Law Faculty students so that they can convey their scientific messages in communicating with the proper use of English. This research uses a Qualitative approach with Qualitative Verification method. The participants were six (6) persons selected purposively and consisted of two students of the Faculty of Law, a Law Faculty Lecturer, an employee or a high-ranking prosecutor, and two employees of Jail Kolaka. Data collection techniques used are in-depth interviews, observations, questionnaires, and documentation so that this research instrument is an interview guide, observation sheet, closed questionnaires, and documents. All data were analyzed by using a Coding technique where data were analyzed systematically and objectively to identify characteristics of messages that are more specific so that can bring up a picture of theme sought by researchers. The results of data analysis show that there are some legal topics that can be used as an ideal teaching material for English learner of Faculty of Law such as Legal Issues, Good Governance, International Law, Remission, Case Law, Brach, Law Changing, Constitutional Law, and Career in Law. The proposed learning model is LiWReS (Listen to it, Write what you listen, Read it out loud, and Speak it out in repetition). There are seven (7) tips that can be considered by the faculty to improve motivation, determine the right motives, and increase the interest of English learners Faculty of Law, Universitas Sembilanbelas November Kolaka
Increasing customer equity through customer relationships on social media
This paper aims to propose and test a model of the influence of customer relationships on increasing customer equity, which has implications for consumer purchase intentions of retail products influenced by social media. We sent an online questionnaire to 476 respondents. Data analysis used the AMOS 24 structural equation modeling approach with the stages of measurement models and structural models of hypothesis testing. The study's results explain that the three factors forming a customer relationship can affect an increase in customer equity. Of the three dimensions, only brand equity can increase consumer purchase intentions. Meanwhile, value equity and relationship equity have negative results on purchase intention. Online sales through social media not only focus on the products offered but also require building brand equity, which determines consumer purchase intentions
Pengaruh Mendongeng terhadap Kemampuan Adaptif Anak Keterbelakangan Mental
Kemampuan adaptif sangat diperlukan untuk membantu individu berinteraksi di lingkungannya, hanya saja pada anak dengan keterbelakangan mental kemampuan adaptif ini berkembang jauh di bawah usianya. Salah satu kemampuan adaptif adalah kemampuan berbahasa yang merupakan kemampuan berbahasa dalam artian sosial. Berbahasa dapat berkembang melalui beragam metode dan pendekatan dan salah satunya adalah mendongeng. Masih sangat sedikit penelitian yang mendalami dongeng sehingga peneliti ingin mengetahui peran darinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh mendongeng terhadap kemampuan adaptif yakni pada perkembangan berbahasa anak keterbelakangan mental. Penelitian ini bermanfaat bagi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan psikologi perkembangan, klinis, dan pendidikan serta bagi para orang tua yang memiliki anak dengan keterbelakangan mental juga bagi para guru dan professional yang membantu memberikan penanganan pada anak keterbelakangan mental. Penelitian ini bersifat eksperimental dengan teknik Repeated Measures Design. Teknik analisis statistik yang digunakan adalah metode Friedman repeated measurement. Subyek penelitian ini adalah 3 orang anak usia 9-12 tahun dengan taraf kecerdasan MR Ringan. Pengukuran kemampuan adaptif pada subyek penelitian adalah dengan skala perilaku adaptif dari AAMD yang dilakukan berulang sebanyak tiga kali setelah sesi mendongeng dilaksanakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa memberikan penanganan dengan dongeng secara rutin sebanyak sembilan kali berturut-turut selama tiga minggu berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kemampuan adaptif yaitu perkembangan bahasa anak dengan keterbelakangan mental
Development and evaluation of massive open online course (MOOC) as a supplementary learning tool: an initial study
The popularity of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) is prevalent among researchers and practitioners as a new paradigm of open education resource. Since the development of this technology may entail enormous investment, it is critical for institutions to clearly plan the process in designing, developing and evaluating MOOCs that fulfill the needs of target users while keeping the investment to a minimum. Evaluation plays a vital role in assuring that the developed product meets user's satisfaction. This study presents the process of developing a MOOC as a supplementary learning tool for students in a higher education and its usability evaluation which are rarely discussed in detail in prior literatures. Evaluation was done through a questionnaire and the items were adapted from Computer System Usability Questionnaire (CSUQ). The MOOC development process in this research which was based on the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation) model and the MOOC usability evaluation results enrich existing literatures on MOOC. Overall, findings showed that users were satisfied with the developed MOOC with most of the items gained high mean score above 4.00. When respondents were asked to comment on the strength of the MOOC, the most prominent one turned out to be the MOOC's ability to make students' learning easier