11 research outputs found

    Nutrition of children with urinary tract infections till the age of 3 years in Varna region

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    Кърменето е доказан протективен фактор по отношение на инфекциите в детска възраст, като дискутабилен и слабо проучен е ефектът му върху инфекциите на пикочните пътища.Цел: Да се оценят практиките на кърмене сред деца с инфекции на пикочните пътища до тригодишна възраст във Варненска област.Материали и методи: Проведено е срезово проучване на честотата, продължителността и вида на кърмене при деца до тригодишна възраст с инфекции на пикочните пътища във Варненска област. Анкетирани са родителите на 108 деца - амбулаторни или хоспитализирани пациенти с диагностицирана инфекция на пикочните пътища на възраст от 0 до 3 години. Анкетата проучва характеристиките на хранене от родилния дом до момента на заболяването. Статистическата обработка на резултатите от анкетните карти е извършена с помощта на статистически софтуер SPSS (v. 17.0). За сравнение между групите на изследваните лица бяха използвани χ2 тест на Pearson, t-тест на Student и корелация по Pearson. При всички използвани анализи за статистически достоверни бяха приети различия при ниво на значимост p<0,05.Резултати: По време на диагностициране на инфекцията на пикочните пътища 94 деца (87%) са кърмени. Средната продължителност на кърменето сред тях е 7,79±0,8 месеца. Въобще не са кърмени 13% (n=14) от децата. Преобладаващата част от заболелите деца - 62 случая или 57.4%, не са били кърмени изключително. Изключителното кърмене сред децата с инфекции на пикочните пътища продължава 3,39±0,3 месеца, a вода е дадена на 1,74±0,2 месечна възраст. Средната възраст на захранване сред нашите участници в проучването е 4,8±0,1 месеца.Изводи: Инфекциите на пикочните пътища при деца до тригодишна възраст във Варненска област се развиват на фона на предимно заместващо или преобладаващо хранене. Изключителното кърмене на тези деца се среща рядко и е по-кратко от препоръките на Европейското дружество по детска гастроентерология, хепатология и хранене.Proven benefits of breastfeeding is that is reduces the risk of some respiratory tract infections in childhood, but it is stil questionable if it has protective effect against urinary tract infections.Aim: To evaluate breastfeeding practices among children with urinary tract infections from birth till three years in Varna region.Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in children under three years of age with urinary tract infections in Varna region. The frequency, duration and type of breastfeeding were assessed. A total of 108 questionnaires were administered to parents of children (from birth till 3 years) - inpatients or outpatients diagnosed with urinary tract infection. The survey assessed their characteristics of nutrition from birth until the the beginning of disease. For the analysis, SPSS version 17 wass used. Frequencies and descriptive statistics were analyzed. For comparison between groups of individuals tested χ2 test of Pearson, t-test of Student and correlation by Pearson were used. In all the analyzes statistically significant differences were accepted at p <0,05.Results: Аt the diagnosis of urinary tract infections 94 children (87%) were breastfed. Never breastfed were 13% (n=14) of children. The majority of infected children - 62 cases or 57.4% were not breastfed exclusively. Exclusive breastfeeding among children with urinary tract infections continued till 3,39±0,3 months, and water was given to them at the age of 1,74±0,2 months. The mean age of initiation of complementary feeding among our respondents was 4,85±0,1 months.Conclusions: Urinary tract infections in children under 3 years of age in Varna region is developing among mostly formula fed children. Exclusive breastfeeding in these children is rare and is shorter than the recommendations of European society of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition

    Bee Honey Consumption Among the Population of Varna

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    Honey bees produce unique products that provide health and promote human longevity. Honey is the best known and most widely consumed substance produced by bees. The purpose of this study is to assess the role of bee honey for the nutrition of Varna citizens and the level of their awareness about the benefits of honey and bee products. A total of 438 individuals from the town of Varna at an average age of 42,90±10,90 years (range, 27 to 83 years) were recruited. They filled-in a questionnaire about their nutritive habits in regard to honey. Respondents were divided into two age groups - aged up to 40 and above 40 years old. The study shows that people aged over 40 years consume more often honey every day compared to those aged up to 40 years (p<0,05). Besides 20,55% of all the respondents consume honey every day, 13,47% do only in winter and 14,84% - only when they are ill. Only 5,94% of the respondents do not consume honey at all. Over half of the respondents (60,50%) share that they would consume honey more often. In 46,35% of the respondents honey has been used as a sweetener. A total of 32,65% respondents replace sugar with honey always when possible, 50,68% of them do it occasionally only, and 15,30% never do it. People under the age of 40 years hardly replace sugar with honey when possible. Only 33,79% of the respondents consume honey as food. This is more common among subjects aged up to 40 years (p<0,05). In 24,20% of the cases honey is a means for treatment of diseases. The majority of respondents (92,69%) believe that bee products are useful because they are natural, contain essential ingredients for the human body and strengthen the immune system


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    Background: A diet rich in seafood has been linked to a variety of health benefits. While worldwide overfishing results in declining fish stocks, the growing demand for alternative sources of marine lipids has been expected. Rapana venosa (veined Rapa whelk) has become valuable seafood with nutritional and economic importance in the Black Sea region. Purpose: The aim of the present study was to provide knowledge about biologically active lipids in Black Sea Rapana venosa, harvested in the region of Varna. Material/Methods: Lipid classes were separated and purified by column and thin-layer chromatography. The saponifiable lipid fraction was derivatized into fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) and analysed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Non-saponifiable lipids were identified by high pressure liquid chromatography coupled with UV/Vis and fluorescence detectors (HPLC-UV-FL). Results: Rapana venosa was characterized by low lipid content (0.50 g.100g-1 ww) with beneficial PUFA/SFA and n-6/n-3 ratios and high content of vitamin D3 and astaxanthin. Lipids comprised mainly of polar lipids. Polyunsaturated fatty acids represented more than 50% of total fatty acids, most abundant being from the omega-3 series. Sum of EPA and DHA accounted at 40.8% of total fatty acids. Lipid quality indices indicated the good anti-atherogenic and atni-trombogenic properties (AI and TI < 1) of rapana meat. Conclusions: The study revealed that Rapana venosa from the Black Sea is a good source of high quality marine lipids and presents а high potential for developing functional foods and/or dietary supplements with beneficial health effects

    Needle mesotherapy

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    Микронидлингът, известен още като терапия за стимулация на колагеновия синтез, е уникален иновативен метод, насочен към решаването на различни естетични проблеми и профилактика на възрастови изменения на кожата. Този метод представлява система, използваща техниката на микроперфорация. Образуваните микроканали позволяват по-лесно проникване на активните вещества в дермата на кожата. Благодарение на това се стимулира синтезът на колаген и еластин с минимално увреждане на епидермиса. В настоящия материал се разглеждат спектърът на терапевтичните индикации, основни принципи, механизъм на действие и странични ефекти на този съвременен метод.Microneedling, also known as a therapy used to stimulate the synthesis of collagen, is a unique innovative method oriented to solving different aesthetic problems as well as staving off the signs of aging. In fact, this method is a whole system, which uses microneedling techniques. The tiny punctures act like little channels and they allow the active substance to penetrate the dermis of the skin. Due to it synthesis of collagen and elastin is stimulated and minimal damage to the epidermis is caused. The present project considers the spectrum of therapeutic indications, basic principles and the mechanism of its work and the side effects it may produce

    Study of breastfeeding practices in Varna region

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    Правилното хранене на детето в неонаталния и кърмаческия период е предпоставка за нормално физическо и нервно-психическо развитие с възможни дълготрайни здравни ефекти. Цел: Целта на проведеното проучване е да се оценят практиките на кърмене във Варненска област. Материали и методи: През месеците май-септември 2013 г. е проведено транзверзално проучване за честотата и практиките на кърмене във Варненска област. Анкетирани на случаен принцип са 286 жени на средна възраст 33 год. ( 3,3) (от 18 до 42 год.) за начина на хранене на децата им от раждането до края на третата година. Данните са обработени статистически чрез вариационен и алтернативен анализ и сравнени с критерия на Стюдънт-Фишер при ниво на значимост p< 0,05. Резултати: Резултатите от нашето проучване показват, че бебетата са поставени на гърда средно на 17,7 ми час след раждането (от 1ви до 192 ри час). Родилите със секцио жени са започнали да кърмят средно на 26 ти час (1 ви - 192 ри) след раждането, докато родилите по нормален път - средно на 10 ти час (от 1ви до 72 ри час) (p< 0,05) . Жените с висше образование кърмят по-продължително в сравнение с тези със средно образование (9,19% vs 6,04%) (p< 0,05). Едва 4,5% от децата (n=4) са кърмени до 24 месеца. Обсъждане: Участниците в нашата анкета започват да кърмят късно след раждането. Продължителността на кърмене на децата е малка и не отговаря на съвременните препоръки на СЗО, но се наблюдават положителни тенденции в сравнение с предишни проучвания.Optimal nutrition of the child in the neonatal period and infancy is a prerequisite for normal physical and neuro-psychological development and for possible long-term health effects. Our study was aimed at revealing breastfeeding practices in the first couple of years of children`s life. Aim of the study: The aim of this study is to assess the breastfeeding practices in Varna region. Materials and Methods: A transverse study of breastfeeding practices is conducted over a period of 5 months- May - September 2013 in Varna region. A total of 286 questionnaires are administered for the study period. Women (mean age of the respondents was 33 years 3.3) who have born their children with cesaerian section or had vaginal delivery are radomly recruited after obtaining informed consent for inclusion in the study. Questionnaires include questions regarding the nutrition of children from birth until the end of the third year. The data is processed statistically by means of variation and alternative analysis and compared with the criterion Student-Fisher at significance level

    Royal jelly - a promising product for the pharmaceutical industry

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    Royal jelly is a bee product, unique in its composition and biological activity. Its proven biochemical properties attract the attention of researchers in recent years. Bee products including royal jelly are valuable components of the modern pharmaceutical industry. Either used as food or food supplements, they promote health and longevity, increasing the chances for adaptation.Objective of this review is to focus on the biological activity of royal jelly and its role in human health.The review is made referring to publications found in Science Direct and BioMed Central

    Trace Elements and Omega-3 Fatty Acids of Wild and Farmed Mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) Consumed in Bulgaria: Human Health Risks

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    The unique, closed ecosystem of the Black Sea is of significant global importance. The levels and health risk of some trace elements (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn) in wild and farmed mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) collected from the Bulgarian part of the Black Sea were determined and using different approaches such as Estimated Daily Intake (EDI), Target Hazard Quotient (THQ), Hazard Index (HI), Target risk (TR), human health risk levels were assessed. The mean maximum concentrations of the elements Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn in all mussel samples were below the maximum permissible limits (MPLs) except that which exceeded the limit of 2.00 mg/kg ww. Eicosapentaenoic (EPA, 20:5n-3) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n-3) were the major polyunsaturated fatty acids. The fatty acids profile studied mussels showed that the farmed mussels had higher PUFA/SFA ratios, DHA and EPA + DHA content and lower SFA, AI and TI values. The target risk (TR) values for Pb, Cr, Ni and As were calculated, evaluated and showed acceptable or negligible levels. Target hazard quotients (THQs) and hazard index (HI) from elemental intake were below 1 indicated no hazard from consumption. The benefit–risk ratio indicated that wild and cultured M. galloprovincialis are safe for human consumption

    Risk Assessment of Essential and Toxic Elements in Freshwater Fish Species from Lakes near Black Sea, Bulgaria

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    The aims of this study were to measure the concentrations of selected toxic and essential elements in the muscle tissue of five common freshwater fish species (roach (Rutilus rutilus), freshwater bream (Abramis brama), prussian carp (Carassius gibelio), crucian carp (Carassius carassius) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio)) from Lake Burgas and Lake Mandra (Bulgaria). In all samples the levels of Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Fe and Zn were under the maximum allowed concentrations for safe human consumption in Bulgaria and ranged as follows: Cd 0.02&ndash;0.05; Cr 0.03&ndash;0.06; Cu 0.11&ndash;0.20; Mn 0.05&ndash;0.71; Ni 0.06&ndash;0.11; Pb 0.15&ndash;0.27, Fe 1.68&ndash;5.86 and Zn 1.94&ndash;9.06 mg/kg wet weight. The concentration of As was under detection limit. An assessment of the human risk by calculation of the target hazard quotients (THQ), hazard index (HI) and target risk (TR) was performed. The target hazard quotient (THQ) for individual elements and HI for combined metals were lower than 1, indicating no health risk for consumers due to the intake of either individual or combined metals. The target risk for iAs, Pb and Ni was below 10&minus;6, indicating no carcinogenic risk. According to these results, the consumption of these freshwater fish species is safe for human health