45 research outputs found
Low-temperature thermionic emitter Final report, 9 Feb. 1969 - 9 Apr. 1970
Fabrication processes for integrated vacuum circuits and life tests of dual triodes for low temperature thermionic emitter
The Impact of ADHD on Student Learning in the K through 12 Classrooms
This research explores what students diagnosed with Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) identify as important helping them learn in grades K-12 and beyond. Without the provision of appropriate supports and strategies, students diagnosed with ADHD are at a greater risk of dropping out of high school. The official definition of ADHD has been a moving target and this, in turn, has led to confusion about what ADHD ‘is” and the educational supports that appropriately help students diagnosed with ADHD learn (American Psychiatric Association, 1980; American Psychiatric Association, 1994; American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Moreover, efforts to understand what supports help students with ADHD tend to ignore one key population: the students themselves. The purpose of this qualitative research is to develop a deeper understanding of what supports students with ADHD deem(ed) helpful to learning by drawing on the information that the students, themselves, provide (Creswell, 2012, p. 206). In-depth interviews were conducted with three students formally diagnosed as ‘having’ ADHD. Data was then analyzed so that overall supports and strategies across cases could be identified. The theme of this data analysis was that medication may help students in college but not as much in the K through 12 classrooms. Testing accommodations was another theme throughout all of these interviews. All participants talked about how teachers need to work with students individually, and that they did not provide them with adequate “accommodations.” Future implications suggest professional development on interventions and medications, supporting a student based on individual needs, and more research conducted about strategies and supports that would be beneficial for students with ADHD
Deaf Workers Prioritized Workplace Expectations: A Qualitative Study
Employment can still be problematic for many deaf workers, especially those who are prelingually deaf. This article reports qualitative research regarding workplace behavior expectations of deaf workers and their hearing employers. This piece focuses on the signed responses of the participants (N =24) ranking job competencies. The results indicate a lack of correspondence between the respondents and their employers. This article supports the idea of rehabilitation counselors, employers and deaf employees utilizing Correspondence Theory as a framework for ensuring successful job placements for prelingually deaf adults
Jubilæumsudgaver af forbrugsvarer
I de seneste år har det syntes populært for designvirksomheder at redesigne en udgave af et allerede eksisterende produkt under termen jubilæumsudgave. I januar 2015 lancerede møbelvirksomheden Republic of Fritz Hansen en 60 års jubilæumsudgave af virksomhedens mest solgte stol: Arne Jacobsens Serie 7 stol – også kendt som Syver-stolen. Året før, i 2014, fejrede keramikvirksomheden Kähler deres 175 års jubilæum med en nyfortolkning af virksomhedens mest solgte vase, Omaggio vasen. Opgaven her undersøger, hvad det er, der gør en jubilæumsudgave af en forbrugsvare til noget særligt - og ydermere, om en jubilæumsudgave tillægger en allerede symbolsk forbrugsvare yderligere symbolsk betydning. Undersøgelsen baserer sig på en komparativ analyse af de ovenfornævnte jubilæumsudgaver
Evolutionary and plastic changes in a native annual plant after a historic drought
Severe droughts are forecast to increase with global change. Approaches that enable the study of contemporary evolution, such as resurrection studies, are valuable for providing insights into the responses of populations to global change. In this study, we used a resurrection approach to study the evolution of the California native Leptosiphon bicolor (true babystars, Polemoniaceae) across populations differing in precipitation in response to the state\u27s recent prolonged drought (2011–2017). In the Mediterranean climate region in which L. bicolor grows, this historic drought effectively shortened its growing season. We used seeds collected both before and after this drought from three populations found along a moisture availability gradient to assess contemporary evolution in a common garden greenhouse study. We coupled this with a drought experiment to examine plasticity. We found evolution toward earlier flowering after the historic drought in the wettest of the three populations, while plasticity to experimental drought was observed across all three. We also observed trade-offs associated with earlier flowering. In the driest population, plants that flowered earlier had lower intrinsic water-use efficiency than those flowering later, which was an expected pattern. Unexpectedly, earlier flowering plants had larger flowers. Two populations exhibited evolution and plasticity toward smaller flowers with drought. The third exhibited evolution toward larger flowers, but displayed no plasticity. Our results provide valuable insights into differences among native plant populations in response to drought
Kan Eye Tracking forbedre trafiksikkerheden?
Det politiske mål om maksimalt 120 dræbte i trafikken i 2020 ser ikke ud til at blive indfriet, og en stor del af trafikulykkerne skyldes helt eller delvis manglende opmærksomhed. Dette antages ikke mindst at foregå ifm. brug af spejle mv., under specielt svingningsmanøvrer. Der er antagelig brug for nye metoder til at opnå større viden om trafikulykker for at forebygge dem. Derfor er det undersøgt, om Eye Tracking teknologien kan anvendes i forbindelse med ulykkesbekæmpelse. Det er sket i et pilotprojekt, som tog udgangspunkt i et studie, hvor otte forsøgspersoner bar Eye Tracking udstyr, imens de gennemkørte en rute i Aalborg, for at undersøge brug af spejle og lignende. Ruten inkluderede to sorte pletter. Det blev undersøgt, hvordan forsøgspersonerne orienterer sig igennem de sorte pletter, og resultaterne blev sammenholdt med optegningen af ulykkerne i Vejman. Igennem analyse af det indsamlet data, blev fire potentieller ulykkestyper fundet. To af ulykkestyperne var sammenlignelige og var allerede af finde i de optegnede ulykker i Vejman, og to nye potentieller ulykkestyper blev fundet. Disse to potentieller ulykkestyper, er ulykkestyperne, der ikke er registreret, men resultaterne fra Eye Tracking studiet viser generelt manglende orienteringen i trafikken. Eye Tracking teknologien kan derved bidrage med ny viden, som kan anvendes i en mere målrettet ulykkesbekæmpelse
Prevalence of Bordetella pertussis and Bordetella parapertussis in Samples Submitted for RSV Screening
Background: The clinical presentation of Bordetella pertussis can overlap with that of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV); however, management differs.Hypothesis: First, the prevalence of B. pertussis is less than 2% among patients screened for RSV, and second the prevalence of B. parapertussis is also less than 2% among these patients.Methods: Nasal washings submitted to a clinical laboratory for RSV screening were tested for B. pertussis and B. parapertussis, using species-specific real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays. These were optimized to target conserved regions within a complement gene and the CarB gene, respectively. A Bordetella spp. genus-specific real-time PCR assay was designed to detect the Bhur gene of B. pertussis, B. parapertussis, and B. bronchiseptica. RSV A and B subtypes were tested by reverse transcription-PCR.Results: Four hundred and eighty-nine clinical samples were tested. There was insufficient material to complete testing for one B. pertussis, 10 RSV subtype A, and four RSV subtype B assays. Bordetella pertussis was detected in 3/488 (0.6%) (95% CI 0.1% to 1.8%), while B. parapertussis was detected in 5/489 (1.0%) (95% CI 0.3% to 2.4%). Dual infection of B. pertussis with RSV and of B. parapertussis with RSV occurred in two and in three cases respectively. RSV was detected by PCR in 127 (26.5%).Conclusion: The prevalence of B. pertussis in nasal washings submitted for RSV screening was less than 2%. The prevalence of parapertussis may be higher than 2%. RSV with B. pertussis and RSV with B. parapertussis coinfection do occur.[WestJEM. 2008;9:135-140.