40 research outputs found

    An Online Educational Program Improves Pediatric Oncology Nurses’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Spiritual Care Competence

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    This study evaluated the potential impact of an online spiritual care educational program on pediatric nurses’ attitudes toward and knowledge of spiritual care and their competence to provide spiritual care to children with cancer at the end of life. It was hypothesized that the intervention would increase nurses’ positive attitudes toward and knowledge of spiritual care and increase nurses’ level of perceived spiritual care competence. A positive correlation was expected between change in nurses’ perceived attitudes toward and knowledge of spiritual care and change in nurses’ perceived spiritual care competence. A prospective, longitudinal design was employed, and analyses included one-way repeated-measures analysis of variance, linear regression, and partial correlation. Statistically significant differences were found in nurses’ attitudes toward and knowledge of spiritual care and nurses’ perceived spiritual care competence. There was a positive relationship between change scores in nurses’ attitudes toward and knowledge of spiritual care and nurses’ spiritual care competence. Online spiritual care educational programs may exert a lasting impact on nurses’ attitudes toward and knowledge of spiritual care and their competence to provide spiritual care to children with cancer at the end of life. Additional studies are required to evaluate the direct effects of educational interventions patient outcomes

    Beyond Cervical Length: A Pilot Study of Ultrasonic Attenuation for Early Detection of Preterm Birth Risk

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    The purpose of this study was to determine whether cervical ultrasonic attenuation could identify women at risk of spontaneous preterm birth. During pregnancy, women (n = 67) underwent from one to five transvaginal ultrasonic examinations to estimate cervical ultrasonic attenuation and cervical length. Ultrasonic data were obtained with a Zonare ultrasound system with a 5- to 9-MHz endovaginal transducer and processed offline. Cervical ultrasonic attenuation was lower at 17–21 wk of gestation in the SPTB group (1.02 dB/cm-MHz) than in the full-term birth groups (1.34 dB/cm-MHz) (p = 0.04). Cervical length was shorter (3.16 cm) at 22–26 wk in the SPTB group than in the women delivering full term (3.68 cm) (p = 0.004); cervical attenuation was not significantly different at this time point. These findings suggest that low attenuation may be an additional early cervical marker to identify women at risk for SPTB

    A Test of Kangaroo Care on Preterm Infant Breastfeeding

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    To test the effects of kangaroo care (KC) on breastfeeding outcomes in preterm infants compared to two control groups and to explore whether maternal-infant characteristics and the mother’s choice to use KC were related to breastfeeding measures

    Pilot Study Protocol of a Mhealth Self‐Management Intervention for Family Members of Pediatric Transplant Recipients

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    Solid‐organ transplantation is the treatment of choice for end‐stage organ failure. Parents of pediatric transplant recipients who reported a lack of readiness for discharge had more difficulty coping and managing their child\u27s medically complex care at home. In this paper, we describe the protocol for the pilot study of a mHealth intervention (myFAMI). The myFAMI intervention is based on the Individual and Family Self‐Management Theory and focuses on family self‐management of pediatric transplant recipients at home. The purpose of the pilot study is to test the feasibility of the myFAMI intervention with family members of pediatric transplant recipients and to test the preliminary efficacy on postdischarge coping through a randomized controlled trial. The sample will include 40 family units, 20 in each arm of the study, from three pediatric transplant centers in the United States. Results from this study may advance nursing science by providing insight for the use of mHealth to facilitate patient/family–nurse communication and family self‐management behaviors for family members of pediatric transplant recipients

    Depressive symptoms in the second trimester relate to low oxytocin levels in African-American women: a pilot study

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    Low-income African-American women report elevated prenatal depressive symptoms more often (42 %) than the national average (20 %). In the USA in 2012, 16.5 % of African-American women experienced a premature birth (less than 36 completed gestational weeks) compared to 10.3 % of white women. In addition, 13 % of African-American women had a low-birth weight infant (less than 2,500 g) compared to 7 % of white women. Variation in the neuropeptide, oxytocin has been implicated in perinatal depression, maternal behavior, regulation of stress responses, and may be associated with this health disparity. The purpose of this investigation was to examine factors associated with prenatal depressive symptoms, including plasma oxytocin levels and birth weight, in a sample of urban African-American women. Pregnant African-American women (N = 57) completed surveys and had blood drawn twice during pregnancy at 15-22 weeks and 25-37 weeks. In addition, birth data were collected from medical records. A large number of participants reported elevated prenatal depressive symptoms at the first (n = 20, 35 %) and the second (n = 19, 33 %) data points. Depressive symptoms were higher in multigravidas (t(51) = -2.374, p = 0.02), women with higher anxiety (r(47) = 0.71, p = 0.001), women who delivered their infants at an earlier gestational age (r(51) = -0.285, p = 0.04), and those without the support of the infant's father (F(4, 48) = 2.676, p = 0.04). Depressive symptoms were also higher in women with low oxytocin levels than in women with high oxytocin levels (F(2, 47) = 3.3, p = 0.05). In addition, women who had low oxytocin tended to have infants with lower birth weights (F(2, 47) = 2.9, p = 0.06). Neither prenatal depressive symptoms nor prenatal oxytocin levels were associated with premature birth. Pregnant multigravida African-American women with increased levels of anxiety and lacking the baby's father's support during the pregnancy are at higher risk for prenatal depressive symptoms. Prenatal depressive symptoms are associated with low oxytocin levels and lower infant birth weights. Further research is needed to understand the mechanisms between prenatal depressive symptoms, oxytocin, and birth weight in order to better understand this health disparity

    Relationship of Maternal Psychological Distress Classes to Later Mother-Infant Interaction, Home Environment, and Infant Development in Preterm Infants: MATERNAL PSYCHOLOGICAL DISTRESS

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    Latent class analyses can be used early in the postpartum period to identify mothers of preterm infants experiencing similar patterns of psychological distress symptoms, but whether these classes of mothers also differ in parental responses to their infants or in their infants’ development is largely unknown. In this longitudinal multisite repeated measures study, we evaluated the usefulness of three psychological distress classes (low distress, high depressive and anxiety symptoms, and extreme distress) in predicting mother-infant interactions, quality of home environment, and infant development in 229 mother-preterm infant pairs. Mothers completed psychological distress questionnaires at study entry; parent-infant interaction was recorded at two and six months of age corrected for prematurity; and infant developmental data were collected 12 months corrected age. Mothers in the extreme distress class engaged in more developmental stimulation at two months (β = 0.99, p < 0.01) and at six months (β = 1.38, p < 0.01) than mothers in the other classes and had better quality of home environment at two months (β = 2.52, p = 0.03). When not controlling for neurological insult, infants of mothers in the extreme distress class had poorer cognitive (β = −10.28, p = 0.01) and motor (β = −15.12, p < 0.01) development scores at 12 months corrected age than infants of mothers in the other distress classes, but after controlling for infant neurological insult, there were no differences in cognitive, motor and language development based on maternal psychological distress class

    One Size Does Not Fit All: Discharge Teaching and Child Challenging Behaviors

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    This study compares quality of discharge teaching and care coordination for parents of children with challenging behaviors participating in a nursing implementation project, which used an interactive iPad application, to usual discharge care. Unlike parents in the larger quasi-experimental longitudinal project, parents of children with challenging behaviors receiving the discharge teaching application (n = 14) reported lower mean scores on the quality of discharge teaching scale–delivery subscale (M = 8.2, SD = 3.1) than parents receiving usual care (n = 11) (M = 9.6, SD = 4.7) and lower scores on the Care Transition Measure (M = 2.44, SD = 1.09) than parents receiving usual care (M = 3.02, SD = 0.37), with moderate to large effects (0.554–0.775). The discharge teaching approach was less effective with this subset, suggesting other approaches might be considered for this group of parents. Further study with a larger sample specific to parents of children with challenging behaviors is needed to assess their unique needs and to optimize their discharge experience

    Risk Factors for Postpartum Depressive Symptoms in Low-Income Women With Very Low-Birth-Weight Infants

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    PURPOSE: This study examined factors associated with postpartum depressive symptoms in mothers with premature infants in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). SUBJECTS: A total of 113 new mothers with very low-birth-weight infants in their initial NICU admission were recruited from 2 urban hospitals servicing low-income minority communities. DESIGN: This study employed a cross-sectional design. METHODS: Data were collected during the infants' postpartum NICU admission and included maternal demographic information (eg, age, education, race, living with the baby's father), infant illness severity (Neurobiologic Risk Score from infant's medical record), and maternal psychological measures (the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale, the Perinatal Posttraumatic Stress Questionnaire, and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory). RESULTS: The findings indicated that 47 (42%) women had elevated postpartum depressive symptoms and 33 (30%) women had elevated postpartum posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSs). Factors associated with postpartum depressive symptoms included PTS, anxiety, maternal age, and whether the mother lived with the baby's father (F₄, ₁₀₄ = 52.27, P < .001). The severity of the infants' illness, parental stress, and maternal education were not associated with depressive symptoms among low-income mothers of NICU infants. CONCLUSIONS: On the basis of our findings, we recommend that low-income women should be screened for symptoms of anxiety, posttraumatic stress, and postpartum depression on their infants' admission to the NICU. When this is not feasible, we advise NICU healthcare providers to assess women for familial support, maternal age, posttraumatic stress related to their infants birth, and anxiety to determine which mothers are at the greatest risk for postpartum depressive symptoms. Screening for postpartum depression in the NICU can aid in early identification and treatment, thereby decreasing negative consequences for mothers and their infants

    Using the Engaging Parents in Education for Discharge (\u3cem\u3ee\u3c/em\u3ePED) iPad Application to Improve Parent Discharge Experience

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    Purpose The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of the Engaging Parents in Education for Discharge (ePED) iPad application on parent experiences of hospital discharge teaching and care coordination. Hypotheses were: parents exposed to discharge teaching using ePED will have 1) higher quality of discharge teaching and 2) better care coordination than parents exposed to usual discharge teaching. The secondary purpose examined group differences in the discharge teaching, care coordination, and 30-day readmissions for parents of children with and without a chronic condition. Design/Methods Using a quasi-experimental design, ePED was implemented on one inpatient unit (n = 211) and comparison group (n = 184) from a separate unit at a pediatric academic medical center. Patient experience outcome measures collected on day of discharge included Quality of Discharge Teaching Scale-Delivery (QDTS-D) and care coordination measured by Care Transition Measure (CTM). Thirty-day readmission was abstracted from records. Results Parents taught using ePED reported higher QDTS-D scores than parents without ePED (p = .002). No differences in CTM were found between groups. Correlations between QDTS-D and CTM were small for ePED (r = 0.14, p 0.03) and non-ePED (r = 0.29, p \u3c .001) parent groups. CTM was weakly associated with 30-day readmissions in the ePED group. Conclusion The use of ePED by the discharging nurse enhances parent-reported quality of discharge teaching. Practice implications The ePED app is a theory-based structured conversation guide to engage parents in discharge preparation. Nursing implementation of ePED contributes to optimizing the patient/family healthcare experience

    Engaging Parents in Education for Discharge (\u3cem\u3ee\u3c/em\u3ePED): Evaluating the Reach, Adoption & Implementation of an Innovative Discharge Teaching Method

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    Purpose This paper describes the evaluation of the implementation of an innovative teaching method, the “Engaging Parents in Education for Discharge” (ePED) iPad application (app), at a pediatric hospital. Design and methods The Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, and Maintenance (RE-AIM) framework was used to guide the evaluation. Three of the five RE-AIM elements are addressed in this study: Reach, Adoption, and Implementation. Results The Reach of the ePED was 245 of 1015 (24.2%) patient discharges. The Adoption rate was 211 of 245 (86%) patients discharged in the five months\u27 study period. High levels of fidelity (89.3%) to Implementation of the ePED were attained: the Signs and Symptoms domain had the highest (93%) and Thinking Forward about Family Adjustment screen had the lowest fidelity (83.3%). Nurse themes explained implementation fidelity: “It takes longer”, and “Forgot to do it.” Conclusions The ePED app operationalized how to have an engaging structured discharge conversation with parents. While the Reach of the ePED app was low under the study conditions, the adoption rate was positive. Nurses were able to integrate a theory-driven practice change into their daily routine when using the ePED app. Implications for practice The rates of adoption and implementation fidelity support the feasibility of future hospital wide implementation to improve patient and family healthcare experience. Attention to training of new content and the interactive conversation approach will be needed to fully leverage the value of the ePED app. Future studies are needed to evaluate the maintenance of the ePED app