45 research outputs found

    The incidence and modifiable risk factors for necrotizing enterocolitis inpreterm infants a retrospective cohort study

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    Objectives: To evaluate the incidence and modifiable risk factors for Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) in preterm infants born at ≤32 weeks of gestation weighing \u3c1500 grams, at a private tertiary care hospital in Kenya. Materials and methods: This retrospective cohort study was conducted at the Aga Khan University Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Preterm infants born at ≤ 32 weeks’ gestation and weighing \u3c1500 grams admitted to NICU between 2009 and 2019, were recruited into the study. The primary outcome was NEC Bell Stage IIa-IIIb based on Modified Bell’s criteria. Maternal and neonatal characteristics were evaluated. The association between variables of interest and NEC was determined using logistic regression analysis and the incidence of NEC for the study period was calculated. Results: A total of 261 charts of infants born at ≤ 32 weeks’ gestation, weighing \u3c1500 were reviewed, and 200 charts met the inclusion criteria. Fifteen preterm infants developed the primary outcome of interest: NEC Stage ≥2a within the first 30 days of admission. The overall incidence of NEC for the study period was 7.5%. Three risk factors were identified as significantly associated with NEC on multivariate logistic regression analysis: antenatal exposure to steroids (OR = 0.056 CI = 0.003-0.964 p = 0.047), cumulative duration of exposure to invasive mechanical ventilation (OR = 2.172 CI = 1.242-3.799 p = 0.007) and cumulative duration of exposure to umbilical vein catheter (OR = 1.344 CI = 1.08-1.672 p = 0.008). Conclusions: The overall incidence for the study period of NEC Stage ≥ II a was 7.5%. Exposure to antenatal steroids, duration of mechanical ventilation, and duration of umbilical vein catheterization were three independent modifiable risk factors for NEC Stage II a-Stage III b

    Cross-sectional survey on prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms at a tertiary care health facility in Nairobi

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    Background:Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is the most common childhood neurobehavioral disorder with well documented adverse consequences in adolescence and adulthood, yet 60-80% of cases go undiagnosed. Routine screening is not practiced in most pediatric outpatient services and little information exists on factors associated with the condition in developing countries. Methods:This was a questionnaire based cross-sectional survey whose primary objective was to determine prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms in children aged 6-12 years attending a tertiary care hospital Accidents and Emergency unit. Secondary objectives were to: (i) ascertain if physical injury and poor academic performance were associated with ADHD, (ii) compare diagnostic utility of parent-filled Vanderbilt Assessment Scale (VAS) against Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV (DSM-IV) as the gold reference and (iii) establish if there exists an association between ADHD symptoms cluster and co-morbid conditions. Results:Prevalence of cluster of symptoms consistent with ADHD was 6.3% (95% CI; 3.72-10.33) in 240 children studied. Those affected were more likely to repeat classes than the asymptomatic (OR 20.2; 95% CI 4.02-100.43). Additionally, 67% of the symptomatic had previously experienced burns and 37% post-traumatic open wounds. The odds of having an injury in the symptomatic was 2.9 (95% CI; 1.01-8.42) compared to the asymptomatic. Using DSM-IV as reference, VAS had a sensitivity of 66.7% (95%; CI 39.03-87.12) and specificity of 99.0% (95% CI; 96.1-99.2). Positive predictive value was 83.0% (95% CI; 50.4-97.3) and negative predictive value 98.0% (CI 95.1-99.1). Oppositional defiant disorder symptoms, anxiety, depression and conduct problems were not significantly associated with ADHD cluster of symptoms. Conclusion:The study found a relatively high prevalence of symptoms associated with ADHD. Symptomatic children experienced poor school performance. These findings support introduction of a policy on routine screening for ADHD in pediatric outpatient service. Positive history of injury and poor academic performance should trigger further evaluation for ADHD. Vanderbilt assessment scale is easier to administer than DSM-IV but has low sensitivity and high specificity that make it inappropriate for screening. It however provides a suitable alternative confirmatory test to determine who among clinically symptomatic patients requires referral to a psychiatrist

    Evaluation of non-invasive continuous physiological monitoring devices for neonates in Nairobi, Kenya: a research protocol

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    Introduction: Continuous physiological monitoring devices are often not available for monitoring high-risk neonates in low-resource settings. Easy-to-use, non-invasive, multiparameter, continuous physiological monitoring devices could be instrumental in providing appropriate care and improving outcomes for high-risk neonates in these low-resource settings. Methods and analysis: The purpose of this prospective, observational, facility-based evaluation is to provide evidence to establish whether two existing non-invasive, multiparameter, continuous physiological monitoring devices developed by device developers, EarlySense and Sibel, can accurately and reliably measure vital signs in neonates (when compared with verified reference devices). We will also assess the feasibility, usability and acceptability of these devices for use in neonates in low-resource settings in Africa. Up to 500 neonates are enrolled in two phases: (1) a verification and accuracy evaluation phase at Aga Khan University—Nairobi and (2) a clinical feasibility evaluation phase at Pumwani Maternity Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya. Both quantitative and qualitative data are collected and analysed. Agreement between the investigational and reference devices is determined using a priori-defined accuracy thresholds. Ethics and dissemination: This trial was approved by the Aga Khan University Nairobi Research Ethics Committee and the Western Institutional Review Board. We plan to disseminate research results in peer-reviewed journals and international conferences

    Evaluation of Sibel’s Advanced Neonatal Epidermal (ANNE) wireless continuous physiological monitor in Nairobi, Kenya

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    Background: Neonatal multiparameter continuous physiological monitoring (MCPM) technologies assist with early detection of preventable and treatable causes of neonatal mortality. Evaluating accuracy of novel MCPM technologies is critical for their appropriate use and adoption. Methods: We prospectively compared the accuracy of Sibel’s Advanced Neonatal Epidermal (ANNE) technology with Masimo’s Rad-97 pulse CO-oximeter with capnography and Spengler’s Tempo Easy reference technologies during four evaluation rounds. We compared accuracy of heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), oxygen saturation (SpO2), and skin temperature using Bland-Altman plots and root-mean-square deviation analyses (RMSD). Sibel’s ANNE algorithms were optimized between each round. We created Clarke error grids with zones of 20% to aid with clinical interpretation of HR and RR results. Results: Between November 2019 and August 2020 we collected 320 hours of data from 84 neonates. In the final round, Sibel’s ANNE technology demonstrated a normalized bias of 0% for HR and 3.1% for RR, and a non-normalized bias of -0.3% for SpO2 and 0.2°C for temperature. The normalized spread between 95% upper and lower limits-of-agreement (LOA) was 4.7% for HR and 29.3% for RR. RMSD for SpO2 was 1.9% and 1.5°C for temperature. Agreement between Sibel’s ANNE technology and the reference technologies met the a priori-defined thresholds for 95% spread of LOA and RMSD. Clarke error grids showed that all HR and RR observations were within a 20% difference. Conclusion: Our findings suggest acceptable agreement between Sibel’s ANNE and reference technologies. Clinical effectiveness, feasibility, usability, acceptability, and cost-effectiveness investigations are necessary for large-scale implementation

    Developing and testing a clinical care bundle incorporating caffeine citrate to manage apnoea of prematurity in a resource-constrained setting: a mixed methods clinical feasibility study protocol

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    Background Apnoea of prematurity (AOP) is a common condition among preterm infants. Methylxanthines, such as cafeine and aminophylline/theophylline, can help prevent and treat AOP. Due to its physiological benefts and fewer side efects, cafeine citrate is recommended for the prevention and treatment of AOP. However, cafeine citrate is not available in most resource-constrained settings (RCS) due to its high cost. Challenges in RCS using caffeine citrate to prevent AOP include identifying eligible preterm infants where gestational age is not always known and the capability for continuous monitoring of vital signs to readily identify apnoea. We aim to develop an evidencebased care bundle that includes cafeine citrate to prevent and manage AOP in tertiary healthcare facilities in Kenya. Methods This protocol details a prospective mixed-methods clinical feasibility study on using cafeine citrate to manage apnoea of prematurity in a single facility tertiary-care newborn unit (NBU) in Nairobi, Kenya. This study will include a 4-month formative research phase followed by the development of an AOP clinical-care-bundle prototype over 2 months. In the subsequent 4 months, implementation and improvement of the clinical-care-bundle prototype will be undertaken. The baseline data will provide contextualised insights on care practices within the NBU that will inform the development of a context-sensitive AOP clinical-care-bundle prototype. The clinical care bundle will be tested and refned further during an implementation phase of the quality improvement initiative using a PDSA framework underpinned by quantitative and qualitative clinical audits and stakeholders’ engagement. The quantitative component will include all neonates born at gestation age\u3c34 weeks and any neonate prescribed aminophylline or cafeine citrate admitted to the NBU during the study period. Discussion There is a need to develop evidence-based and context-sensitive clinical practice guidelines to standardise and improve the management of AOP in RCS. Concerns requiring resolution in implementing such guidelines include diagnosis of apnoea, optimal timing, dosing and administration of cafeine citrate, standardisation of monitoring devices and alarm limits, and discharge protocols. We aim to provide a feasible standardised clinical care bundle for managing AOP in low and middle-income setting

    Assessment of neonatal respiratory rate variability

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    Accurate measurement of respiratory rate (RR) in neonates is challenging due to high neonatal RR variability (RRV). There is growing evidence that RRV measurement could inform and guide neonatal care. We sought to quantify neonatal RRV during a clinical study in which we compared multiparameter continuous physiological monitoring (MCPM) devices. Measurements of capnography-recorded exhaled carbon dioxide across 60-s epochs were collected from neonates admitted to the neonatal unit at Aga Khan University-Nairobi hospital. Breaths were manually counted from capnograms and using an automated signal detection algorithm which also calculated mean and median RR for each epoch. Outcome measures were between- and within-neonate RRV, between- and within-epoch RRV, and 95% limits of agreement, bias, and root-mean-square deviation. Twenty-seven neonates were included, with 130 epochs analysed. Mean manual breath count (MBC) was 48 breaths per minute. Median RRV ranged from 11.5% (interquartile range (IQR) 6.8–18.9%) to 28.1% (IQR 23.5–36.7%). Bias and limits of agreement for MBC vs algorithm-derived breath count, MBC vs algorithm-derived median breath rate, MBC vs algorithm-derived mean breath rate were − 0.5 (− 2.7, 1.66), − 3.16 (− 12.12, 5.8), and − 3.99 (− 11.3, 3.32), respectively. The marked RRV highlights the challenge of performing accurate RR measurements in neonates. More research is required to optimize the use of RRV to improve care. When evaluating MCPM devices, accuracy thresholds should be less stringent in newborns due to increased RRV. Lastly, median RR, which discounts the impact of extreme outliers, may be more reflective of the underlying physiological control of breathing

    Late weaning and maternal closeness, associated with advanced motor and visual maturation, reinforce autonomy in healthy, 2-year-old children

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    We studied neurodevelopmental outcomes and behaviours in healthy 2-year old children (N = 1306) from Brazil, India, Italy, Kenya and the UK participating in the INTERGROWTH-21st Project. There was a positive independent relationship of duration of exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) and age at weaning with gross motor development, vision and autonomic physical activities, most evident if children were exclusively breastfed for ≥7 months or weaned at ≥7 months. There was no association with cognition, language or behaviour. Children exclusively breastfed from birth to6 months had, in a dose-effect pattern, adjusting for confounding factors, higher scores for emotional reactivity . The positive effect of EBF and age at weaning on gross motor, running and climbing scores was strongest among children with the highest scores in maternal closeness proxy indicators. EBF, late weaning and maternal closeness, associated with advanced motor and vision maturation, independently influence autonomous behaviours in healthy children

    Neurodevelopmental milestones and associated behaviours are similar among healthy children across diverse geographical locations

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    It is unclear whether early child development is, like skeletal growth, similar across diverse regions with adequate health and nutrition. We prospectively assessed 1307 healthy, well-nourished 2-year-old children of educated mothers, enrolled in early pregnancy from urban areas without major socioeconomic or environmental constraints, in Brazil, India, Italy, Kenya and UK. We used a specially developed psychometric tool, WHO motor milestones and visual tests. Similarities across sites were measured using variance components analysis and standardised site differences (SSD). In 14 of the 16 domains, the percentage of total variance explained by between-site differences ranged from 1.3% (cognitive score) to 9.2% (behaviour score). Of the 80 SSD comparisons, only six were \u3e±0.50 units of the pooled SD for the corresponding item. The sequence and timing of attainment of neurodevelopmental milestones and associated behaviours in early childhood are, therefore, likely innate and universal, as long as nutritional and health needs are met

    Clinical feasibility of a contactless multiparameter continuous monitoring technology for neonates in a large public maternity hospital in Nairobi, Kenya

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    Multiparameter continuous physiological monitoring (MCPM) technologies are critical in the clinical management of high-risk neonates; yet, these technologies are frequently unavailable in many African healthcare facilities. We conducted a prospective clinical feasibility study of EarlySense’s novel under-mattress MCPM technology in neonates at Pumwani Maternity Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya. To assess feasibility, we compared the performance of EarlySense’s technology to Masimo’s Rad-97 pulse CO-oximeter with capnography technology for heart rate (HR) and respiratory rate (RR) measurements using up-time, clinical event detection performance, and accuracy. Between September 15 and December 15, 2020, we collected and analyzed 470 hours of EarlySense data from 109 enrolled neonates. EarlySense’s technology’s up-time per neonate was 2.9 (range 0.8, 5.3) hours for HR and 2.1 (range 0.9, 4.0) hours for RR. The difference compared to the reference was a median of 0.6 (range 0.1, 3.1) hours for HR and 0.8 (range 0.1, 2.9) hours for RR. EarlySense’s technology identified high HR and RR events with high sensitivity (HR 81%; RR 83%) and specificity (HR 99%; RR 83%), but was less sensitive for low HR and RR (HR 0%; RR 14%) although maintained specificity (HR 100%; RR 95%). There was a greater number of false negative and false positive RR events than false negative and false positive HR events. The normalized spread of limits of agreement was 9.6% for HR and 28.6% for RR, which met the a priori-identified limit of 30%. EarlySense’s MCPM technology was clinically feasible as demonstrated by high percentage of up-time, strong clinical event detection performance, and agreement of HR and RR measurements compared to the reference technology. Studies in critically ill neonates, assessing barriers and facilitators to adoption, and costing analyses will be key to the technology’s development and potential uptake and scale-up

    Evaluation of a contactless neonatal physiological monitor in Nairobi, Kenya

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    Background: Globally, 2.5 million neonates died in 2018, accounting for 46% of under-5 deaths. Multiparameter continuous physiological monitoring (MCPM) of neonates allows for early detection and treatment of life-threatening health problems. However, neonatal monitoring technology is largely unavailable in low-resource settings. Methods: In four evaluation rounds, we prospectively compared the accuracy of the EarlySense under-mattress device to the Masimo Rad-97 pulse CO-oximeter with capnography reference device for heart rate (HR) and respiratory rate (RR) measurements in neonates in Kenya. EarlySense algorithm optimisations were made between evaluation rounds. In each evaluation round, we compared 200 randomly selected epochs of data using Bland-Altman plots and generated Clarke error grids with zones of 20% to aid in clinical interpretation. Results: Between 9 July 2019 and 8 January 2020, we collected 280 hours of MCPM data from 76 enrolled neonates. At the final evaluation round, the EarlySense MCPM device demonstrated a bias of -0.8 beats/minute for HR and 1.6 breaths/minute for RR, and normalised spread between the 95% upper and lower limits of agreement of 6.2% for HR and 27.3% for RR. Agreement between the two MCPM devices met the a priori-defined threshold of 30%. The Clarke error grids showed that all observations for HR and 197/200 for RR were within a 20% difference. Conclusion: Our research indicates that there is acceptable agreement between the EarlySense and Masimo MCPM devices in the context of large within-subject variability; however, further studies establishing cost-effectiveness and clinical effectiveness are needed before large-scale implementation of the EarlySense MCPM device in neonates