1,894 research outputs found


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    Even though much has been written about climate change and poverty as distinct and complex problems, the link between them has received little attention. Understanding this link is vital for the formulation of effective policy responses to climate change. In this article, we focus on agriculture as a primary means by which the impacts of climate change are transmitted to the poor, and as a sector at the forefront of climate change mitigation efforts in developing countries. In so doing, we offer some important insights that may help shape future policies as well as ongoing research in this area.Agricultural and Food Policy, Environmental Economics and Policy, Food Security and Poverty, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Weak spin-orbit interactions induce exponentially flat mini-bands in magnetic metals without inversion symmetry

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    In metallic magnets like MnSi the interplay of two very weak spin-orbit coupling effects can strongly modify the Fermi surface. In the absence of inversion symmetry even a very small Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction of strength delta<<1 distorts a ferromagnetic state into a chiral helix with a long pitch of order 1/delta. We show that additional small spin-orbit coupling terms of order delta in the band structure lead to the formation of exponentially flat minibands with a bandwidth of order exp(-1/sqrt(delta)) parallel to the direction of the helix. These flat minibands cover a rather broad belt of width sqrt(delta) on the Fermi surface where electron motion parallel to the helix practically stops. We argue that these peculiar band-structure effects lead to pronounced features in the anomalous skin effect.Comment: 7 pages, minor corrections, references adde

    Wilson chains are not thermal reservoirs

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    Wilson chains, based on a logarithmic discretization of a continuous spectrum, are widely used to model an electronic (or bosonic) bath for Kondo spins and other quantum impurities within the numerical renormalization group method and other numerical approaches. In this short note we point out that Wilson chains can not serve as thermal reservoirs as their temperature changes by a number of order Delta E when a finite amount of energy Delta E is added. This proves that for a large class of non-equilibrium problems they cannot be used to predict the long-time behavior.Comment: 2 page

    Transport in Almost Integrable Models: Perturbed Heisenberg Chains

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    The heat conductivity kappa(T) of integrable models, like the one-dimensional spin-1/2 nearest-neighbor Heisenberg model, is infinite even at finite temperatures as a consequence of the conservation laws associated with integrability. Small perturbations lead to finite but large transport coefficients which we calculate perturbatively using exact diagonalization and moment expansions. We show that there are two different classes of perturbations. While an interchain coupling of strength J_perp leads to kappa(T) propto 1/J_perp^2 as expected from simple golden-rule arguments, we obtain a much larger kappa(T) propto 1/J'^4 for a weak next-nearest neighbor interaction J'. This can be explained by a new approximate conservation law of the J-J' Heisenberg chain.Comment: 4 pages, several minor modifications, title change

    Giant mass and anomalous mobility of particles in fermionic systems

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    We calculate the mobility of a heavy particle coupled to a Fermi sea within a non-perturbative approach valid at all temperatures. The interplay of particle recoil and of strong coupling effects, leading to the orthogonality catastrophe for an infinitely heavy particle, is carefully taken into account. We find two novel types of strong coupling effects: a new low energy scale TT^{\star} and a giant mass renormalization in the case of either near-resonant scattering or a large transport cross section σ\sigma. The mobility is shown to obey two different power laws below and above TT^{\star}. For σλf2\sigma\gg\lambda_f^2, where λf\lambda_f is the Fermi wave length, an exponentially large effective mass suppresses the mobility.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Sign change of the Grueneisen parameter and magnetocaloric effect near quantum critical points

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    We consider the Grueneisen parameter and the magnetocaloric effect near a pressure and magnetic field controlled quantum critical point, respectively. Generically, the Grueneisen parameter (and the thermal expansion) displays a characteristic sign change close to the quantum-critical point signaling an accumulation of entropy. If the quantum critical point is the endpoint of a line of finite temperature phase transitions, T_c \propto (p_c-p)^Psi, then we obtain for p<p_c, (1) a characteristic increase \Gamma \sim T^{-1/(\nu z)} of the Grueneisen parameter Gamma for T>T_c, (2) a sign change in the Ginzburg regime of the classical transition, (3) possibly a peak at T_c, (4) a second increase Gamma \sim -T^{-1/(nu z)} below T_c for systems above the upper critical dimension and (5) a saturation of Gamma \propto 1/(p_c-p). We argue that due to the characteristic divergencies and sign changes the thermal expansion, the Grueneisen parameter and magnetocaloric effect are excellent tools to detect and identify putative quantum critical points.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures; final version, only minor change

    String order and adiabatic continuity of Haldane chains and band insulators

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    The ground state of spin-1 Haldane chains is characterized by the so-called string order. We show that the same hidden order is also present in ordinary one-dimensional band insulators. We construct a family of Hamiltonians which connects adiabatically band insulators to two topologically non-equivalent spin models, the Haldane chain and the antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 ladder. We observe that the localized spin-1/2 edge-state characteristic of spin-1 chains is smoothly connected to a surface-bound state of band insulators and its emergence is not related to any bulk phase transition. Furthermore, we show that the string order is absent in any dimensions higher than one.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures. Appendix about charge string orders added. Version as publishe

    Fragility of String Orders

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    One-dimensional gapped systems are often characterized by a 'hidden' non-local order parameter, the so-called string order. Due to the gap, thermodynamic properties are robust against a weak higher-dimensional coupling between such chains or ladders. To the contrary, we find that the string order is not stable and decays for arbitrary weak inter-chain or inter-ladder coupling. We investigate the vanishing of the order for three different systems: spin-one Haldane chains, band insulators, and the transverse-field Ising model. Using perturbation theory and bosonization, we show that the fragility of the string order arises from non-local commutation relations between the non-local order parameter and the perturbation.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures. Published versio

    Large thermomagnetic effects in weakly disordered Heisenberg chains

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    The interplay of different scattering mechanisms can lead to novel effects in transport. We show theoretically that the interplay of weak impurity and Umklapp scattering in spin-1/2 chains leads to a pronounced dip in the magnetic field dependence of the thermal conductivity κ\kappa at a magnetic field BTB \sim T. In sufficiently clean samples, the reduction of the magnetic contribution to heat transport can easily become larger than 50% and the effect is predicted to exist even in samples with a large exchange coupling, J >> B, where the field-induced magnetization is small. Qualitatively, our theory might explain dips at BTB \sim T observed in recent heat transport measurements on copper pyrazine dinitrate, but a fully quantitative description is not possible within our model.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure