9,307 research outputs found

    Coulomb effects in nucleon-deuteron polarization-transfer coefficients

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    Coulomb effects in the neutron-deuteron and proton-deuteron polarization-transfer coefficients Kyy′K_y^{y'}, Kzx′K_z^{x'}, Kyx′x′−y′y′K_y^{x'x'-y'y'} and Kyz′z′K_y^{z'z'} are studied at energies above the deuteron breakup threshold. Theoretical predictions for these observables are evaluated in the framework of the Kohn Variational Principle using correlated basis functions to expand the three-nucleon scattering wave function. The two-nucleon Argonne v18v_{18} and the three-nucleon Urbana IX potentials are considered. In the proton-deuteron case, the Coulomb interaction between the two protons is included explicitly and the results are compared to the experimental data available at Elab=10,19,22.7E_{lab}=10,19,22.7 MeV. In the neutron-deuteron case, a comparison to a recent measurement of Kyy′K_y^{y'} by Hempen {\sl et al.} at Elab=19E_{lab}=19 MeV evidences a contribution of the calculated Coulomb effects opposite to those extracted from the experiment.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Electromagnetic transitions for A=3 nuclear systems

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    Recent advances in the study of pd radiative capture in a wide range of center-of-mass energy below and above deuteron breakup threshold are presented and discussed.Comment: Invited lead talk at the 19th European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics, Groningen, The Netherlands, 8/23 - 8/27 2004, 5 pages, 4 figure

    Electromagnetic structure of A=2 and 3 nuclei and the nuclear current operator

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    Different models for conserved two- and three-body electromagnetic currents are constructed from two- and three-nucleon interactions, using either meson-exchange mechanisms or minimal substitution in the momentum dependence of these interactions. The connection between these two different schemes is elucidated. A number of low-energy electronuclear observables, including (i) npnp radiative capture at thermal neutron energies and deuteron photodisintegration at low energies, (ii) ndnd and pdpd radiative capture reactions, and (iii) isoscalar and isovector magnetic form factors of 3^3H and 3^3He, are calculated in order to make a comparative study of these models for the current operator. The realistic Argonne v18v_{18} two-nucleon and Urbana IX or Tucson-Melbourne three-nucleon interactions are taken as a case study. For AA=3 processes, the bound and continuum wave functions, both below and above deuteron breakup threshold, are obtained with the correlated hyperspherical-harmonics method. Three-body currents give small but significant contributions to some of the polarization observables in the 2^2H(p,γp,\gamma)3^3He process and the 2^2H(n,γn,\gamma)3^3H cross section at thermal neutron energies. It is shown that the use of a current which did not exactly satisfy current conservation with the two- and three-nucleon interactions in the Hamiltonian was responsible for some of the discrepancies reported in previous studies between the experimental and theoretical polarization observables in pdpd radiative capture.Comment: 48 pages, 25 figures, 4 tables, revtex4. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Electrodisintegration of 3^3He below and above deuteron breakup threshold

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    Recent advances in the study of electrodisintegration of 3He are presented and discussed. The pair-correlated hyperspherical harmonics method is used to calculate the initial and final state wave functions, with a realistic Hamiltonian consisting of the Argonne v18 two-nucleon and Urbana IX three-nucleon interactions. The model for the nuclear current and charge operators retains one- and many-body contributions. Particular attention is made in the construction of the two-body current operators arising from the momentum-dependent part of the two-nucleon interaction. Three-body current operators are also included so that the full current operator is strictly conserved. The present model for the nuclear current operator is tested comparing theoretical predictions and experimental data of pd radiative capture cross section and spin observables.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Eur. Phys. J.

    Chiral effective field theory predictions for muon capture on deuteron and 3He

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    The muon-capture reactions 2H(\mu^-,\nu_\mu)nn and 3He(\mu^-,\nu_\mu)3H are studied with nuclear strong-interaction potentials and charge-changing weak currents, derived in chiral effective field theory. The low-energy constants (LEC's) c_D and c_E, present in the three-nucleon potential and (c_D) axial-vector current, are constrained to reproduce the A=3 binding energies and the triton Gamow-Teller matrix element. The vector weak current is related to the isovector component of the electromagnetic current via the conserved-vector-current constraint, and the two LEC's entering the contact terms in the latter are constrained to reproduce the A=3 magnetic moments. The muon capture rates on deuteron and 3He are predicted to be 399(3) sec^{-1} and 1494 (21) sec^{-1}, respectively, where the spread accounts for the cutoff sensitivity as well as uncertainties in the LEC's and electroweak radiative corrections. By comparing the calculated and precisely measured rates on 3He, a value for the induced pseudoscalar form factor is obtained in good agreement with the chiral perturbation theory prediction.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, revisited version accepted for publication on Phys. Rev. Let

    Proton-3He elastic scattering at low energies and the "A_y Puzzle"

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    The Kohn variational principle and the hyperspherical harmonic technique are applied to study p-3He elastic scattering at low energies. Preliminary results obtained using several interaction models are reported. The calculations are compared to a recent phase shift analysis performed at the Triangle University Nuclear Laboratory and to the available experimental data. Using a three-nucleon interaction derived from chiral perturbation theory at N2LO, we have found a noticeable reduction of the discrepancy observed for the A_y observable.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, to be published in the Proceedings of the 19th International IUPAP Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics, Bonn, 200

    The Evolutionary Status of Clusters of Galaxies at z ~ 1

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    Combined HST, X-ray, and ground-based optical studies show that clusters of galaxies are largely "in place" by z∼1z \sim 1, an epoch when the Universe was less than half its present age. High resolution images show that elliptical, S0, and spiral galaxies are present in clusters at redshifts up to z∼1.3z \sim 1.3. Analysis of the CMDs suggest that the cluster ellipticals formed their stars several Gyr earlier, near redshift 3. The morphology--density relation is well established at z∼1z\sim1, with star-forming spirals and irregulars residing mostly in the outer parts of the clusters and E/S0s concentrated in dense clumps. The intracluster medium has already reached the metallicity of present-day clusters. The distributions of the hot gas and early-type galaxies are similar in z∼1z\sim1 clusters, indicating both have largely virialized in the deepest potentials wells. In spite of the many similarities between z∼1z\sim1 and present-day clusters, there are significant differences. The morphologies revealed by the hot gas, and particularly the early-type galaxies, are elongated rather than spherical. We appear to be observing the clusters at an epoch when the sub-clusters and groups are still assembling into a single regular cluster. Support for this picture comes from CL0152 where the gas appears to be lagging behind the luminous and dark mass in two merging sub-components. Moreover, the luminosity difference between the first and second brightest cluster galaxies at z∼1z\sim1 is smaller than in 93% of present-day Abell clusters, which suggests that considerable luminosity evolution through merging has occurred since that epoch. Evolution is also seen in the bolometric X-ray luminosity function.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures, to appear in Penetrating Bars through Masks of Cosmic Dust: the Hubble Tuing Fork Strikes a New Note, eds. D.L. Block, K.C. Freeman, I. Puerari & R. Groess. Figures degraded to meet astroph size limit; a version with higher resolution figures may be downloaded from: http://acs.pha.jhu.edu/~jpb/z1clusters/ford_clusters.pd
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