114 research outputs found

    May Adiponectin be considered as a Novel Cardiometabolic Biomarker?

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    This study was designed to evaluate the interaction between total adiponectin (ADPN) and metabolic syndrome (MetS) on cardiac changes in 135 subjects with and without MetS, subgrouped according to normal or low ADPN. Left ventricular internal diameter (LVID/h), LV mass (LVM), LVM index (LVMI), interventricular septal thickness (IVST), relative wall thickness (RWT) and LV ejection fraction (EF) by echocardiography and diastolic parameters, by pulsed-wave Doppler were calculated. BMI, LVM, LVMI, LVID/h, IVST and RWT values were significantly (p<0.05) higher in both groups with low ADPN. Prevalence of left ventricular hypertrophy (p<0.001) and coronary artery disease (p<0.01) was significantly higher in both low ADPN groups. LVMI correlated directly with BMI (p<0.001), (p<0.001), MetS (p<0.001) and inversely with ADPN (p<0.0001). ADPN and BMI resulted independently associated with LVMI. In conclusion, our data suggest that hypoadiponectinemia might be considered a novel “cardiometabolic biomarker”. Accordingly, circulating ADPN might become a new target in the management of cardiometabolic syndrome

    Rapid left ventricular filling in untreated hypertensive subjects with or without left ventricular hypertrophy

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    In this study, independent contribution of age, HR, BMI, casual and ambulatory blood pressure, LVM and LVEF in evaluating diastolic filling have been investigated in 34 never-treated hypertensive patients and in 15 healthy normotensive subjects. All the subjects were free from coronary artery disease, valvular disease, heart failure, renal disease and psychiatric problems. All the hypertensive subjects (never treated) were subgrouped according to presence or absence of LVH. The PFR decreased significantly and tPFR increased significantly in hypertensive patients in comparison with normotensive subjects and they did not change in the presence vs absence of LVH. The PFR was inversely correlated with BMI, age, 24-h mean SBP and with 24-h DBP. In multiple regression analysis, PFR decreased with BMI, age, 24-h mean SBP and DBP but not with LVMI. These results suggest that BMI, age and 24-h mean blood pressure were the major determinants of PFR abnormalities in hypertensive patients

    Left ventricular diastolic filling alterations in subjects with mitral valve prolapse: a Doppler echocardiographic study

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    To assess left ventricular diastolic filling in mitral valve prolapse (MVP), we studied 22 patients with idiopathic MVP and 22 healthy controls matched for sex, age, body surface area and heart rate. A two-dimensional, M-mode and Doppler echocardiographic examination was performed to exclude any cardiac abnormalities. The two groups had similar diastolic and systolic left ventricular volumes, left ventricle mass and ejection fraction. Doppler measurements of mitral inflow were: E and A areas (the components of the total flow velocity-time integral in the early passive period of ventricular filling, E; and the late active period of atrial emptying, A), the peak E and A velocities (cm.s-1), acceleration and deceleration half-times (ms) of early diastolic rapid inflow, acceleration time of early diastolic flow (AT), total diastolic filling time (DFT) (ms), and the deceleration of early diastolic flow (cm.s-2). From these measurements were calculate: peak A/E ratio (A/E), E area/A area, the early filling fraction, the atrial filling fraction, AT/DFT ratio. All the Doppler measurements reported are the average of three cardiac cycles selected at end expiration. The mean peak A velocity, A/E velocity ratio, deceleration half time and atrial filling fraction were each significantly higher for subjects presenting a MVP (60 +/- 12 cm.s-1 vs 49 +/- 14, P < 0.008; 98 +/- 13% vs 64 +/- 12%, P < 0.0001; 120 +/- 36 ms vs 92 +/- 11, P < 0.002; 0.45 +/- 0.14 vs 0.36 +/- 0.08, P < 0.02

    Salt-regulating hormones in young normotensive obese subjects. Effects of saline load.

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    To investigate whether the response of salt-regulating hormones to volume expansion is impaired in obese subjects, we assessed the effects of saline load (0.25 mL/kg.min.120 min) in 9 young, healthy, normotensive obese subjects (body mass index, > 30 kg/m2) and in 10 lean control subjects (body mass index, < 25 kg/m2) matched for age, gender, height, and mean blood pressure. Hematocrit, plasma renin activity (PRA), plasma aldosterone (PA), atrial natriuretic factor (ANF), and urinary sodium excretion (UNaV) were evaluated. Saline load increased ANF levels significantly (P < .001) in lean subjects at both 60 and 120 minutes, whereas they decreased in obese subjects. Such decreases became significant (P < .01) at 120 minutes. Suppression of PRA and PA by saline load were more marked in lean than obese subjects. Hematocrit decreased in both groups, and UNaV increased more in lean than obese subjects during saline load. Comparisons of percent changes in ANF, PRA, and PA after saline load showed that the responses of lean and obese subjects were significantly different (P < .001 for ANF at both 60 and 120 minutes; P < .05 for PRA and PA at both 60 and 120 minutes). In conclusion, the lack of ANF response and the reduced suppression of PRA and PA to saline load indicate a dysfunction of these systems in obese subjects. This alteration may be involved in the higher susceptibility of obese subjects to developing hypertension

    Obesità e rischio cardiovascolare.

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    L’obesità rappresenta attualmente la più diffusa patologia da malnutrizione delle Società occidentali industrializzate e si associa spesso a svariate complicanze invalidanti sia mediche che chirurgiche. Essa è, inoltre, una condizione ad elevata prevalenza ed in continuo e costante incremento, al punto da essere etichettata come una “Epidemia globale”. Nella presente review sono stati analizzati i risultati degli studi più recenti che hanno individuato nella patologia del tessuto adiposo uno dei meccanismi più importanti nello sviluppo dell’aterosclerosi e delle manifestazioni cliniche ad essa connesse. Particolare riguardo è stato dato, oltre che alle evidenze epidemiologiche riguardanti i rapporti tra obesità e morbilità e mortalità cardiovascolare, anche alle relazioni tra grado e tipo di obesità, diabete, dislipidemia, ipertensione, e alle ripercussioni di queste condizioni sulla geometria e sulla funzione ventricolare sinistra per una corretta valutazione del rischio cardiovascolare del soggetto obeso. Un ultimo paragrafo ha riguardato l’analisi del ruolo sempre più rilevante della correzione dell’eccesso ponderale, tramite adeguati interventi dietetico-comportamentali e/o farmacologici, nelle strategie preventive delle malattie e/o degli eventi cardiovascolari

    Evidence-based practice needs stronger prognostic scores for the prediction of recurrent stroke.

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    Comment on: Prediction of recurrent stroke and vascular death in patients with transient ischemic attack or nondisabling stroke: a prospective comparison of validated prognostic scores. [Stroke. 2010

    Hypoadiponectinemia: A Link between Visceral Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome

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    Metabolic syndrome (MetS) represents a combination of cardiometabolic risk factors, including visceral obesity, glucose intolerance or type 2 diabetes, elevated triglycerides, reduced HDL cholesterol, and hypertension. MetS is rapidly increasing in prevalence worldwide as a consequence of the “epidemic” obesity, with a considerable impact on the global incidence of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. At present, there is a growing interest on the role of visceral fat accumulation in the occurrence of MetS. In this review, the effects of adipocytokines and other proinflammatory factors produced by fat accumulation on the occurrence of the MetS have been also emphasized. Accordingly, the “hypoadiponectinemia” has been proposed as the most interesting new hypothesis to explain the pathophysiology of MetS

    Optimized search strategy for detecting scientifically strong studies on treatment through PubMed

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    Our study was designed to optimize the search strategies based on the work of Haynes et al. for detecting randomized controlled trials (RCTs) through PubMed. In particular, we aimed to improve precision for broad and narrow searches on interventional studies. We used in addition to the string suggested by the Hedge Team the following: {NOT ((animals [mh] NOT humans [mh]) OR (review [pt] OR meta-analysis [pt]))} and tested its effectiveness. The search was carried out on a year's worth of articles from the PubMed database. We analyzed 35,590 bibliographic citations about four relevant major topics in internal medicine (hypertension, diabetes, heart failure, and hepatitis). Precision, percentage gain between the Hedge Team search strategies and the new one were computed and reported in the text. Moreover, a pooled analysis was carried out in terms of absolute precision difference. We observed better precision for both broad and narrow searches. However, effective gain resulted only for broad searches. In this case, bibliographic citation recall effectively reduced (-24 to -35 % retrieved citation with a gain of 32-54 %) without loss of information. The search strategy improved broad searches regarding each of the four considered topics. We think this new search strategy, based on a previous work of the Hedge team, could be a step forward and can save some time by researchers