37 research outputs found

    Influence of permeability on the hydrothermal system at Vulcano Island (Italy): inferences from numerical simulations

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    AbstractVolcano-hydrothermal systems are governed by complex interactions between fluid transport, and geochemical and mechanical processes. Evidence of this close interplay has been testified by distinct spatial and temporal correlations in geochemical and geophysical observations at Vulcano Island (Italy). To understand the interaction between fluid circulation and the geochemical and geophysical manifestations, we perform a parametric study to explore different scenarios by implementing a hydro-geophysical model based on the equations for heat and mass transfer in a porous medium and thermo-poroelastic theory. Numerical simulations allow us to define the controlling role of permeability distribution on the different modeled parameters as well as on the geophysical observables. Changes in the permeability within the highly fractured crater area could be responsible for the fluctuations in gas emission and temperature recorded during the crisis periods, which are accompanied by shallow volcano-seismicity in the absence of significant deformation and gravity variations. Despite the general medium permeability of the volcanic edifice, the presence of more highly permeable pathways, which allow the gas to rapidly escape, as testified by the presence of a well-developed fumarolic field, prevents the pressure buildup at shallow depths. Graphic abstrac

    La sindrome da anticorpi antifosfolipidi e la gravidanza

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    Gli anticorpi antifosfolipidi sono anticorpi (Ab) circolanti diretti contro i fosfolipidi e associati a trombosi arteriose e venose, trombocitopenia e/o aborti ricorrenti. Gli anticorpi anticardiolipina sono stati riconosciuti come marker di un aumentato rischio di trombosi. L’associazione tra Ab antifosfolipidi e aumentato rischio di trombosi nei pazienti con sindrome da Ab antifosfolipidi è probabilmente causata da molti meccanismi, tra cui l’effetto che gli Ab esplicano sulle proteine leganti i fosfolipidi, come la B2-glicoproteina I e la protrombina. Esami di laboratorio: 1) “test della miscela”; 2) test specifici per i fattori della via intrinseca della coagulazione; 3) misura dell’attività di uno o più di questi fattori; 4) test al veleno di vipera di Russell; 5) test aggiuntivi. Trattamento: è preferibile non utilizzare cumarinici in gravidanza per il rischio di embriopatie e di perdite fetali, ma queste possono essere evitate se si sostituiscono con l’eparina alla 6ª settimana di gestazione. Le eparine a basso peso molecolare sono più sicure e più convenienti di quelle non frazionate, e oggi sono i farmaci di scelta da utilizzare in gravidanza

    Marine magnetic investigation of the submarine base of Mt. Etna and Hyblean Plateau

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    Two marine magnetic surveys were carried out during 1997 and 1999 in the Ionian Sea off the eastern coast of Sicily to investigate the magnetic structures of the eastern base of Mt. Etna and the Hyblean Plateau. The investigated area is approximately 85 km long and 15 km wide, running from North to South, in the Western Ionian Sea. Models along two profiles parallel to the coast and over the entire area provide a possible distribution of volcanic bodies and volcaniclastic deposits off the eastern coast of Sicily and their relations with the sedimentary substratum. 3D modeling suggests the presence of magnetized bodies, inserted in the sedimentary substratum, plausibly related to Hyblean Plateau volcanism in the south sector and to Mt. Etna activity in the north. We speculate that the Malta Escarpment could have produced preferential ways for magma ascents off the Hyblean Plateau. The spatial continuity of the volcanism affecting the entire investigated area could testify spatial transition between Hyblean and Etnean volcanism supporting the hypothesis that the magma process migrated with time from south-east to north-west

    Effects of hydrothermal unrest on stress and deformation: insights from numerical modeling and application to Vulcano Island (Italy)

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    A numerical approach is proposed to evaluate stress and deformation fields induced by hydrothermal fluid circulation and its influence on volcano-flank stability. The numerical computations have been focused on a conceptual model of Vulcano Island, where geophysical, geochemical, and seismic signals have experienced several episodes of remarkable changes likely linked to the hydrothermal activity. We design a range of numerical models of hydrothermal unrest and computed the associated deformation and stress field arising from rock-fluid interaction processes related to the thermo-poroelastic response of the medium. The effects of model parameters on deformation and flank stability are explored considering different multilayered crustal structures constrained by seismic tomography and stratigraphy investigations. Our findings highlight the significant role of model parameters on the response of the hydrothermal system and, consequently, on the amplitudes and the timescale of stress and strain fields. Even if no claim is made that the model strictly applies to the crisis episodes at Vulcano, the numerical results are in general agreement with the pattern of monitoring observations, characterized by an enhancing of gas emission and seismic activity without significant ground deformation. The conceptual model points to a pressurization and heating of the shallow hydrothermal system (1–0.25 km bsl) fed by fluid of magmatic origin. However, for the assumed values of model material and source parameters (rate of injection, fluid composition, and temperature), the pressure and temperature changes do not affect significantly the flank stability, which is mainly controlled by the gravitational force

    Characterization of the response of spring-based relative gravimeters during paroxysmal eruptions at Etna volcano

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    Gravity time sequences collected at Etna volcano by continuously recording spring-based relative gravimeters showed significant variations in temporal correspondence with paroxysmal eruptions. Since the observed gravity variations can only be partially related to subsurface mass redistribution phenomena, we investigated the instrumental effects due to ground vibrations such as those that accompany explosive activity. We simulated the performances of relative gravimeters with laboratory experiments to estimate their response to vertical and horizontal excitations. Laboratory tests were carried out using a vibrating platform capable of accelerating the instruments with intensities and frequencies, in both the vertical and horizontal directions, observed in the ground vibrations associated with paroxysmal events. The seismic signals recorded at Etna volcano during the 10 April 2011 lava fountain were analyzed to retrieve the parameters used to drive the vibration platform. We tested two gravimeters used for Etna volcano monitoring: the LaCoste & Romberg D#185 (Lafayette, CO, USA) and the Scintrex CG-3 M#9310234 (Concord, ON, Canada). The experiment results highlight that the vibrations resembling the seismic waves propagated during paroxysmal events cause an amplitude response in the gravity readings on the order of several hundred microgals (μGal). Generally, the relationship between the vibrations and the gravimeter response is nonlinear, with a fairly complex dependence on the frequencies and amplitudes of the signals acting on the gravimeters

    Long Non-Coding RNAs as Molecular Signatures for Canine B-Cell Lymphoma Characterization

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    Background: Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), marginal zone lymphoma (MZL) and follicular lymphoma (FL) are the most common B-cell lymphomas (BCL) in dogs. Recent investigations have demonstrated overlaps of these histotypes with the human counterparts, including clinical presentation, biologic behavior, tumor genetics, and treatment response. The molecular mechanisms that underlie canine BCL are still unknown and new studies to improve diagnosis, therapy, and the utilization of canine species as spontaneous animal tumor models are undeniably needed. Recent work using human DLBCL transcriptomes has suggested that long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) play a key role in lymphoma pathogenesis and pinpointed a restricted number of lncRNAs as potential targets for further studies. Results: To expand the knowledge of non-coding molecules involved in canine BCL, we used transcriptomes obtained from a cohort of 62 dogs with newly-diagnosed multicentric DLBCL, MZL and FL that had undergone complete staging work-up and were treated with chemotherapy or chemo-immunotherapy. We developed a customized R pipeline performing a transcriptome assembly by multiple algorithms to uncover novel lncRNAs, and delineate genome-wide expression of unannotated and annotated lncRNAs. Our pipeline also included a new package for high performance system biology analysis, which detects high-scoring network biological neighborhoods to identify functional modules. Moreover, our customized pipeline quantified the expression of novel and annotated lncRNAs, allowing us to subtype DLBCLs into two main groups. The DLBCL subtypes showed statistically different survivals, indicating the potential use of lncRNAs as prognostic biomarkers in future studies. Conclusions: In this manuscript, we describe the methodology used to identify lncRNAs that differentiate B-cell lymphoma subtypes and we interpreted the biological and clinical values of the results. We inferred the potential functions of lncRNAs to obtain a comprehensive and integrative insight that highlights their impact in this neoplasm


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    Employing both absolute and relative gravimeters, we carried out three hybrid microgravity surveys at Etna volcano between 2007 and 2009. The repeated measurements highlighted the spatio-time evolution of the gravity field associated with the volcanic unrest. We detected a gravity increase attained an amplitude of about 80 µGal on the summit area of the volcano between July 2008 and July 2009. The observed gravity increase could reflect mass accumulations into shallow magma storage system of the volcano located at 1÷2 km below sea level. We present here data and the advantages in using the combined approach of relative and absolute measurements performed at Etna volcano.PublishedSaint Petersburg, Russia2.6. TTC - Laboratorio di gravimetria, magnetismo ed elettromagnetismo in aree attiveope

    Learning about Hydrothermal Volcanic Activity by Modeling Induced Geophysical Changes

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    Motivated by ongoing efforts to understand the nature and the energy potential of geothermal resources, we devise a coupled numerical model (hydrological, thermal, mechanical), which may help in the characterization and monitoring of hydrothermal systems through computational experiments. Hydrothermal areas in volcanic regions arise from a unique combination of geological and hydrological features which regulate the movement of fluids in the vicinity of magmatic sources capable of generating large quantities of steam and hot water. Numerical simulations help in understanding and characterizing rock-fluid interaction processes and the geophysical observations associated with them. Our aim is the quantification of the response of different geophysical observables (i.e., deformation, gravity, and magnetic fields) to hydrothermal activity on the basis of a sound geological framework (e.g., distribution and pathways of the flows, the presence of fractured zones, caprock). A detailed comprehension and quantification of the evolution and dynamics of the geothermal systems and the definition of their internal state through a geophysical modeling approach are essential to identify the key parameters for which the geothermal system may fulfill the requirements to be exploited as a source of energy. For the sake of illustration only, the numerical computations are focused on a conceptual model of the hydrothermal system of Vulcano Island by simulating a generic 1-year unrest and estimating different geophysical changes. We solved (i) the mass and energy balance equations of flow in porous media for temperature, pressure and density changes, (ii) the elastostatic equation for the deformation field and (iii) the Poisson's equations for gravity and magnetic potential fields. Under the model assumptions, a generic unrest of 1-year engenders on the ground surface low amplitude changes in the investigated geophysical observables, that, being above the accuracies of the modern state-of-the-art instruments, could be traced by continuously running multi-parametric monitoring networks. Devising multidisciplinary and easy-to-use computational experiments enable us to learn how the hydrothermal system responds to unrest and which fingerprints it may leave in the geophysical signals

    Valutazione della densitometria ossea in pazienti beta-talassemiche sottoposte a terapia con raloxifene

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    Abbiamo condotto uno studio sul trattamento con raloxifene cloridrato, per un periodo di follow-up della durata di 2 anni, su un gruppo di pazienti affette da talassemia intermedia e major, al fine di valutare mediante densitometria minerale ossea (BMD), se la terapia è efficace in termini di riduzione della perdita ossea. Dai nostri dati è emerso che non ci sono state differenze significative in termini di miglioramento della percentuale di perdita ossea, contrariamente a quanto si verifica in donne in menopausa senza problemi ematologici. Al momento attuale, la terapia in grado di migliorare o mantenere una buona qualità di vita di queste pazienti, si basa su un regime trasfusionale precoce, continuo e con livelli di emoglobina ottimali, su un’adeguata terapia chelante, sull’astenzione dal fumo e su una valida e costante attività fisic