90 research outputs found
Construcción Social del Conocimiento Matemático: la serie trigonométrica de Fourier desde la Socioepistemología
A través de una aproximación sistémica a la serie trigonométrica de Fourier desde la Teoría Socioepistemológica de la Matemática Educativa, se realiza un estudio integrado de las dimensiones epistemológica, cognitiva y didáctica observadas en su relación con los elementos sociales y culturales en las que se desenvuelven. El análisis de estas dimensiones permitió vislumbrar un esquema de prácticas anidadas como modelo preliminar para la construcción social de este conocimiento basado en prácticas sociales. Se observa que la serie surge al modelar e interpretar un fenómeno estacionario con variaciones periódico-acotadas, para el cual la serie trigonométrica de Fourier se convierte en una herramienta de predicción, en donde la estabilidad del sistema se evidencia en la convergencia de la serie. Además, sólo hasta que se haya visto esta relación se podrá entonces pasar a la generalización matemática, es decir, a determinar los coeficientes de la serie trigonométrica conociendo la función a la que esta converge
Learning Situation for the Trigonometric Fourier Series from a Socio-epistemological Stand Point
This article aims at showing a didactic proposal that favours the signification of the Trigonometric Fourier Series through a learning situation, based on the Socio-epistemological Theory of Mathematics Education, on research where this knowledge has been problematized. The Fourier Trigonometric Series is a complex topic for learning at a higher level, where the process is usually mechanised without fully understanding its operation and characteristics. We want to verify that with activities that support the relationship between algebra and geometry, making use of GeoGebra —dynamic geometry software— as a control variable, the series and its convergence can be signified using a physical-geometric context
Family dynamics in dementia caregiving: development and validation of the interpersonal triggers of guilt in dementia caregiving questionnaire (ITGDCQ)
The objective was to develop the Interpersonal Triggers of Guilt in Dementia CaregivingQuestionnaire (ITGDCQ). An emotion frequently experienced by caregivers is guilt. Howe-ver, the studies analyzing potential factors that generate guilt are scarce. Guilt may begenerated through interpersonal interactions. A total of 201 dementia caregivers were eva-luated for frequency of leisure, guilt, anxiety, depression, and a pool of items measuring thefrequency, and guilt was derived from different behaviors performed by the care recipient(ITGDCQ-CR) and other relatives (ITGDCQ-OR). Exploratory factor analysis of theITGDCQ-CR showed a two-factor solution, explaining 56.24% of the variance. TheITGDCQ-OR subscale also showed two factors, explaining 63.24% of the variance. All thefactors had acceptable to good reliability indexes. Positive associations were found betweenboth subscales and depression, anxiety, guilt, and stress associated with CR’s behavioralproblems. ITGDCQ-CR was negatively correlated with frequency of leisure. The interperso-nal dynamics assessed with the ITGDCQ generated other emotions such as anger or sad-ness. Through structural equation modeling, 28% of the variance of caregivers’ distresswas explained by the assessed variables, including a significant contribution of the inter-personal dynamics assessed with the ITGDCQ. The results provide preliminary supportfor the use of the ITGDCQ as a valid and reliable measure of care recipients’ or other relati-ves’ factors that trigger or facilitate the experience of guilt in the caregivers. The associationbetween these factors and caregiver distress suggests potential clinical implications for the findingsThe study was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (grants PSI2015-65152-C2-1-R and PSI2015-65152-C2-2-R
Pilot study of a psychotherapeutic intervention for reducing guilt feelings in highly distressed dementia family caregivers (innovative practice)
Many caregivers of people with dementia experience guilt but few interventions have been deigned to help them with these feelings. This study aimed to describe a psychological intervention specifically developed for decreasing caregivers´ guilt. The sample was composed of four caregivers, individually interviewed before and after the intervention. The intervention consisted of eight group-based sessions and was based on cognitive-behavioral, acceptance and self-compassion techniques. Three participants reported clinically reliable change in guilt. Clinically significant changes were also observed in their levels of anxiety and depression. The results suggest that carers might benefit from interventions designed to reduce their feelings of guiltThe authors disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: The study was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (PSI2015-65152-C2-1-R
Attending to dementia caregivers diverse needs: contributions from cognitive behavioral therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy
Cuidar a un familiar mayor con demencia se asocia con consecuencias emocionales negativas para los cuidadores. En este trabajo se describe una terapia cognitivo-conductual (TCC) y otra de aceptación y compromiso (ACT) que han sido diseñadas para reducir el malestar emocional de los cuidadores. El objetivo de la TCC es modificar creencias y pensamientos disfuncionales relacionados con el cuidado y entrenar a los cuidadores en el aumento de la frecuencia de actividades gratificantes. Incluye además entrenamiento en
relajación y en habilidades para pedir ayuda. A través de la terapia ACT se trabaja la identificación del patrón personal de evitación experiencial y la alternativa de la aceptación de emociones, pensamientos y sensaciones, se ayuda al cuidador a identificar sus valores y las barreras para la acción coherente con ellos y se trabaja para incrementar la motivación del cuidador para comprometerse con sus valores y llevar a cabo acciones coherentes con dichos valoresLooking after an elderly relative with dementia is associated with negative emotional consequences for caregivers. The present paper describes a cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and an acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) that were designed to reduce emotional distress in the caregiver. The objective of CBT is to modify dysfunctional beliefs and thoughts related to caregiving and to train caregivers to increase the frequency of gratifying activities; it also includes training in relaxation and in skills for seeking help. ACT involves working in particular on three aspects: on the identification of the caregiver’s personal pattern of experiential avoidance and the alternative of acceptance of emotions, thoughts and feelings; on helping caregivers to identify their values and the barriers to acting in coherence with them; and on increasing caregivers’ motivation to commit themselves to their values and perform actions and activities coherent with those valuesLa preparación de este trabajo ha sido posible gracias a la financiación obtenida del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PSI2009-08132) y del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (PSI2012-31293
El conocimiento sobre la enfermedad de Alzheimer, la cognición disfuncional y el afrontamiento en la tensión arterial del cuidador
Dysfunctional ways of thinking and coping with caregiving have been associated with worse caregivers’ cardiovascular health. The objective of this study is to analyze the associations between caregivers’ knowledge about Alzheimer’s disease, dysfunctional thoughts, experiential avoidance, and blood pressure. Participants were 123 family caregivers of a relative with dementia. Path analysis was used to analyze the association between the assessed variables. The obtained model shows that there is a significant and negative relationship between caregivers’ knowledge about Alzheimer’s disease and systolic blood pressure, potentially mediated by caregivers’ dysfunctional thoughts and experiential avoidance. The findings of this study provide support to the idea that a lack of knowledge about Alzheimer’s disease may contribute to maladaptive ways of thinking about caregiving, increasing caregivers’ cardiovascular risk.El pensamiento disfuncional acerca del cuidado o el inadecuado afrontamiento del mismo han sido asociados con una peor
salud física de los cuidadores. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar las asociaciones entre el conocimiento de los cuidadores
sobre la enfermedad de Alzheimer, los pensamientos disfuncionales, la evitación experiencial y la presión arterial. Los
participantes de este estudio fueron 123 cuidadores de un familiar con demencia. Un modelo de senderos fue empleado para
analizar la relación entre las variables. El modelo obtenido muestra que existe un relación negativa y significativa entre el
conocimiento de los cuidadores acerca de la enfermedad d Alzheimer y la presión arterial sistólica, potencialmente medida
por los pensamientos disfuncionales y la evitación experiencial de los cuidadores. Los resultados de este estudio apoyan la
idea de que una falta de conocimiento acerca de la enfermedad de Alzheimer puede contribuir a cogniciones desadaptativas
acerca del cuidado, incrementando el riesgo cardiovascular de los cuidadoresThe preparation of this paper was supported in part by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under grants PSI2012-31239 and PSI2015-
65152-C2-1-R, and by the Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid, through a pre-doctoral scholarship for the first author of this work. Samara Barrero was supported by a FPU grant
from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Spor
“I feel guilty”. Exploring guilt-related dynamics in family caregivers of people with dementia
Objectives: Family caregivers of people with dementia often report feelings of guilt. However, the number of studies analyzing guilt and the factors associated with its appearance are scarce. The aim of this study is to explore the subjective experience of guilt in the family care of people with dementia. Methods: A qualitative analysis of the narratives of 13 family caregivers of people with dementia about their feelings of guilt was done. Results: Seven categories for understanding guilt in caregiving were obtained: guilt derived from actions themselves; guilt derived from one’s limitations; guilt for feeling negative emotions; guilt associated with the change in the relationship with the person cared for; guilt for neglecting other areas; guilt induced by the person cared for, and guilt induced by others. The results showed the existence of cases in which guilt is absent by distress-avoiding processes. Conclusions: Guilt is a relevant variable in understanding caregiver distress, and its analysis is necessary for therapeutic work in the field of care. Clinical implications: Psychological interventions aimed at family caregivers should include specific techniques in order to address guilt feelings.The study was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competiveness (grants PSI2015-65,152-C2-1-R and PSI2015-65,152-C2-2-R
Body image in obese children: Effects produced by physical exercise program
La autopercepción de la imagen corporal en niños obesos resulta importante, puede generar comportamientos conducentes a aislamiento social, e inducir un aumento en la ingesta de alimentos. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar los cambios producidos en el grado de satisfacción con la imagen corporal y las variaciones en indicadores antropométricos de los infantes del estado de Sonora, México, después de participar en un programa de 40 sesiones de ejercicio físico con un gasto calórico promedio de 267 Kcal por sesión. Se reclutó a 119 niños de 8 a 11 años con índice de masa corporal (IMC) de 26.59 ± 4.2 (kg/m2). Se evaluaron antes y después de la intervención mediante el test de Satisfacción con la Imagen Corporal (SIC). Los resultados con cambios significativos (p ≤ 0.05) entre pre-test y post-test se encuentran en el peso y la talla. Se observan además cambios significativos en la autoimagen en 15 partes de los segmentos corporales evaluados principalmente abdomen, pecho, muslos, glúteos, cintura y cadera en la totalidad de los niños del grupo experimental. Los resultados concluyen que el ejercicio físico a pesar de no producir cambios significativos en el IMC puede modificar positivamente la percepción de la imagen corporal.Body image self-perception in obese children is important since it can encourage behaviors leading to social isolation and cause an increase in food intake. The objective of this study was to determine the changes produced in the level of body image satisfaction and the variation in anthropometric indicators of young children in the State of Sonora, Mexico after participating in a program of 40 sessions of physical exercise with an average caloric expenditure of 267 Kcal per session. 119 children were enrolled in the program; they were between the ages of 8 and 11 with a body mass index (BMI) of 26.59 ± 4.2 (kg/m2). They were evaluated before and after the physical activity intervention by means of a Body Image Satisfaction (BIS) Test. The results with significant changes (p ≤ 0.05) between the pre-test and post-test are in weight and height. There are also significant changes observed in self-image in 15 parts of evaluated body segments, mainly in the abdomen, chest, thighs, buttocks, waist, and hips in all children from the experimental group. The results conclude that physical exercise, in spite of not producing significant changes in BMI, can positively modify body image perception.peerReviewe
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