147 research outputs found

    Measuring valley polarization in two-dimensional materials with second-harmonic spectroscopy

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    A population imbalance at different valleys of an electronic system lowers its effective rotational symmetry. We introduce a technique to measure such imbalance - a valley polarization - that exploits the unique fingerprints of this symmetry reduction in the polarization-dependent second-harmonic generation (SHG). We present the principle and detection scheme in the context of hexagonal two-dimensional crystals, which include graphene-based systems and the family of transition metal dichalcogenides, and provide a direct experimental demonstration using a 2H-MoSe2_{2} monolayer at room temperature. We deliberately use the simplest possible setup, where a single pulsed laser beam simultaneously controls the valley imbalance and tracks the SHG process. We further developed a model of the transient population dynamics which analytically describes the valley-induced SHG rotation in very good agreement with the experiment. In addition to providing the first experimental demonstration of the effect, this work establishes a conceptually simple, com-pact and transferable way of measuring instantaneous valley polarization, with direct applicability in the nascent field of valleytronics

    Reliability analysis using the in-lux examination method for dental indices in adolescents for use in epidemiological studies

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    Author´s accepted manuscriptAvailable from 21/07/2023This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Silverira Pinto, R., Vettore, M. V., Abreu, M. H. G. N., Palmier, A. C., Moura, R. N. V. d. & Roncalli, A. G. (2022). Reliability analysis using the in-lux examination method for dental indices in adolescents for use in epidemiological studies. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 1-7, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1111/cdoe.12775. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions. This article may not be enhanced, enriched or otherwise transformed into a derivative work, without express permission from Wiley or by statutory rights under applicable legislation. Copyright notices must not be removed, obscured or modified. The article must be linked to Wiley’s version of record on Wiley Online Library and any embedding, framing or otherwise making available the article or pages thereof by third parties from platforms, services and websites other than Wiley Online Library must be prohibited.Objective: To evaluate the in- lux examination method to assess the reliability of exam-iners for oral health surveys. Methods: A calibration study involving 10 examiners and 27 patients was conducted, and high-quality photographs of dental epidemiological indices were projected. The latter refers to the in- lux examination method. Two groups, comprised of five ex-aminers each, were trained to assess dental caries (DMFT index) and malocclusion (DAI). The first group carried out in vivo (clinical) and in- lux examinations in the same patients. The second group performed in- lux examinations only. The measurements were repeated to obtain intraexaminer weighted kappa coefficients. Results: Interexaminer weighted kappa coefficients of the in vivo examination method for DMFT and DAI ranged from 0.597 to 0.851 and from 0.574 to 0.844, respectively. The values for in- lux examination were between 0.440 and 0.856 (DMFT) and be-tween 0.524 and 0.783 (DAI). The intraexaminer kappa coefficients of the in vivo examination method ranged between 0.569 and 0.851 (DMFT) and between 0.644 and 0.834 (DAI). In the in- lux method, these values were between 0.426 and 0.831 (DMFT) and between 0.341 and 0.838 (DAI). Three examiners did not reach the mini-mum acceptable kappa value (k= 0.610) for DMFT, and one for DAI. Of these, one examiner managed to reach the minimum kappa coefficient for DMFT after additional training. The three others maintained the kappa coefficients at lower than acceptable limits. Conclusions: Calibration, using both in vivo and in- lux examination methods, was able to discriminate the examiners regarding their reliability to reproduce dental indices. The in- lux examination method was considered reliable and can replace the in vivo ex-amination method. The in- lux method might be more feasible to evaluate the reliability of examiners when clinical calibration is unrealistic due to logistic issues and when a large number of examiners are involved in the survey.acceptedVersio

    A permanent Raman lidar station in the Amazon: description, characterization, and first results

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    A permanent UV Raman lidar station, designed to perform continuous measurements of aerosols and water vapor and aiming to study and monitor the atmosphere from weather to climatic time scales, became operational in the central Amazon in July 2011. the automated data acquisition and internet monitoring enabled extended hours of daily measurements when compared to a manually operated instrument. This paper gives a technical description of the system, presents its experimental characterization and the algorithms used for obtaining the aerosol optical properties and identifying the cloud layers. Data from one week of measurements during the dry season of 2011 were analyzed as a mean to assess the overall system capability and performance. Both Klett and Raman inversions were successfully applied. A comparison of the aerosol optical depth from the lidar and from a co-located Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) sun photometer showed a correlation coefficient of 0.86. By combining nighttime measurements of the aerosol lidar ratio (50-65 sr), back-trajectory calculations and fire spots observed from satellites, we showed that observed particles originated from biomass burning. Cirrus clouds were observed in 60% of our measurements. Most of the time they were distributed into three layers between 11.5 and 13.4 km a. g. l. the systematic and long-term measurements being made by this new scientific facility have the potential to significantly improve our understanding of the climatic implications of the anthropogenic changes in aerosol concentrations over the pristine Amazonia.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Instituto Nacional de Ciencia e Tecnologia (INCT) - Mudancas ClimaticasConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Univ São Paulo, Inst Fis, BR-05508090 São Paulo, BrazilInst Meteorol Cuba, Ctr Meteorol Camaguey, Matanzas, CubaUNIFESP, Dept Ciencias Exatas & Terra, Diadema, SP, BrazilInst Nacl de Pesquisas da Amazonia, Manaus, AM, BrazilUniv Estado Amazonas, Manaus, AM, BrazilInst Fed Educ Ciencia & Tecnol São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilUNIFESP, Dept Ciencias Exatas & Terra, Diadema, SP, BrazilFAPESP: 2008/58100-1FAPESP: 2009/15235-8FAPESP: 2011/50170-4FAPESP: 2012/14437-9FAPESP: 2012/16100-1CNPq: 477575/2008-0CNPq: 475735/2012-9CNPq: 457843/2013-6Web of Scienc

    Teaching development and medical education

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    Based on the results obtained in the self-assessment performed by 28 medical schools (MS) making part of the Project Evaluation of Change Trends (Caem/Abem), this paper examines the behavior of medical schools according to the predominant alternatives (traditional, innovative, progressive) with regard to the four vectors comprising the axis Teaching Development: Pedagogical Training; Technical-Scientific Up-Dating; Participation in Assistance Services and Management. Although half of these MS consider themselves traditional, the group recognizes the importance and influence of this axis in the medical education process, considering it essential for supporting the implemented changes and ensuring interaction between University, Health Services and Community from the perspective of integrality. For this group of 28 medical schools, the axis Teaching Development is very far from the recommendations of the National Curriculum Guidelines.Com base nos resultados obtidos pela auto-avaliação realizada por 28 escolas médicas brasileiras (EMBs) que integram o Projeto de Avaliação de Tendências de Mudanças no Curso de Graduação das Escolas Médicas, da Caem/Abem, este trabalho analisa o comportamento das escolas segundo as alternativas predominantes (tradicional, inovadora, avançada) no eixo Desenvolvimento Docente, composto por quatro vetores: Formação Pedagógica; Atualização Técnico-Científica; Participação nos Serviços de Assistência; e Capacitação Gerencial. Embora metade das EMBs estudadas neste eixo se percebam tradicionais, reconhecem sua importância e influência no processo de formação do médico, considerando-o essencial para dar suporte às mudanças implementadas e garantir a interação entre ensino, serviços e comunidade voltada ao paradigma da integralidade. Para este grupo de 28 escolas, o Desenvolvimento Docente é o eixo que se encontra mais distante do preconizado para atender às Diretrizes Curriculares.Universidade Estadual de LondrinaMinistério do Esporte Secretaria Nacional de Esporte EducacionalUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Faculdade de Medicina de MaríliaUniversidade Federal de Santa MariaUniversidade Federal de GoiásUNIFESP, EPM, São Paulo, BrazilSciEL

    Change trends in a group of brazilian medical schools

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    The purpose of this study of Caem/Abem conducted in a group of twenty-eight Brazilian medical schools was to show the trends in the changes made for meeting the National Curricular Guidelines and consolidating the Brazilian Health System and represents the first stage of the Project for evaluating the change trends in the undergraduate courses of the Brazilian medical schools. The schools answered the self-evaluation instrument according to the proposed methodology. The results show that the course is perceived as inter-relation of five main axes: the world of work, the pedagogical project, the pedagogical approach, sceneries of practice and qualification of teachers. In the perception of their social actors, the greater part of the schools of this group (75%) can be classified as advanced and innovative, strongly tending to the transformations commended for the health sector. The item Qualification of Teachers shows minor advances than the others, indicating in this moment of the process a disproportion in the dynamics of actions for consolidating the changes. It shows the need for deepening the study by developing evaluation processes and constructing qualitative and quantitative indicators that allow identifying and monitoring the changes.Realizado com um grupo de 28 escolas médicas brasileiras, este estudo mostra as tendências de mudanças para atender às Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais (DCN) com perspectiva de consolidação do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Faz parte do primeiro momento do projeto de avaliação de tendências de mudanças nos cursos de graduação das escolas médicas brasileiras, da Comissão de Avaliação das Escolas Médicas da Associação Brasileira de Educação Médica (Caem/Abem). As escolas responderam ao instrumento de pesquisa oferecido para sua auto-avaliação segundo a metodologia proposta, com resultados que mostram a percepção do curso como um todo na inter-relação de cinco eixos: Mundo do Trabalho, Projeto Pedagógico, Abordagem Pedagógica, Cenários da Prática e Desenvolvimento Docente. A maioria das escolas deste grupo (75%), na percepção de seus atores sociais, apresenta tipologia avançada e inovadora com tendência avançada para as transformações preconizadas no setor saúde. O eixo Desenvolvimento Docente mostra avanços menores em relação aos demais, o que sinaliza, neste momento do processo, um descompasso na dinâmica das ações para consolidar as mudanças. Demonstra a necessidade de aprofundar o estudo com o desenvolvimento dos processos avaliativos, que requer a construção de indicadores qualitativos e quantitativos capazes de auxiliar a identificação, o acompanhamento e a efetivação das mudanças.Universidade Federal de Santa MariaUniversidade Federal de GoiásUniversidade Estadual de LondrinaMinistério do Esporte Secretaria Nacional de Esporte EducacionalUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Faculdade de Medicina de MaríliaUNIFESP, EPMSciEL
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