63 research outputs found

    Abstração e empatia: Schopenhauer e a fundamentação da arte abstrata

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    Among the theories that support the need for abstraction, one of the most interesting was probably conceived by Wilhelm Worringer, an art historian who, being a contemporary of the artistic avant-gardes that started in abstract experiments, traditionally linked to primitive cultures, stablished, in 1907, the contraposition between two artistic approaches: abstraction and mimetic or realistic art. According to Worringer, abstract art would in no way be inferior to figurative art, would not be the result of some kind of inability to produce figurative art, but the product of an entirely different intention, a kind of spiritual necessity in face of the chaotic reality that surrounds us.Dentre as fundamentações que baseiam a necessidade da abstração, uma das mais interessantes provavelmente é a de Wilhelm Worringer, historiador da arte que, sendo contemporâneo das vanguardas artísticas que se iniciavam nas experimentações abstratas, tradicionalmente vinculadas a culturas primitivas, estabeleceu, em sua obra Abstração e empatia, de 1907, a contraposição entre duas abordagens artísticas: a abstração e a arte mimética, ou realista. Segundo Worringer, a arte abstrata não seria de modo algum inferior à arte figurativa, não seria o resultado de algum tipo de incapacidade de se produzir arte figurativa, e sim o produto de uma intenção inteiramente distinta, um tipo de necessidade espiritual de ordenação da realidade caótica que nos rodeia

    Clement Greenberg, o Expressionismo Abstrato e a Crítica de Arte durante a Guerra Fria

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    O artigo pretende avaliar o impacto do cenário político, intelectual e social encontrados nos Estados Unidos na metade do século XX sobre as idéias do crítico de arte norte-americano Clement Greenberg, refletindo acerca das relações entre a receptividade de sua concepção de modernismo, o sucesso do Expressionismo abstrato ,e o momento histórico no qual estes fenômenos se desenrolaram

    O surrealismo envergonhado

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    Although Brazil did not see a full surrealist movement, some modernists identified with its aesthetic and certain guiding principles, such as the unconscious, and experimented with photomontage. But these experiences were overshadowed, at first, by the desire to create a national imaginary and, later, by the space conquered by more constructive works.Ainda que não tenha havido um movimento surrealista no Brasil, alguns modernistas se identificaram com a estética e alguns dos princípios norteadores deste movimento, como por exemplo o inconsciente, e realizaram trabalhos no campo da fotomontagem. Contudo, tais experiências foram ofuscadas, inicialmente pelo desejo de criar um imaginário nacional e, posteriormente, pelo espaço conquistado por obras de caráter mais construtivo.Aunque no hubo movimiento surrealista en Brasil, algunos artistas modernistas se identificaron con la estética y los principios rectores de este movimiento, como el inconsciente, y realizaron trabajos en el campo del fotomontaje. Sin embargo, estas experiencias quedaron ocultas, inicialmente por el intento de crear un imaginario nacional y, posteriormente, por el espacio que han alcanzado obras de tipo más constructivo

    Cubism as method

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    This paper aims to discuss the relevance of Cubism for Clement Greenberg's vision of Modernism, based on the analysis of essays and critical texts published by him over more than three decades in which the unity of the pictorial surface – understood by the critic as one of the essential features of modern painting, besides its flatness – is identified with the cubist plastic thinking.Este artigo busca discutir a relevância do Cubismo para a concepção de Modernismo elaborada pelo crítico de arte norte-americano Clement Greenberg a partir da análise de ensaios e textos críticos publicados por ele ao longo de mais de três décadas, nos quais transparece a identificação da unidade do plano pictórico – entendida pelo crítico como uma das características mais essenciais da pintura moderna, ao lado da planaridade – com o pensamento plástico cubista

    Schopenhauer e a crítica de Walter Benjamin à noção romântica de alegoria

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    The aim of the text is to investigate Benjamin’s critique to the romantic notion of allegory and its relationship with the role of language in Schopenhauer’s philosophy, mainly concerning about the exclusion of language from aesthetics.O objetivo do texto é discutir a separação entre linguagem e estética na filosofia de Schopenhauer a partir da crítica feita por Walter Benjamin em Origem do Drama Barroco Alemão à concepção romântica de alegoria

    Bilateral Anophthalmia in Feline

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    Background: Anophthalmia is a rare, congenital condition, defined as the complete absence of the eye bulb due to inadequate growth of the vesicle or optic dome. The malformation can be primary (in the absence of complete), secondary (in the presence of only residual tissue), or degenerative (in which the eye begins to form, but for some reason, it begins to degenerate). This condition is rare in dogs, cats, cattle, and sheep. Microscopic evaluation of orbital tissue for identification is always recommended. The aim of this study was to report a case of bilateral anophthalmia in a domestic cat.Case: A feline male, healthy, Maine Coon breed with 60 days of life was attended at the one veterinary private clinic. The cat, negative for FIV and FeLV, was born in a commercial cattery, belonging to his mother's third litter, healthy litter with the exception of this feline. He arrived with a complaint of not opening his eyelids, like the rest of the litter. In the clinical examination, it was found the normality of vital signs, absence of other visible anatomical abnormalities, only the ocular region was observed with closed eyelids. The initial suspicions were anophthalmia and microphthalmia. The patient was referred for an ocular ultrasound, which showed the complete absence of the right and left eye bulbs. The right and left orbital cavities had only a volume of soft, amorphous, and predominantly homogeneous tissue. After the ultrasound report, the patient underwent a surgical procedure to remove a fragment of tissue from the eye socket, which was sent for histopathological examination to confirm anophthalmia and discard the differential diagnosis of microphthalmia. Microscopy revealed immature, epithelial, and glandular tissue in the middle of discrete and moderate connective tissue, loosely arranged. In some fragments, cartilaginous tissue was also revealed. Thus, the histological findings are compatible with immature, pseudoformed tissues and without neoplastic characteristics. The diagnosis of secondary anophthalmia was reached with use of ultrasound and histological reports.Discussion: Congenital malformations in domestic cats are less frequent than in dogs, some of which are rare, and little reported. Secondary anophthalmia in the reported patient was confirmed by histological and ultrasound examination. Bilateral secondary anophthalmia is characterized by the absence of the eyeball, but with the presence of adjacent tissue. The animal was submitted to an ocular ultrasound examination and the complete absence of ocular bulbs was found. The differential diagnosis of microphthalmia was ruled out because there was no evidence of the eyeball. Microphthalmia is a common congenital ophthalmic disorder in veterinary medicine. Representative fragments were submitted to histopathological examination, where immature, epithelial tissue was found. In some fragments sent for analysis, cartilaginous tissue was observed. The histological findings are compatible with immature, pseudoformed tissues, thus verifying bilateral congenital anophthalmia in the reported animal. The clinical examination in these cases serves to ensure that the animal does not have any other congenital changes, allowing a favorable prognosis in puppies. Based on the information presented, the animal in this study has bilateral secondary congenital anophthalmia, with a favorable prognosis for the patient to live with certain normality, with quality and well-being

    Cutaneous Asthenia in a Domestic Cat (Felis silvestris catus)

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    Background: Cutaneous asthenia or Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is an inherited and rare disease. This infirmity is from an autosomal mutation that influences the collagen synthesis of the carrier. Thus, its skeleton, formed of fibers, is structurally defective. The disease is characterized by hyperelasticity and skin fragility, leading to lesions throughout the skin. The lesions may manifest in specific places or in a generalized way, being more frequent in the limbs, neck, and back. This disease does not have a specific treatment, only management care to avoid new traumas.Case: A 3-year-old male castrated, no defined race cat, was attended at one veterinary clinic with a history of intense itching. The rapid tests for feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and feline leukemia virus (FeLV) were negative. On physical examination, infestation by fleas, lesions all over the body, and skin hyperelasticity were observed. Topical treatment for ectoparasites as well as for body wounds was established. After the treatment, he returned without itching, but with the complaints of new lesions that did not heal. The patient underwent a total shearing to facilitate the treatment of the skin, and then he underwent blood tests, biochemistry, hormonal tests, and ultrasound, which showed no suggestive changes for hyperadrenocorticism and diabetes mellitus. His clinical signs, besides not matching with these diseases, also did not indicate skin fragility due to his history of age and balanced diet. The confirmation of the cutaneous asthenia syndrome was acquired through biopsy of skin fragment, in which it was observed disarray of collagen fibers, hypertrophy, and fibroblast hyperplasia, together with the rate of extensibility of the skin where the value reached the mark of 27.5%. Throughout the hospitalization, it was noted the progression of the disease with the appearance of new lesions, where there was no bleeding and they appeared even with the patient wearing padded clothes. Its progression lasted one year until the patient's euthanasia.Discussion: For the disposal of diabetes mellitus and hyperadrenocorticism as causes of the appearance of lesions by the body in the patient, he was submitted to the suppression tests with dexamethasone, in which he presented normality, in the biochemical examination it was dosed with fructosamine and glucose. The fructosamine was in the reference value, but the glucose was slightly altered, this increase may have been a result of stress at the time of blood collection. In addition to the patient not showing specific clinical signs such as polyphagia, polyuria, polydipsia, and weight loss, these are characteristic clinical signs of the disease. For the diagnosis of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, histological examination, and calculation of the skin extensibility index were used, where the results obtained confirmed the suspicion. This genetic anomaly has no treatment, being progressive, so only environmental management is done to mitigate the appearance of the lesions and provide animal welfare. This case report contributes to aggregating the scientific literature in the area of veterinary medicine since skin asthenia is a rare disease and when its extent is total it becomes even more atypical. The availability of this article will provide a vision of palliative treatment for other cases, demonstrating the progressive nature of the lesions and the methods of diagnosis. Keywords: cat, collagen deficiency, ehlers-danlos syndrome, hyperelastic, skin.

    Preliminary and Accelerated Stability Study of Melissa Officinalis Syrup Cultivated in the South of Tocantins

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    Melissa officinalis L. (Lamiaceae) is known as a true lemon balm and is popularly used in traditional medicine as a tranquilizer. The present research aimed to propose a source of syrup based on the tincture of M. officinalis and perform preliminary and accelerated stability tests, and microbiological evaluation. The leaves of M. officinalis were collected and after botanical identification, the raw material processing step was followed to obtain the dye. The tincture obtained was used to prepare the syrup based on M. Officinalis. The syrup was used as steps of physical-chemical and microbiological quality control. It was found that the M. Officinalis syrup, in the analysis of pH, organoleptic characteristics, density, volume, and microbiological assay, is by the consulted literature. The observed results indicate that the syrup of M. Officinalis is within the defined parameters, which guarantees the patient the efficacy and safety of the herbal medicine

    Efeitos adversos do uso terapêutico de Canabidiol no tratamento da epilepsia: um estudo de revisão integrativa

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    A epilepsia é uma condição neurológica, sendo a crise convulsiva o principal sintoma nas crises epiléticas. Pacientes em tratamento com medicamentos antiepilépticos buscam alternativas terapêuticas e a cannabis, devido aos seus compostos ativos, especialmente ao Canabidiol (CBD) e Delta-9-tetrahidrocanabinol (THC), demonstrou potencial na redução das convulsões e no alívio de sintomas associados à epilepsia, e melhora na qualidade de vida. Identificar os possíveis efeitos adversos dos medicamentos à base de Canabidiol usados como opção terapêutica no tratamento de pacientes com epilepsia. Estudo de revisão integrativa utilizando as bases de dados Pubmed/Medline, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS) e Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS) para seleção dos estudos publicados nos últimos 5 anos, completos, de acesso gratuito e no idioma inglês ou português. A pergunta de pesquisa norteadora foi: Quais são os efeitos colaterais do uso de medicamentos a base de cannabis medicinal no tratamento de epilepsia? Os termos “cannabidiol”, “therapeutics”, “epilepsy” e “drug-related side effects and adverse reactions” baseada nos Descritores em Ciências da Saúde (DeCS), juntamente com o operador booleano AND foram considerados na estratégia de busca e na condução do estudo. Na busca inicial, um total de 32 estudos foram encontrados, sendo 16, 13 e 3 das bases de dados BVS, Pubmed/Medline, e LILACS respectivamente. Após a leitura dos títulos e resumos um total de 14 estudos foram excluídos, destes 9 foram incluídos na revisão. A partir da análise dos estudos incluídos, foram identificados os efeitos colaterais frequentemente associados ao uso de CBD em pacientes com epilepsia, sendo estes, a diminuição do apetite e sonolência (n=3), diarreia (n=3), aumento de crises convulsivas e/ou piora de comportamento (n=1), tontura/vertigem (n=1), vômito (n=1), depressão (n=1), além de efeitos leves e moderados não especificados (n=2). A sonolência e a diminuição de apetite foram predominantes entre os estudos analisados. Os resultados obtidos na revisão pelos estudos analisados evidenciaram o impacto terapêutico positivo do CBD, incluindo a diminuição na frequência de crises convulsivas epléticas e melhora na qualidade de vida. Embora haja efeitos adversos frequentes associados ao uso terapêutico de CBD em portadores de epilepsia, estes geralmente foram de intensidade leve ou moderada, indicando a possibilidade de manejo clínico e a ausência de suspensão do uso por intolerância ou toxicidade não aceitável

    Estratégias não farmacológicas no controle da dor ao recém-nascido internado em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal

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    Os recém-nascidos em situação de internação possuem maior propensão à dor e, ainda, sofrem manuseios diários dolorosos ou não, facilitando o aumento do seu estresse. A utilização de métodos não farmacológicos para alívio da dor se faz necessária para um cuidado humanizado. Trata-se de uma revisão de literatura com objetivo de identificar produções científicas brasileiras acerca do uso de estratégias não farmacológicas no controle da dor ao recém-nascido internado em unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal. A busca dos dados foi realizada a partir de fontes secundárias e a busca bibliográfica ocorreu nas seguintes bases de dados: Literatura Latino Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da saúde (LILACS) e Base de dados em Enfermagem (BDENF), foram utilizado os seguintes descritores: “recém nascido”, “dor”, “uti neonatal” e “enfermagem”, resultando 194 artigos. Após aplicação dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão e leitura criteriosa elegeu-se uma amostra de 7 artigos que compõem o corpus do trabalho. Na sequência, emergiram duas categorias dos estudos selecionados: “Sintoma de dor em recém-nascidos internados em unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal e a utilização dos métodos não farmacológicos para seu alívio” e “Conhecimento da equipe de enfermagem na aplicação dos métodos não farmacológicos para alívio da dor em recém-nascidos internados em unidade neonatal”. Destaca-se a importância do conhecimento da equipe de enfermagem no reconhecimento, avaliação e aplicação dos métodos não farmacológicos para alívio da dor do recém-nascido internado na unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal. Produções científicas corroboram na afirmativa de que significativa parcela desses profissionais possuem informação sobre os métodos não farmacológicos, porém é evidente as dificuldades para alcançar certos níveis de conhecimento, sendo necessários maiores investimentos e sensibilização da equipe em relação a dor