96 research outputs found
L'alcohol terc-butĂlic com a solvent d'interĂ©s analĂtic: equilibris protolĂtics i les seves aplicacions
L’objecte primordial del present treball ha estat l’estudi teòric i prĂ ctic d’un solvent, l’alcohol terc-butĂlic, que tot i essent un dels solvents mĂ©s semblants a l’aigua, presenta respecte a ella notables diferències. Algunes d’aquestes diferències sĂłn de gran repercusiĂł en aplicacions analĂtiques, com pot Ă©sser la valoraciĂł i la resoluciĂł d’à cids i mescles d’à cids que no poden Ă©sser efectuades, de forma precisa, en aigua.
Per tal d’aconseguir aquesta finalitat hom s’ha plantejat l’estudi i resolució dels equilibris à cid-base que s’estableixen en terc-butanol, la posta a punt de tècniques experimentals i l’elaboració de mètodes i programes de cà lcul que permetin determinar constants de dissociació i d’associació de diferents electròlits en aquest medi, i la comparació de les constants obtingudes en aquest solvent amb les corresponents en altres solvents similars, en especial l’aigua. Hom s’ha proposat també l’estudi de l’efecte de l’addició d’altres solvents en la dissociació de diversos electròlits en terc-butanol, relacionant-lo amb les variacions de la constant dielèctrica del medi i del pK de l’electròlit, ja que aquestes addicions són molt freqüents en l’ús prà ctic del solvent.
Donat que una de les aplicacions analĂtiques mĂ©s importants del terc-butanol Ă©s la seva utilitzaciĂł en les determinacions volumètriques, degut al seu elevat poder diferenciant d’à cids, hom s’ha proposat l’establiment d’una escala d’indicadors en aquest medi que, cobrint tot el seu interval Ăştil de pH permeti valorar Ă cids de diferent força Ă cida, escolIint per a cada problema en particular l’indicador o indicadors mĂ©s adequats i les condicions en que cal emprar-los.
Dels resultats obtinguts hom preveu aplicacions analĂtiques prĂ ctiques com sĂłn valoracions conductimètriques i potenciomètriques i visuals de diferents Ă cids i en especial la resoluciĂł de mescles d’à cids de força Ă cida semblant en aigua, però diferent en terc-butanol
L'alcohol terc-butĂlic com a solvent d'interĂ©s analĂtic: equilibris protolĂtics i les seves aplicacions
[cat] L’objecte primordial del present treball ha estat l’estudi teòric i prĂ ctic d’un solvent, l’alcohol terc-butĂlic, que tot i essent un dels solvents mĂ©s semblants a l’aigua, presenta respecte a ella notables diferències. Algunes d’aquestes diferències sĂłn de gran repercusiĂł en aplicacions analĂtiques, com pot Ă©sser la valoraciĂł i la resoluciĂł d’à cids i mescles d’à cids que no poden Ă©sser efectuades, de forma precisa, en aigua.
Per tal d’aconseguir aquesta finalitat hom s’ha plantejat l’estudi i resolució dels equilibris à cid-base que s’estableixen en terc-butanol, la posta a punt de tècniques experimentals i l’elaboració de mètodes i programes de cà lcul que permetin determinar constants de dissociació i d’associació de diferents electròlits en aquest medi, i la comparació de les constants obtingudes en aquest solvent amb les corresponents en altres solvents similars, en especial l’aigua. Hom s’ha proposat també l’estudi de l’efecte de l’addició d’altres solvents en la dissociació de diversos electròlits en terc-butanol, relacionant-lo amb les variacions de la constant dielèctrica del medi i del pK de l’electròlit, ja que aquestes addicions són molt freqüents en l’ús prà ctic del solvent.
Donat que una de les aplicacions analĂtiques mĂ©s importants del terc-butanol Ă©s la seva utilitzaciĂł en les determinacions volumètriques, degut al seu elevat poder diferenciant d’à cids, hom s’ha proposat l’establiment d’una escala d’indicadors en aquest medi que, cobrint tot el seu interval Ăştil de pH permeti valorar Ă cids de diferent força Ă cida, escolIint per a cada problema en particular l’indicador o indicadors mĂ©s adequats i les condicions en que cal emprar-los.
Dels resultats obtinguts hom preveu aplicacions analĂtiques prĂ ctiques com sĂłn valoracions conductimètriques i potenciomètriques i visuals de diferents Ă cids i en especial la resoluciĂł de mescles d’à cids de força Ă cida semblant en aigua, però diferent en terc-butanol
Efecto de la solución amortiguadora de pH en la selectividad cromatográfica de compuestos ácido-base
Es bien sabido que el pH de la fase mĂłvil es una variable fundamental en la separaciĂłn de sustancias ionizables en cromatografĂa de lĂquidos, ya que de Ă©l depende el grado de ionizaciĂłn de los analitos presentes en la mezcla problema. En el desarrollo de mĂ©todos analĂticos se requiere pues, ejercer un control eficiente sobre el pH mediante la elecciĂłn de un tampĂłn adecuado. En cromatografĂa de lĂquidos en fase inversa, suelen usarse solucio- nes hidro-orgánicas tamponadas como fases mĂłviles. Habitualmente Ă©stas suelen prepararse añadiendo el volumen adecuado de un disolvente orgánico, tĂpicamente acetonitrilo o metanol, sobre una soluciĂłn acuosa tamponada. Sin embargo, fases mĂłviles del mismo contenido en modificador orgánico y preparadas a partir de soluciones acuosas del mismo pH pero que contienen ácidos distintos como reguladores del pH, pueden presentar valores de pH significativamente diferentes
Buffer Considerations for LC and LC-MS
In this article, the buffer capacity concept is revisited, particularly concerning its behavior in hydroorganic mobile phases. The buffer capacity of a polyprotic acid, or a mixture of monoprotic acids, depends upon the concentration of each weak acid-conjugate base pair, and the pH of its maximum value mainly fits to the acid-base pKA, but it is shifted to a certain degree according to the ionic strength of the buffered solution. Consequently, when an organic solvent is added to an aqueous buffer to prepare a particular mobile phase, the buffer capacity of the hydroorganic mixture is reduced due to the dilution effect, and the maximum buffer capacity is shifted to lower or higher pH values according to the nature of the buffering acid-base pair
Volume and composition of semi-adsorbed stationary phases in hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography. Comparison of water adsorption in common stationary phases and eluents.
Pycnometric and homologous series retention methods are used to determine the volume and mean composition of the water-rich layers partially adsorbed on the surface of several hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) column fillings with acetonitrile-water and methanol-water as eluents. The findings obtained in this work confirm earlier studies using direct methods for measuring the stationary phase water content performed by Jandera's and Irgum's research groups. Water is preferentially adsorbed on the surface of the HILIC bonded phase in hydroorganic eluents containing more than 40% acetonitrile or 70% methanol, and a gradient of several water-rich transition layers between the polar bonded phase and the poorly polar bulk mobile phase is formed. These layers of reduced mobility act as HILIC stationary phases, retaining polar solutes. The volume of these layers and concentration of adsorbed water is much larger for acetonitrile-water than for methanol-water mobile phases. In hydroorganic eluents with less than 20-30% acetonitrile or 40% methanol the amount of preferentially adsorbed water is very small, and the observed retention behavior is close to the one in reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RPLC). In eluents with intermediate acetonitrile-water or methanol-water compositions a mixed HILIC-RPLC behavior is presented. Comparison of several HILIC columns shows that the highest water enrichment in the HILIC retention region for acetonitrile-water mobile phases is observed for zwitterionic and aminopropyl bonded phases, followed in minor grade for diol and polyvinyl alcohol functionalizations. Pentafluorophenyl bonded phase, usually considered a HILIC column, does not show significant water adsorption, nor HILIC retention
Estimation of skin permeation by liquid chromatography
Dermal absorption is a key process in the drug delivery studies of the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries, as well as in the fields of dermal toxicology, risk assessment, and the exposure of environmental pollutants. This process is typically described by the skin-water permeability coefficient. However, in vivo determination is laborious and expensive. Thus, in the last few years, the development of prediction models from structure descriptors or subrogation through physico-chemical measurements has gained interest. In the present work, a previous subrogation model based on the chromatographic retention on a common C18 column has been tested for a wide set of drugs with very different chemical nature and having a wide range of permeability values. A total of 65 compounds have been used to establish the correlation between skin permeation and the HPLC retention, corrected by the McGowan volume of the drug. Afterwards it was successfully validated in terms of robustness and prediction ability. Finally, the permeability coefficient was estimated for a set of 29 new drugs, and results compared to the ones obtained by other estimation methods, as well as the available in vitro measured values, with very good agreement
Chasing the elusive hold-up time from an LFER approach
A homologous series approach derived from the Abraham's solvation model was developed for the determination of hold-up times. Firstly, it was tested from reversed-phase liquid chromatography data obtained in the literature involving several series of homologues, followed by its application in a polymeric zwitterionic HILIC column using two different homologous series (n-alkyl benzenes and n-alkyl phenones). Acetonitrile and methanol were selected as organic modifiers in a composition range between 80% and 100% in volume. Results obtained for both series were consistent, and hold-up times were found to be strongly dependent on the water content and the organic modifier nature of the mobile phase
Lipophilicity determination of acidic compounds: MEEKC as a reliable high-throughput methodology
In the present study apressure-assisted MEEKC method with reversed-polarity using a conventional CE instrument with UV detection and uncoated fused silica capillariesis validated as a high-throughput methodology for the lipophilicity determination of the neutral species of acidic compounds(pKa> 3.5).After the calibration of the system with four standard compoundsof known log Po/w, mass distribution ratios (log kMEEKC) of new molecules can be directly converted into log Po/wvalues by means of a simple linear equation (log Po/w=a·log kMEEKC+b). The method was internally and externally validated for a log Po/wrange between-1.54 and4.75, with higheraccuraciesthan conventional liquid chromatographic methods
High-throughput log Po/w determination from UHPLC measurements: revisiting the chromatographic hydrophobicity index
A fast and accurate lipophilicity determination is fundamental in the drug discovery process, as long as it is a relevant property in the absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and toxicity (ADMET) of a potential drug substance. In the present work, different models based on chromatographic retention values for a large set of compounds and some of their molecular descriptors (calculated by ACD/Labs or CODESSA programs) have been examined in order to establish reliable equations for log Po/w determination from fast chromatographic hydrophobicity index (CHI) measurements. This appears to be a very interesting high-throughput methodology for screening purposes, since CHI values can be measured by UHPLC in very short runs (<4 min) and molecular descriptors can be easily computed from the structure of any compound. The selected final descriptors were Abraham's hydrogen-bond acidity (A) and excess molar refraction (E) from ACD/Labs, and hydrogen-bond acidity HDCA-1/TMSA and HOMO-LUMO polarizability descriptors from CODESSA software. The proposed equations allow an accurate determination of log Po/w with standard errors in the range of 0.4 units
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