744 research outputs found

    Diffusion of Ultra High Energy Protons in Galaxy Clusters and Secondary X and Gamma Ray Emissions

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    In this work we simulate the propagation of Ultra High Energy (UHE) protons in the magnetised intergalactic medium of Galaxy Clusters (GCs). Differently from previous works on the subject, we trace proton trajectories in configurations of the Intra Cluster Magnetic Field (ICMF) which have been extracted from a constrained Magnetic-SPH simulation of the local universe. Such an approach allows us to take into account the effects of several features of the ICMFs, e.g. irregular geometrical structure and field fluctuations due to merger shocks,which cannot be investigated analitically or with usual numerical simulations. Furthermore, we are able to simulate a set of clusters which have properties quite similar to those of GCs observed in the nearby universe. We estimate the time that UHE protons take to get out of the clusters and found that in the energy range 5\times 10^{18} \simleq E \simleq 3 \times 10^{19} \eV proton propagation takes place in the Bohm scattering diffusion regime passing smoothly to a small pitch angle diffusion regime at larger energies. We apply our results to estimate the secondary gamma and Hard X Ray (HXR) emissions produced by UHE protons in a rich GC. We show that the main emission channel is due to the synchrotron HXR radiation of secondary electrons originated by proton photo-pair production scattering onto the CMB. This process may give rise to a detectable signal if a relatively powerful AGN, or a dead quasar, accelerating protons at UHEs is harboured by a rich GC in the local universe.Comment: 27 pages, 13 figure

    The Theology of Rudolf Bultmann and Second-Century Gnosis

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    In the second chapter of the Prolegomena to his recent study ‘Salvation as History' (Heil als Geschichte) Oscar Cullmann argues for the similarity of Rudolf Bultmann's theology and the gnosis of the second century. Cull-mann works out the comparison starting with both gnosticism and Bultmann's denial of the idea of salvation as history. And if; in the second century, the early church's struggle with gnosticism was really a matter of life and death, is there not, Cullmann asks, in the present theological debate something similar at stake

    Marriage in the New Testament and in the Early Church

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    Christian ethics is not a matter of fixed and unchangeable laws. If we are to study its history we must follow a story of development and trace the evidence of an evolution. This is not something that should shock us as though its development were something that puts in question its changeless value. On the contrary, its value is confirmed by its evolution, because Christian ethics is essentially dynamic. From this intrinsic dynamism we are constantly pushed forward. As Christians we live under one commandment, the commandment of love given by Jesus himself which is the centre of the dynamism. If Christian ethics becomes static, it contradicts its very nature. Far from being a tradition that is to be upheld from age to age, Christian ethics is the means of criticising the traditions of every age and a means of searching lines of development for the futur

    Die Geschwister Rosilla und Rudolf Rordorf und ihre Beziehungen zu Zürcher Reformatoren

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    Le «pain quotidien» (Matth. 6,11) dans l'histoire de l'exégèse

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    I — Grégoire de NysseII — Luther, Bucer et Calvi

    Measurement of interleukin 1 alpha and 1 beta (IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta) in human cystic lésions of the jaw. Implications for the pathogenesis of radicular cysts

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    Human radicular cystic tissue of jaws was found to contain between 0.823 pg/mg to 18.026 pg/mg interleukin 1 beta and from 0.34 pg/mg to 0.708 pg/mg interleukin 1 alpha.No IL-1 beta and alpha could be found in specimens from healthy patients. A finding which may be extremely relevant in cystic growth and episodes of alveolar bone resorption around the cystic lesion.Human radicular cystic tissue of jaws was found to contain between 0.823 pg/mg to 18.026 pg/mg interleukin 1 beta and from 0.34 pg/mg to 0.708 pg/mg interleukin 1 alpha.No IL-1 beta and alpha could be found in specimens from healthy patients. A finding which may be extremely relevant in cystic growth and episodes of alveolar bone resorption around the cystic lesion.Les tissus des kystes radiculaires chez l’homme contiennent 0,823 à 18,026 pg/mg d’interleukines 1 beta et 0,34 à 0,708 pg/mg d’interleukines alpha. Il n’a pas été trouvé d’IL-1 beta et alpha dans des prélèvements effectués chez des individus sains. Cette constatation peut avoir des conséquences importantes en relation avec la croissance du kyste et la résorption de l’os alvéolaire avoisinant

    123I-Methyljodbenzylguanidin- (MIBG-) Szintigraphie: Paradoxe Nuklidspeicherung eines onkozytären Nebennierenrindenkarzinoms

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    Zusammenfassung: Das mit Radiojod markierte Katecholaminanalogon Methyljodbenzylguanidin (MIBG) eignet sich aufgrund seiner selektiven Aufnahme in chromaffine Gewebe in hervorragender Weise für die bildgebende Diagnostik des Phäochromozytoms und besitzt hier nach Literaturangaben eine Sensitivität von etwa 90% und eine Spezifität von annähernd 100%. Die falsch-positive oder paradoxe MIBG-Speicherung einer adrenokortikalen Neoplasie stellt demgegenüber eine Rarität dar. Wir berichten über diese Situation am Beispiel eines metastasierten onkozytären Nebennierenrindenkarzinoms mit teilweise therapeutisch genutzter MIBG-Speicherung in verschiedenen Tumormanifestatione