26 research outputs found

    The Roosevelt Memorial Association (incorporated) : a report of its activities.

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    Title varies slightly.Mode of access: Internet

    Leonard Wood lays cornerstone of Roosevelt House, 1921 /

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    On Jan. 6, 1921, the restoration of TR's birthplace by the Woman's Roosevelt Memorial Association is officially begun with the laying of the Roosevelt House cornerstone. Views of crowds pressing around platform; Major General Leonard Wood, TR's longtime friend and political associate, preparing to set stone in place; Corinne Robinson, TR's sister and a frequent participant in Roosevelt House activities, speaking to assembled crowd. Woman seated on platform is Mrs. John Henry Hammond, president of the WRMA.Appearing: General Leonard Wood, Corinne Robinson, Mrs. John Henry Hammond.Duration: 0:17 at 18 fps.Includes flash interior titles. DLCPhotographed January 6, 1921 in New York City.Originally part of a Pathé News newsreel.Roosevelt Memorial Association inventory number RMA 307-04-13. DLCSources used: Roosevelt House bulletin. v. 3, no. 1, 1927, p. 2; The Roosevelt quarterly. v. 10, no. 4, 1933; The Theodore Roosevelt Association...catalog, p. 39.Collection transferred to LC from National Park Service in 1967. Previous owner: Roosevelt Memorial Association.The Theodore Roosevelt Association film collection : a catalog / prepared by Wendy White-Henson and Veronica M. Gillespie. Library of Congress, 1986

    TR's return to New York, 1910.

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    On June 18, 1910, Theodore Roosevelt returned to New York City after a fifteen-month tour abroad, having travelled through Africa and western Europe. An elaborate city celebration drawing a million people marked his homecoming. Aboard the ocean liner Kaiserin Auguste Victoria ex-President and Mrs. Roosevelt were met by a revenue cutter, the Manhattan, carrying the Roosevelt children. TR then went aboard a larger cutter, the Androscoggin, and officially became a guest of the city. After boating up the Hudson River along the New Jersey shore to West Fifty-Ninth St., the Androscoggin moved back along the Manhattan shore to Battery Park, followed by a water parade of almost one hundred vessels. TR was greeted by Mayor William J. Gaynor at the Park, where both briefly spoke to an assembled crowd, with notables seated on a flag-draped stand expanded for the occasion to hold 600 people. Battery ceremonies were followed by a parade up Broadway and Fifth Avenue to the Fifty-Ninth St. plaza, where it dispersed. In the parade TR, Mayor William J. Gaynor, and chairman of the city's welcoming committee, Cornelius Vanderbilt, together rode in an open carriage, preceded by TR's regiment of Rough Riders, First United States Volunteer Cavalry. Also in the parade were approximately 2000 other veterans of the Spanish-American War. On the film are views of the open harbor, with various vessels assembled for TR's visit, including the Kaiserin Auguste Victoria, the Androscoggin, and the Manhattan; TR alone on the lookout station of what appears to be the Androscoggin as it moves into port; street scene in which photographers scramble to get clear view of carriages as notables pass through street cordoned off with greenery; TR and Vanderbilt move toward Battery speakers platform, beside which is visible the stand erected for TR's family and dignitaries; TR and Mayor Gaynor, who steps forward to greet TR, ascend platform; men mill around base of platform; side view of TR speaking from written notes, with Gaynor behind him; scenes of crowds and tents in what appears to be Central Park south; parade moves toward camera and passes in front of decorated stands; TR, standing in carriage, pauses in front of stands; shots of mounted police, mounted band, carriages, marching band.Appearing: President Theodore Roosevelt, the Roosevelt children, Mrs. Roosevelt, Mayor William J. Gaynor, Cornelius Vanderbilt.Duration: 7:42 at 20 fps.Duration: 3:49 (part 1); 3:53 (part 2) at 20 fps.Photographed June 18, 1910 in New York City.May have originally been part of a newsreel.Roosevelt Memorial Association inventory number RMA 303-04. DLCSources used: The Theodore Roosevelt Association...catalog, p. 159; LC Prints & Photographs Division portrait file; LC Prints & Photographs Division presidential file.Collection transferred to LC from National Park Service in 1967. Previous owners: Roosevelt Memorial Association; Cy Braunstein.The Theodore Roosevelt Association film collection : a catalog / prepared by Wendy White-Henson and Veronica M. Gillespie. Library of Congress, 1986

    President McKinley's funeral, 1901.

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    Three sequences of the funeral ceremonies held for President William McKinley: Sequence 1: McKinley's body lay in state in the Rotunda of the Capitol, Washington, D.C. on Sept. 17, 1901; views of officers on horseback, the Artillery Band (wearing dark headdresses), a squadron of cavalry, a battalion of artillery and coast artillery, Marine Band (wearing white helmets), battalion of Marines, civilians carrying umbrellas (may be the diplomatic corps), other civilians, guard of honor, pallbearers, and the horsedrawn hearse all turning the corner off what may be Pennsylvania Avenue on their way to the Capitol; camera pans the hearse, as a procession of carriages turns the corner.Sequence 2: McKinley's body first lay in state for public viewing in Buffalo, N.Y. on Sept. 15-16; views of carriages, the horsedrawn hearse, and marchers stopping in front of the Buffalo City Hall; medium close shots of the casket being unloaded from hearse and carried up stairs of City Hall; crowds of mourners lining up to view the body as group of soldiers enters City Hall; camera pans crowd gathered outside as mourners enter and leave City Hall. Unrelated sequence of Washington ceremonies follows; camera pans from different angles of crowds gathered at the east front of the Capitol.Sequence 3: McKinley's body was conveyed to its final resting place at Canton, Ohio on Sept. 18-19; views of mounted military units, marching civilians, carriages, and the horsedrawn hearse turning and entering what is probably Westlawn Cemetery where McKinley is buried; military units marching down a street as gathered crowds watch; final pans of mourners, crowds, and soldiers outside the McKinley home in Canton.Duration: 4:44 (part 1), 4:06 (part 2), and 4:21 (part 3) at 16 fps.May be an American Mutoscope and Biograph Company production.Film sequence does not follow order of actual events.Film is dark and slightly out of frame. DLCPhotographed September 15-16, 1901 in Buffalo, New York, September 17, 1901 in Washington, D.C., and September 18-19, 1901 in Canton, Ohio.May have originally been part of a newsreel.Roosevelt Memorial Association inventory number RMA 306-03. DLCSources used: [Davis, Oscar K. and Mumford, John K.] The life of William McKinley. 1901, p. 111-128; The Canton Repository. Pictorial life of William McKinley. 1943, p. 26-28; The New York herald, 9/17/1901, p. 4-5; Prints & Photographs Division presidential file; Prints & Photographs Division stereo file; Theodore Roosevelt Association...catalog, p. 56-57.Collection transferred to LC from National Park Service in 1967. Previous owners: Roosevelt Memorial Association, Biograph Company.The Theodore Roosevelt Association film collection : a catalog / prepared by Wendy White-Henson and Veronica M. Gillespie. Library of Congress, 1986

    Roosevelt, friend of the birds.

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    A narrative of TR's role in bird preservation which includes factual footage taken on his visit under the auspices of the National Audubon Society to bird sanctuary islands off the coast of Louisiana, June 1915. Mating habits and domestic life of snowy egrets and their plunder by hunters are dramatized. Scenes of egrets' nest and the hunt, kill, and plucking of birds serve as the prologue to depiction of TR as bird preservationist. Views of TR and John M. Parker, leader of the Louisiana Progressive party, aboard the Audubon Society's boat, the Royal Tern; views of TR standing in marshes, with what is perhaps the Louisiana Conservation Commission yacht in background. Herbert K. Job, photographer for the expedition and noted ornithologist, appears on the beach with his camera; TR examines eggs and talks with other members of the expedition: a man who is probably J. Hippolyte Coquille, a local photographer; M. L. Alexander in light pants, president of the Louisiana Conservation Commission; John Parker, with his back to camera; and game warden William Sprinkle. Additional scenes of TR exploring island and observing birds along beach and views of a variety of shore birds including royal terns, black skimmers, laughing gulls, brown pelicans, blue herons, and egrets.Copyright: Roosevelt Memorial Association; 1Feb28; MP5938.Appearing: President Theodore Roosevelt, John M. Parker, Herbert K. Job, J. Hippolyte Coquille, M.L. Alexander, William Sprinkle.Photographer, Herbert K. Job.Copyright catalog lists author as Caroline Gentry.Duration: 4:41 minutes.Photographed in June, 1915, in Breton Island Reservation and Audubon bird sanctuaries off the coast of Louisiana.Film composed of footage taken in 1915 by Herbert K. Job on a National Audubon Society expedition with TR and undated dramatic footage of plight of the snowy egret.Interior titles suggest location of TR sequences to be Pelican Island in the Indian River, a bird sanctuary off the eastern coast of Florida which TR had established by unnumbered Executive order in March 1903 (not 1904 as RMA title states). Pelican Island marked the beginning of the national wildlife refuge system. Research indicates film locations are the Breton Island Reservation and Audubon bird sanctuaries off the coast of Louisiana; areas visited by TR included the Chandeleur Islands, Grand Isle, Breton Island, Bird Island, Last Island, Battledore Island, and Barataria Bay. Breton Island Reservation was established by Executive Order 369-A on Nov. 11, 1905. Exact location of sequences is undetermined.Roosevelt Memorial Association inventory number RMA 325-07. DLCSources used: The Times-picayune, New Orleans. June 7,1915, p. 2; June 8,1915, p. 16; June 10,1915, p. 10; June 12, 1915, p. 1; Jun 13, 1915 (real estate sec.), p. 7; Harvard University Library's Theodore Roosevelt Collection; Roosevelt Memorial Association (Roosevelt, friend of the birds script); Roosevelt Memorial Association annual report, 1924. p. 10; Scribner's magazine. v. 59, no. 3, 1916, p. 261-280; Audubon magazine. v. 17, no. 5, 1915 p. 410-412; Louisiana history. v. 12, no. 1, 1971, p. 5-19; Gabrielson, Ira N. Wildlife refuges. 1943, p. 10-11, p. 70-71; New York City Historical Records survey, Presidential executive orders. v. 1, 1944, p. 38; Harper's magazine. v. 119, 1909, p. 290-299; U.S. Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. Designating Pelican Island Wilderness Area,1969; The Theodore Roosevelt Association...catalog, p. 78-79.Collection transferred to LC from National Park Service in 1967. Previous owner: Roosevelt Memorial Association.The Theodore Roosevelt Association film collection : a catalog / prepared by Wendy White-Henson and Veronica M. Gillespie. Library of Congress, 1986

    TR speaking to a group of suffragettes from the porch at Sagamore Hill [1917] /

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    TR addresses a group of men and women at the opening of the second New York State suffrage campaign on Sept. 8, 1917 at Sagamore Hill. Film includes a side view of TR and a frontal view shot from the rear of the crowd. A woman and a man appear on the porch behind TR; immediately in front of the porch, a man who may be a reporter, takes notes.On Roosevelt Memorial Association (RMA) inventory list, date in title is 1916.Appearing: Theodore Roosevelt.Duration: 0:28 at 16 fps.Photographed September 8, 1917 in Oyster Bay, New York.May have originally been part of a newsreel.Roosevelt Memorial Association inventory number RMA 315-03-12. DLCSources used: Harper, Ida H., ed. History of woman suffrage, v. 6, 1969; The Brooklyn daily eagle, September 9, 1917, p. 1, 4; The New York times, September 9, 1917, pt. 5, p. 1; The Theodore Roosevelt Association...catalog, p. 148.Collection transferred to LC from National Park Service in 1967. Previous owner: Roosevelt Memorial Association; International Newsreel.The Theodore Roosevelt Association film collection : a catalog / prepared by Wendy White-Henson and Veronica M. Gillespie. Library of Congress, 1986

    TR's arrival in Panama, November 1906.

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    TR became the first President in office to visit a foreign country while on an inspection tour of the Panama Canal. On November 15, 1906, in Panama City there are views of the processional, including a marching band and escorts on horseback, as spectators gather; long shot of TR, accompanied by Manuel Amador Guerrero, first President of Panama, and two unidentified men standing on a platform on the steps of the Cathedral; President Amador Guerrero delivers welcoming address as dignitaries look on; TR then speaks.Appearing: President Theodore Roosevelt, President Amador Guerrero.Duration: 1:55 at 12 fps.Photographed on November 15, 1906 in Panama City, Panama.May have originally been part of a newsreel.Roosevelt Memorial Association inventory number RMA 301-05-03. DLCSources used: Washington post, November 16, 1906, p. 1; New York tribune, November 16, 1906, p. 1; United States. President, 1901-1909 (Roosevelt). Special message of the President of the United States concerning the Panama Canal. 1906 (January 8, 1906), viewed April 11, 2017, The Miller Center WWW site; The Theodore Roosevelt Association...catalog, p. 151.Collection transferred to LC from National Park Service in 1967. Previous owners: Roosevelt Memorial Association; H. [Herbert?] Miles.The Theodore Roosevelt Association film collection : a catalog / prepared by Wendy White-Henson and Veronica M. Gillespie. Library of Congress, 1986

    TR in New Mexico, 1916 /

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    On Oct. 23, 1916, Theodore Roosevelt campaigns for Republican presidential nominee Charles Evans Hughes and assails the Wilson administration in Albuquerque, N.M. A young woman rides on horseback carrying a bouquet of flowers. There is an auto parade. Roosevelt passes by in an open touring car. Seated next to him is a man who appears to be Albert B. Fall, one of New Mexico's first U.S. Senators (1912-1921) and later secretary of the interior until exposure of his involvement in the Teapot Dome scandal.There are long and close-up shots of Roosevelt seated on a stone pillar in front of the Alvarado Hotel in downtown Albuquerque, as he amiably talks with men gathered around him, including Sen. Fall, with cigar in hand, and George Curry, the tall man in a light hat, former territorial governor of New Mexico (1907-1911) and U.S. Representative (1912-1913). There is a long shot of Roosevelt speaking to a large crowd from a narrow platform in front of the Alvarado Hotel. Two young women on horseback bring flowers to Roosevelt.Appearing: President Theodore Roosevelt, Albert B. Fall, George Curry.Duration: 1:07 at 16 fps.Photographed on October 23, 1916 in Albuquerque, New Mexico.May have originally been part of a newsreel.Roosevelt Memorial Association inventory number RMA 307-03-10. DLCSources used: LC Prints & Photographs Division portrait file; Albuquerque journal, October 23, 1916, p. 8; Coan, Charles F. A history of New Mexico, 1925, v. 1, p. 500; Twitchell, Ralph E. The leading facts of New Mexican history, 1963, v. 2, p. 563; Fitzpatrick, George and Caplin, Harvey. Albuquerque, 1975, p. 62-63; [Hening, Horace B.] Albuquerque, New Mexico, [1908].Collection transferred to LC from National Park Service in 1967. Previous owners: Roosevelt Memorial Association; Pathe.The Theodore Roosevelt Association film collection : a catalog / prepared by Wendy White-Henson and Veronica M. Gillespie. Library of Congress, 1986

    TR and Leonard Wood at the New York flower show, 1917 /

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    Shots of TR and Leonard Wood on March 20, 1917, at the 5th Annual International Flower Show, Grand Central Palace in New York City. Medium-close view of TR and Wood standing together and talking, facing camera; TR, seated, poses for photographer, with Wood and an unidentified man standing behind him.Theodore Roosevelt, Leonard Wood.Duration: 1:55 at 16 fps.Photographed on March 20, 1917 in New York, N.Y.May have originally been part of a newsreel.Roosevelt Memorial Association inventory number RMA 315-03-08. DLCSource used: The Theodore Roosevelt Association...catalog, p. 109.Collection transferred to LC from National Park Service in 1967. Previous owners: Roosevelt Memorial Association; International Newsreel.The Theodore Roosevelt Association film collection : a catalog / prepared by Wendy White-Henson and Veronica M. Gillespie. Library of Congress, 1986

    Scenes of TR and his sons Quentin and Archie, 1917-1918 [2] /

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    Unrelated segments of Quentin, Archie, and TR at various times and locations. Medium close view of Quentin wearing a WWI uniform standing by a wooden shed in Mineola, New York, May 1917; long shot of Archie in uniform astride a horse possibly in 1917; Archie in uniform, with a cane, standing by a building possibly in 1918; medium shot of TR speaking from the porch at Sagamore Hill; close shot of TR sitting at the 5th Annual International Flower Show in the Grand Central Palace, New York City on March 20, 1917; long shot of crowds and TR in a motorcade probably during 1917, location unknown; TR speaking from a flag-decked platform possibly in 1917; and TR with an unidentified man standing and talking on outside steps of a house, identified by interior title as in Washington, D.C.Copyright: no reg.Appearing: President Roosevelt, Quentin Roosevelt, Archie Roosevelt.Duration: 1:07 at 18 fps.Roosevelt Memorial Association number: RMA 301-06-05. DLCMAVIS 7883; Scenes of TR and his sons Quentin and Archie, 1917-1918 [2]. DLCSources used: P&P portrait file.National Park Service acquired from Roosevelt Memorial Association. Flash title. Last segment is from a Danish newsreel with title, Ex-praesident Theodore Roosevelt og hans berømte Smil [Ex-president Theodore Roosevelt and his famous smile]. DLCviewing print, dupe neg, masterpos; Received: Oct. 1976 from LC film lab; preservation; Theodore Roosevelt Association Collection