5 research outputs found

    Usporedba učinkovitosti instrumenata Neoniti, ProTaper i Reciproc u reviziji zakrivljenih korijenskih kanala: CBCT procjena

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    Objective: Effective tools and methods are applied during root canal retreatment to eliminate root canal obturation materials and preserve the initial root canal anatomy. The present study compared the efficacy of Reciproc, Neoniti, ProTaper, and Hedstrom files in the retreatment of curved root canals. Material and methods: In the present in vitro study, 100 root canals with 25‒45º curvatures were used. After the samples were initially prepared and examined by CBCT, the root canals were obturated with gutta-percha and randomly assigned to four groups (n=25). A retreatment was carried out in each group with NeoNiTi, ProTaper, Reciproc, and Hedstrom files. CBCT examinations were carried out again under the same conditions. The samples were evaluated at 3-, 6-, and 9-mm distances from the apex on the first and the second CBCT image for root canal transportation and remaining gutta-percha in the root canals. The time required for retreating each canal in each sample was recorded. One-way ANOVA and corresponding non-parametric tests were applied for data analysis. Results: The root canal transportation in the NeoNiTi group was lower than that in the other groups and significantly different from the ProTaper group (P0.05). Conclusion: Despite the fact that the NeoNiTi file produced less transportation than other file systems evaluated in the retreatment of curved root canals, all the files were very effective at the clinically acceptable levels.Svrha rada: Učinkoviti alati i metode primjenjuju se tijekom revizije endodontskog liječenja pri uklanjanju materijala za punjenje korijenskog kanala i kako bi se očuvala njegova početna anatomija. Ovo istraživanje uspoređivalo je učinkovitost instrumenata Reciproc, Neoniti, ProTaper i Hedstrom u reviziji zakrivljenih korijenskih kanala. Materijal i metode: U ovo istraživanje in vitro bilo je uključeno 100 korijenskih kanala sa zakrivljenošću od 25 do 45º. Nakon što su uzorci inicijalno instrumentirani i pregledani CBCT-om, korijenski kanali opturirani su gutaperkom i nasumično raspoređeni u četiri skupine (n = 25). Revizija je provedena u svakoj skupini instrumentima Neoniti, ProTaper, Reciproc i Hedstrom. Ponovno su obavljene CBCT pretrage pod istim uvjetima. Uzorci su procijenjeni na udaljenosti od 3, 6 i 9 mm od apeksa na prvoj i drugoj CBCT snimci s obzirom na transportaciju korijenskog kanala i zaostalu gutaperku u korijenskim kanalima. Zabilježeno je vrijeme potrebno za reviziju svakog kanala u svakom uzorku. Za analizu podataka primijenjeni su jednosmjerna ANOVA i odgovarajući neparametrijski testovi. Rezultati: Transportacija korijenskih kanala u Neoniti skupini bila je manja nego u drugima i statistički se značajno razlikovala od ProTaper skupine (P 0,05). Zaključak: Unatoč manjoj transportaciji s instrumentima Neoniti u usporedbi s ostalim sustavima procijenjenima u reviziji zakrivljenih korijenskih kanala, svi su instrumenti bili vrlo učinkoviti na klinički prihvatljivim razinama

    Evaluation of Root Canal Morphology of Mandibular First and Second Premolars Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography in a Defined Group of Dental Patients in Iran

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    Background. Successful dental root canal treatments require a complete knowledge of dental anatomy and root canal morphology. Materials and Methods. One hundred and forty-five cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images were used to assess the anatomy and morphology of mandibular premolars based on Vertucci’s classifications in a defined group of dental patients in Iran. The number of roots and root canals, root canal morphology, root and canal shape (curvature), existence of C-shaped canal, and influence of sex on each of these were evaluated. A chi-squared test was used for statistical analysis. Results. The mandibular first and second premolars had a single root in 95.97% and 100% cases, respectively. In the mandibular first premolars, 62.2% were of type I, 0.8% type II, 10.9% type III, 0.8% type IV, 20.3% type V, 4.2% type VI, and 0.8% type VII; in the second premolars, 78% of canals were of type I, 3% type II, 11% type III, 7% type V, and 1% type VI. C-shaped canals did not exist in either of the premolars. The most prevalent root and canal shape was straight. The most prevalent root curvature was a distal curvature in both premolars (71.4% and 74% of first and second premolars, resp.). The most prevalent canal curvature was lingual and buccal for the first premolars (7.6% each) and distal for the second premolars (11%). No significant difference was found between men and women in nearly all of the above (P>0.05). Conclusion. The results suggest that there is a need to conduct further evaluations on finding root and canal variations among more populations to gain better knowledge prior to root canal treatment

    Comparison of the Efficacy of NeoNiTi, ProTaper, and Reciproc Files in the Retreatment of Curved Root Canals: a CBCT Assessment

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    Objective: Effective tools and methods are applied during root canal retreatment to eliminate root canal obturation materials and preserve the initial root canal anatomy. The present study compared the efficacy of Reciproc, Neoniti, ProTaper, and Hedstrom files in the retreatment of curved root canals. Material and methods: In the present in vitro study, 100 root canals with 25‒45º curvatures were used. After the samples were initially prepared and examined by CBCT, the root canals were obturated with gutta-percha and randomly assigned to four groups (n=25). A retreatment was carried out in each group with NeoNiTi, ProTaper, Reciproc, and Hedstrom files. CBCT examinations were carried out again under the same conditions. The samples were evaluated at 3-, 6-, and 9-mm distances from the apex on the first and the second CBCT image for root canal transportation and remaining gutta-percha in the root canals. The time required for retreating each canal in each sample was recorded. One-way ANOVA and corresponding non-parametric tests were applied for data analysis. Results: The root canal transportation in the NeoNiTi group was lower than that in the other groups and significantly different from the ProTaper group (P0.05). Conclusion: Despite the fact that the NeoNiTi file produced less transportation than other file systems evaluated in the retreatment of curved root canals, all the files were very effective at the clinically acceptable levels