3 research outputs found

    Influence of the Level of Family Social Support of Student Mothers on the Psychological Wellbeing, Egerton University, Kenya

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    In pursuit of intimate relationships, students in Kenyan Universities end up getting pregnant before completing their undergraduate degree programmes. Upon giving birth, the students have to balance between the roles of motherhood and attend to student obligations.  Striking a balance between the dual roles becomes a challenge to majority of the student mothers. The strain involved in balancing the roles results into psychosocial challenges. Some of these challenges include; level of participation in student activities, level of interpersonal relationships, level of family social support and motherhood stigmatization. The purpose of this study was to establish the influence of selected psychosocial challenges and coping strategies on the psychological wellbeing of student mothers among undergraduate students at Egerton University, Kenya. This study was guided by role conflict theory and the strain theory.  The study used descriptive research design. The target population of the study was 91 respondents comprising of 82 student mothers, eight student counselors and one Dean of Students.Census sampling method was used to select the entire population. Data was collected using close-ended questionnaire for student mothers and interview schedule for student counselors and the Dean of Students. The instruments were validated by two supervisors and discipline research experts from the Faculty of Education and Community. The reliability analysis was based on a pilot study that was conducted in Maseno University involving eight student mothers. From the pilot study, the study revealed that the overall questionnaire reliability with 43 items was 0.838. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 24 was used to analyze data. The study found out that there was statistically significance influence on the level of participation of student mothers in student activities (β=0.217, р<0.05), interpersonal relationships (β=0.188, р<0.05), family social support (β=0.261, р<0.05), coping strategies (β=0.125, р<0.05) and motherhood stigmatization (β= - 0.203,р<0.05) on the psychological wellbeing of student mothers at 5% significance level. The study recommended development of a special counseling program for student mothers on personal, academic, social and psychological issue. Keywords: Interpersonal relationships, Stigmatization, Psychological wellbeing; coping, Strategies and family social support. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/13-29-06 Publication date:October 31st 202

    Constraints to the Success of Women Small Scale Entrepreneurs in Kenya. A Case of Microfinance Institution Borrowers in Rongai District of Nakuru County, Kenya

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    The study aimed at determining the constraints to the success of women small scale entrepreneurs in Kenya with specific reference to micro finance Institution borrowers in Rongai District, Nakuru County, Kenya. Purposive sampling was used to determine five markets. The survey achieved the targeted sample size of 90 interviewees. Stratified sampling followed by simple random sampling was used to select the sample. A regression model was used and the findings revealed that the success level of women small scale entrepreneurs was sensitive to all the factors investigated. However, some determinants were more influential than others. The most significant variable was the level of education followed by well as business training. Keywords: Women Small Scale Entrepreneurs, Microfinance Institutions, constraints to the success leve

    The Role of Knowledge Management towards the Achievement of Vision 2030: a Survey of Secondary School Drop Outs in Rongai District of Nakuru County, Kenya

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    Knowledge management  is the name of a concept in which an enterprise consciously and comprehensively gathers, organizes, shares, and analyzes its knowledge in terms of resources, documents, and  people skills. Knowledge management involves data mining and some method of operation to push information to users. A knowledge management plan involves a survey of corporate goals and a close examination of the tools, both traditional and technical that is required for addressing the needs of the company. The challenge of selecting a knowledge management system is to purchase or build software that fits the context of the overall plan and encourages employees to use the system and share information. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of knowledge management of secondary school dropouts in achieving vision 2030.The data obtained was presented using tables and graphs. Descriptive statistics were used, including percentages, ratios and frequencies. Data was presented using tables and graphs. University admission did not appear to be directly influenced by factors affecting completion and drop out. The trend of university admission therefore needs to be investigated further during future research. It can also be concluded from research undertaken that majority of new admissions is as a result of students dropping from other schools (represented by 21%), followed by low fees requirement of day secondary schools and proximity to schools. The study recommends that there is need for stakeholders in the educational sector to develop strong guidelines for collecting and coding data to ensure the data are accurate as possible and an incentive be created for schools to find out what happens to their students. Key Words: knowledge management, dropouts, vision 2030, Rongai, Nakuru County, Keny