100 research outputs found

    Control of dissolution-driven convection by chemical reactions

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    Influence de la convection sur la propagation de fronts de réaction-diffusion

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    Motivated by the existence of complex behaviors arising from interactions between chemistry and fluid dynamics in numerous research problems and every-day life situations, we theoretically investigate the dynamics resulting from the interplay between chemistry, diffusion, and fluid motions in a reactive aqueous solution. As a chemical reaction induces changes in the temperature and in the composition of the reactive medium, such a reaction can modify the properties of the solution (density, viscosity, surface tension,…) and thereby trigger convective motions, which in turn affect the reaction. Two classes of convective flows are commonly occurring in solutions open to air, namely Marangoni flows arising from surface tension gradients and buoyancy flows driven by density gradients. As both flows can be induced by compositional changes as well as thermal changes and in turn modify them, the resulting experimental dynamics are often complex. The purpose of our thesis is to gain insight into these intricate dynamics thanks to the theoretical analysis of model systems where only one type of convective flow is present. In particular, we numerically study the spatio-temporal evolution of model chemical fronts resulting from the coupling between reactions, diffusion, and convection. Such fronts correspond to self-organized interfaces between the products and the reactants, which typically have different density and surface tension. Fluid motions are therefore spontaneously induced due to these differences across the front.In this context, we first address the propagation of a model autocatalytic front in a horizontal solution layer, in the presence of pure Marangoni convection on the one hand and of pure buoyancy convection on the other hand. We evidence that, in both cases, the system attains an asymptotic dynamics characterized by a steady fluid vortex traveling with the front at a constant speed. The presence of convection results in a deformation and acceleration of the chemical front compared to the reaction-diffusion situation. However we note important differences between the Marangoni and buoyancy cases that could help differentiate experimentally between the influence of each hydrodynamic effect arising in solutions open to the air. We also consider how the kinetics and the exothermicity of the reaction influence the dynamics of the system. The propagation of an isothermal front occurring when two diffusive reactants are initially separated and react according to a simple bimolecular reaction is next studied in the presence of chemically-induced buoyancy convection. We show that the reaction-diffusion predictions established for convection-free systems are modified in the presence of fluid motions and propose a new way to classify the various possible reaction-diffusion-convection dynamics./En induisant des changements de composition et de température, une réaction chimique peut modifier les propriétés physiques (densité, viscosité, tension superficielle,…) de la solution dans laquelle elle se déroule et ainsi générer des mouvements de convection qui, à leur tour, peuvent affecter la réaction. Les deux sources de convection les plus courantes en solution ouverte à l’air sont les gradients de tension superficielle, ou effets Marangoni, et les gradients de densité. Comme ces deux sources sont en compétition et peuvent toutes deux résulter de différences de concentration ou de température, les dynamiques observées expérimentalement sont souvent complexes. Le but de notre thèse est de contribuer à la compréhension de telles dynamiques par une étude théorique analysant des modèles réaction-diffusion-convection simples. En particulier, nous étudions numériquement l’évolution spatio-temporelle de fronts chimiques résultant du couplage entre chimie non-linéaire, diffusion et hydrodynamique. Ces fronts constituent l’interface auto-organisée entre les produits et les réactifs qui typiquement ont des densités et tensions superficielles différentes. Des mouvements du fluide peuvent dès lors être spontanément initiés dus à ces différences au travers du front. Dans ce contexte, nous étudions la propagation d’un front chimique autocatalytique se propageant dans une solution aqueuse horizontale, d’une part en la seule présence d’effets Marangoni, et d’autre part en présence uniquement d’effets de densité. Nous avons montré que dans les deux cas, le système atteint une dynamique asymptotique caractérisée par la présence d’un rouleau de convection stationnaire se propageant à vitesse constante avec le front. Ce front est à la fois déformé et accéléré par les mouvements convectifs par rapport à la situation réaction-diffusion. Nous avons mis en évidence d’importantes différences entre les deux régimes hydrodynamiques qui pourraient aider les expérimentateurs à différencier les effets de tension superficielle de ceux de densité générés par la propagation de fronts chimiques en solution. Nous avons également considéré l’influence de la cinétique de réaction ainsi que de l’exothermicité sur la dynamique de ces fronts. Enfin, nous avons étudié la propagation en présence de convection d’un front de réaction impliquant deux espèces de densités différentes, initialement séparées et réagissant selon une cinétique bimoléculaire. Nous avons montré que la convection modifie les propriétés réaction-diffusion du système et nous proposons de nouveaux critères pour classifier les dynamiques réaction-diffusion-convection.Doctorat en Sciencesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublishe

    Influence of chemical reactions on the convective dissolution of carbon dioxide in porous media

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    Chemically-induced Marangoni convection around autocatalytic fronts in microgravity conditions

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    Influence of Marangoni-driven flows on A + B -> C reaction fronts

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    Complex dynamics of interacting fronts in a simple A+B -> C reaction-diffusion system

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    Pattern interaction has so far been restricted to systems with relatively complex reaction schemes, such as activator-inhibitor systems, that lead to rich spatio-temporal dynamics. Surprisingly, a simple second-order chemical reaction is capable of generating similar complex phenomena, such as attractive or repulsive interaction modes between the localized reaction zones (or fronts). We illustrate the latter statement both analytically and numerically with two initially separated A+B→C reaction-diffusion fronts when the solution of B is initially confined between two solutions of A. The nature of the front-front interaction changes from an attractive type to a repulsive one above a critical distance separating the two fronts initially. The complexity of the pattern dynamics emerges here due to finite-size effects. A scaling law relating the critical distance dc above which the repulsion occurs and kinetic parameters gives insights into (i) extracting those parameters from experiments for bimolecular reactions and (ii) the control strategy of periodic patterns.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Influence of Marangoni flows on the dynamics of isothermal A + B -> C reaction fronts

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    The nonlinear dynamics of A + B → C fronts is analyzed both numerically and theoretically in the presence of Marangoni flows, i.e. convective motions driven by surface tension gradients. We consider horizontal aqueous solutions where the three species A, B, and C can affect the surface tension of the solution, thereby driving Marangoni flows. The resulting dynamics is studied by numerically integrating the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations coupled to reaction-diffusion-convection (RDC) equations for the three chemical species. We show that the dynamics of the front cannot be predicted solely on the basis of the one-dimensional reaction-diffusion profiles as is the case for buoyancy-driven convection around such fronts. We relate this observation to the structure of Marangoni flows which lead to more complex and exotic dynamics. We find in particular the surprising possibility of a reversal of the front propagation direction in time for some sets of Marangoni numbers, quantifying the influence of each chemical species concentration on the solution surface tension. We explain this reversal analytically and propose a new classification of the convective effects on A + B → C reaction fronts as a function of the Marangoni numbers. The influence of the layer thickness on the RDC dynamics is also presented. Those results emphasize the importance of flow symmetry properties when studying convective front dynamics in a given geometry.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe
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