64 research outputs found

    Job Changing Frequency and Experimental Decisions: A Field Study of Migrant Workers in the Manufacturing Industry

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    Migrant workers form a very important part of the labor force in the economic development of many countries. Their turnover decisions may affect the stability of the performance of manufacturing industries. It is important to understand what kind of individual behavioral preferences may affect their job changing frequency. This study conducts a lab-in-the-field experiment through a large online-to-offline job-matching platform to elicit manufacturing migrant workers’ preferences, such as uncertainty attitudes, intertemporal choices and social preferences, especially difference aversion. The study also surveyed their demographic characteristics and other factors related to their job choices. We find that subjects who are more risk seeking change jobs more frequently. We also use the job record data from the platform and conduct empirical analysis to investigate one explanation of this result: risk-seeking subjects possess more optimistic expectations of potential job opportunities and they are more likely to sample different jobs and thus generate higher job changing frequency. Our findings may help policy-makers and employers design policies or mechanisms to prevent exorbitant job-changing behavior

    Regional Inequality in China Based on NPP-VIIRS Night-Time Light Imagery

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    Regional economic inequality is a persistent problem for all nations. Meanwhile, satellite-derived night-time light (NTL) data have been extensively used as an efficient proxy measure for economic activity. This study firstly proposes a new method for correction of the NTL data derived from the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) aboard the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (Suomi-NPP) satellite and then applies the corrected NTL data to estimate gross domestic product (GDP) at a multi-scale level in China from 2014 to 2017. Secondly, incorporating the two-stage nested Theil decomposition method, multi-scale level regional inequalities are investigated. Finally, by using scatter plots, this paper identifies the relationship between the regional inequality and the level of economic development. The results indicate that: (1) after correction, the NPP-VIIRS NTL data show a statistically positive correlation with GDP, which proves that our correction method is scientifically effective; (2) from 2014 to 2017, overall inequality, within-province inequality, and between-region inequality all declined, However, between-province inequality increased slightly. As for the contributions to overall regional inequality, the within-province inequality was the highest, while the between-province inequality was the lowest; (3) further analysis of within-province inequality reveals that economic inequalities in coastal provinces in China are smaller than in inland provinces; (4) China’s economic development plays an important role in affecting regional inequality, and the extent of influence of economic development on regional inequality is varied across provinces

    A Dynamic Analysis of Green Productivity Growth for Cities in Xinjiang

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    Improving green productivity is an important way to achieve sustainable development. In this paper, we use the Global Malmquist-Luenberger (GML) index to measure and decompose the green productivity growth of 18 cities in Xinjiang over 2000–2015. Furthermore, this study also explores factors influencing urban green productivity growth. Our results reveal that the urban green productivity in Xinjiang has slowly declined during the sample period. Technological progress is the main factor contributing to green productivity growth, while improvements in efficiency lag behind. Implementing stricter environmental regulation, improving infrastructure, and appropriately enhancing the spatial agglomeration of economic activities may improve green productivity, while the increase in the size of the industrial base in the near future will likely hinder green productivity growth. Based on these results, this paper puts forward corresponding policy suggestions for the sustainable development of the urban economy in Xinjiang

    Spatio-Temporal Patterns and Determinants of Inter-Provincial Migration in China 1995–2015

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    Inter-provincial migration causes dramatic changes in the population, as well as in the development of the social economy at both origin and destination, which is related to sustainable development in any country. Using inter-provincial migration data during the periods covering 1995⁻2000, 2000⁻2005, 2005⁻2010, and 2010⁻2015, we analyze the migration volume, intensity and flow, as well as its changes over time. We also examine the determinants associated with migration by applying Poisson pseudo-maximum-likelihood (PPML) estimation techniques. The results show that migrants move mainly from inland to coastal areas; however, since 2010, the number of migrants moving from coastal to inland areas has shown a continuous increase. This inter-provincial migration was driven largely by the influence of economic factors, such as high urban income per capita. A better model for the period of 2010⁻2015 is established by adopting an extended set of variables. New variables that represent regional disparities and industrial upgrades have a positive impact on inter-provincial migration, which shows that regional economic disparities and economic restructuring have played an important role in migration in recent years

    Spatiotemporal Features and Socioeconomic Drivers of PM<sub>2.5</sub> Concentrations in China

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    Fine particulate matter (PM2.5) has been an important environmental issue because it can seriously harm human health and can adversely affect the economy. It poses a problem worldwide and especially in China. Based on data of PM2.5 concentration and night light data, both collected from satellite remote sensing during 1998&#8315;2013 in China, we identify the socio-economic determinants of PM2.5 pollution by taking into account the spatial flow and diffusion of regional pollutants. Our results show PM2.5 pollution displays the remarkable feature of spatial agglomeration. High concentrations of PM2.5 are mainly found in Eastern China (including Shandong, Jiangsu, and Anhui provinces) and the Jing-Jin-Ji Area region in the north of China (including Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei provinces) as well as in the Henan provinces in central China. There is a significant positive spatial spillover effect of PM2.5 pollution, so that an increase in PM2.5 concentration in one region contributes to an increase in neighboring regions. Whether using per capita GDP or nighttime lighting indicators, there is a significant N-shaped curve that relates PM2.5 concentration and economic growth. Population density, industrial structure, and energy consumption have distinct impacts on PM2.5 pollution, while urbanization is negative correlated with PM2.5 emissions. As a result, policies to strengthen regional joint prevention and control, implement cleaner manufacturing techniques, and reduce dependence on fossil fuels should be considered by policy makers for mitigating PM2.5 pollution

    Study on the Vertical Linkage of Greenhouse Gas Emission Intensity Change of the Animal Husbandry Sector between China and Its Provinces

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    China&rsquo;s carbon intensity (CI) reduction target in 2030 needs to be allocated to each province in order to be achieved. Thus, it is of great significance to study the vertical linkage of CI change between China and its provinces. The existing research on the vertical linkage focuses more on energy-related economic sectors in China; however, attention has not been paid to China&rsquo;s animal husbandry (AH) sector, although the role of the China&rsquo;s AH sector in greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction is increasingly important. This study firstly established a vertical linkage of change in greenhouse gas emission intensity of the animal husbandry sector (AHGI) between China and its 31 provinces based on the logarithmic mean Divisia index (LMDI) decomposing method from the perspective of combining emission reduction with economic development, and quantified the contributions of each province and its three driving factors of environmental efficiency (AHEE), productive efficiency (AHPE), and economic share (AHES) to reducing China&rsquo;s AHGI during the period of 1997&ndash;2016. The main results are: (1) The AHGI of China decreased from 5.49 tCO2eq/104 yuan in 1997 to 2.59 tCO2eq/104 in 2016, showing a 75.25% reduction. The AHGI in 31 provinces also declined and played a positive role in promoting the reduction of national AHGI, but there were significant inter-provincial differences in the extent of the contribution. Overall, the provinces with higher emission levels contributed the most to the reduction of China&rsquo;s AHGI; (2) The AHPE and AHEE factors in 31 provinces cumulatively contributed to the respective 68.17% and 11.78% reduction of China&rsquo;s AHGI, while the AHES factors of 31 provinces cumulatively inhibited the 4.70% reduction. Overall, the AHPE factor was the main driving factor contributing to the reduction of China&rsquo;s AHGI. In the future, improving the level of AHEE through GHG emissions reduction technology and narrowing the inter-provincial gap of the level of AHPE are two important paths for promoting the reduction of China&rsquo;s AHGI

    Regional Inequality in China Based on NPP-VIIRS Night-Time Light Imagery

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    Regional economic inequality is a persistent problem for all nations. Meanwhile, satellite-derived night-time light (NTL) data have been extensively used as an efficient proxy measure for economic activity. This study firstly proposes a new method for correction of the NTL data derived from the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) aboard the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (Suomi-NPP) satellite and then applies the corrected NTL data to estimate gross domestic product (GDP) at a multi-scale level in China from 2014 to 2017. Secondly, incorporating the two-stage nested Theil decomposition method, multi-scale level regional inequalities are investigated. Finally, by using scatter plots, this paper identifies the relationship between the regional inequality and the level of economic development. The results indicate that: (1) after correction, the NPP-VIIRS NTL data show a statistically positive correlation with GDP, which proves that our correction method is scientifically effective; (2) from 2014 to 2017, overall inequality, within-province inequality, and between-region inequality all declined, However, between-province inequality increased slightly. As for the contributions to overall regional inequality, the within-province inequality was the highest, while the between-province inequality was the lowest; (3) further analysis of within-province inequality reveals that economic inequalities in coastal provinces in China are smaller than in inland provinces; (4) China’s economic development plays an important role in affecting regional inequality, and the extent of influence of economic development on regional inequality is varied across provinces

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    Automatic Horizon Picking Using Multiple Seismic Attributes and Markov Decision Process

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    Picking the reflection horizon is an important step in velocity inversion and seismic interpretation. Manual picking is time-consuming and no longer suitable for current large-scale seismic data processing. Automatic algorithms using different seismic attributes such as instantaneous phase or dip attributes have been proposed. However, the computed attributes are usually inaccurate near discontinuities. The waveforms in the horizontal direction often change dramatically, which makes it difficult to track a horizon using the similarity of attributes. In this paper, we propose a novel method for automatic horizon picking using multiple seismic attributes and the Markov decision process (MDP). For the design of the MDP model, the decision time and state are defined as the horizontal and vertical spatial position on a seismic image, respectively. The reward function is defined in multi-dimensional feature attribute space. Multiple attributes can highlight different aspects of a seismic image and therefore overcome the limitations of the single-attribute MDP through the cross-constraint of multiple attributes. The optimal decision is made by searching the largest state value function in the reward function space. By considering cumulative reward, the lateral continuity of a seismic image can be effectively considered, and the impacts of abnormal waveform changes or bad traces in local areas for automatic horizon picking can be effectively avoided. An effective implementation scheme is designed for picking multiple reflection horizons. The proposed method has been successfully tested on both synthetic and field data
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