126 research outputs found

    VarietySound: Timbre-Controllable Video to Sound Generation via Unsupervised Information Disentanglement

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    Video to sound generation aims to generate realistic and natural sound given a video input. However, previous video-to-sound generation methods can only generate a random or average timbre without any controls or specializations of the generated sound timbre, leading to the problem that people cannot obtain the desired timbre under these methods sometimes. In this paper, we pose the task of generating sound with a specific timbre given a video input and a reference audio sample. To solve this task, we disentangle each target sound audio into three components: temporal information, acoustic information, and background information. We first use three encoders to encode these components respectively: 1) a temporal encoder to encode temporal information, which is fed with video frames since the input video shares the same temporal information as the original audio; 2) an acoustic encoder to encode timbre information, which takes the original audio as input and discards its temporal information by a temporal-corrupting operation; and 3) a background encoder to encode the residual or background sound, which uses the background part of the original audio as input. To make the generated result achieve better quality and temporal alignment, we also adopt a mel discriminator and a temporal discriminator for the adversarial training. Our experimental results on the VAS dataset demonstrate that our method can generate high-quality audio samples with good synchronization with events in video and high timbre similarity with the reference audio

    Speech-to-Speech Translation with Discrete-Unit-Based Style Transfer

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    Direct speech-to-speech translation (S2ST) with discrete self-supervised representations has achieved remarkable accuracy, but is unable to preserve the speaker timbre of the source speech during translation. Meanwhile, the scarcity of high-quality speaker-parallel data poses a challenge for learning style transfer between source and target speech. We propose an S2ST framework with an acoustic language model based on discrete units from a self-supervised model and a neural codec for style transfer. The acoustic language model leverages self-supervised in-context learning, acquiring the ability for style transfer without relying on any speaker-parallel data, thereby overcoming the issue of data scarcity. By using extensive training data, our model achieves zero-shot cross-lingual style transfer on previously unseen source languages. Experiments show that our model generates translated speeches with high fidelity and style similarity. Audio samples are available at http://stylelm.github.io/ .Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. submitted to ICASSP 202

    Detector Guidance for Multi-Object Text-to-Image Generation

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    Diffusion models have demonstrated impressive performance in text-to-image generation. They utilize a text encoder and cross-attention blocks to infuse textual information into images at a pixel level. However, their capability to generate images with text containing multiple objects is still restricted. Previous works identify the problem of information mixing in the CLIP text encoder and introduce the T5 text encoder or incorporate strong prior knowledge to assist with the alignment. We find that mixing problems also occur on the image side and in the cross-attention blocks. The noisy images can cause different objects to appear similar, and the cross-attention blocks inject information at a pixel level, leading to leakage of global object understanding and resulting in object mixing. In this paper, we introduce Detector Guidance (DG), which integrates a latent object detection model to separate different objects during the generation process. DG first performs latent object detection on cross-attention maps (CAMs) to obtain object information. Based on this information, DG then masks conflicting prompts and enhances related prompts by manipulating the following CAMs. We evaluate the effectiveness of DG using Stable Diffusion on COCO, CC, and a novel multi-related object benchmark, MRO. Human evaluations demonstrate that DG provides an 8-22\% advantage in preventing the amalgamation of conflicting concepts and ensuring that each object possesses its unique region without any human involvement and additional iterations. Our implementation is available at \url{https://github.com/luping-liu/Detector-Guidance}

    Chat-3D v2: Bridging 3D Scene and Large Language Models with Object Identifiers

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    Recent research has evidenced the significant potentials of Large Language Models (LLMs) in handling challenging tasks within 3D scenes. However, current models are constrained to addressing object-centric tasks, where each question-answer pair focuses solely on an individual object. In real-world applications, users may pose queries involving multiple objects or expect for answers that precisely reference various objects. We introduce the use of object identifiers to freely reference objects during a conversation. While this solution appears straightforward, it presents two main challenges: 1) How to establish a reliable one-to-one correspondence between each object and its identifier? 2) How to incorporate complex spatial relationships among dozens of objects into the embedding space of the LLM? To address these challenges, we propose a two-stage alignment method, which involves learning an attribute-aware token and a relation-aware token for each object. These tokens capture the object's attributes and spatial relationships with surrounding objects in the 3D scene. Once the alignment is established, we can fine-tune our model on various downstream tasks using instruction tuning. Experiments conducted on traditional datasets like ScanQA, ScanRefer, and Nr3D/Sr3D showcase the effectiveness of our proposed method. Additionally, we create a 3D scene captioning dataset annotated with rich object identifiers, with the assistant of GPT-4. This dataset aims to further explore the capability of object identifiers in effective object referencing and precise scene understanding

    FluentSpeech: Stutter-Oriented Automatic Speech Editing with Context-Aware Diffusion Models

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    Stutter removal is an essential scenario in the field of speech editing. However, when the speech recording contains stutters, the existing text-based speech editing approaches still suffer from: 1) the over-smoothing problem in the edited speech; 2) lack of robustness due to the noise introduced by stutter; 3) to remove the stutters, users are required to determine the edited region manually. To tackle the challenges in stutter removal, we propose FluentSpeech, a stutter-oriented automatic speech editing model. Specifically, 1) we propose a context-aware diffusion model that iteratively refines the modified mel-spectrogram with the guidance of context features; 2) we introduce a stutter predictor module to inject the stutter information into the hidden sequence; 3) we also propose a stutter-oriented automatic speech editing (SASE) dataset that contains spontaneous speech recordings with time-aligned stutter labels to train the automatic stutter localization model. Experimental results on VCTK and LibriTTS datasets demonstrate that our model achieves state-of-the-art performance on speech editing. Further experiments on our SASE dataset show that FluentSpeech can effectively improve the fluency of stuttering speech in terms of objective and subjective metrics. Code and audio samples can be found at https://github.com/Zain-Jiang/Speech-Editing-Toolkit.Comment: Accepted by ACL 2023 (Findings