42 research outputs found

    Analysis of Trapped Quantum Degenerate Dipolar Excitons

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    The dynamics of quantum degenerate two-dimensional dipolar excitons confined in electrostatic traps is analyzed and compared to recent experiments. The model results stress the importance of artificial trapping for achieving and sustaining a quantum degenerate exciton fluid in such systems and suggest that a long-lived, spatially uniform, and highly degenerate exciton system was experimentally produced in those electrostatic traps.Comment: 4 pages 3 figure

    Remote Dipolar Interactions for Objective Density Calibration and Flow Control of Excitonic Fluids

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    In this paper we suggest a method to observe remote interactions of spatially separated dipolar quantum fluids, and in particular of dipolar excitons in GaAs bilayer based devices. The method utilizes the static electric dipole moment of trapped dipolar fluids to induce a local potential change on spatially separated test dipoles. We show that such an interaction can be used for a model- independent, objective fluid density measurements, an outstanding problem in this field of research, as well as for inter-fluid exciton flow control and trapping. For a demonstration of the effects on realistic devices, we use a full two-dimensional hydrodynamical model

    Nonlinear dynamics of a dense two-dimensional dipolar exciton gas

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    We use a simple model to describe the nonlinear dynamics of a dense two dimensional dipolar exciton gas. The model predicts an initial fast expansion due to dipole-dipole pressure, followed by a much slower diffusion. The model is in very good agreement with recent experimental results. We show that the dipole pressure induced expansion strongly constrains the time available for achieving and observing Bose-Einstein quantum statistical effects, indicating a need for spatial exciton traps. We also suggest that nonlinear ballistic exciton transport due to the strong internal dipole pressure is readily achievable.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Fully guided electrically-controlled exciton polaritons

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    We demonstrate two types of waveguide structures which optically confine exciton- polaritons in two dimensions and act as polaritonic channels. We show a strong optical confinement in an etched rectangular waveguide, that significantly increases the propa- gation distance of the polaritons and allow to direct them in curved trajectories. Also, we show low-loss optical guiding over a record-high of hundreds of microns which is com- bined seamlessly with electrical control of the polaritons, in a strip waveguide formed by electrically conductive and optically transparent strips deposited on top of a planar waveguide. Both structures are scalable and easy to fabricate and offer new possibilities for designing complex polaritonic devices.Comment: 12 pages 3 Figuer