682 research outputs found

    The Going Public Through the Back Door Phenomenon - an Assessment

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    UAG R-268

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    This study was supported by the Bureau of Land Management through interagency agreement with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration under which a multi-year program responding to need of petroleum development of the Alaskan continental shelf is managed by the Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Assessment Program (OCSEAP) Office. Drawings were done by Debbie Cocci a and Jim Burton. The idea of this project arose during a conversation between George Edwardson, Jr., and one of the Principal Investigators. Rachael Craig and Edna MacLean helped in initiating the project and Mrs. Molly Pederson of the North Slope Borough Inupiaq Language Commission obtained some of the narratives and interviews and provided translations. Teri McClung assisted with transcription of interviews and editing. Finally, the hospitality of the family of Kenneth Toovak during the translation process is gratefully acknowledged.The objective of this program was to extend the data base on ice hazards along the Beaufort Sea coast of Alaska backward in time by using the knowledge and understanding of ice and weather conditions of the local residents. Information for this pilot project was obtained through direct interviews with residents, or from narratives supplied by them. The results of these procedures were evaluated to provide a basis for improving similar efforts in future. Observations of particular interest obtained from these interviews and narratives include (1 ) a description of a major motion of the landfast ice off Harrison Bay in late February, (2) a description of the formation of ice push ridges and ride-up at Cape Halkett during break up, (3) reports of whales traveling inshore of Cross Island during the fall migration and of whales being taken by crews from the Prudhoe Bay area at that time of year, and 4) descriptions of conditions in the nearshore area during summer. In addition information of historical and cultural interest was obtained.Supported by NOAA Contract 03-5-022-55, Task No. 6ABSTRACT -- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS -- TABLE OF CONTENTS : INTRODUCTION ; PROCEDURES ; RESULTS ; DISCUSSION AND EVALUATION -- APPENDIX I -- APPENDIX II -- APPENDIX II

    The Zoning Variance Power - Constructive in Theory, Destructive in Practice

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    The Statutory Close Corporation: a Critique and a Corporate Planning Alternative

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    The Need for Limited Partnership Reform: a Revised Uniform Act

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    Corporate Law: An Introduction and Defense

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    How can you expect me to want to study a subject like corporations which involves nothing more than turning the nuts and bolts of high-finance and is devoid of humanity

    Corporate Law: An Introduction and Defense

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    How can you expect me to want to study a subject like corporations which involves nothing more than turning the nuts and bolts of high-finance and is devoid of humanity

    Constitutional Quiz

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    Statutory Incorporation Flexibility in Maryland: Drafting Corporate Documents for the Privately-Held Enterprise

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    The provisions of the Maryland Code governing the incorporation process enable the attorney incorporating a privately- held enterprise to draft corporate documents accommodating the needs of the particular promoting individuals. This article focuses on the drafting of articles of incorporation and bylaws, and places particular emphasis on the options for allocating control and financial interests available within the Maryland statutory framework

    Book Reviews: A Guide to Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 144

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