69 research outputs found

    Neural sensory stimulation does not interfere with the H-reflex in individuals with lower limb amputation

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    IntroductionIndividuals with lower limb loss experience an increased risk of falls partly due to the lack of sensory feedback from their missing foot. It is possible to restore plantar sensation perceived as originating from the missing foot by directly interfacing with the peripheral nerves remaining in the residual limb, which in turn has shown promise in improving gait and balance. However, it is yet unclear how these electrically elicited plantar sensation are integrated into the body’s natural sensorimotor control reflexes. Historically, the H-reflex has been used as a model for investigating sensorimotor control. Within the spinal cord, an array of inputs, including plantar cutaneous sensation, are integrated to produce inhibitory and excitatory effects on the H-reflex.MethodsIn this study, we characterized the interplay between electrically elicited plantar sensations and this intrinsic reflex mechanism. Participants adopted postures mimicking specific phases of the gait cycle. During each posture, we electrically elicited plantar sensation, and subsequently the H-reflex was evoked both in the presence and absence of these sensations.ResultsOur findings indicated that electrically elicited plantar sensations did not significantly alter the H-reflex excitability across any of the adopted postures.ConclusionThis suggests that individuals with lower limb loss can directly benefit from electrically elicited plantar sensation during walking without disrupting the existing sensory signaling pathways that modulate reflex responses

    Reactive Stepping with Functional Neuromuscular Stimulation in Response to Forward-Directed Perturbations

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    Background: Implanted motor system neuroprostheses can be effective at increasing personal mobility of persons paralyzed by spinal cord injuries. However, currently available neural stimulation systems for standing employ patterns of constant activation and are unreactive to changing postural demands. Methods: In this work, we developed a closed-loop controller for detecting forward-directed body disturbances and initiating a stabilizing step in a person with spinal cord injury. Forward-directed pulls at the waist were detected with three body-mounted triaxial accelerometers. A finite state machine was designed and tested to trigger a postural response and apply stimulation to appropriate muscles so as to produce a protective step when the simplified jerk signal exceeded predetermined thresholds. Results: The controller effectively initiated steps for all perturbations with magnitude between 10 and 17.5 s body weight, and initiated a postural response with occasional steps at 5% body weight. For perturbations at 15 and 17.5% body weight, the dynamic responses of the subject exhibited very similar component time periods when compared with able-bodied subjects undergoing similar postural perturbations. Additionally, the reactive step occurred faster for stronger perturbations than for weaker ones (p \u3c .005, unequal varience t-test.) Conclusions: This research marks progress towards a controller which can improve the safety and independence of persons with spinal cord injury using implanted neuroprostheses for standing

    Modified Newton-Raphson Method to Tune Feedback Gains of Control System for Standing by Functional Neuromuscular Stimulation Following Spinal Cord Injury

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    Background: Functional neuromuscular stimulation (FNS) can restore standing capabilities following spinal cord injury. Feedback control of these systems can optimize performance by reducing the required upper extremity support. However, tuning these control systems can be intensive and clinically inconvenient

    Adaptation Strategies for Personalized Gait Neuroprosthetics

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    Personalization of gait neuroprosthetics is paramount to ensure their efficacy for users, who experience severe limitations in mobility without an assistive device. Our goal is to develop assistive devices that collaborate with and are tailored to their users, while allowing them to use as much of their existing capabilities as possible. Currently, personalization of devices is challenging, and technological advances are required to achieve this goal. Therefore, this paper presents an overview of challenges and research directions regarding an interface with the peripheral nervous system, an interface with the central nervous system, and the requirements of interface computing architectures. The interface should be modular and adaptable, such that it can provide assistance where it is needed. Novel data processing technology should be developed to allow for real-time processing while accounting for signal variations in the human. Personalized biomechanical models and simulation techniques should be developed to predict assisted walking motions and interactions between the user and the device. Furthermore, the advantages of interfacing with both the brain and the spinal cord or the periphery should be further explored. Technological advances of interface computing architecture should focus on learning on the chip to achieve further personalization. Furthermore, energy consumption should be low to allow for longer use of the neuroprosthesis. In-memory processing combined with resistive random access memory is a promising technology for both. This paper discusses the aforementioned aspects to highlight new directions for future research in gait neuroprosthetics.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    An objective method for selecting command sources for myoelectrically triggered lower-limb neuroprostheses.

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    International audienceFunctional electrical stimulation (FES) facilitates ambulatory function after paralysis of persons with spinal cord injury (SCI) by exciting the peripheral motor nerves to activate the muscles of the lower limbs. This study identified a process for selecting command sources for triggering FES with the surface electromyogram (EMG) from muscles partially paralyzed by incomplete SCI, given its high degree of intersubject variability. We found Discriminability Index (DI) to be a good metric to evaluate the potential of controlling FES-assisted ambulation in four nondisabled volunteers and two participants with incomplete paralysis. The left erector spinae (ES) (mean DI = 0.87) for triggering the left step and the right ES (mean DI = 0.83) for triggering the right step were the best command sources for participant 1. The left ES (mean DI = 0.93) for triggering the left step and the right medial gastrocnemius (mean DI = 0.88) for triggering the right step were the best command sources for participant 2. Our results showed that command sources can be selected objectively from surface EMG before a fully implantable EMG-triggered FES system for walking is implemented

    Ambulation after incomplete spinal cord injury with EMG-triggered functional electrical stimulation

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    International audienceIndividuals with incomplete spinal cord injury (iSCI) retain some control of the partially paralyzed muscles, necessitating careful integration of functional electrical stimulation (FES) with intact motor function. In this communication, the volitional surface electromyogram (sEMG) from partially paralyzed muscle was used to detect the intent to step in an iSCI volunteer. The classifier was able to trigger the FES-assisted swing phase with a false positive rate less than 1% and true positive rate of 82% for left foot-off (FO) and 83% for right FO over 110 steps taken during three testing sessions spread over a week

    Ambulation after incomplete spinal cord injury with electromyogram-triggered functional electrical stimulation

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    International audienceAmbulation after spinal cord injury is possible with the aid of functional electrical stimulation (FES). Individuals with incomplete spinal cord injury (iSCI) retain partial volitional control of muscles below the level of injury, necessitating careful integration of FES with intact voluntary motor function for efficient walking. In this study, the surface electromyogram (sEMG) of the volitionally controlled Erector Spinae was used to detect the intent to step and trigger FES-assisted walking in a volunteer with iSCI via 8-channel implanted stimulation system. The inference system was able to trigger the FES-assisted swing-phase of gait with a false positive rate of 1% during over ground ambulation on a level surface. The performance of the sEMG inference system highlights its potential as a natural command interface to better coordinate stimulated and volitional muscle activities than conventional manual switches and facilitate FES-assisted community ambulation

    Gait initiation with electromyographically triggered electrical stimulation in people with partial paralysis.

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    International audienceFunctional electrical stimulation (FES) facilitates ambulatory function after paralysis by activating the muscles of the lower extremities. Individuals with incomplete spinal cord injury (iSCI) retain partial volitional control of muscles below the level of injury, necessitating careful integration of FES with intact voluntary motor function for efficient walking. The FES-assisted stepping can be triggered automatically at a fixed rate (autotrigger), by a manual switch (switch-trigger), or by an electromyogram-based gait-event-detector (EMG-trigger). It has been postulated that EMG may be a more natural command source than manual switches, and therefore will enable better coordination of stimulated and volitional motor functions necessary during gait. In this study, the above stated hypothesis was investigated in two volunteers with iSCI during the over-ground FES-assisted gait initiation. Four able-bodied volunteers provided the normative data for comparison. The EMG-triggered FES-assisted gait initiation was found to be more coordinated and dynamically more stable than autotriggered and switch-triggered cases. This highlighted the potential of surface EMG as a natural command interface to better coordinate stimulated and volitional muscle activities during gait

    Comparing joint kinematics and center of mass acceleration as feedback for control of standing balance by functional neuromuscular stimulation

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    Abstract Background The purpose of this study was to determine the comparative effectiveness of feedback control systems for maintaining standing balance based on joint kinematics or total body center of mass (COM) acceleration, and assess their clinical practicality for standing neuroprostheses after spinal cord injury (SCI). Methods In simulation, controller performance was measured according to the upper extremity effort required to stabilize a three-dimensional model of bipedal standing against a variety of postural disturbances. Three cases were investigated: proportional-derivative control based on joint kinematics alone, COM acceleration feedback alone, and combined joint kinematics and COM acceleration feedback. Additionally, pilot data was collected during external perturbations of an individual with SCI standing with functional neuromuscular stimulation (FNS), and the resulting joint kinematics and COM acceleration data was analyzed. Results Compared to the baseline case of maximal constant muscle excitations, the three control systems reduced the mean upper extremity loading by 51%, 43% and 56%, respectively against external force-pulse perturbations. Controller robustness was defined as the degradation in performance with increasing levels of input errors expected with clinical deployment of sensor-based feedback. At error levels typical for body-mounted inertial sensors, performance degradation due to sensor noise and placement were negligible. However, at typical tracking error levels, performance could degrade as much as 86% for joint kinematics feedback and 35% for COM acceleration feedback. Pilot data indicated that COM acceleration could be estimated with a few well-placed sensors and efficiently captures information related to movement synergies observed during perturbed bipedal standing following SCI. Conclusions Overall, COM acceleration feedback may be a more feasible solution for control of standing with FNS given its superior robustness and small number of inputs required.</p
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