33 research outputs found


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    Knowledge and investment in innovation is becoming the main criteria of competitiveness. The purpose of this paper is to examine concepts of knowledge, innovation and competitiveness. To prove the stated, comparative analysis was conducted on Eurostat data on EU public expenditure on education. Further analysis involved the data of employed and unemployed persons depending on the completed educational program in Croatia. Furthermore, a benchmarking of countries\u27 innovation performance was carried out based on the Global Innovation Index, the Bloomberg Innovation Index and the European Innovation Scoreboard. The aim was to determine the most competitive economies compared to Croatia. The third analysis included innovation performance of Croatian companies. The contribution of the paper is visible in the analysis of the theoretical determination of knowledge and its development completed with the list of future jobs. The importance of the paper is reflected in the necessity of creating strategies corresponding to the future.Znanje i ulaganje u inovaciju postaje osnovni kriterij konkurentnosti. Svrha je ovoga rada ispitati koncepte znanja, inovacije i konkurentnosti. Da bi se dokazalo navedeno, provedena je komparativna analiza Eurostat podataka o EU javnim troÅ”kovima za obrazovanje. Daljnja analiza uključivala je podatke o zaposlenima i nezaposlenima, ovisno o zavrÅ”enom stupnju obrazovanja u Hrvatskoj. Nadalje, provedena je usporedna analiza inovacijske uspjeÅ”nosti zemalja na temelju globalnog inovacijskog indeksa, Bloomberg inovacijskog indeksa i Europskog inovacijskog semafora. Cilj je bio odrediti najkonkurentnije ekonomije u usporedbi s Hrvatskom. Doprinos ovoga rada vidljiv je iz analize teorijske odrednice znanja i njegova razvoja upotpunjenog popisom budućih zaposlenja. Važnost rada odražava se u potrebi stvaranja strategija u skladu s budućim potrebama


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    U uvjetima globalizacije, Å”to karakterizira svjetske gospodarske procese na početku dvadeset prvoga stoljeća, bankarstvo je duboko zahvaćeno političkim, gospodarskim, tehnoloÅ”kim i demografskim promjenama. Danas banke u industrijski razvijenim i tranzicijskim zemljama razvijaju nove proizvode i usluge uz pomoć računalnih mreža, čime su pomaknute vremenske i prostorne granice tradicionalnoga bankarstva i bitno je olakÅ”an transfer novčanih sredstava. U ovome su radu dani prikaz čimbenika koji utječu na aktualne promjene u bankarstvu i prikaz različitih poslovnih fi lozofija na kojima se zasnivaju suvremene strategije ponude (distribucije) novih bankarskih proizvoda i usluga, koji se nazivaju samoposlužnim bankarstvom, i dane su ocjena sadaÅ”njeg stanja i prognoza razvitka ponude samoposlužnoga bankarstva na području Republike Hrvatske. Rezultati istraživanja, navedeni u ovome radu, pokazuju da usluge samoposlužnoga bankarstva koje pruža bankarski sektor u Republici Hrvatskoj po Å”irini asortimana ne zaostaju za onim Å”to pruža bankarski sektor u industrijski razvijenim zemljama. I na kraju, u ovome su radu uspoređene one banke u Republici Hrvatskoj koje nude najÅ”iri asortiman proizvoda i usluga samoposlužnoga bankarstva s onima koje to joÅ” ne nude ili nude tek samo neke od usluga samoposlužnoga bankarstva.Globalization which characterizes world economic processes at the start of the twenty first century affects banking deeply with political, economic, technological and demographic changes. Today banks in industrially developed countries and countries in transition develop new products and services through fairly easy transfer of funds. This article shows factors which infl uence current changes in the banking system and a summary of a number of business philosophies which serve as foundation for the modern strategic offers (distribution) of new banking products and services, known as self-serve banking, as well as the assessment of the current state and prognosis of future development of the range of self-serve banking in the Republic of Croatia. The findings included in this article, show that services in self-serve banking, offered by the banking sector in the Republic of Croatia, in its range does not lag behind those offered by banking sectors of industrially developed countries. Finally, this article compares those banks in the Republic of Croatia which offer the widest range of products and services of self-serve banking with those which still have no such offers or offer only some self-serve banking products

    Numerical Receding Contact Analysis of a Perfect-Fit Pin and Bushing in a Loaded Plate

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    Numerical analysis is carried out for a frictionless receding contact problem of a perfect-fit pin and bushing in a uniaxially loaded plate. The problem is analysed using the finite element method under the assumption of plane strain and linear elasticity. The problem is investigated for the influence of external load and for different geometries. The obtained contact pressures show uncharacteristic behaviour, where higher peak values occur on contact surfaces with larger contact angles. This seemingly contradicts not only the physics of receding contact problems, but also the physical laws of contact problems in general. It is shown that the reason for this unusual behaviour is, in fact, in the physical reduction of the contact area as the radius of curvature decreases. This class of problems shows to be linearly dependent on the intensity of load as regards the contact stresses, and load has no influence on the contact angles

    Intercultural differences between Austria and Croatia in the context of business communication

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    Purpose: The globalization of economy in the context of adaptation and successful communication within the EU emphasizes the importance of perceiving and adapting to intercultural diversity in order to achieve business success. This paper analyzes the notion of interculturalism from the aspect of observing business relations. It emphasizes the perception of intercultural outcomes of business cooperation. In the focus were specific characteristics of Croatia and Austria, countries geographically close, but with many diversities. Methodology: The research tasks were to determine the phenomena of business intercultural interaction, obstacles in intercultural communication and the dimensions of cultural values ā€‹ā€‹according to Hofstede. Respondentsā€™ attitudes were examined by a survey containing 18 statements. The respondents had experience in Croatian-Austrian intercultural business relations. Three hypotheses were formulated following the idea that even though the two countries share a part of history and have built rich cooperation, there are significant differences that may be of importance for business communication. Results: The first hypothesis suggested higher business formality in the Austrian culture, whereas results show that the attitude towards formality is equal. The Croatian culture lacks intercultural experience, which makes it less adaptable. Equality in gender relations was confirmed. These limitations mostly apply to a small sample showing small differences as it is a preliminary study. Conclusion: The research provides a foundation for a broader and deeper survey that will provide guidelines for understanding intercultural communication and its rules


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    Porastom internetske prodaje smanjuju se potrebe za fizičkim prostorima, prodavaonicama. Veliki porast internetske trgovine u posljednjih desetak godina (npr. eBay, Amazon, Pink Panda, Glovo) omogućuju načine prodaje proizvoda i usluga uz znatno niže troÅ”kove distribucije, promocije i prodaje. Veliki lanci tzv. ā€žstreet fashion brandovaā€œ počinju zatvarati manje prodavaonice, zbog eksplozije prodaje preko interneta. Sve rjeđe se otvaraju dućani manjeg opsega. Nekretnine koje su služile kao prodavaonice u srediÅ”tu grada imaju velike fiksne troÅ”kove, a posebno visoke troÅ”kove najma. Kako ih prenamijeniti? Je li internetska prodaja ukorijenjena u druÅ”tvu kao navika koju svi žele prigrliti? U radu će se analizirati razlozi popularnosti internetske trgovine, prikazati primjeri gradova koji su osjetili posljedice iste te kako se nose sa problemom praznih gospodarskih nekretnina. Analizirat će se teme internetske prodaje kao nove grane trgovine i definicije gospodarske nekretnine. Usporedit će se primjeri gradova Praga, Varaždina i Amsterdama. Prikazat će se mogućnosti alternativnog koriÅ”tenja gospodarskih nekretnina u svrhu revitalizacije prostora.With the growth of online selling, there is no longer so much demand for the classic mortar-and-brick space. The high demand in online selling in the last ten years, and with the selling platforms, such as Ebay and Amazon, customers can buy items directly from the seller, and on a free cyber market platform. Chains of street fashion brands , are starting to close their minor stores, because of the online selling boom. Less and less are to be opened stores that are in smaller capacity. Real estates that had a purpose as stores in the city centre, have high fixed costs, and rent is sky high. Is there a way to find a new purpose for them? Is online selling starting to develop it self as a habbit, which we all are looking forward to? In the introduction, the main focus will be on the popularity of online sales, and the decision to choose the three cities, that experienced the consequences from the online sales, and how the problem was handled. The subject of online selling will be put into perspective as a new commerce branch. The comparisom will be made between Prague, Varaždin and Amsterdam. In the conclusion, some options will be introduced as how to engage the realestate once again


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    Razvoj globalnog gospodarstva dokazuje kako se svaki uspjeÅ”ni poslovni model može franÅ”izirati te je franÅ”iza primjenjiva u izuzetno Å”irokom području djelatnosti. U Republici Hrvatskoj takav model poslovanja joÅ” uvijek nije dovoljno zastupljen. FranÅ”izna industrija je idealna upravo za male poduzetnike koji nemaju mogućnosti Å”irenja kroz vlastite poslovnice, ali nemaju niti lokalnu ekspertizu udaljenih tržiÅ”ta koja je važna za uspjeh na nepoznatom terenu. Mali i srednji poduzetnici preko franÅ”iznog modela poslovanja mogu ostvariti svoj rast i Å”irenje na internacionalno tržiÅ”te te osigurati nova zapoÅ”ljavanja. Kroz franÅ”ize domaći uspjeÅ”ni koncepti izvoze svoj know-how i proizvode, te je stoga važno povećati udio domaćih franÅ”iza. U ovom radu definiran je pojam franÅ”ize, načini njena stjecanja, pravni okvir u kojem franÅ”iza djeluje te Å”to je potrebno kako bi ona uspjela. Nadalje, kroz rad se istražio utjecaj HGK na promociju franÅ”iznog koncepta poslovanja. Zajednica franÅ”iznog poslovanja HGK okuplja vodeće domaće franÅ”izere, stvara poticajno okruženje za razvoj poduzetniÅ”tva te kroz organiziranje kontinuiranih edukacija promovira franÅ”izni model poslovanja među hrvatskim tvrtkama kako bi se povećao udio domaćih franÅ”iznih sistema u Hrvatskoj. Osnovni problem Zajednice je utvrditi tko su zapravo franÅ”izeri i koliko ih ima. Uvođenjem registra franÅ”iza i detektiranjem pravnih subjekata, te organiziranjem kontinuiranih edukacija kroz promociju franÅ”iznog modela poslovanja među hrvatskim tvrtkama povećao bi se udio domaćih franÅ”iznih sistema u Hrvatskoj. Svaka prodana franÅ”iza znači otvaranje nove tvrtke, samozapoÅ”ljavanje i zapoÅ”ljavanje i zato se franÅ”izno poslovanje smatra zamaÅ”njakom razvoja poduzetniÅ”tva i zapoÅ”ljavanja.The development of the global economy proves that any successful business model can be franchised and that franchising is applicable in an extremely wide range of activities. In the Republic of Croatia, such a business model is still not sufficiently represented. The franchise industry is ideal precisely for small entrepreneurs who do not have the possibility of expansion through their own branches, but they also do not have the local expertise of distant markets, which is important for success in unfamiliar territory. Through the franchise business model, small and medium-sized entrepreneurs can realize their growth and expansion into the international market and secure new employment. Through franchises, domestic successful concepts export their know-how and products, and therefore it is important to increase the share of domestic franchises. The paper defines the concept of franchise, the ways of its acquisition, the legal framework in which the franchise operates and what is needed for successful franchise. Furthermore, the paper investigated the influence of Croatian Chamber of Economy on the promotion of the franchise business concept. The Croatian Chamber of Economy Franchise Business Association gathers leading domestic franchisors, creates a stimulating environment for the development of entrepreneurship and, through the organization of continuous education, promotes the franchise business model among Croatian companies in order to increase the share of domestic franchise systems in Croatia. The main problem of the Community is to determine who the franchisors actually are and how many of them there are. The introduction of the franchise register and the detection of legal entities and the organization of continuous education through the promotion of the franchise business model among Croatian companies would increase the share of domestic franchise systems in Croatia. Each sold franchise means the opening of a new company, self-employment and employment, and that is why franchise business is considered a flywheel for the development of entrepreneurship and employment