17 research outputs found

    Crescent and electoral strength: Islamic party portrait of reform era in Indonesia

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    The establishment of Islamic political parties in the reform era in Indonesia after the fall of Suharto (1998), considered as resurgence of political stream. There are several factors that led to the revival of Islamic parties after the New Order, the theological factor, historical, sociological, and reform factor. The presence of Islamic political parties after the New Order was apparently diverse and fragmented. In the political elite of Islam itself in establishing a political party based on Islam and there is also based on nationality, and in establishing political party was using substantially approach and there is also that use formalistic approach. In the reform era elections, political Islam has failed, in which Islamic parties do not receive optimal support from voters Islam. The failure of Islamic parties in election of reform era is caused of factor among Muslims has been change the orientation of political views. Islamic parties in the reform era stuck in a political myth quantity, and Islamic parties are also fragmented and fractured in to small forces


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    Oemar Said Tjokroaminoto and Alimin bin Prawirodirdjo were Indonesian founding fathers who played a salient role in the national movement and represented two influential groups and ideas of their time, Islamism, and communism. Due to their significant roles in the Indonesia independent movement and the broader Indonesian political thought, exploring their ideas is important. Hence, this article aims to analyze their thoughts on nationalism and socialism. By using a qualitative approach, this study traces two sources of data. First, references that contain the statements of these two figures and other scientific references. Second, confirming them based on analysis of two key informants' interviews. The study has demonstrated that Tjokroaminoto and Alimin's views on socialism and nationalism overlap in some regards and diverge in other aspects

    Potret otonomi daerah dan wakil rakyat di tingkat lokal

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    xxxii, 385 p. : il.; 21c

    Potret Otonomi Daerah dan Wakil Rakyat di Tingkat Lokal

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    xxxii, 370 hal.: 21 cm; Bibliography

    Partai politik : dinamika dan problematik pelembagaan di Indonesia

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    Pembahasan ihwal partai politik pada dasarnya belum ada ujungnya sampai sekarang. Problem pelembagaan partai politik dan juga sistem kepartaian pasca reformasi masih banyak menuai kritik dari masyarakat.xiv, 160 hlm.: 23 c

    The role of contextual knowledge in Englsih-Indonesian translation

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    the result of this study showed that the types of contexts which determine the intended meaning of the SL text include linguistic context (co-text) and non-linguistic context. while the linguistic context indicates the relationship of a linguistic items to another phrase, sentence, paragraph, or discourse level, the nonlinguistic context consist of topical context which gives information about the topic of discussion or content of the SL and social context that provides information about a specific situation of the source culture.x, 58 pages; 28 c

    Pemilihan Presiden Langsung 2004 dan Masalah Konsolidasi Demokrasi di Indonesia

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    iv.206 hal.;21 c

    Potret Otonomi Daerah Dan Wakil Rakyat Di Tingkat Lokal

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    xxxii+385 hlm.; 21 cm

    Islam yes partai islam yes: sejarah perkembangan partai-partai islam di indonesia

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    Potret Otonomi Daerah dan Wakil Rakyat di Tingkat Lokal

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