6 research outputs found

    Access to Education in Bangladesh: Country Analytic Review of Primary and Secondary Education

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    This country analytical review examines the key issues in access to and participation in primary and secondary education in Bangladesh, with a special focus on areas and dimensions of exclusion. Against a background of overall progress, particularly in closing the gender gap in primary and secondary enrollment, the research applies a conceptual framework outlining different forms of exclusion and presents two significant findings which compromise access and diminish gains made: high dropout rates at primary and secondary levels and nominal access but virtual exclusion from quality learning. Other areas surveyed in the review include interventions by public sector and non-governmental providers in primary and secondary education as well as the financing of basic education. This review of the literature concludes with suggestions for future research directions that might lead to new understanding and insights on equitable access and participation

    Combined allelopathic effect of buckwheat and marsh pepper residues on weed management and crop performance of transplant aman rice

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    The experiment was conducted at the Agronomy Field Laboratory, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh during the period from June to December 2016 to evaluate the suppression of weed growth through combined application of buckwheat and marsh pepper residues in transplant aman rice. The experiment consisted of three cultivars i.e. BRRI dhan56, Binadhan-12 and Nizershail, and five different crop residues with their combination such as no residues, 2.0 t ha-1 buckwheat residues, 2.0 t ha-1 marsh pepper residues, combined 0.5 t ha-1 buckwheat and 1.0 t ha-1 marsh pepper residues, combined 1.0 t ha-1 buckwheat and 0.5 t ha-1 marsh pepper residues. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Weed population and weed dry weight were significantly affected by cultivars and crop residues treatment. The maximum weed growth was noticed with no residues treatment and the minimum was found in combined 0.5 t ha-1 buckwheat and 1.0 t ha-1 marsh pepper residues. The grain yield as well as the yield contributing characters produced at BRRI dhan 56 was the highest among the studied varieties. The highest reduction of grain yield was obtained in no residues) treatment and the lowest was obtained when combined 0.5 t ha-1 buckwheat and 1.0 t ha-1 marsh pepper residues were applied. The highest numbers of effective tillers hill-1, number of grains panicle-1, 1000-grain weight, and grain and straw yields were observed in W3 treatment. BRRI dhan56 under 0.5 t ha-1 buckwheat and 1.0 t ha-1 marsh pepper residues treatment produced the highest grain yield. Results of this study indicates that combination of 0.5 t ha-1 buckwheat and 1.0 t ha-1 marsh pepper residues showed potentiality to suppress weed growth. Therefore, crop residues could be used as an alternative tool for sustainable weed management

    Assessing Silicon-Mediated Growth Performances in Contrasting Rice Cultivars under Salt Stress

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    Silicon (Si) application has great potential to improve salt tolerance in a variety of crop plants. However, it is unclear how Si influences the responses of contrasting rice cultivars when exposed to excessive salt. Here, we investigated the functions of Si in alleviating the negative effects of salt stress on two contrasting rice cultivars, namely BRRI dhan48 (salt-sensitive) and Binadhan-10 (salt-tolerant). Rice seedlings was pre-treated with three doses of Si (as silicic acid; 0, 1 and 2 mM) for 14 days at one-day interval before being exposed to salt stress (10 dSm−1) in a sustained water bath system. The results demonstrated that the seedlings of BRRI dhan48 and Binadhan-10, respectively exhibited substantial reductions in shoot height (16 and 9%), shoot fresh weight (64 and 43%) and shoot dry weight (50 and 39%) under salinity. Intriguingly, BRRI dhan48 pre-treated with 1 and 2 mM Si, respectively, showed a higher increase in shoot height (SH) (by 25.90 and 26.08%) as compared with Binadhan-10 (by 3 and 8%) under salt stress compared with their respective controls. Data revealed that a comparatively higher improvement in the growth performances of the salt-induced Si pre-treated BRRI dhan48 than that of Binadhan-10. For example, 1 and 2 mM of Si treatments significantly attributed to elevated leaf relative water content (RWC) (13 and 22%), proline (138 and 165%), chlorophyll a (42 and 44%), chlorophyll b (91 and 72%), total chlorophyll (58 and 53%) and carotenoids (33 and 29%), and recovery in the reductions of electrolyte leakage (13 and 21%), malondialdehyde content (23 and 30%) and shoot Na+/K+ ratio (22 and 52%) in BRRI dhan48 compared with Si-untreated control plants under salt stress. In addition, we found salt-tolerant Binadhan-10 also had enhanced RWC (9 and 19%), proline (12 and 26%) with pre-treatment with 1 and 2 mM of Si, respectively, under salt stress, while no significant differences were noticed in the case of photosynthetic pigments and Na+/K+ ratio. Our results showed that Si supplementation potentiated higher salt-tolerance ability in the salt-sensitive BRRI dhan48 as compared with salt-tolerant Binadhan-10. Thus, Si application could be highly beneficial in the growth recovery of the salinity-affected salt-sensitive high yielding rice cultivars in the saline-prone areas

    Root System Response and Yield of Irrigated Rice in Relation to Irrigation, Potassium and Nitrogen under Subtropical Conditions

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    Irrigation and fertilizer are two essential factors affecting rice root traits and yield. In this respect, a pot experiment was performed at the boro (dry season irrigated) season of 2021–2022 in the Department of Agronomy of Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. The variety Binadhan-10 was planted at two irrigation conditions, i.e., saturation (S) and continuous flooding (CF); two potassium (K) doses, e.g., 65 kg ha−1 (K65) and 98 kg ha−1 (K98); and two nitrogen (N) doses, i.e., 140 kg ha−1 (N140) and 210 kg ha−1 (N210). The experiment was laid in a split plot design with eight treatments and replicated thrice. The findings confirmed the significant variation in irrigation, K and N and the effects on root number (RN), root length (RL), root volume (RV), leaf area index (LAI), total dry matter (TDM), yield attributes and yield. Considering the interaction among irrigation, K and N, the S conditions with K65 and N140 showed best performance in relation to root parameters. At 80 DAT, the highest RN (373.00), RL (1700.00 cm), RV (8.90 cm3 hill−1), LAI (4.94) and TDM (25.83 g plant−1) was obtained from this combination. Grain yield (GY) and root traits, except root porosity, showed a significant positive association. Grain yield (GY) was the highest (27.12 g pot−1) under S conditions with K65 and N140. Therefore, the variety Binadhan-10 can be successfully cultivated with K65 and N140 under S conditions

    Determination of Critical Period for Sustainable Weed Management and Yield of Jute (<i>Corchorus olitorius</i> L.) under Sub-Tropical Condition

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    A field investigation was run to ascertain the critical period of weed control in jute (Corchorus olitorius). The study consisted of two distinct sets of treatments, with one set of weeds being left to invade the crop for a longer period of time, specifically, for 15, 30, 45 and 60 days after sowing (DAS) and up to harvest. In the other set of treatments, the plants remained weed-free for progressively longer periods, i.e., 15, 30, 45 and 60 DAS, and until harvest. The reduction in fibre yield (FY) was recorded as 53.39% when weed interference was permitted from the beginning to harvest, as opposed to the season-long weed-free period. The critical period for weed competition (CPWC) of jute was calculated as being 11 to 68 DAS and 19 to 59 DAS, based on results of 5% and 10% yield loss, respectively. Under the 5% yield loss condition, although yield was higher (3.36 t ha−1), the benefit cost ratio (BCR) was lower (1.65), whereas yield was slightly lower (3.19 t ha−1) but BCR was higher (1.73) with respect to 10% yield loss. Therefore, jute fields should be kept weed free from 19 to 59 days after sowing, and a weed management strategy should be undertaken accordingly