67 research outputs found

    Strawberry Growth and Fruit Yield in a Saline Environment

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    Up to 20% of irrigated arable land in arid and semi-arid regions worldwide is salt-affected. The problem of salt-affected soils is also present in the Croatian Mediterranean coastal region where seawater intrudes through porous media into calcareous aquifers, mixes with freshwater and salinizes both ground and surface waters. Climatic conditions enable continuous growing of several crops throughout a year, but increasing demand for irrigation water forces the growers to utilize water of poor quality. In 2005, the effect of rising salinity levels (control, 4, 6, and 8 dS m-1) on strawberry vegetative growth and fruit yield was studied in a greenhouse experiment. Salinity treatments had a negative effect on total fresh fruit yield (29-59%), total number of fruits (24-45%), fruit size, as well as on the number of runners (23-86%) and the length of the longest runner (1.3-2.6 times). Furthermore, NaCl salinity stress accelerated leaf senescence and reduced the strawberry growing period by 12-22 days

    Kvaliteta života i percepcija bolesti u bolesnika s kroničnim ulkusom potkoljenice

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    Chronic wounds on lower extremities most commonly result from chronic venous insufficiency. Chronic leg ulcer impacts the quality of life in a number of ways such as reduced mobility, pain, unpleasant odor, sleep disturbances, social isolation, etc. This study included 100 patients with chronic wounds/lower leg ulcer (59% of women and 41% of men, aged 31 to 89) treated locally with special wound dressings for moist wound healing. Study results showed no age and sex correlation with the quality of life, and all participants evaluated their quality of life and health satisfaction as neither good nor bad, but it was found that the disease mostly affected social relationships and to a lesser extent patient satisfaction with their physical and mental health, and the environment. Results on the disease perception showed that the participants considered their disease to have a significant effect on their life and would last for a relatively long time, but they also believed they had good control of their disease. Also, they considered the disease to have many symptoms affecting them; they were worried about their disease which they understood relatively well; they were aware that treatment could be very helpful; and that the disease had moderate effect on their emotional health. According to sex, the disease was found to have greater effect on women (especially on their emotional condition) and women had more faith in successful treatment, while correlation with age was nonsignificant. This study confirmed the importance of the patient psychological condition and the need of due care of their psychological reactions to and facing with the disease.Kronične rane na donjim udovima najčeŔće su posljedica kronične venske insuficijencije. Kronična rana na potkoljenici bitno utječe na kvalitetu života zbog viÅ”e čimbenika: smanjuje se mobilnost bolesnika, javlja se bol, neugodni mirisi, poremećaji spavanja te dolazi i do socijalne izolacije bolesnika i frustracija. NaÅ”e istraživanje je provedeno kod 100 bolesnika s kroničnom ranom na potkoljenicama (59% žena i 41% muÅ”karaca, dobi od 31 do 89 godina) liječenih lokalnom terapijom, tj. oblogama za vlažno cijeljenje rana. Rezultati su pokazali da dob i spol ne utječu na kvalitetu života bolesnika i svi ispitanici procijenili su svoju kvalitetu življenja i zadovoljstvo zdravljem ni dobrim ni loÅ”im, a uočili su najveći utjecaj bolesti na socijalne odnose te neÅ”to manje na zadovoljstvo fizičkim i psihičkim zdravljem te zadovoljstvo okolinom. Rezultati percepcije bolesti su pokazali da ispitanici smatraju kako bolest značajno utječe na njihov život i da će relativno dugo trajati te da nad njom imaju relativno dobru kontrolu. Smatraju da bolest ima dosta simptoma koji utječu na njih, zabrinuti su zbog svoje bolesti koju relativno dobro razumiju i smatraju da im liječenje može dosta pomoći, a bolest ima umjeren utjecaj na emocionalno stanje ispitanika. Prema spolu se utvrdilo da bolest viÅ”e utječe na percepciju bolesti u žena (osobito na emocionalno stanje) i da one viÅ”e vjeruju u uspjeÅ”nost liječenja, dok se utjecaj dobi nije pokazao značajnim. Ovo istraživanje dokazuje važnost psiholoÅ”kog stanja bolesnika i potrebu da se uz samo zdravstveno stanje bolesnika vodi briga i o njihovim psiholoÅ”kim reakcijama na bolest i suočavanju s njom

    Brand's financial valuation

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    For many companies the most of their value consists of the increase of their brands value. Precisely because of the fact that brands' value determine the value of the company significantly, its management should constantly monitor the capitalization of brand i.e. increase the company's value regarding increased brand value. In modern 'buyer's economy' parameters determining the company's value evolves. Numerous from the tertiary and quaternary sector companies bases its value on their customers, i.e. clients. In near future, most companies will be evaluated according to the 'size' and the level of development of relationship with customers, as their 'major' asset. In modern accounting theory there is a growing interest for the customer value, i.e. the Customer Life Time Value - CLV, the Customer Relationship as Equity - CRE, Customer Relationship Capital - CRC, Value based marketing - VBM and so on. On the other hand a sharp change in the value creation (from the tangible to intangible assets) influences the growing discrepancy between the value of net assets of the company and its market valuation. The combination of a growing brand's economic importance and the reform of accounting standards had increased the importance of the values that brands adds to the companies. This paper presents the analysis of brand's financial valuation. After the introduction, firstly we described relationship between the brand valuation and company's value. Secondly, we have analyzed in details brand valuation focused on its financial effects, including different approaches and methods

    Utjecaj razmaka cijevne drenaže na prinos ratarskih kultura na hidromelioriranom tlu

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    The research objective was to investigate the effect of different drainpipe spacing variants on the yield of field crops grown on hydroameliorated soil and to determine, applying the analysis of variance, the significance of the difference in yields between the tested variants. Investigations were carried out on hydroameliorated Gleyic Podzoluvisol on the experimental amelioration field JelenŔčak-Kutina (central Sava valley) in the 1990-1993 and 1995-1999 periods. Four different variants of drainpipe spacing were tested in the trial (15 m, 20 m, 25 m and 30 m) in four replications. The same crop was grown and the same agricultural practices applied at the same time in all trial variants and in all trial years. During the research period, maize was grown in five years, winter wheat in three and oats in one year. Yields of the same crops differed per years and per different drainpipe spacing due to different factors, such as the genetic characteristics of the cultivars, or hybrids, different quantities and distribution of precipitation during the trial years, soil moisture before drilling, number of plants per unit area, total fertilizer applied and top-dressing pattern in the growing season, as well as the time of harvest. The highest maize yield was achieved in 1991 and ranged from 88.00 dt/ha (15 m spacing) to 71.74 t/ha (30 m). The lowest maize yield was recorded in 1996 - from 58.20 dt/ha (15 m) to 43.48 dt/ha (30 m). The highest wheat yield was achieved in 1991 - from 57.96 dt/ha (15 m) to 52.35 dt/ha (30 m), and the lowest in 1998 - from 38.88 dt/ha (20 m) to 30.88 dt/ha (30 m). Oats yield ranged from 42.19 dt/ha (15 m) to 37.59 t/ha (30 m). Analysis of variance, done separately for each trial year, rendered highly significant differences (p<0.01) between yields of particular crops in dependence on the drainpipe spacing in six trial years (1990, 1991, 1992, 1996, 1997 and 1998). Significant differences (p<0.05) between yields were recorded in 1999, while the 1993 and 1995 differences between yields, depending on the drainpipe spacing, were not significant. In the agroecological conditions of the central Sava valley, satisfactory yields can be obtained with the drainpipe spacing of 15 m. Drainpipe spacing of 20 m, supplemented by repeated vertical deep loosening of soil, may give satisfactory results in years when the drainage system is adequately maintained.Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati utjecaj različitih razmaka cijevne drenaže na prinos ratarskih kultura na hidromelioriranom tlu i utvrditi analizom varijance opravdanost razlike u visini prinosa između testiranih varijanata. Istraživanja su provedena u razdoblju od 1990-1993. i od 1995-1999. god. Na melioracijskom pokusnom polju ā€œJelenŔčakā€-Kutina ( srednja Posavina), na hidromelioriranom tlu Gleyic Podzoluvisol. U pokusu su bile testirane četiri varijante razmaka cijevne drenaže:15 m, 20 m, 25 m i 30 m, postavljene u četiri ponavljanja. Tijekom svake godine istraživanja na svim varijantama razmaka cijevne drenaže uzgajana je ista kultura i bili su primijenjeni jednaki agrotehnički zahvati i rokovi njihovih izvođenja. Tijekom istraživanja kukuruz je bio uzgajan pet godina, ozima pÅ”enica tri i zob u jednoj godini. Prinos istih kultura bio je različit po godinama istraživanja i po različitim razmacima cijevne drenaže, Å”to je prouzročeno različitim čimbenicima, kao Å”to su: genetske značajke kultivara, odnosno hibrida, različita količina i raspored oborina tijekom godina istraživanja, vlažnost tla pred početak sjetve, broj biljaka na jedinicu povrÅ”ine, ukupna količina gnojiva i raspored prihrane usjeva u vrijeme vegetacije te vrijeme žetve-berbe usjeva. Tako je prinos kukuruza bio najviÅ”i u 1991. god. i kretao se od 88.00 dt/ha (za razmak od 15 m) do 71.74 t/ha (30 m). Najniži prinos kukuruza utvrđen je 1996. u visini od 58.20 dt/ha (15 m) do 43.48 dt/ha (30 m). NajviÅ”i prinos pÅ”enice utvrđen je 1991. u visini od 57.96 dt/ha (15 m) do 52.35 dt/ha (30 m), a najniži 1998. od 38.88 dt/ha (20 m) do 30.88 dt/ha (30 m). Prinos zobi bio je od 42.19 dt/ha (15 m) do 37.59 t/ha (30 m). Analizom varijance posebno za svaku godinu istraživanja utvrđene su visoko signifikantne razlike (p<0.01) između prinosa pojedine kulture ovisno o razmaku cijevne drenaže u Å”est godina ispitivanja (1990, 1991, 1992,1996, 1997 i 1998). Signifikantne razlike (p<0.05) između prinosa utvrđene su 1999. godine, dok 1993. i 1995. razlike između prinosa ovisno o razmaku cijevne drenaže nisu bile signifikantne. U agroekoloÅ”kim uvjetima srednje Posavine zadovoljavajući prinosi postižu se na razmacima cijevne drenaže 15 m. U godinama kada se pravilno održava sustav odvodnje može zadovoljiti i razmak cijevne drenaže od 20 m, uz obnavljanje agrotehničke mjere-vertikalnog dubinskog rahljenja

    Učinci razine zaslanjenosti vode za navodnjavanje na produktivnost boba (Vicia faba L.)

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    In Mediterranean region where seawater intrudes porous karst matrix and salinizes soil and water resources, water used for the irrigation of crops is frequently of inadequate quality. Measuring the productivity of horticultural crops under saline conditions helps to determine whether and when to irrigate crops if water is saline, thus balance between crop water and salt stress. A greenhouse pot experiment was set to study the effects of saline irrigation water on faba bean (Vicia faba L.) biomass and yield parameters. NaCl salinity was applied in a nutrient solution as follows: NaCl0 as control (nutrient solution without added NaCl), NaCl50 (control + 50 mM NaCl), and NaCl100 (control + 100 mM NaCl). Five weeks after salinity treatment started, plant height (cm), number of lateral branches per plant, number of pods and seeds per plant, shoot weight (g), pod weight (g) and seed weight (g) were determined. Compared to control, increased irrigation water salinity statistically significantly decreased measured parameters (P<0.01), except for number of branches and pods. Faba bean productivity decreased proportionally to the irrigation water salinity level, suggesting that optimal saline agriculture management strategy can be to allow for the acceptable yield loss in order to avoid plant water stress.Na području Mediterana, gdje dolazi do prodora morske vode kroz porozni krÅ”ki materijal i zaslanjivanja tala i vodnih resursa, voda koja se koristi za navodnjavanje usjeva često nije odgovarajuće kakvoće. Mjerenje produktivnosti hortikulturnih usjeva u zaslanjenim uvjetima pomaže odrediti može li se navodnjavati zaslanjenom vodom i kada, kako bi se pronaÅ”la ravnoteža između vodnog stresa usjeva i stresa soli. Postavljen je pokus u loncima u plasteniku kako bi se istražili učinci zaslanjene vode za navodnjavanje na biomasu i parametre prinosa boba (Vicia faba L.). NaCl sol je primijenjena u hranjivoj otopini kako slijedi: NaCl0 kao kontrola (hranjiva otopina bez dodanog NaCl), NaCl50 (kontrola + 50 mM NaCl), i NaCl100 (kontrola + 100 mM NaCl). Pet tjedana nakon početka tretmana zaslanjenom vodom, izmjerena je visina biljaka (cm), određen broj bočnih izdanaka, mahuna i sjemenki po biljci, masa nadzemnog dijela biljke (g), masa mahune (g) i masa sjemena (g). U usporedbi s kontrolom, povećana zaslanjenost vode za navodnjavanje statistički je značajno smanjila mjerene parametre (P<0.01), osim broja izdanaka i mahuna. Produktivnost boba smanjila se proporcionalno razini zaslanjenosti vode za navodnjavanje, sugerirajući da optimalna strategija poljoprivrednog gospodarenja u zaslanjenim uvjetima može biti dozvoljavanje prihvatljivog gubitka prinosa kako bi se izbjegao vodni stres usjeva

    ALPPS ā€“ new approach in the treatment of advanced liver tumors

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    ALPPS (engl. Associated Liver Partition and Portal Vein Ligation for Staged Hepatectomy) je inovativni operacijski zahvat koji je prvi puta predstavljen 2012. godine, a u posljednje dvije godine postao je općeprihvaćen među hepatobilijarnim kirurzima diljem svijeta te su i u naÅ”oj ustanovi dosad izvedena tri ALPPS postupka. Budući da je ALPPS relativno nova metoda koja je indicirana samo kod pažljivo odabranih bolesnika, tek se očekuju studije na većem broju bolesnika, ali prema dosadaÅ”njim rezultatima ALPPS se pokazao kao vrlo uspjeÅ”na kirurÅ”ka metoda koja omogućuje resektabilnost tumora koji su dosad smatrani neresektabilnima tako da omogućuje iznenađujuće brzu i intenzivnu hipertrofiju ostatnog dijela jetre.ALPPS (Associated Liver Partition and Portal Vein Ligation for Staged Hepatectomy) is an innovative surgical procedure which was presented for the first time in 2012, and in last two years it has become widely accepted by hepatobiliary surgeons and cosequently three ALPPS procedures have been performed at our institution so far. Considering that ALPPS is a relatively new method, indicated only in carefully selected patients, we still expect studies on larger number of patients, but according to last results ALPPS has proved to be a very successful surgical method which allows resectability of tumors that were considered irresectable, by promoting surprisingly fast and intensive hypertrophy of future liver remnant

    Istodobno prisutne presadnice papilarnog karcinoma Ŕtitnjače i neuroendokrinog tumora cekuma u limfnim čvorovima vrata: prikaz slučaja

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    We present a case of a patient with simultaneous cervical lymph node metastasis of papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) and cecum neuroendocrine tumor (NET). A 45-year-old male patient with the diagnosis of metastatic NET of the cecum underwent fine needle aspiration (FNA) of a positron emission tomography with 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG PET) positive nodule in the left thyroid lobe. Due to FNA finding suspect of PTC, the patient underwent total thyroidectomy with central neck dissection. Histopathologic finding revealed PTC of the left thyroid lobe and small solitary lymph node PTC metastasis in the central neck region. Postoperative evaluation with neck ultrasound (US) revealed two enlarged suspected lymph nodes in cervical regions III and IV on the left side of the neck and the patient underwent FNA with measurement of thyroglobulin (Tg) in the aspirates. The FNA finding of the cervical lymph node in the region III revealed PTC metastasis with high Tg value in the aspirate, while FNA finding of the cervical lymph node in the region IV revealed NET metastasis with low Tg value in the aspirate. Postoperative serum Tg value was 17.75 Ī¼g/L and the patient underwent 5550 MBq iodine-131 (I-131) therapy. A year after I-131 therapy, follow-up neck US demonstrated complete cure of PTC cervical lymph node metastasis in the region III and stable in size NET cervical lymph node metastasis in the region IV. To our knowledge, this is the first report of simultaneous occurrence of cervical lymph node metastases of PTC and NET of the cecum.Prikazujemo slučaj istodobno prisutne presadnice papilarnog karcinoma Å”titnjače (PTC) i neuroendokrinog tumora (NET) cekuma u limfnim čvorovima vrata. Bolesniku u dobi 45 godina s dijagnozom metastatskog NET-a cekuma učinjena je apsiracijska biopsija tankom iglom (FNA) čvora u lijevom režnju Å”titnjače pozitivnog na pozitronskoj emisijskoj tomografiji s 18F-fluorodeoksiglukozom (18F-FDG PET). Zbog postavljene sumnje na PTC, a temeljem nalaza FNA, bolesniku je učinjena totalna tireoidektomija s centralnom disekcijom vrata. PatohistoloÅ”ki nalaz potvrdio je PTC u lijevom režnju Å”titnjače i solitarnu presadnicu PTC-a u malom limfnom čvoru u centralnoj regiji vrata. Poslijeoperacijskom obradom ultrazvučno (UZV) su na lijevoj strani vrata u regijama III. i IV. otkrivena dva povećana suspektna limfna čvora te je bolesniku učinjena FNA s određivanjem tireoglobulina (Tg) u aspiratima. Nalaz FNA limfnog čvora u regiji III. odgovarao je presadnici PTC-a uz visoku vrijednost Tg-a u aspiratu, dok je nalaz FNA limfnog čvora u regiji IV. odgovarao presadnici NET-a uz nisku vrijednost Tg-a u aspiratu. Poslijeoperacijska vrijednost Tg-a u serumu bila je 17,75 Ī¼g/L te je bolesnik primio terapiju jodom-131 (I-131) aktiviteta 5550 MBq. Godinu dana nakon terapije I-131 kontrolni UZV vrata pokazao je potpunu regresiju presadnice PTC-a u regiji III. i stacionaran nalaz presadnice NET-a u regiji IV. Prema naÅ”im saznanjima, ovo je prvi prikaz slučaja istodobno prisutne presadnice PTC-a i NET-a cekuma u limfnim čvorovima vrata

    Antioxidant Enzymes Activity in Patients with Peripheral Vascular Disease, with and without Presence of Diabetes Mellitus

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    The study evaluated antioxidant status in patients with peripheral vascular disease (PVD), with and without concomitant diabetes mellitus (DM). 211 participants were divided into standardized 4 groups: patients with PVD and DM (PVD+DM+), patients with PVD without DM (PVD+DM-), patients without PVD with DM (PVD-DM+) and patients without PVD and DM (PVD-DM-). The diagnosis of PVD was established by Doppler sonography analysis, including determination of the ankle brachial index (ABI), partial pressures along the leg, and CW Doppler sonography at typical locations. Antioxidant status has been evaluated through the colorimetrically assessed serum activity of key antioxidant enzymes: superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, and glutathione peroxidase (GLPX) as well as through total antioxidant status (TAS) determination. In PVD+DM- group, as well as PVD-DM+ group, a significantly lower activity of the GLPX, catalase and TAS was found, whereas activity of SOD was significantly higher. There was no statistically significant difference between PVD+DM+ and PVD-DM+ group. Likewise, there was no statistically significant difference between PVD+DM- and PVD -DM-group. This study has shown that there is statistically significant difference in activity of antioxidant enzymes between diabetic and non-diabetic patients, irrespectively of PVD presence. Furthermore, PVD present alone does not alter key antioxidant enzymes activity in comparison with healthy subjects

    Regionalisation of Croatian Agriculture

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    After becoming self-standing state one of new needs of Croatia important for agricultural profession, farmers, policy makers and public needs was regionalization of agriculture. It is the analyse of state of agroecological conditions in agrosphere and based on results identification and territorial separation of agricultural regions as parts of agrosphere with similar conditions for plant and animal growing and similar farming systems. On this track within a special project we fi nished an inventory of agrosphere, result of which is Regionalisation of Croatian Agriculture presented in this paper. Following wise message of old Chinese proverb cited above, the starting approach is the MFCAL concept (Multifunctional Character of Agriculture and Land), which means that apart from very important and primary economic, agriculture and agricultural land (soil) in human life play other roles (functions) of similar importance; environmental, social, cultural and spatial, as well as the role of shaping the cultural landscape as a factor of rural development. As well, we respect the point of view prevailing in EU that all natural resources used in agriculture but at the fi rst place soil as a major one, need sustainable use and efficient protection. Using the data on Land resource potential based primarily on data of General Soil Map of Croatia (GSM) in a scale of 1:50 000 and results of our research in the period 2000 ā€“ 2003, the agrosphere of Croatia is divided in three agricultural regions; Pannonian with four, Mountain with two and Adriatic with three subregions
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