15,451 research outputs found

    Swift monitoring of IGR J16418-4532

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    We report on the Swift observations of the candidate supergiant fast X-ray transient (SFXT) IGR J16418-4532, which has an orbital period of ~3.7 d. Our monitoring, for a total of ~43 ks, spans over three orbits and represents the most intense and complete sampling along the orbital period of the light curve of this source. If one assumes a circular orbit, the X-ray emission from this source can be explained by accretion from a spherically symmetric clumpy wind from a blue supergiant, composed of clumps with different masses, ranging from ~5x10^16 g to 10^21g.Comment: 4 pages; Proceedings, 5th International Symposium on High-Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy, (Gamma2012) Heidelberg, Germany, July 9-13th, 201

    Panel performance: Modelling variation in sensory profiling data by multiway analysis

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    Sensory profiling data is essentially three-way data where samples, attributes and assessors are the three dimensions of information. It is common practice to average over the assessors and focus the analysis on the relations between samples and sensory descriptors. However, since assessor reliability can not be controlled in advance, posthoc analysis on assessors is needed to assess performance of the individual and at the panel level. For this purpose, multiway analysis is a very efficient data method as it provides information on samples, attributes and assessors, simultaneously [1]. PARAllel FACtor (PARAFAC) analysis is one of the most used multiway methods in sensory analysis [2][3]. It is based on two basic assumptions: 1) there exist latent variables behind the identified sensory descriptors describing the variation among the products; 2) assessors have different sensitivities to these common latent variables. However, assessors may perceive the factors differently, so the assumption of “common latent variables” becomes questionable. This may happen when the panel is not well trained and/or the samples present subtle differences difficult to detect. In this work a more flexible approach to the analysis of sensory data is presented. Specifically, the work proposes to use PARAFAC2 modelling [4] as it allows each assessor to have an individual idiosyncratic perceptive model. The data was obtained from a descriptive sensory analysis of organic milk samples. Results show that PARAFAC2 is very useful to highlight disagreement in the panel on specific attributes and to detect outlying assessors. In addition, by using PARAFAC2 an improvement in the description of samples is also achieved. On the other hand, PARAFAC has to be preferred to PARAFAC2 when a good panel agreement is observed, since it provides more stable solutions and no further gain in information is obtained from PARAFAC2. Finally, the work proposes an index to measure the performance of each assessor based on individual sensitivity and reproducibility

    Soft X-ray characterisation of the long term properties of Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients

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    We perform the first high-sensitivity soft X-ray long-term monitoring with Swift/XRT of three relatively unexplored Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients (SFXTs), IGR J08408-4503, IGR J16328-4726, and IGR J16465-4507, whose hard X-ray duty cycles are the lowest measured among the SFXT sample, and compare their properties with those of the prototypical SFXTs. The behaviour of J08408 and J16328 resembles that of other SFXTs, and it is characterized by a relatively high inactivity duty cycle (IDC) and pronounced dynamic range (DR) in the X-ray luminosity. Like the SFXT prototypes, J08408 shows two distinct populations of flares, the first one associated with the brightest outbursts (LX103536L_{\rm X}\gtrsim 10^{35-36} erg s1^{-1}), the second one comprising less bright events with LXL_{\rm X}\lesssim1035^{35} erg s1^{-1}. This double-peaked distribution seems to be a ubiquitous feature of the extreme SFXTs. The lower DR of J16328 suggests it is an intermediate SFXT. We find J16465 is characterized by IDC\sim5% and DR\sim40, reminiscent of classical supergiant HMXBs. The duty cycles measured with XRT are found to be comparable with those reported previously by BAT and INTEGRAL, when the higher limiting sensitivities of these instruments are taken into account and sufficiently long observational campaigns are available. We prove that no clear correlation exists between the duty cycles of the SFXTs and their orbital periods, which makes it difficult to interpret the SFXT peculiar variability by only using arguments related to the properties of supergiant star winds. Our findings favour the idea that a correct interpretation of the SFXT phenomenology requires a mechanism to strongly reduce the mass accretion rate onto the compact object during most of its orbit around the companion, as proposed in a number of theoretical works. [Abridged]Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 18 pages, 8 figures, 8 table

    Satellite observations of reconnection between emerging and pre-existing small-scale magnetic fields

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    We report multi-wavelength ultraviolet observations taken with the IRIS satellite, concerning the emergence phase in the upper chromosphere and transition region of an emerging flux region (EFR) embedded in the unipolar plage of active region NOAA 12529. The photospheric configuration of the EFR is analyzed in detail benefitting from measurements taken with the spectropolarimeter aboard the Hinode satellite, when the EFR was fully developed. In addition, these data are complemented by full-disk, simultaneous observations of the SDO satellite, relevant to the photosphere and the corona. In the photosphere, magnetic flux emergence signatures are recognized in the fuzzy granulation, with dark alignments between the emerging polarities, cospatial with highly inclined fields. In the upper atmospheric layers, we identify recurrent brightenings that resemble UV bursts, with counterparts in all coronal passbands. These occur at the edges of the EFR and in the region of the arch filament system (AFS) cospatial to the EFR. Jet activity is also found at chromospheric and coronal levels, near the AFS and the observed brightness enhancement sites. The analysis of the IRIS line profiles reveals the heating of dense plasma in the low solar atmosphere and the driving of bi-directional high-velocity flows with speeds up to 100 km/s at the same locations. Furthermore, we detect a correlation between the Doppler velocity and line width of the Si IV 1394 and 1402 \AA{} line profiles in the UV burst pixels and their skewness. Comparing these findings with previous observations and numerical models, we suggest evidence of several long-lasting, small-scale magnetic reconnection episodes between the emerging bipole and the ambient field. This process leads to the cancellation of a pre-existing photospheric flux concentration of the plage with the opposite polarity flux patch of the EFR. [...]Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to be published in "Nuovo Cimento C" as proceeding of the Third Meeting of the Italian Solar and Heliospheric Communit

    Exploring the role of X-ray reprocessing and irradiation in the anomalous bright optical outbursts of A0538-66

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    In 1981, the Be/X-ray binary (Be/XRB) A0538-66 showed outbursts characterized by high peak luminosities in the X-ray and optical bands. The optical outbursts were qualitatively explained as X-ray reprocessing in a gas cloud surrounding the binary system. Since then, further important information about A0538-66 have been obtained, and sophisticated photoionization codes have been developed to calculate the radiation emerging from a gas nebula illuminated by a central X-ray source. In the light of the new information and tools available, we studied again the enhanced optical emission displayed by A0538-66 to understand the mechanisms responsible for these unique events among the class of Be/XRBs. We performed about 10^5 simulations of a gas envelope photoionized by an X-ray source. We assumed for the shape of the gas cloud either a sphere or a circumstellar disc observed edge-on. We studied the effects of varying the main properties of the envelope and the influence of different input X-ray spectra on the optical/UV emission emerging from the photoionized cloud. We compared the computed spectra with the IUE spectrum and photometric UBV measurements obtained during the outburst of 29 April 1981. We also explored the role played by the X-ray heating of the surface of the donor star irradiated by the X-ray emission of the neutron star (NS). We found that reprocessing in a spherical cloud with a shallow radial density distribution can reproduce the optical/UV emission. To our knowledge, this configuration has never been observed either in A0538-66 during other epochs or in other Be/XRBs. We found, contrary to the case of most other Be/XRBs, that the optical/UV radiation produced by the X-ray heating of the surface of the donor star irradiated by the NS is non-negligible, due to the particular orbital parameters of this system that bring the NS very close to its companion.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. Abstract abridged to meet arXiv requirement

    Self-assembly of two-dimensional binary quasicrystals: A possible route to a DNA quasicrystal

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    We use Monte Carlo simulations and free-energy techniques to show that binary solutions of penta- and hexavalent two-dimensional patchy particles can form thermodynamically stable quasicrystals even at very narrow patch widths, provided their patch interactions are chosen in an appropriate way. Such patchy particles can be thought of as a coarse-grained representation of DNA multi-arm `star' motifs, which can be chosen to bond with one another very specifically by tuning the DNA sequences of the protruding arms. We explore several possible design strategies and conclude that DNA star tiles that are designed to interact with one another in a specific but not overly constrained way could potentially be used to construct soft quasicrystals in experiment. We verify that such star tiles can form stable dodecagonal motifs using oxDNA, a realistic coarse-grained model of DNA