831 research outputs found
Variación estacional de esporas fúngicas en el aire de Huelva de abril de 1989 a abril de 1991
En este trab¡]jo pretendemos estudiar I:J micoOora de 1;. :ttm6:,(cr:-~ de 1:~ ci ud~1d
de Huch•a, situada en el SW de Esp~ii;~, que prcscnw un Jito lli.,.el de cont:tmin:tción. An:tlizam~
la incidencia y la evolución bianual (10 de abril de 1989 a M de obril de 1 9~ 1 ) de
esporas de hongos pertenecientes o 3 géneros, 17 g-fncros forma y a cuatro ~rupu::, :,in -.:utcgorfa
taxonómica, atcndiendu a la modologfu de ::,us ~;sporas: asoospura!., ha!'.idin!.pora.;;, 1111Ícclul<~
res y pluricelulares no identilicadas. He~nos ccnlmdo 11\IC!i.lt:t atención \!n aquellos grupo~
que dcslacan por su abund:mcíJ, por SLJ caráctc.r alcrgiL1nte o [)Or su interés en el c-.unpo de
la agrkultu r:~. Por otra parle los resultJdos obtcnitlos los rclncionamo.., cou loe; r'nr{imetro::.
meteorológicos.This work sturJics thc micoOora prcscnt in tlu.: aunosphcrc or thc city of Hu el·
va, which is loC".deV in the South West of Spain wich ha:, an clcvntcd polhu ion lcvcl. Wc
anali1..cd thc presence ;~nd biannual variatiOil {lO april JC}89 to ~ í•pril 1991) of 5porcs of fungi
bclonging ro threc genera, ~evcntccn form gcnc.ra and fnur gropus which lack taxonomical
catcgory from cxaminotion of thc sporc morphology: ~~rores, b:t ~idi o~porcs, unicclubr
and pluricelu lar unidcntificd. Wc ha\·~ p:~id spccml :mcmion tQ thuw. group!oo whic.:h are oí
int er~t in thc. agricultura! r.eh.l On tbe ~ rcr hall, th\.: rc~uh ~, oht;1incd ~hllwCd ~.;orrclat ion~
\lo~lh mc1eorologic.1l pilrilmclers
Estudio aeropolínico de Sevilla (1988-1990)
Se presenta en d presente trabajo la VJriación anu;al del contenido =-eropolínico
de la ciudad de Se\illa (Andalud a, España), establecida a pa rlir de IJ.S medias de los Oalos
oU«enidos semanalmente en tres a ño~ de muemco (1988, 1989 y 1990). Pan1 d io se hun em·
ple.1do dos c-...ptudorcs polfnicos tipo Cour COilVc.nie.nlemcntc distribuidos en la g,eo~ra ria ur·
bJDJ.Wc providc in this work a stuc.ly on thc annual variJLion or airbuwc poli en in
the ilir or Se\'ille (Aru.lalus1 a, Spain). Samples wc:rc carried out during thr~e consceutivc ycnrs
( 1988, 1989 and 1990) usin& two Cour's collcccou which \lot.re p~t ioned, onc at t.hc: cily
centre and thc Olber on 1hc outskirts {airporl)
Efficient Enzymatic Preparation of Flavor Esters in Water
A straightforward biocatalytic method for the enzymatic preparation of different flavor esters starting from primary alcohols (e.g., isoamyl, n-hexyl, geranyl, cinnamyl, 2-phenethyl, and benzyl alcohols) and naturally available ethyl esters (e.g., formate, acetate, propionate, and butyrate) was developed. The biotransformations are catalyzed by an acyltransferase from Mycobacterium smegmatis (MsAcT) and proceeded with excellent yields (80-97%) and short reaction times (30-120 min), even when high substrate concentrations (up to 0.5 M) were used. This enzymatic strategy represents an efficient alternative to the application of lipases in organic solvents and a significant improvement compared with already known methods in terms of reduced use of organic solvents, paving the way to sustainable and efficient preparation of natural flavoring agents
Chemically exfoliated graphene detects NO2 at the ppb level
Abstract The high sensitivity of graphene to the adsorption/desorption of gas molecule, is at the very beginning of its exploitation. This sensitivity relies on the two-dimensional nature of graphene allowing a total exposure of all its atoms to the adsorbing gas molecules, thus providing the greatest sensor area per unit volume. Indeed several technological limits weigh on the synthesis and manipulation of the material for the device fabrication. Herein a simple approach to fabricate conductometric sensors based on chemically exfoliated natural graphite is presented. The devices were tested upon sub-ppm concentrations of NO 2 in environmental conditions and show the ability to detect this toxic gas down to few ppb at room temperature
Sweet-and-salty biocatalysis : fructooligosaccharides production using Cladosporium cladosporioides in seawater
Production of fructooligosaccharides (FOS) from sucrose was obtained using a bioprocess entirely performed in seawater. The halophilic fungus Cladosporium cladosporioides MUT 5506 was grown in a seawater-based medium and mycelium displayed an optimal activity in seawater at 50\u201360 \ub0C, being stable up to 60 \ub0C. Under optimized conditions in seawater (50 \ub0C, sucrose 600 g/L, lyophilized mycelium 40 g/L), C. cladosporioides gave a maximum FOS yield of 344 g/L after 72 h with a preponderance of 1F-FOS derivatives (1-kestose 184 g/L, 1-nystose 98 g/L and 1-fructofuranosylnystose 22 g/L), and the noteworthy presence of the non-conventional disaccharide blastose (30 g/L after 144 h). Lyophilized mycelium exhibited good stability in seawater (76% of the initial activity was retained after 15 cycles of reutilization). This proof-of-concept application reports for the first time the production of FOS in a non-conventional medium such as seawater
Análisis comparativo de propiedades mecánicas de fibras naturales y tecnofacturas arqueológicas:
[spa] Se presentan los avances alcanzados en el estudio de un aspecto poco explorado desde una mirada arqueológica: las propiedades mecánicas de resistencia a la tracción y elasticidad exhibidas por un conjunto de fibras/filamentos de origen natural (animal y vegetal) e hilados arqueológicos confeccionados sobre las mismas. Dichas muestras se han ensayado a tracción y se han obtenido sus correspondientes curvas de fuerza-deformación. Los ensayos muestran que las fibras de mayor grosor (porción pelo en camélidos silvestres) son las que exhiben los valores más bajos de resistencia, mientras que dos de las fibras de diámetro menor (lanilla de vicuña y seda) presentan los mayores valores de resistencia relativa. Estos resultados permiten plantear hipótesis exploratorias en relación con las actividades de selección y procesamiento de las fibras, para la producción de tecnofacturas textiles en el pasado. En este sentido, consideramos que los resultados alcanzados durante los ensayos de tracción individual de las fibras otorgan fortaleza a la hipótesis de que el manejo selectivo de estas materias primas, para la producción textil, no respondería sólo a objetivos estéticos y de confort, sino también a la performance desempeñada por los distintos tipos de fibras; de acuerdo a la posición particular que ocuparán en la estructura textil o como elementos agregados al tejido; así como en relación al tipo de prenda a confeccionar y al rol que la misma desempeñará. Los datos obtenidos son analizados a la luz de casos de estudio arqueológicos procedentes de dos áreas geográficas bajo análisis: Puna Meridional y Tierras Bajas Orientales, ambas en la República Argentina, Sudamérica.[eng] The advances achieved of an infrequent aspect in archaeological studies are presented: the mechanical properties of strength and elasticity exhibited by a set of natural fibers/filaments (animal and vegetal) and archeological yarns made on the same materials. Said samples have been tensile strength tested and their corresponding force-strain curves have been obtained. The tests show that the thickest fibers (pile portion in wild camelids) are the ones that exhibit the lowest resistance values, while two of the smaller diameter fibers (vicuña fleece and wild silk) have the highest values of resistance relative. These results allow to propose exploratory hypothesis in relation to the selection and processing of fibers for the production of textiles in the past. In this sense, we consider that the results obtained during the tensile strength tests of the fibers, support the hypothesis that their selective handling, for the textile production, would not only respond to aesthetic and comfort objectives, but also to the performance played by the different types of fibers. It would depend on the specific position they will occupy in the textile structure or as elements added to the fabric; as well as in relation to the type of garment to be made and the role it will play. The data obtained are analyzed in light of a series of archaeological study cases from two geographical areas under analysis: Southern Puna and Eastern Lowlands, both localized in Argentina, South America
Iodospirocyclization of Tryptamine-Derived Isocyanides:Formal Total Synthesis of Aspidofractinine
The N-iodosuccinimide-mediated spirocyclization of tryptamine-derived isocyanides to generate spiroindolenines is reported. The products contain both an imine and an imidoyl iodide as flexible handles for follow-up chemistry. Nucleophilic addition typically occurs chemoselectively on the imine moiety with complete diastereoselectivity, providing opportunities for the construction of complex molecular frameworks. The synthetic potential of the method was showcased in the formal total synthesis of (±)-aspidofractinine
Improved information on astrophysical S-factor for the 10B(p,α0)7Be reaction using the Trojan Horse method
The 10B(p,α0)7Be reaction has been studied by applying the Trojan Horse method to the 2H(10B,α0 7Be)n reaction. The bare-nucleus astrophysical S(E)-factor in absolute units was extracted in a wide energy range, from 2.2 MeV to 3 keV and normalized to the direct experimental data, thus allowing determination of the electron screening potential for which a value of Ue=391±74 eV was obtained
Preparation of Sterically Demanding 2,2-Disubstituted-2-Hydroxy Acids by Enzymatic Hydrolysis
Preparation of optically-pure derivatives of 2-hydroxy-2-(3-hydroxyphenyl)-2-phenylacetic acid of general structure 2 was accomplished by enzymatic hydrolysis of the correspondent esters. A screening with commercial hydrolases using the methyl ester of 2-hydroxy-2-(3-hydroxyphenyl)-2-phenylacetic acid (1a) showed that crude pig liver esterase (PLE) was the only preparation with catalytic activity. Low enantioselectivity was observed with substrates 1a\u2013d, whereas PLE-catalysed hydrolysis of 1e proceeded with good enantioselectivity (E = 28), after optimization. Enhancement of the enantioselectivity was obtained by chemical re-esterification of enantiomerically enriched 2e, followed by sequential enzymatic hydrolysis with PLE. The preparation of optically-pure (S)-2e was validated on multi-milligram scale
Polypharmacy Among The Elderly In The City Of São Paulo, Brazil - Sabe Study [polifarmácia Entre Idosos Do Município De São Paulo - Estudo Sabe]
Polypharmacy for the elderly and associated factors were assessed. A cross-sectional study was conducted using data from the SABE Study (Health, Well-being and Aging), 2006. 1,115 individuals representing 422,377 elderly aged 65 or more, living in São Paulo City, were interviewed. Polypharmacy was defined as the use of five or more medications. A multivariate regression logistics was used. Polypharmacy prevalence was 36%. Female (OR = 1.7; IC 95%: 1.0; 2.9), age over 75 years (OR = 1.9; CI 95%: 1.3; 2.7), higher income (OR = 1.8; CI 95%: 1.2; 2.8), working (OR = 1.8; CI 95%: 1.1; 2.9), regular self assessed health (OR = 1.6; CI 95%: 1.1; 2.3) or poor (OR = 2.6; CI 95%: 1.4; 4.9), hypertension (OR = 2.0; CI 95%: 1.4; 2.9), diabetes (OR = 4.1; CI 95%: 2.2; 7.5), rheumatic diseases (OR = 2.3; CI 95%: 1.5; 3.6) and cardiac problems (OR = 2.9; CI 95%: 1.9; 4.5) were associated positively with polypharmacy. Using only the public health system (OR = 0.5, 95% CI: 0.3; 0.7) was inversely associated with polypharmacy. Medicines for the cardiovascular system and for the alimentary tract and metabolism were the most used. The knowledge of factors associated with polypharmacy, such as those identified in this study, may be useful to alert health professionals about the importance of identifying and monitoring the elderly groups most vulnerable to polypharmacy.154817827Ramos, L.R., Fatores determinantes do envelhecimento saudável em idosos residentes em centro urbano: Projeto Epidoso, São Paulo (2003) Cad Saúde Pública, 19, pp. 793-798(2002) Active Ageing. A Policy Framework, , http://whqlibdoc.who.int/hq/2002/WHO_NMH_NPH_02.8.pdf, World Health Organization, Geneva: WHO;,. Disponível em, [Acessado em 20 de fevereiro de 2006]Coelho Filho, J.M., Marcopito, L.F., Castelo, A., Medication use patterns among elderly people in urban area in Northeastern Brazil (2004) Rev Saude Publica, 38, pp. 557-564Qato, D.M., Alexander, G.C., Conti, R.M., Johnson, M., Schumm, P., Lindau, S.T., Use of prescription and over-the-counter medications and dietary supplements among older adults in the United States (2008) JAMA, 300, pp. 2867-2878Ribeiro, A.Q., Rozenfeld, S., Klein, C.H., César, C.C., Acurcio Fde, A., Survey on medicine use by elderly retirees in Belo Horizonte, Southeastern Brazil (2008) Rev Saúde Pública, 42, pp. 724-732Flores, L.M., Mengue, S.S., Uso de medicamentos por idosos em região do sul do Brasil (2005) Rev Saúde Pública, 39, pp. 924-929Kaufman, D.W., Kelly, J.P., Rosenberg, L., Anderson, T.E., Michell, A.A., Recent patterns of medication use in the ambulatory adult population of the United States (2002) JAMA, 287, pp. 337-344Safran, D.G., Neuman, P., Schoen, C., Kitchman, M.S., Wilson, I.B., Cooper, B., Prescription drug coverage and seniors: Findings from a 2003 national survey (2005) Health Aff, , (Millwood),Suppl Web Exclusives: W5-152-W5-166Prybys, K.M., Melville, K., Hanna, J., Gee, A., Chyka, P., Polypharmacy in the elderly: Clinical challenges in emergency practice: Part 1 overview, etiology, and drug interactions (2002) Emerg Med Rep, 23, pp. 145-153Rozenfeld, S., Fonseca, M.J.M., Acurcio, F.A., Drug utilization and polypharmacy among the elderly: A survey in Rio de Janeiro City, Brazil (2008) Pan Am J Public Health, 23, pp. 34-43Lebrão, M.L., Duarte, Y.A.O., (2003) SABE-Saúde, Bem Estar e envelhecimento-O projeto SABE no município de São Paulo:Uma abordagem inicial [livro na internet], , http://www.opas.org.br/sistema/arquivos/l_saber.pdf, Brasília: Athalaia Bureau;,. Disponível em, [Acessado em 20 de fevereiro de 2006](2006) Anatomical therapeutic chemical (ATC) classification index with defined daily doses (DDDs), , http://www.whocc.no/atcddd/index, World Health Organization, [homepage na Internet]. Genevac2007. Disponível em, [atualizado em 16 de dezembro de, e acessado em 16 de março de 2007]Rao, J.N.K., Scott, A.J., On chi-squared tests for multiway contingency tables with cell proportions estimated from survey data (1984) Annals of Statistics, 12, pp. 46-60(2009) Stata Statistical Software: Release 11, , StataCorp, College Station. Texas: StataCorp LPRollason, V., Vogt, N., Reduction of polypharmacy in the elderly. A systematic review of the role of the pharmacist (2003) Drugs Aging, 20, pp. 817-832Rochon, P.A., Gurwitz, J.H., Optimising drug treatment for elderly people: The prescribing cascade (1997) BMJ, 315, pp. 1096-1099Gurwitz, J.H., Polypharmacy: A new paradigm for quality drug therapy in the elderly? (2004) Arch Int Med, 164, pp. 1957-1959Loyola Filho, A.I., Uchoa, E., Lima-Costa, M.F., A population-based study on use of medication by the elderly in Greater Metropolitan Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil (2006) Cad Saude Publica, 22, pp. 2657-2667Linjakumpu, T., Hartikainen, S., Klaukka, T., Veijola, J., Kivelä, S.L., Isoaho, R., Use of medications and polypharmacy are increasing among the elderly (2002) J Clin Epidemiol, 55, pp. 809-817Jörgensen, T., Johansson, S., Kennerfalk, A., Wallander, M.A., Svärdsudd, K., Prescription drug use, diagnoses, and healthcare utilization among the elderly (2001) Ann Pharmacother, 35, pp. 1004-1009Loyola Filho, A.I., Uchoa, E., Firmo, J.O., Lima-Costa, M.F., A population-based study on use of medications by elderly Brazilians: The Bambuí Health and Aging Study (BHAS) (2005) Cad Saúde Pública, 21, pp. 545-553Loyola Filho, A.I., Uchoa, E., Firmo, J.O., Lima-Costa, M.F., Influence of income on the association between cognitive impairment and polypharmacy: Bambuí Project (2008) Rev Saúde Pública, 42, pp. 89-99Rosholm, J.U., Christensen, K., Relationship between drug use and self-reported health in elderly Danes (1997) Eur J Clin Pharmacol, 53, pp. 179-183Parente, F., Cucino, C., Gallus, S., Bargiggia, S., Greco, S., Pastore, L., Bianchi Porro, G., Hospital use of acid-suppressive medications and its fall-out on prescribing in general practice: A 1-month survey (2003) Aliment Pharmacol Ther, 17, pp. 1503-1506Alves, L.C., Rodrigues, R.N., Determinantes da autopercepção de saúde entre idosos do Município de São Paulo, Brasil (2005) Rev Panam Salud Publica, 17 (5-6), pp. 333-341Woodward, M.C., Deprescribing: Achieving better health outcomes for older people through reducing medications (2003) J Pharm Pract Res, 33, pp. 323-328Stein, C., Moritz, I., (1999) A life course perspective of maintaining independence in older age, , http://whqlibdoc.who.int/hq/1999/WHO_HSC_AHE_99.2_life.pdf, Geneva: WHO.,. 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