308 research outputs found

    The Assessment of Banking Performances- Indicators of Performance in Bank Area

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    Profitability is a management concept with the objective of assessment bank's results from efficiency point of view both for entirely activity and for differently management compounds.From conceptual point of view, profitability represents the modality to achieve the major goal of bank's activity, respectively the maximization of profit in minimization risk conditions. The approach from a quality perspective of activity results conducts to assessment of application modalities of different compunds of management, in comparison to the strategy elements, thus must to result the concrete degree to achieve the politic and banking strategy compunds.profitability, assets, balance, rentability


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    In order to study the lake wetlands in the Central Group of the East Carpathian Mountains, we have chosen 6 anthropic lakes and 3 natural ones. The lake wetlands develop mainly in the area upstream the lake tail, at the outlet of the main watercourses. The most developed wetland areas can be found in Roşu Lake, at the mouth of the rivulets Licaş and Suhard, and in the area of Crucii Lake, appeared recently following a landslide. The dominant herbaceous vegetation is made up of bulrush, reeds and wetlands lawns, while the tree vegetation is made up of alders, willows and poplars

    Financial Risk Part of Efficiency Rate Variation Related to Equity

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    Every enterprise develops the activity using both equity and borrowed capital, different one by the other through the generated/engendered costs. The financial risk determines the variability of result indicators, thanks to the financial structure of enterprise modification. Due the lack of own resources, in order to activity development, the enterprise uses the loans in order to achieve the oportunity of one investment.financial risk, interest, debts, equity, interest ratio, capital

    The vulnerability of enterprise and the operating financial balance

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    In the light of functional analysis, the company is vulnerable if used, for the most time part, to financing through bank loans in the short term. This item is highlighted by the study compared of variation of the operating revolving fund, with the variation of revolving fund need. In the frame of operating balance, it believes that the need for floating capital is the most important indicator whereas place in the record those cyclical needs not covered financial from temporary resources and permanent renewable in the same cycles of operation. Achieving this balance is put into evidence of the 4 levels of functional balance, namely: working capital fund (FRF) or stable level of funding, the need for capital funds for operating (NFRE), on the one hand and the need to revolving fund outside exploitation (NFRAE) on the other hand, and the level of treasury securities.liquidity, accounting net, treasury, imbalance, balance

    Dune Ecosystem Management of the Razim-Sinoie Littoral Bar (Romania)

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    The Razim-Sinoie lagoon complex is located in the south-eastern part of Romania. It is bordered by the Dobrudja region to the west and north, the Danube Delta to the north-east and the Black Sea to the east. An assessment of the quality of dunes was made in that area and several conservation measures were proposed. The age of the Razim-Sinoie littoral bar cannot be older than 1500 - 2000 years, according to to the total closure of the Halmyris bay and the end of the harbour activities in Histria and, subsequently, in Enisala. Transversally, the littoral bar is quite symmetrical, with few differences between the part towards the sea, which is more abrupt, and the less abrupt part towards the lagoon. Most of the sediments that make up the littoral bar are of Danubian origin and the rest are of marine origin (bio-constructional, caused by the smashing of the empty shells). The materials get transported by the littoral stream and deposited by waves and wind. The average increase of the marine level is between 1 and 2 cm/year. Even if the transgressive phenomenon occurs along the entire bar, several sectors are slightly eroded (as in Portita), others are slightly progradated (as in Chituc-Capul Midia) and the rest have a precarious relative equilibrium (Periboina, Periteasca). The reduced water transparency facilitates a good development of the shell population, and causes the terrigenic material/organogenic material ratio (T/O) to be 50/50. As a result of the reduction of the Danube solid discharge which supplied the littoral bar, the whole alignment was affected, and, consequently, a generalized retreat of the shore line occurred. Under such circumstances, a supplementary sediment discharge was necessary, but without affecting the nearby ecosystems. Supplementary material can be brought from offshore, from the - 20m deep isobath or by building canals between the Sfantu Gheorghe arm of the Danube (the southernmost arm) and the littoral nearby. In that case, the old secondary arms and canals: Buhaz-Zaton, Crasnicol and Dranov can be oversized. The shelter dams next to Gura Portita (in the centre) caused important amounts of sediments to be held back, but at the same time a sediment shortage was felt to the south of these dams. In order to stop the littoral erosion and stabilize the dune system, underbrush can be planted, as an indigenous element which develops vigorously in the coastal dune environment

    Treasury cash flows in the enterprise

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    Treasury allows to appreciate the enterprise's performance, having also a strategic role in terms of its training level and usage manners. Release (training) of treasury (cash-flow) is the proof of the strategic position of enterprise in relation to its products, its markets, its competitors and external constraints. This strategic satisfactory position generates significant financial flows that allow the company to procure foreign capital, particularly on the financial market, or placing the treasury surplus.cash, payments, claims, investment, financing, treasury

    The inventory and typology of the wetlands and deep waters from the Moldavian Plateau (Romania)

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    The Moldavian Plateau is positioned in the east of Romania, between the Eastern Carpathians in west, the Romanian Plain to the south, the Ukrainian border to the north and Prut Valley (border with the Republic of Moldavia) in east. Although the Moldavian Plateau is situated in the driest region of Romania (mean annual rainfall of 500-700 mm and average temperatures of 8-100C), the majority of the wetlands and of the low discharge rivers is found here. The existence of numerous wetlands, respectively small ponds, is due to the human activity and the lack of water resources. The impermeable clayey substratum favored the occurrence and survival of a large number of wetlands. Most of them are found in the Moldavian Plain (north), and the fewest to the south, in the Covurlui Plateau. The disappearance of wetlands from the region’s south was caused by the accelerated erosion (determined by the human activity, through deforestations and inadequate tillage), that induced an intense sediment transportation, with effects on the valley floor aggrading phenomena. The most important wetlands are those developed along the two main rivers – Prut and Siret. Unfortunately, Siret’s floodplain has been in most of its part dammed, and the wetlands entered the agricultural use. The map with the repartition of the wetlands is a product obtained through field investigations, through the consultation of the 1:50000 topographic maps, of aerial photos and satellite images’ interpretation (LANDSAT TM7) from the years 2000-2005. For the interpretation of the satellite images we appealed to the Corine Land Cover 2000 methodology

    Water Qualitative Parameters of Fluviatile Limans Located in the South - West of Dobrogea (Romania)

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    The fluviatile limans in the south-west of Dobrogea are the most characteristic forms of this type, with an exclusive development on the territory of Romania. In time, they were interpreted as fluvio-maritime limans or even as fluvio-lacustrine limans. As a result of the fact that they are situated close to the Danube, bordering one of the driest regions of Romania, they have had diverse usage since ancient times. Because the fluviatile limans in Dobrogea are mostly used in pisciculture, the water qualitative parameters have to be monitored permanently. They also have a role in attenuating floods, acting as a tampon against flash floods. Consequently, they have a special local importance even today, feeding as much of the population as possible (directly or indirectly). From a geomorphological point of view the fluviatile limans in Dobogea were formed as a result of the withdrawal of the Romanian (Levantine). The decrease in depth may cause the flood waves to pass over the dams. In this case, the periodical drainage of lake cuvettes is required. The physical parameters of water (depth, transparency and temperature) as well as the chemical parameters (pH, dissolved oxygen, nitrates, nitrites, phosphates and the Ca/Mg ratio) have been analyzed. From an ecological viewpoint, the fluviatile limans in the south-west of Dobrogea are suitable for fish breeding and for developing an adequate lacustrine life


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    Method to assess the extreme hydrological events in Danube fluvial Delta. In this paper the subject is about of testing a method for Romania to assess the extreme hydrological events. In this paper through hydrological extreme events it should be understood as the extreme droughts and the extreme flooding. The place to be tested this method for Romania is the Danube Delta, fluvial delta to be more precisely. The importance of the area consists in the fact that is the third Delta of the Europe (after the Volga’s and Kuban’s). The method that is supposed to be tested on a specific part of the delta is aiming to rise the knowledge about the extreme hydrological events (drought and flooding) and to be able to respond in an appropriate way to these. For this paper it will be taken into account the hydrological events occurred in 2003 (the exceptional drought) and in 2006 (the exceptional flood). To do the analysis there were used satellite images (LANDSAT) from the period that was taken into account and additional there were used the hypsometrical model of the Danube Delta for the specific area. The first two datasets (2003 and 2006 satellite images) give information about were the border of the water (in drought period and respective in flooding one) reached. The second dataset (the delta’s hypsometry) give information about the altitude of the terrain in order to establish which areas, at a certain water level, are flooded. The result of these datasets combination is the calibration of the hypsometrical model of the Danube Delta, in that region, regarding the hydrological events in the sense of building-up the hydrograds as isolines. The new approach of this matter can be more concrete and makes easier to see on the cartographic support the hydrologic events. The information obtained from these datasets makes the awareness regarding the extreme hydrological events to be higher and respective the measures taken to mitigate these will be more efficient


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    It explores a comparison between the transition from rational manager to intuitively manager so that the speed on which complexity increases is greater than the speed of developing our ability to manipulate facts and objective information. The qualities and characteristics of future manager specific that no doubt the new profile manager will change, because he will need to adapt to changing market needs, managers will begin to invest in themselves. Innovations can only come from people with a strong entrepreneurial and intuitive spirit. Characteristics of tomorrow's organizations states that the need to organize, for change, requires achieving a structure in order to take decisions quickly. And the decisions must be based on approximation of current activity, market, technology and all the changes in society, in environment, those related to population and knowledge providing opportunities for innovation, if they are seen and valued. In this world, which increasingly focuses more on knowledge, not have time to gradually acquire knowledge and ideas, and the application of knowledge on geographically area is intensifying, acquisition, synthesis and systematic dissemination of knowledge and experience are becoming essential for many organizations’ success.manager, organization, future, innovation.
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