422 research outputs found
Vegetarian Diets in the Prevention and Management of Diabetes and Its Complications
Epidemiological studies have found a lower prevalence of type 2 diabetes among vegetarians compared to nonvegetarians. This reduced risk is likely a function of improved weight status, higher intake of dietary fiber, and the absence of animal protein and heme iron in the diet. Interventional studies have shown that vegetarian diets, especially a vegan diet, are effective tools
in glycemic control and that these diets control plasma glucose to a greater level than do control diets, including diets traditionally recommended for patients with diabetes (e.g., diets based on carbohydrate counting). Vegetarian diets are associated with improvement in secondary outcomes such as weight reduction, serum lipid profile, and blood pressure. Studies indicate that vegetarian diets can be universally used in type 2 diabetes prevention and as tools to improve blood glucose management
Soluble angiogenesis markers in gastric tumor patients.
Gastric cancer is the second commonest cause of cancer-associated death in the world. Its molecular markers can be useful not only for diagnostic, but also prognostic purposes. The aim of the study was to assess the usefulness of soluble angiogenesis markers such as endoglin and VEGFR2 in gastric cancer patients and to compare these results with those of VEGF levels. As a secondary objective, we compared the concentrations of all three soluble markers in plasma and serum. The study was performed on 26 patients with gastric cancer (17 intestinal-type and 9 diffuse-type), and additionally in 2 patients with B cell lymphoma and 2 with gastro-intestinal stromal tumor. In summary, we showed increases in circulating VEGF-A in patients with both types of gastric cancer. The levels of VEGFR2 did not change significantly in patients with gastric cancer as compared to healthy subjects. Interestingly, after the operation greater levels of VEGFR2 were observed in patients without metastases. Both VEGF and VEGFR2 circulating levels were greater in patients with lymphoma, when compared to both gastric cancer patients and the control group. However, because of small number of patients, this requires further studies. Presented data suggests that endoglin does not seem to be a valuable tool in the assessment of gastric cancer invasion and spread
Internet w firmach - Polska Wschodnia na tle innych regionów. Biuletyn Informacyjny Instytutu Łączności, 2006, nr 4
W numerze 4/2006 "Biuletynu Informacyjnego" zaprezentowano opracowanie "Internet w firmach - Polska Wschodnia na tle innych regionów", przygotowane na podstawie raportów wykonanych podczas realizacji projektu "Sieć współpracy w zakresie rozwoju szerokopasmowych technik dostępowych dla regionu". W ramach tego projektu powstały w 2006 r. następujące raporty: "Firmowi użytkownicy Internetu w województwie mazowieckim" (luty 2006), "Firmowi użytkownicy Internetu w województwie pomorskim" (lipiec 2006) oraz "Firmowi użytkownicy Internetu w województwie podlaskim" (wrzesień 2006). Raporty te sporządzono na podstawie wyników pracy statutowej pt. "Badania użytkowników nowych technologii telekomunikacyjnych", zrealizowanej w Instytucie Łączności, w Zakładzie Problemów Regulacyjnych i Ekonomicznych, przez zespół w składzie: mgr inż. Roman Nierebiński i mgr Hanna Pawlak. Problematyka badań koncentrowała się wokół czterech zasadniczych tematów: komputery w firmie (wykorzystanie komputerów, dostęp do komputerów oraz wpływ komputeryzacji firm na ich funkcjonowanie); internet w firmie (korzystanie z internetu, dostęp do internetu, wpływ wprowadzenia internetu do firm na ich funkcjonowanie, firmowe strony internetowe oraz indywidualny dostęp do poczty elektronicznej); korzystanie w firmach z telefonii komórkowej i sposoby komunikacji z klientami; publiczne usługi dla firm świadczone drogą elektroniczną (zapotrzebowanie na publiczne usługi dla firm świadczone elektronicznie, korzystanie z tych usług oraz ocena jakości ich świadczenia). Przedmiotem niniejszej publikacji jest porównanie wykorzystania internetu w firmach z województwa podlaskiego oraz województw mazowieckiego i pomorskiego
Kryteria wyboru operatorów usług telefonicznych przez abonentów w Polsce. Telekomunikacja i Techniki Informacyjne, 2007, nr 3-4
Opisano czynniki, wpływające na wybór operatora usług telefonii stacjonarnej i komórkowej. Wskazano najczęściej wybieranych operatorów telefonicznych oraz podano motywy wyboru
Benefits, barriers, self-efficacy and knowledge regarding healthy foods; perception of African Americans living in eastern North Carolina
African Americans in the United States suffer from many health disparities such as obesity, diabetes or hypertension. Lifestyle factors including diet and physical activity play an important role in prevention of these health conditions. The purpose of this research project was to assess beliefs, barriers and self-efficacy of eating a healthy diet and self efficacy of shopping for foods such as whole grains or foods designated as low fat or low sodium. Additionally, the objective was to assess beliefs about healthfulness, appropriate consumption, and protective aspect of specific foods including fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. The assessment was done using a survey instrument developed for this study. Data collection took place at two church locations. Data were obtained from 57 African Americans, mean age 50 years old (SD 12.70) completed the survey. The majority of respondents (58.1%) were females and most (75%) had at least some college education. Generally, benefits of eating healthy foods received considerably higher scores compared to barriers of eating healthy. A belief that healthy foods would help to take care of one's body received the highest mean score while a belief that healthy foods are too expensive had the highest score from all barriers. The results showed high self-efficacy of eating and purchasing healthy foods, high awareness of knowledge regarding foods associated with disease prevention but low awareness of recommendations for fruits and vegetables. The high scores for benefits, self-efficacy and knowledge regarding eating healthy foods did not translate into the perception of intake of such foods. Most participants believed that they do not eat enough of healthy foods. Interventions design to help African Americans make dietary changes should be culturally relevant and should involved working on a community level utilizing messages that are familiar and relevant to African Americans
The Status of Folate, Vitamin B-12 and Homocysteine among Australian Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian Teenagers
Background/Aims: Vegetarians have a high risk of abnormal vitamin B-12 (B-12), and homocysteine (Hcy), status. The objectives included assessment of: 1) folate, B-12, and Hcy status; 2) incidence rate of abnormal folate, B-12, and Hcy; and 3) associations between folate and B-12 with Hcy status among vegetarian and non-vegetarian adolescents.
Methods: A cross-sectional plasma folate, B-12, and Hcyassessment in 49 vegetarian and 639 non-vegetarian, 14-17 year-old, participants from New South Wales, Australia.
Results: Mean (range) folate (nmol/L), B-12 (pmol/L), and Hcy (μmol/L), were: 33.4 (9.57-101) vs. 27.7 (2.7-86), p=0.033; 287.81 (134-702) vs. 392.22 (119-1300), p
Conclusions: B-12 is a nutrient of a concern for vegetarian teenagers. To improve B-12 status, vegetarian adolescents should consume foods fortified with B-12, and/or take B-12 supplements
Long term results of pediatric heart transplantations — single center experiences
BACKGROUND: Heart failure (HF) is characterized by significant mortality in both adults and children. Characteristic of paediatric HF are feeding problems, poor weight gain, exercise intolerance or dyspnoea. These changes are often accompanied by endocrine disorders. The main causes of HF are congenital heart defects (CHD) cardiomyopathies, arrhythmias, myocarditis or heart failure secondary to oncological treatment. Heart transplantation (HTx) is the method of choice for treatment of end-stage HF in paediatric patients.
AIMS: The aim is to summarize single center experience in heart transplantation in children.
METHODS: Between 1988 and 2021 in the Silesian Center for Heart Diseases in Zabrze 122 pediatric cardiac transplantations were performed. In the group of recipients with falling Fontan circulation HTx was performed in 5 children. The study group was evaluated for postoperative course: rejection episodes depending on the medical treatment scheme, coinfections and mortality.
RESULTS: 1-, 5- and 10-year survival rate between 1988 and 2001 were 53%, 53% and 50%, respectively. 1-, 5- and 10-year survival rate between 2002 and 2011 was 97%, 90% and 87%; between 2012 and 2021 1-year observation with survival rate 92%. The main cause of mortality both in early and in late period after transplantation was graft failure.
CONCLUSIONS: Cardiac transplantation in children remains the main method of treatment of end-stage heart failure. Our results at both early and long-term posttransplant period, are comparable to those obtained in the most experienced foreign centers
Beliefs, benefits, barriers, attitude, intake and knowledge about peanuts and tree nuts among WIC participants in eastern North Carolina
The objective of this study was to assess beliefs (e.g. advantages, disadvantages, benefits, barriers) and knowledge about eating peanuts and tree nuts. Personal interviews based on the Theory of Planned Behavior were conducted to elicit beliefs about eating nuts. Then, a cross-sectional survey was administered to WIC participants from one county in North Carolina. One-hundred-twenty-four WIC participants (mean (SD) age=28.39 (8.09) completed the study. Most were Caucasian (51.6%) females (96%). About one third believed that eating nuts may help to lower cholesterol level. However, only about one forth believed that nuts can lower a risk of a heart attack or diabetes. More than one third believed that eating nuts will cause weight gain. The knowledge of respondents' about nutrient content of nuts was low with correct answers to most questions about 20% or below. The mean (SD) positive attitude, negative attitude, benefits and barriers scores, based on a range from 1 to 5, were 2.53 (0.91), 3.25 (0.89), 2.97 (0.85) and 2.90 (0.76), respectively. WIC participants' beliefs regarding the health effects of nuts are inconsistent with the most recent research findings. They are in a need to education about benefits of eating nuts
Mast cells and their role in pathogenesis of selected skin diseases
Mastocyty, powstające w komórkach hematopoetycznych szpiku kostnego, uwalniają wiele substancji biologicznie czynnych (cytokiny, chemokiny, czynniki wzrostu, neuropeptydy oraz enzymy proteolityczne). Na powierzchni mastocytów znajduje się wiele receptorów determinujących ich funkcje oraz umożliwiających ich interakcje z komórkami układu immunologicznego i neuroendokrynnego skóry. W mastocytozie dochodzi do klonalnej proliferacji MCs, które gromadzą się w tkankach, przede wszystkim w skórze i w szpiku kostnym. W ciężkich postaciach układowych choroby nacieczenie narządów prowadzi do upośledzenia ich funkcji. U chorych zarówno na skórną, jak i układową postać mastocytozy dochodzi do rozwoju objawów zależnych od mediatorów uwalnianych przez mastocyty w procesie degranulacji. W atopowym zapaleniu skóry MCs biorą udział w reakcji nadwrażliwości typu I, promują różnicowanie się limfocytów w kierunku Th2 lub Th1, wydzielają mediatory biorące udział w patogenezie świądu, pobudzają chemotaksję limfocytów i komórek dendrytycznych do skóry oraz przyczyniają się do rozwoju przewlekłego stanu zapalnego skóry. W łuszczycy w obrębie zmian skórnych obserwuje się zwiększoną liczbę MCs, które wydzielają cytokiny prozapalne, stymulują migrację neutrofilów, monocytów i limfocytów do skóry oraz wydzielają mediatory indukujące świąd.Mast cells derived from bone marrow hematopoetic stem cells, have the ability to release multiple biologically active substances (such as cytokines, chemokines, growth factors, neuropeptides, and proteolytic enzymes). On the surface of mast cells, there are numerous receptors that determine the function of these cells and enable them to interact with the cells of the immune system and the neuroendocrine system of the skin. In mastocytosis, there is a clonal proliferation of mast cells which accumulate in various tissues, particularly in the skin and the bone marrow. In severe forms of systemic disease infiltration of organs leads to an impairment of their function. Both patients with cutaneous and systemic mastocytosis suffer from mast cell mediator-related symptoms. In atopic dermatitis MCs are involved in type I hypersensitivity reactions, promote the differentiation of cells towards Th2 or Th1, secrete mediators involved in the pathogenesis of pruritus, stimulate chemotaxis of lymphocytes and dendritic cells into the skin and contribute to the development of chronic inflammation of the skin. In psoriasis an increased number of MCs was found in skin lesions. Moreover, these cells secrete numerous proinflammatory cytokines, stimulate migration of neutrophils, monocytes and lymphocytes into the skin and secrete mediators which induce itching
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