69 research outputs found

    Polarization and spatial coherence of electromagnetic waves in uncorrelated disordered media

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    Spatial field correlation functions represent a key quantity for the description of mesoscopic phenomena in disordered media and the optical characterization of complex materials. Yet many aspects related to the vector nature of light waves have not been investigated so far. We study theoretically the polarization and coherence properties of electromagnetic waves produced by a dipole source in a three-dimensional uncorrelated disordered medium. The spatial field correlation matrix is calculated analytically using a multiple scattering theory for polarized light. This allows us to provide a formal description of the light depolarization process in terms of "polarization eigenchannels" and to derive analytical formulas for the spatial coherence of multiply-scattered light

    Multiple scattering of polarized light in disordered media exhibiting short-range structural correlations

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    We develop a model based on a multiple scattering theory to describe the diffusion of polarized light in disordered media exhibiting short-range structural correlations. Starting from exact expressions of the average field and the field spatial correlation function, we derive a radiative transfer equation for the polarization-resolved specific intensity that is valid for weak disorder and we solve it analytically in the diffusion limit. A decomposition of the specific intensity in terms of polarization eigenmodes reveals how structural correlations, represented via the standard anisotropic scattering parameter gg, affect the diffusion of polarized light. More specifically, we find that propagation through each polarization eigenchannel is described by its own transport mean free path that depends on gg in a specific and non-trivial way

    Cross density of states and mode connectivity: Probing wave localization in complex media

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    We introduce the mode connectivity as a measure of the number of eigenmodes of a wave equation connecting two points at a given frequency. Based on numerical simulations of scattering of electromagnetic waves in disordered media, we show that the connectivity discriminates between the diffusive and the Anderson localized regimes. For practical measurements, the connectivity is encoded in the second-order coherence function characterizing the intensity emitted by two incoherent classical or quantum dipole sources. The analysis applies to all processes in which spatially localized modes build up, and to all kinds of waves

    Photon echoes in strongly scattering media: a diagrammatic approach

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    We study photon echo generation in disordered media with the help of multiple scattering theory based on diagrammatic approach and numerical simulations. We show that a strong correlation exists between the driving fields at the origin of the echo and the echo beam. Opening the way to a better understanding of non-linear wave propagation in complex materials, this work supports recent experimental results with applications to the measurement of the optical dipole lifetime T2T_2 in powders

    Radiative transfer of acoustic waves in continuous complex media: Beyond the Helmholtz equation

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    Heterogeneity can be accounted for by a random potential in the wave equation. For acoustic waves in a fluid with fluctuations of both density and compressibility (as well as for electromagnetic waves in a medium with fluctuation of both permittivity and permeability) the random potential entails a scalar and an operator contribution. For simplicity, the latter is usually overlooked in multiple scattering theory: whatever the type of waves, this simplification amounts to considering the Helmholtz equation with a sound speed cc depending on position r\mathbf{r}. In this work, a radiative transfer equation is derived from the wave equation, in order to study energy transport through a multiple scattering medium. In particular, the influence of the operator term on various transport parameters is studied, based on the diagrammatic approach of multiple scattering. Analytical results are obtained for fundamental quantities of transport theory such as the transport mean-free path ℓ∗\ell^*, scattering phase function ff and anisotropy factor gg. Discarding the operator term in the wave equation is shown to have a significant impact on ff and gg, yet limited to the low-frequency regime i.e., when the correlation length of the disorder ℓc\ell_c is smaller than or comparable to the wavelength λ\lambda. More surprisingly, discarding the operator part has a significant impact on the transport mean-free path ℓ∗\ell^* whatever the frequency regime. When the scalar and operator terms have identical amplitudes, the discrepancy on the transport mean-free path is around 300 %300\,\% in the low-frequency regime, and still above 30 %30\,\% for ℓc/λ=103\ell_c/\lambda=10^3 no matter how weak fluctuations of the disorder are. Analytical results are supported by numerical simulations of the wave equation and Monte Carlo simulations
