122 research outputs found

    Shear thickening of suspensions of dimeric particles

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    In this article, I study the shear thickening of suspensions of frictional dimers by the mean of numerical simulations. I report the evolution of the main parameters of shear thickening, such as the jamming volume fractions in the unthickened and thickened branches of the flow curves, as a function of the aspect ratio of the dimers. The explored aspect ratios range from 11 (spheres) to 22 (dimers made of two kissing spheres). I find a rheology qualitatively similar than the one for suspensions of spheres, except for the first normal stress difference N1N_1, which I systematically find negative for small asphericities. I also investigate the orientational order of the particles under flow. Overall, I find that dense suspensions of dimeric particles share many features with dry granular systems of elongated particles under shear, especially for the frictional state at large applied stresses. For the frictionless state at small stresses, I find that suspensions jam at lower volume fraction than dry systems, and that this difference increases with increasing aspect ratio. Moreover, in this state I find a thus far unobserved alignment of the dimers along the vorticity direction, as opposed to the commonly observed alignment with a direction close to the flow direction.Comment: 27 pages, 13 fig

    Dynamical transition of glasses: from exact to approximate

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    We introduce a family of glassy models having a parameter, playing the role of an interaction range, that may be varied continuously to go from a system of particles in d dimensions to a mean-field version of it. The mean-field limit is exactly described by equations conceptually close, but different from, the Mode-Coupling equations. We obtain these by a dynamic virial construction. Quite surprisingly we observe that in three dimensions, the mean-field behavior is closely followed for ranges as small as one interparticle distance, and still qualitatively for smaller distances. For the original particle model, we expect the present mean-field theory to become, unlike the Mode-Coupling equations, an increasingly good approximation at higher dimensions.Comment: 44 pages, 19 figure

    Cavity method for force transmission in jammed disordered packings of hard particles

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    The force distribution of jammed disordered packings has always been considered a central object in the physics of granular materials. However, many of its features are poorly understood. In particular, analytic relations to other key macroscopic properties of jammed matter, such as the contact network and its coordination number, are still lacking. Here we develop a mean-field theory for this problem, based on the consideration of the contact network as a random graph where the force transmission becomes a constraint optimization problem. We can thus use the cavity method developed in the last decades within the statistical physics of spin glasses and hard computer science problems. This method allows us to compute the force distribution P(f)\text P(f) for random packings of hard particles of any shape, with or without friction. We find a new signature of jamming in the small force behavior P(f)fθ\text P(f) \sim f^{\theta}, whose exponent has attracted recent active interest: we find a finite value for P(f=0)\text P(f=0), along with θ=0\theta=0. Furthermore, we relate the force distribution to a lower bound of the average coordination number zˉcmin(μ)\, {\bar z}_{\rm c}^{\rm min}(\mu) of jammed packings of frictional spheres with coefficient μ\mu. This bridges the gap between the two known isostatic limits zˉc(μ=0)=2D\, {\bar z}_{\rm c}(\mu=0)=2D (in dimension DD) and zˉc(μ)=D+1\, {\bar z}_{\rm c}(\mu \to \infty)=D+1 by extending the naive Maxwell's counting argument to frictional spheres. The theoretical framework describes different types of systems, such as non-spherical objects in arbitrary dimensions, providing a common mean-field scenario to investigate force transmission, contact networks and coordination numbers of jammed disordered packings

    A constitutive model for simple shear of dense frictional suspensions

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    Discrete particle simulations are used to study the shear rheology of dense, stabilized, frictional particulate suspensions in a viscous liquid, toward development of a constitutive model for steady shear flows at arbitrary stress. These suspensions undergo increasingly strong continuous shear thickening (CST) as solid volume fraction ϕ\phi increases above a critical volume fraction, and discontinuous shear thickening (DST) is observed for a range of ϕ\phi. When studied at controlled stress, the DST behavior is associated with non-monotonic flow curves of the steady-state stress as a function of shear rate. Recent studies have related shear thickening to a transition between mostly lubricated to predominantly frictional contacts with the increase in stress. In this study, the behavior is simulated over a wide range of the dimensionless parameters (ϕ,σ~(\phi,\tilde{\sigma}, and μ)\mu), with σ~=σ/σ0\tilde{\sigma} = \sigma/\sigma_0 the dimensionless shear stress and μ\mu the coefficient of interparticle friction: the dimensional stress is σ\sigma, and σ0F0/a2\sigma_0 \propto F_0/ a^2, where F0F_0 is the magnitude of repulsive force at contact and aa is the particle radius. The data have been used to populate the model of the lubricated-to-frictional rheology of Wyart and Cates [Phys. Rev. Lett.{\bf 112}, 098302 (2014)], which is based on the concept of two viscosity divergences or \textquotedblleft jamming\textquotedblright\ points at volume fraction ϕJ0=ϕrcp\phi_{\rm J}^0 = \phi_{\rm rcp} (random close packing) for the low-stress lubricated state, and at ϕJ(μ)<ϕJ0\phi_{\rm J} (\mu) < \phi_{\rm J}^0 for any nonzero μ\mu in the frictional state; a generalization provides the normal stress response as well as the shear stress. A flow state map of this material is developed based on the simulation results.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Shear-induced organization of forces in dense suspensions: signatures of discontinuous shear thickening

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    Dense suspensions can exhibit an abrupt change in their viscosity in response to increasing shear rate. The origin of this discontinuous shear thickening (DST) has been ascribed to the transformation of lubricated contacts to frictional, particle-on-particle contacts. Recent research on the flowing and jamming behavior of dense suspensions has explored the intersection of ideas from granular physics and Stokesian fluid dynamics to better understand this transition from lubricated to frictional rheology. DST is reminiscent of classical phase transitions, and a key question is how interactions between the microscopic constituents give rise to a macroscopic transition. In this paper, we extend a formalism that has proven to be successful in understanding shear jamming of dry grains to dense suspensions. Quantitative analysis of the collective evolution of the contact-force network accompanying the DST transition demonstrates clear changes in the distribution of microscopic variables, and leads to the identification of an "order parameter" characterizing DST.Comment: 4 pages. We welcome comments and criticism

    Microscopic theory for the rheology of jammed soft suspensions

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    We develop a constitutive model allowing for the description of the rheology of two-dimensional soft dense suspensions above jamming. Starting from a statistical description of the particle dynamics, we derive, using a set of approximations, a non-linear tensorial evolution equation linking the deviatoric part of the stress tensor to the strain-rate and vorticity tensors. The coefficients appearing in this equation can be expressed in terms of the packing fraction and of particle-level parameters. This constitutive equation rooted in the microscopic dynamic qualitatively reproduces a number of salient features of the rheology of jammed soft suspensions, including the presence of yield stresses for the shear component of the stress and for the normal stress difference. More complex protocols like the relaxation after a preshear are also considered, showing a smaller stress after relaxation for a stronger preshear.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur