5 research outputs found

    Modeling iPSC-derived human neurofibroma-like tumors in mice uncovers the heterogeneity of Schwann cells within plexiform neurofibromas

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    Fibroblast; Neural crest; SpheroidsFibroblasto; Cresta neural; EsferoidesFibroblast; Cresta neural; EsferoidesPlexiform neurofibromas (pNFs) are developmental tumors that appear in neurofibromatosis type 1 individuals, constituting a major source of morbidity and potentially transforming into a highly metastatic sarcoma (MPNST). pNFs arise after NF1 inactivation in a cell of the neural crest (NC)-Schwann cell (SC) lineage. Here, we develop an iPSC-based NC-SC in vitro differentiation system and construct a lineage expression roadmap for the analysis of different 2D and 3D NF models. The best model consists of generating heterotypic spheroids (neurofibromaspheres) composed of iPSC-derived differentiating NF1(−/−) SCs and NF1(+/−) pNF-derived fibroblasts (Fbs). Neurofibromaspheres form by maintaining highly proliferative NF1(−/−) cells committed to the NC-SC axis due to SC-SC and SC-Fb interactions, resulting in SC linage cells at different maturation points. Upon engraftment on the mouse sciatic nerve, neurofibromaspheres consistently generate human NF-like tumors. Analysis of expression roadmap genes in human pNF single-cell RNA-seq data uncovers the presence of SC subpopulations at distinct differentiation states.This work has mainly been supported by an agreement from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the Neurofibromatosis Therapeutic Acceleration Program (NTAP). Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. The work has also been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII) (PI17/00524; PI20/00228) Plan Estatal de I + D + I 2013–2016, co-financed by the FEDER program – a way to build Europe, the Fundación PROYECTO NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, and by the Government of Catalonia (2017-SGR-496) and CERCA Program/Generalitat de Catalunya. M.M.-L. is supported by Fundación PROYECTO NEUROFIBROMATOSIS

    A DNA damage repair gene-associated signature predicts responses of patients with advanced soft-tissue sarcoma to treatment with trabectedin

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    Signatura genètica; Biomarcadors predictius; TrabectedinaFirma genética; Biomarcadores predictivos; TrabectedinaGene signature; Predictive biomarkers; TrabectedinPredictive biomarkers of trabectedin represent an unmet need in advanced soft-tissue sarcomas (STS). DNA damage repair (DDR) genes, involved in homologous recombination or nucleotide excision repair, had been previously described as biomarkers of trabectedin resistance or sensitivity, respectively. The majority of these studies only focused on specific factors (ERCC1, ERCC5, and BRCA1) and did not evaluate several other DDR-related genes that could have a relevant role for trabectedin efficacy. In this retrospective translational study, 118 genes involved in DDR were evaluated to determine, by transcriptomics, a predictive gene signature of trabectedin efficacy. A six-gene predictive signature of trabectedin efficacy was built in a series of 139 tumor samples from patients with advanced STS. Patients in the high-risk gene signature group showed a significantly worse progression-free survival compared with patients in the low-risk group (2.1 vs 6.0 months, respectively). Differential gene expression analysis defined new potential predictive biomarkers of trabectedin sensitivity (PARP3 and CCNH) or resistance (DNAJB11 and PARP1). Our study identified a new gene signature that significantly predicts patients with higher probability to respond to treatment with trabectedin. Targeting some genes of this signature emerges as a potential strategy to enhance trabectedin efficacy.This study was funded by the Spanish Group for Research on Sarcoma (GEIS) and partially by PharmaMar. The authors would like to thank the GEIS data center for data management. The authors also thank the donors and the Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío—Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla Biobank (Andalusian Public Health System Biobank and ISCIII-Red de Biobancos PT17/0015/0041) for part of the human specimens used in this study. David S. Moura is recipient of a Sara Borrell postdoctoral fellowship funded by the National Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII) (CD20/00155)

    Determinacions del perfil genètic del càncer pediàtric

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    Oncologia; Perfil genètic; Càncer pediàtric; PrecisióOncología; Perfil genético; Cáncer pediátrico; PrecisiónOncology; Genetic profile; Pediatric cancer; AccuracyL'àmbit d'aquest grup de treball és la implementació de panels NGS per a diagnòstic / pronòstic / tractament de càncer en pacients menors de 18 anys (oncologia i hematologia). Els casos de predisposició genètica en pacients pediàtrics es tractaran en el grup de predisposició genètica. El càncer infantil comprèn més de 40 entitats entre leucèmies, limfomes, tumors cerebrals i sòlids extracranials; per la qual cosa no és possible tècnicament o operativament fer panels específics per a cada un d'aquests càncers. Serà necessari utilitzar panels comercials o acadèmics dissenyats específicament per a càncer infantil

    Determinacions del perfil genètic del càncer pediàtric

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    Oncologia; Perfil genètic; Càncer pediàtric; PrecisióOncología; Perfil genético; Cáncer pediátrico; PrecisiónOncology; Genetic profile; Pediatric cancer; AccuracyL'àmbit d'aquest grup de treball és la implementació de panels NGS per a diagnòstic / pronòstic / tractament de càncer en pacients menors de 18 anys (oncologia i hematologia). Els casos de predisposició genètica en pacients pediàtrics es tractaran en el grup de predisposició genètica. El càncer infantil comprèn més de 40 entitats entre leucèmies, limfomes, tumors cerebrals i sòlids extracranials; per la qual cosa no és possible tècnicament o operativament fer panels específics per a cada un d'aquests càncers. Serà necessari utilitzar panels comercials o acadèmics dissenyats específicament per a càncer infantil

    Determinacions del perfil genètic del càncer pediàtric

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    Oncologia; Perfil genètic; Càncer pediàtric; PrecisióOncología; Perfil genético; Cáncer pediátrico; PrecisiónOncology; Genetic profile; Pediatric cancer; AccuracyL'àmbit d'aquest grup de treball és la implementació de panels NGS per a diagnòstic / pronòstic / tractament de càncer en pacients menors de 18 anys (oncologia i hematologia). Els casos de predisposició genètica en pacients pediàtrics es tractaran en el grup de predisposició genètica. El càncer infantil comprèn més de 40 entitats entre leucèmies, limfomes, tumors cerebrals i sòlids extracranials; per la qual cosa no és possible tècnicament o operativament fer panels específics per a cada un d'aquests càncers. Serà necessari utilitzar panels comercials o acadèmics dissenyats específicament per a càncer infantil